The use of relative URLS (null actually), triggers warnings. Catch them, instead of letting them loose. TEST PLAN --------- 1) $ prove t/Search_PazPar2.t -- noise for each test currently. 2) apply patch 3) $ prove t/Search_PazPar2.t -- No noise, and extra tests added. -v shows caught warning tests. 4) koha qa test tools. Signed-off-by: Indranil Das Gupta <> Signed-off-by: Kyle M Hall <> Signed-off-by: Tomas Cohen Arazi <>
47 lines
1.5 KiB
Executable file
47 lines
1.5 KiB
Executable file
# This Koha test module is a stub!
# Add more tests here!!!
use Modern::Perl;
use Test::More tests => 14;
use Test::Warn;
my $obj = C4::Search::PazPar2->new();
ok ($obj, "testing new works");
my $result;
warning_like { $result = $obj->init(); }
qr/400 URL must be absolute at .*C4\/Search\/,
"Expected relative URL warning";
is ($result, "1", "testing init returns '1' when given no arguments");
warning_like { $result = $obj->search(); }
qr/400 URL must be absolute at .*C4\/Search\/,
"Expected relative URL warning";
is ($result, "1", "testing search returns '1' when given no arguments");
warning_like { $result = $obj->stat(); }
qr/400 URL must be absolute at .*C4\/Search\/,
"Expected relative URL warning";
is ($result, undef, "testing stat returns undef when given no arguments");
warning_like { $result = $obj->show(); }
qr/400 URL must be absolute at .*C4\/Search\/,
"Expected relative URL warning";
is ($result, undef, "testing show returns undef when given no arguments");
warning_like { $result = $obj->record(); }
qr/400 URL must be absolute at .*C4\/Search\/,
"Expected relative URL warning";
is ($result, undef, "testing record returns undef when given no arguments");
warning_like { $result = $obj->termlist(); }
qr/400 URL must be absolute at .*C4\/Search\/,
"Expected relative URL warning";
is ($result, undef, "testing termlist returns undef when given no arguments");