Galen Charlton
The PDF templates for purchase orders now live in the directory koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/prog/pdf to separate them from code. As no automatic translation system for PDF files is currently implemented, I'm keeping them out of the language subdirectories for now. At present, there are two choices of templates for printing purchase orders (AKA basket groups), controlled by setting the OrderPdfFormat syspref: pdfformat::layout2pages (two-page layout) pdfformat::layout3pages (three-page layout) To customize a template or to add a new one requires two steps: * modifying the PDF; note that OpenOffice source files are included as a way of generating the PDF * modifying the code in acqui/pdfformat/layout*.pm to position the order text onto the template Signed-off-by: Galen Charlton <>
392 lines
16 KiB
Executable file
392 lines
16 KiB
Executable file
#example script to print a basketgroup
#written 07/11/08 by and
# Copyright 2008-2009 BibLibre SARL
# This file is part of Koha.
# Koha is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
# version.
# Koha is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
# A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with Koha; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
#you can use any PDF::API2 module, all you need to do is return the stringifyed pdf object from the printpdf sub.
package pdfformat::layout3pages;
use vars qw($VERSION @ISA @EXPORT);
use Number::Format qw(format_price);
use MIME::Base64;
use strict;
use warnings;
use utf8;
use C4::Branch qw(GetBranchDetail);
use Exporter ();
# set the version for version checking
$VERSION = 1.00;
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
@EXPORT = qw(printpdf);
#be careful, all the sizes (height, width, etc...) are in mm, not PostScript points (the default measurment of PDF::API2).
#The constants exported tranform that into PostScript points (/mm for milimeter, /in for inch, pt is postscript point, and as so is there only to show what is happening.
use constant mm => 25.4 / 72;
use constant in => 1 / 72;
use constant pt => 1;
use PDF::API2;
#A4 paper specs
my ($height, $width) = (297, 210);
use PDF::Table;
sub printorders {
my ($pdf, $basketgroup, $baskets, $orders) = @_;
my $cur_format = C4::Context->preference("CurrencyFormat");
my $num;
if ( $cur_format eq 'FR' ) {
$num = new Number::Format(
'decimal_fill' => '2',
'decimal_point' => ',',
'int_curr_symbol' => '',
'mon_thousands_sep' => ' ',
'thousands_sep' => ' ',
'mon_decimal_point' => ','
} else { # US by default..
$num = new Number::Format(
'int_curr_symbol' => '',
'mon_thousands_sep' => ',',
'mon_decimal_point' => '.'
$pdf->mediabox($height/mm, $width/mm);
my $number = 3;
for my $basket (@$baskets){
my $page = $pdf->page();
# print basket header (box)
my $box = $page->gfx;
$box->rectxy(($width - 10)/mm, ($height - 5)/mm, 10/mm, ($height - 25)/mm);
# $box->restore();
# create a text
my $text = $page->text;
# add basketgroup number
$text->font( $pdf->corefont("Times", -encoding => "utf8"), 6/mm );
$text->translate(20/mm, ($height-15)/mm);
$text->text("Order N°".$basketgroup->{'id'}.". Basket N° ".$basket->{basketno}.". ".$basket->{booksellernote});
my $pdftable = new PDF::Table();
my $abaskets;
my $arrbasket;
my @keys = ('Document','Qty','RRT GST Inc.','Discount','Discount price GST Exc.','GST', 'Total GST Inc.');
for my $bkey (@keys) {
push(@$arrbasket, $bkey);
push(@$abaskets, $arrbasket);
# @{$orders->{$basket->{basketno}}});
foreach my $line (@{$orders->{$basket->{basketno}}}) {
$arrbasket = undef;
push(@$arrbasket, @$line[3]." / ".@$line[2].(@$line[0]?" ISBN : ".@$line[0]:'').(@$line[10]?" EN : ".@$line[10]:'').", ".@$line[1].(@$line[4]?' publié par '.@$line[4]:''), @$line[5],$num->format_price(@$line[6]),$num->format_price(@$line[8]).'%',$num->format_price(@$line[7]/(1+@$line[9]/100)),$num->format_price(@$line[9]).'%',$num->format_price($num->round(@$line[7])*@$line[5]));
push(@$abaskets, $arrbasket);
$pdftable->table($pdf, $page, $abaskets,
x => 10/mm,
w => ($width - 20)/mm,
start_y => 270/mm,
next_y => 285/mm,
start_h => 250/mm,
next_h => 250/mm,
padding => 5,
padding_right => 5,
background_color_odd => "lightgray",
font => $pdf->corefont("Times", -encoding => "utf8"),
font_size => 3/mm,
header_props => {
font => $pdf->corefont("Times", -encoding => "utf8"),
font_size => 10,
bg_color => 'gray',
repeat => 1,
column_props => [
min_w => 100/mm, # Minimum column width.
justify => 'right', # One of left|right ,
justify => 'right', # One of left|right ,
justify => 'right', # One of left|right ,
justify => 'right', # One of left|right ,
justify => 'right', # One of left|right ,
justify => 'right', # One of left|right ,
$pdf->mediabox($width/mm, $height/mm);
sub printbaskets {
my ($pdf, $basketgroup, $hbaskets, $bookseller, $GSTrate, $orders) = @_;
# get library name
my $libraryname = C4::Context->preference("LibraryName");
my $cur_format = C4::Context->preference("CurrencyFormat");
my $num;
if ( $cur_format eq 'FR' ) {
$num = new Number::Format(
'decimal_fill' => '2',
'decimal_point' => ',',
'int_curr_symbol' => '',
'mon_thousands_sep' => ' ',
'thousands_sep' => ' ',
'mon_decimal_point' => ','
} else { # US by default..
$num = new Number::Format(
'int_curr_symbol' => '',
'mon_thousands_sep' => ',',
'mon_decimal_point' => '.'
$pdf->mediabox($width/mm, $height/mm);
my $page = $pdf->openpage(2);
# create a text
my $text = $page->text;
# add basketgroup number
$text->font( $pdf->corefont("Times", -encoding => "utf8"), 6/mm );
$text->translate(($width-40)/mm, ($height-53)/mm);
# print the libraryname in the header
$text->font( $pdf->corefont("Times", -encoding => "utf8"), 6/mm );
$text->translate(30/mm, ($height-28.5)/mm);
my $pdftable = new PDF::Table();
my $abaskets;
my $arrbasket;
# header of the table
my @keys = ('Lot', 'Basket (N°)', 'RRT GST Inc.', 'Discount', 'Discount price','GST rate', 'Total GST exc.','GST', 'Total GST Inc.');
for my $bkey (@keys) {
push(@$arrbasket, $bkey);
my $grandtotal=0;
my $grandgst=0;
# calculate each basket total
push(@$abaskets, $arrbasket);
for my $basket (@$hbaskets) {
$arrbasket = undef;
my ($total, $gst, $totallist) = (0, 0, 0);
my $ords = $orders->{$basket->{basketno}};
my $ordlength = @$ords;
foreach my $ord (@$ords) {
$total += @$ord[5] * @$ord[7];
$gst += (@$ord[5] * @$ord[7]) * $GSTrate/(1+$GSTrate);
$totallist += @$ord[5]*@$ord[6];
$grandtotal +=$total;
$grandgst +=$gst;
push(@$arrbasket, $basket->{contractname}, $basket->{basketname}.'(N°'.$basket->{basketno}.')',$num->format_price($totallist), $num->format_price($bookseller->{discount}).'%', $num->format_price($total), $num->format_price($GSTrate*100).'%', $num->format_price($total-$gst), $num->format_price($gst), $num->format_price($total));
push(@$abaskets, $arrbasket);
# now, push total
undef $arrbasket;
push @$arrbasket,'','','','Total',$num->format_price($grandtotal),'',$num->format_price($grandtotal-$grandgst), $num->format_price($grandgst),$num->format_price($grandtotal);
push @$abaskets,$arrbasket;
# height is width and width is height in this function, as the pdf is in landscape mode for the Tables.
$pdftable->table($pdf, $page, $abaskets,
x => 5/mm,
w => ($width - 10)/mm,
start_y => 230/mm,
next_y => 230/mm,
start_h => 230/mm,
next_h => 230/mm,
font => $pdf->corefont("Times", -encoding => "utf8"),
font_size => 3/mm,
padding => 5,
padding_right => 10,
background_color_odd => "lightgray",
header_props => {
bg_color => 'gray',
repeat => 1,
column_props => [
justify => 'right',
justify => 'right',
justify => 'right',
justify => 'right',
justify => 'right',
justify => 'right',
justify => 'right',
$pdf->mediabox($height/mm, $width/mm);
sub printhead {
my ($pdf, $basketgroup, $bookseller) = @_;
# get library name
my $libraryname = C4::Context->preference("LibraryName");
# get branch details
my $billingdetails = GetBranchDetail( $basketgroup->{billingplace} );
my $deliverydetails = GetBranchDetail( $basketgroup->{deliveryplace} );
# get the subject
my $subject;
# open 1st page (with the header)
my $page = $pdf->openpage(1);
# create a text
my $text = $page->text;
# print the libraryname in the header
$text->font( $pdf->corefont("Times", -encoding => "utf8"), 6/mm );
$text->translate(30/mm, ($height-28.5)/mm);
# print order info, on the default PDF
$text->font( $pdf->corefont("Times", -encoding => "utf8"), 8/mm );
$text->translate(100/mm, ($height-5-48)/mm);
# print the date
my $today = C4::Dates->today();
$text->translate(130/mm, ($height-5-48)/mm);
$text->font( $pdf->corefont("Times", -encoding => "utf8"), 4/mm );
# print billing infos
$text->translate(100/mm, ($height-86)/mm);
$text->translate(100/mm, ($height-97)/mm);
$text->translate(100/mm, ($height-108.5)/mm);
$text->translate(100/mm, ($height-115.5)/mm);
$text->translate(100/mm, ($height-122.5)/mm);
$text->translate(100/mm, ($height-127.5)/mm);
$text->translate(100/mm, ($height-132.5)/mm);
$text->translate(100/mm, ($height-137.5)/mm);
$text->text(join(' ', $billingdetails->{branchzip}, $billingdetails->{branchcity}, $billingdetails->{branchcountry}));
$text->translate(100/mm, ($height-147.5)/mm);
# print subject
$text->translate(100/mm, ($height-145.5)/mm);
# print bookseller infos
$text->translate(100/mm, ($height-180)/mm);
$text->translate(100/mm, ($height-185)/mm);
$text->translate(100/mm, ($height-190)/mm);
$text->translate(100/mm, ($height-195)/mm);
$text->translate(100/mm, ($height-200)/mm);
# print delivery infos
$text->font( $pdf->corefont("Times-Bold", -encoding => "utf8"), 4/mm );
$text->translate(50/mm, ($height-237)/mm);
$text->translate(50/mm, ($height-242)/mm);
$text->translate(50/mm, ($height-247)/mm);
$text->translate(50/mm, ($height-252)/mm);
$text->text(join(' ', $deliverydetails->{branchzip}, $deliverydetails->{branchcity}, $deliverydetails->{branchcountry}));
$text->translate(50/mm, ($height-262)/mm);
sub printfooters {
my ($pdf) = @_;
for (my $i=1;$i <= $pdf->pages;$i++) {
my $page = $pdf->openpage($i);
my $text = $page->text;
$text->font( $pdf->corefont("Times", -encoding => "utf8"), 3/mm );
$text->translate(10/mm, 10/mm);
$text->text("Page $i / ".$pdf->pages);
sub printpdf {
my ($basketgroup, $bookseller, $baskets, $orders, $GST) = @_;
# open the default PDF that will be used for base (1st page already filled)
my $pdf_template = C4::Context->config('intrahtdocs') . '/' . C4::Context->preference('template') . '/pdf/layout3pages.pdf';
my $pdf = PDF::API2->open($pdf_template);
$pdf->pageLabel( 0, {
-style => 'roman',
} ); # start with roman numbering
# fill the 1st page (basketgroup information)
printhead($pdf, $basketgroup, $bookseller);
# fill the 2nd page (orders summary)
printbaskets($pdf, $basketgroup, $baskets, $bookseller, $GST, $orders);
# fill other pages (orders)
printorders($pdf, $basketgroup, $baskets, $orders);
# print something on each page (usually the footer, but you could also put a header
return $pdf->stringify;