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package Koha::Patrons::Import;
# This file is part of Koha.
# Koha is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
# version.
# Koha is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
# A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with Koha; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
use Modern::Perl;
use Moo;
use namespace::clean;
use Carp;
use Text::CSV;
use C4::Members;
use C4::Members::Attributes qw(:all);
use C4::Members::AttributeTypes;
use Koha::Libraries;
use Koha::Patrons;
use Koha::Patron::Categories;
use Koha::Patron::Debarments;
use Koha::DateUtils;
=head1 NAME
Koha::Patrons::Import - Perl Module containing import_patrons method exported from import_borrowers script.
use Koha::Patrons::Import;
This module contains one method for importing patrons in bulk.
=head2 import_patrons
my $return = Koha::Patrons::Import::import_patrons($params);
Applies various checks and imports patrons in bulk from a csv file.
Further pod documentation needed here.
has 'today_iso' => ( is => 'ro', lazy => 1,
default => sub { output_pref( { dt => dt_from_string(), dateonly => 1, dateformat => 'iso' } ); }, );
has 'text_csv' => ( is => 'rw', lazy => 1,
default => sub { Text::CSV->new( { binary => 1, } ); }, );
sub import_patrons {
my ($self, $params) = @_;
my $handle = $params->{file};
unless( $handle ) { carp('No file handle passed in!'); return; }
my $matchpoint = $params->{matchpoint};
my $defaults = $params->{defaults};
my $ext_preserve = $params->{preserve_extended_attributes};
my $overwrite_cardnumber = $params->{overwrite_cardnumber};
my $extended = C4::Context->preference('ExtendedPatronAttributes');
my $set_messaging_prefs = C4::Context->preference('EnhancedMessagingPreferences');
my @columnkeys = $self->set_column_keys($extended);
my @feedback;
my @errors;
my $imported = 0;
my $alreadyindb = 0;
my $overwritten = 0;
my $invalid = 0;
my @imported_borrowers;
my $matchpoint_attr_type = $self->set_attribute_types({ extended => $extended, matchpoint => $matchpoint, });
# Use header line to construct key to column map
my %csvkeycol;
my $borrowerline = <$handle>;
my @csvcolumns = $self->prepare_columns({headerrow => $borrowerline, keycol => \%csvkeycol, errors => \@errors, });
push(@feedback, { feedback => 1, name => 'headerrow', value => join( ', ', @csvcolumns ) });
my @criticals = qw( surname ); # there probably should be others - rm branchcode && categorycode
LINE: while ( my $borrowerline = <$handle> ) {
my $line_number = $.;
my %borrower;
my @missing_criticals;
my $status = $self->text_csv->parse($borrowerline);
my @columns = $self->text_csv->fields();
if ( !$status ) {
push @missing_criticals, { badparse => 1, line => $line_number, lineraw => $borrowerline };
elsif ( @columns == @columnkeys ) {
@borrower{@columnkeys} = @columns;
# MJR: try to fill blanks gracefully by using default values
foreach my $key (@columnkeys) {
if ( $borrower{$key} !~ /\S/ ) {
$borrower{$key} = $defaults->{$key};
else {
# MJR: try to recover gracefully by using default values
foreach my $key (@columnkeys) {
if ( defined( $csvkeycol{$key} ) and $columns[ $csvkeycol{$key} ] =~ /\S/ ) {
$borrower{$key} = $columns[ $csvkeycol{$key} ];
elsif ( $defaults->{$key} ) {
$borrower{$key} = $defaults->{$key};
elsif ( scalar grep { $key eq $_ } @criticals ) {
# a critical field is undefined
push @missing_criticals, { key => $key, line => $., lineraw => $borrowerline };
else {
$borrower{$key} = '';
$borrower{cardnumber} = undef if $borrower{cardnumber} eq "";
# Check if borrower category code exists and if it matches to a known category. Pushing error to missing_criticals otherwise.
$self->check_borrower_category($borrower{categorycode}, $borrowerline, $line_number, \@missing_criticals);
# Check if branch code exists and if it matches to a branch name. Pushing error to missing_criticals otherwise.
$self->check_branch_code($borrower{branchcode}, $borrowerline, $line_number, \@missing_criticals);
# Popular spreadsheet applications make it difficult to force date outputs to be zero-padded, but we require it.
$self->format_dates({borrower => \%borrower, lineraw => $borrowerline, line => $line_number, missing_criticals => \@missing_criticals, });
if (@missing_criticals) {
foreach (@missing_criticals) {
$_->{borrowernumber} = $borrower{borrowernumber} || 'UNDEF';
$_->{surname} = $borrower{surname} || 'UNDEF';
( 25 > scalar @errors ) and push @errors, { missing_criticals => \@missing_criticals };
# The first 25 errors are enough. Keeping track of 30,000+ would destroy performance.
next LINE;
# Set patron attributes if extended.
my $patron_attributes = $self->set_patron_attributes($extended, $borrower{patron_attributes}, \@feedback);
if( $extended ) { delete $borrower{patron_attributes}; } # Not really a field in borrowers.
# Default date enrolled and date expiry if not already set.
$borrower{dateenrolled} = $self->today_iso() unless $borrower{dateenrolled};
$borrower{dateexpiry} = Koha::Patron::Categories->find( $borrower{categorycode} )->get_expiry_date( $borrower{dateenrolled} ) unless $borrower{dateexpiry};
my $borrowernumber;
my ( $member, $patron );
if ( defined($matchpoint) && ( $matchpoint eq 'cardnumber' ) && ( $borrower{'cardnumber'} ) ) {
$patron = Koha::Patrons->find( { cardnumber => $borrower{'cardnumber'} } );
elsif ( defined($matchpoint) && ($matchpoint eq 'userid') && ($borrower{'userid'}) ) {
$patron = Koha::Patrons->find( { userid => $borrower{userid} } );
elsif ($extended) {
if ( defined($matchpoint_attr_type) ) {
foreach my $attr (@$patron_attributes) {
if ( $attr->{code} eq $matchpoint and $attr->{value} ne '' ) {
my @borrowernumbers = $matchpoint_attr_type->get_patrons( $attr->{value} );
$borrowernumber = $borrowernumbers[0] if scalar(@borrowernumbers) == 1;
$patron = Koha::Patrons->find( $borrowernumber );
if ($patron) {
$member = $patron->unblessed;
$borrowernumber = $member->{'borrowernumber'};
} else {
$member = {};
if ( C4::Members::checkcardnumber( $borrower{cardnumber}, $borrowernumber ) ) {
push @errors,
invalid_cardnumber => 1,
borrowernumber => $borrowernumber,
cardnumber => $borrower{cardnumber}
# Check if the userid provided does not exist yet
if ( defined($matchpoint)
and $matchpoint ne 'userid'
and exists $borrower{userid}
and $borrower{userid}
and not ( $borrowernumber ? $patron->userid( $borrower{userid} )->has_valid_userid : Koha::Patron->new( { userid => $borrower{userid} } )->has_valid_userid )
) {
push @errors, { duplicate_userid => 1, userid => $borrower{userid} };
next LINE;
my $relationship = $borrower{relationship};
my $guarantor_id = $borrower{guarantor_id};
delete $borrower{relationship};
delete $borrower{guarantor_id};
if ($borrowernumber) {
# borrower exists
unless ($overwrite_cardnumber) {
already_in_db => 1,
value => $borrower{'surname'} . ' / ' . $borrowernumber
next LINE;
$borrower{'borrowernumber'} = $borrowernumber;
for my $col ( keys %borrower ) {
# use values from extant patron unless our csv file includes this column or we provided a default.
# FIXME : You cannot update a field with a perl-evaluated false value using the defaults.
# The password is always encrypted, skip it!
next if $col eq 'password';
unless ( exists( $csvkeycol{$col} ) || $defaults->{$col} ) {
$borrower{$col} = $member->{$col} if ( $member->{$col} );
my $patron = Koha::Patrons->find( $borrowernumber );
eval { $patron->set(\%borrower)->store };
if ( $@ ) {
# TODO We can raise a better error
name => 'lastinvalid',
value => $borrower{'surname'} . ' / ' . $borrowernumber
next LINE;
# Don't add a new restriction if the existing 'combined' restriction matches this one
if ( $borrower{debarred} && ( ( $borrower{debarred} ne $member->{debarred} ) || ( $borrower{debarredcomment} ne $member->{debarredcomment} ) ) ) {
# Check to see if this debarment already exists
my $debarrments = GetDebarments(
borrowernumber => $borrowernumber,
expiration => $borrower{debarred},
comment => $borrower{debarredcomment}
# If it doesn't, then add it!
unless (@$debarrments) {
borrowernumber => $borrowernumber,
expiration => $borrower{debarred},
comment => $borrower{debarredcomment}
if ($extended) {
if ($ext_preserve) {
my $old_attributes = GetBorrowerAttributes($borrowernumber);
$patron_attributes = extended_attributes_merge( $old_attributes, $patron_attributes );
push @errors, { unknown_error => 1 }
unless SetBorrowerAttributes( $borrower{'borrowernumber'}, $patron_attributes, 'no_branch_limit' );
feedback => 1,
name => 'lastoverwritten',
value => $borrower{'surname'} . ' / ' . $borrowernumber
else {
my $patron = eval {
unless ( $@ ) {
if ( $patron->is_debarred ) {
borrowernumber => $patron->borrowernumber,
expiration => $patron->debarred,
comment => $patron->debarredcomment,
if ($extended) {
SetBorrowerAttributes( $patron->borrowernumber, $patron_attributes );
if ($set_messaging_prefs) {
borrowernumber => $patron->borrowernumber,
categorycode => $patron->categorycode,
push @imported_borrowers, $patron->borrowernumber; #for patronlist
feedback => 1,
name => 'lastimported',
value => $patron->surname . ' / ' . $patron->borrowernumber,
else {
push @errors, { unknown_error => 1 };
name => 'lastinvalid',
value => $borrower{'surname'} . ' / Create patron',
# Add a guarantor if we are given a relationship
if ( $guarantor_id ) {
guarantee_id => $borrowernumber,
relationship => $relationship,
guarantor_id => $guarantor_id,
return {
feedback => \@feedback,
errors => \@errors,
imported => $imported,
overwritten => $overwritten,
already_in_db => $alreadyindb,
invalid => $invalid,
imported_borrowers => \@imported_borrowers,
=head2 prepare_columns
my @csvcolumns = $self->prepare_columns({headerrow => $borrowerline, keycol => \%csvkeycol, errors => \@errors, });
Returns an array of all column key and populates a hash of colunm key positions.
sub prepare_columns {
my ($self, $params) = @_;
my $status = $self->text_csv->parse($params->{headerrow});
unless( $status ) {
push( @{$params->{errors}}, { badheader => 1, line => 1, lineraw => $params->{headerrow} });
my @csvcolumns = $self->text_csv->fields();
my $col = 0;
foreach my $keycol (@csvcolumns) {
# columnkeys don't contain whitespace, but some stupid tools add it
$keycol =~ s/ +//g;
$params->{keycol}->{$keycol} = $col++;
return @csvcolumns;
=head2 set_attribute_types
my $matchpoint_attr_type = $self->set_attribute_types({ extended => $extended, matchpoint => $matchpoint, });
Returns an attribute type based on matchpoint parameter.
sub set_attribute_types {
my ($self, $params) = @_;
my $attribute_types;
if( $params->{extended} ) {
$attribute_types = C4::Members::AttributeTypes->fetch($params->{matchpoint});
return $attribute_types;
=head2 set_column_keys
my @columnkeys = set_column_keys($extended);
Returns an array of borrowers' table columns.
sub set_column_keys {
my ($self, $extended) = @_;
my @columnkeys = map { $_ ne 'borrowernumber' ? $_ : () } Koha::Patrons->columns();
push( @columnkeys, 'patron_attributes' ) if $extended;
return @columnkeys;
=head2 set_patron_attributes
my $patron_attributes = set_patron_attributes($extended, $borrower{patron_attributes}, $feedback);
Returns a reference to array of hashrefs data structure as expected by SetBorrowerAttributes.
sub set_patron_attributes {
my ($self, $extended, $patron_attributes, $feedback) = @_;
unless( $extended ) { return; }
unless( defined($patron_attributes) ) { return; }
# Fixup double quotes in case we are passed smart quotes
$patron_attributes =~ s/\xe2\x80\x9c/"/g;
$patron_attributes =~ s/\xe2\x80\x9d/"/g;
push (@$feedback, { feedback => 1, name => 'attribute string', value => $patron_attributes });
my $result = extended_attributes_code_value_arrayref($patron_attributes);
return $result;
=head2 check_branch_code
check_branch_code($borrower{branchcode}, $borrowerline, $line_number, \@missing_criticals);
Pushes a 'missing_criticals' error entry if no branch code or branch code does not map to a branch name.
sub check_branch_code {
my ($self, $branchcode, $borrowerline, $line_number, $missing_criticals) = @_;
# No branch code
unless( $branchcode ) {
push (@$missing_criticals, { key => 'branchcode', line => $line_number, lineraw => $borrowerline, });
# look for branch code
my $library = Koha::Libraries->find( $branchcode );
unless( $library ) {
push (@$missing_criticals, { key => 'branchcode', line => $line_number, lineraw => $borrowerline,
value => $branchcode, branch_map => 1, });
=head2 check_borrower_category
check_borrower_category($borrower{categorycode}, $borrowerline, $line_number, \@missing_criticals);
Pushes a 'missing_criticals' error entry if no category code or category code does not map to a known category.
sub check_borrower_category {
my ($self, $categorycode, $borrowerline, $line_number, $missing_criticals) = @_;
# No branch code
unless( $categorycode ) {
push (@$missing_criticals, { key => 'categorycode', line => $line_number, lineraw => $borrowerline, });
# Looking for borrower category
my $category = Koha::Patron::Categories->find($categorycode);
unless( $category ) {
push (@$missing_criticals, { key => 'categorycode', line => $line_number, lineraw => $borrowerline,
value => $categorycode, category_map => 1, });
=head2 format_dates
format_dates({borrower => \%borrower, lineraw => $lineraw, line => $line_number, missing_criticals => \@missing_criticals, });
Pushes a 'missing_criticals' error entry for each of the 3 date types dateofbirth, dateenrolled and dateexpiry if it can not
be formatted to the chosen date format. Populates the correctly formatted date otherwise.
sub format_dates {
my ($self, $params) = @_;
foreach my $date_type (qw(dateofbirth dateenrolled dateexpiry date_renewed)) {
my $tempdate = $params->{borrower}->{$date_type} or next();
my $formatted_date = eval { output_pref( { dt => dt_from_string( $tempdate ), dateonly => 1, dateformat => 'iso' } ); };
if ($formatted_date) {
$params->{borrower}->{$date_type} = $formatted_date;
} else {
$params->{borrower}->{$date_type} = '';
push (@{$params->{missing_criticals}}, { key => $date_type, line => $params->{line}, lineraw => $params->{lineraw}, bad_date => 1 });
=head1 AUTHOR
Koha Team