Authority tables are modified to be compatible with new MARC frameworks. This change is part of Authority Linking & Zebra authorities. Requires change in Mysql database. It will break head unless all changes regarding this is implemented. This warning will take place on all commits regarding this
969 lines
31 KiB
969 lines
31 KiB
package C4::AuthoritiesMarc;
# Copyright 2000-2002 Katipo Communications
# This file is part of Koha.
# Koha is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
# version.
# Koha is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
# A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
# Koha; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place,
# Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
use strict;
require Exporter;
use C4::Context;
use C4::Database;
use C4::Koha;
use MARC::Record;
use C4::Biblio;
#use ZOOM;
use vars qw($VERSION @ISA @EXPORT);
# set the version for version checking
$VERSION = 0.01;
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
@EXPORT = qw(
sub AUTHfind_marc_from_kohafield {
my ( $dbh, $kohafield,$authtypecode ) = @_;
return 0, 0 unless $kohafield;
$authtypecode="" unless $authtypecode;
my $marcfromkohafield;
my $sth = $dbh->prepare("select tagfield,tagsubfield from auth_subfield_structure where kohafield= ? and authtypecode=? ");
my ($tagfield,$tagsubfield) = $sth->fetchrow;
return ($tagfield,$tagsubfield);
sub authoritysearch {
my ($dbh, $tags, $and_or, $excluding, $operator, $value, $offset,$length,$authtypecode) = @_;
my $query;
my $attr;
# the marclist may contain "mainentry". In this case, search the tag_to_report, that depends on
# the authtypecode. Then, search on $a of this tag_to_report
# also store main entry MARC tag, to extract it at end of search
my $mainentrytag;
##first set the authtype search
$query="\@attr 1=1013 \@attr 5=100 ".$authtypecode; ##No truncation on authtype
my $dosearch;
my $and;
my $q2;
for(my $i = 0 ; $i <= $#{$value} ; $i++)
if (@$value[$i]){
##If mainentry search $a tag
if (@$tags[$i] eq "mainentry") {
$attr =" \@attr 1=21 ";
$attr =" \@attr 1=47 ";
if (@$operator[$i] eq 'phrase') {
$attr.=" \@attr 4=1 \@attr 5=100 \@attr 3=1 ";##Phrase, No truncation, first in field###It seems not implemented by indexdata
} else {
$attr .=" \@attr 4=6 \@attr 5=1 ";## Word list, right truncated, anywhere
$and .=" \@and " ;
$attr =$attr."\"".@$value[$i]."\"";
$q2 .=$attr;
}#if value
##Add how many queries generated
$query= $and.$query.$q2;
warn $query;
$offset=0 unless $offset;
my $counter = $offset;
$length=10 unless $length;
my $oAuth=C4::Context->Zconnauth("authorityserver");
if ($oAuth eq "error"){
warn "Error/CONNECTING \n";
my $oAResult;
my $Anewq= new ZOOM::Query::PQF($query);
$Anewq->sortby("1=21 i< 1=47 i<");
eval {
$oAResult= $oAuth->search($Anewq) ;
warn " /CODE:", $@->code()," /MSG:",$@->message(),"\n";
my $nbresults=0;
$nbresults=$oAResult->size() if ($oAResult);
my @result = ();
my @finalresult = ();
if ($nbresults>0){
##fIND tags using authority
my $newsth = $dbh->prepare("select distinct tagfield from marc_subfield_structure where authtypecode=?");
my $tags_using_authtype;
while (my ($tagfield) = $newsth->fetchrow) {
$tags_using_authtype.= "'".$tagfield."9',";
##Find authid and linkid fields
my ($authidfield,$authidsubfield)=AUTHfind_marc_from_kohafield($dbh,"auth_header.authid",$authtypecode);
my ($linkidfield,$linkidsubfield)=AUTHfind_marc_from_kohafield($dbh,"auth_header.linkid",$authtypecode);
while (($counter < $nbresults) && ($counter < ($offset + $length))) {
##Here we have to extract MARC record and $authid from ZEBRA AUTHORITIES
my $rec=$oAResult->record($counter);
my $marcdata=$rec->raw();
my $authrecord;
my $linkid;
my @linkids;
my $separator=C4::Context->preference('authoritysep');
my $linksummary=" ".$separator;
$authrecord = MARC::File::USMARC::decode($marcdata);
my $authid=$authrecord->field($authidfield)->subfield($authidsubfield); ## we could have these defined in system pref.
if ($authrecord->field($linkidfield)){
my @fields=$authrecord->field($linkidfield);
foreach my $field (@fields){
$linkid=$field->subfield($linkidsubfield) ;
if ($linkid){ ##There is a linked record add fields to produce summary
my $linktype=AUTHfind_authtypecode($dbh,$linkid);
my $linkrecord=AUTHgetauthority($dbh,$linkid);
my $summary=getsummary($dbh,$authrecord,$authid,$authtypecode);
if ($linkid && $linksummary ne " ".$separator){
## Fix Async search and move Zconn to here
my %newline;
$newline{summary} = $summary;
$newline{authid} = $authid;
$newline{linkid} = $linkid;
# $newline{used} =$count;
$newline{biblio_fields} = $tags_using_authtype;
$newline{even} = $counter % 2;
push @finalresult, \%newline;
}## while counter
my $oConnection=C4::Context->Zconn("biblioserver");
if ($oConnection eq "error"){
warn "Error/CONNECTING \n";
my $oResult;
for (my $z=0; $z<@finalresult; $z++){
my $nquery;
$nquery= "\@attr GILS 1=2057 ".$finalresult[$z]{authid};
$nquery="\@or ".$nquery." \@attr GILS 1=2057 ".$finalresult[$z]{linkid} if $finalresult[$z]{linkid};
$oResult = $oConnection->search_pqf($nquery);
warn " /CODE:", $@->code()," /MSG:",$@->message(),"\n";
my $count=$oResult->size() if ($oResult);
}##for Zconn
# $oConnection->destroy();
}## if nbresult
return (\@finalresult, $nbresults);
# Creates the SQL Request
sub create_request {
my ($dbh,$tags, $and_or, $operator, $value) = @_;
my $sql_tables; # will contain marc_subfield_table as m1,...
my $sql_where1; # will contain the "true" where
my $sql_where2 = "("; # will contain m1.authid=m2.authid
my $nb_active=0; # will contain the number of "active" entries. and entry is active is a value is provided.
my $nb_table=1; # will contain the number of table. ++ on each entry EXCEPT when an OR is provided.
for(my $i=0; $i<=@$value;$i++) {
if (@$value[$i]) {
if ($nb_active==1) {
$sql_tables = "auth_subfield_table as m$nb_table,";
$sql_where1 .= "( m$nb_table.subfieldvalue like '@$value[$i]' ";
if (@$tags[$i]) {
$sql_where1 .=" and concat(m$nb_table.tag,m$nb_table.subfieldcode) IN (@$tags[$i])";
} else {
$sql_tables .= "auth_subfield_table as m$nb_table,";
$sql_where1 .= "@$and_or[$i] (m$nb_table.subfieldvalue like '@$value[$i]' ";
if (@$tags[$i]) {
$sql_where1 .=" and concat(m$nb_table.tag,m$nb_table.subfieldcode) IN (@$tags[$i])";
$sql_where2.="m1.authid=m$nb_table.authid and ";
if($sql_where2 ne "(") # some datas added to sql_where2, processing
$sql_where2 = substr($sql_where2, 0, (length($sql_where2)-5)); # deletes the trailing ' and '
$sql_where2 .= ")";
else # no sql_where2 statement, deleting '('
$sql_where2 = "";
chop $sql_tables; # deletes the trailing ','
return ($sql_tables, $sql_where1, $sql_where2);
sub AUTHcount_usage {
my ($authid) = @_;
my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
# find MARC fields using this authtype
my $authtypecode = AUTHfind_authtypecode($dbh,$authid);
my $sth = $dbh->prepare("select distinct tagfield from marc_subfield_structure where authtypecode=?");
my $tags_used=$sth->execute($authtypecode);
my $tags_using_authtype;
while (my($tagfield) = $sth->fetchrow){
# warn "TAG : $tagfield";
$tags_using_authtype.= "'".$tagfield."9',";
chop $tags_using_authtype;
### try ZOOM search here
my $oConnection=C4::Context->Zconn("biblioserver");
my $query;
$query= "\@attr GILS 1=2057 ".$authid;
my $oResult = $oConnection->search_pqf($query);
my $result=$oResult->size() if ($oResult);
# if ($tags_using_authtype) {
# $sth = $dbh->prepare("select count(*) from marc_subfield_table where concat(tag,subfieldcode) in ($tags_using_authtype) and MATCH(subfieldvalue) AGAINST(? IN BOOLEAN MODE)");
# } else {
# $sth = $dbh->prepare("select count(*) from marc_subfield_table where subfieldvalue=?");
# }
# warn "Q : select count(*) from marc_subfield_table where concat(tag,subfieldcode) in ($tags_using_authtype) and d MATCH(subfieldvalue) AGAINST($authid IN BOOLEAN MODE) ";
# $sth->execute($authid);
# my ($result) = $sth->fetchrow;
# warn "Authority $authid TOTAL USED : $result";
return ($result);
sub AUTHfind_authtypecode {
my ($dbh,$authid) = @_;
my $sth = $dbh->prepare("select authtypecode from auth_header where authid=?");
my ($authtypecode) = $sth->fetchrow;
return $authtypecode;
sub AUTHgettagslib {
my ($dbh,$forlibrarian,$authtypecode)= @_;
$authtypecode="" unless $authtypecode;
my $sth;
my $libfield = ($forlibrarian eq 1)? 'liblibrarian' : 'libopac';
# check that authority exists
$sth=$dbh->prepare("select count(*) from auth_tag_structure where authtypecode=?");
my ($total) = $sth->fetchrow;
$authtypecode="" unless ($total >0);
$sth= $dbh->prepare(
"select tagfield,liblibrarian,libopac,mandatory,repeatable from auth_tag_structure where authtypecode=? order by tagfield"
my ( $liblibrarian, $libopac, $tag, $res, $tab, $mandatory, $repeatable );
while ( ( $tag, $liblibrarian, $libopac, $mandatory, $repeatable ) = $sth->fetchrow ) {
$res->{$tag}->{lib} = ($forlibrarian or !$libopac)?$liblibrarian:$libopac;
$res->{$tab}->{tab} = ""; # XXX
$res->{$tag}->{mandatory} = $mandatory;
$res->{$tag}->{repeatable} = $repeatable;
$sth= $dbh->prepare("select tagfield,tagsubfield,liblibrarian,libopac,tab, mandatory, repeatable,authorised_value,authtypecode,value_builder,kohafield,seealso,hidden,isurl,link from auth_subfield_structure where authtypecode=? order by tagfield,tagsubfield"
my $subfield;
my $authorised_value;
my $authtypecode;
my $value_builder;
my $kohafield;
my $seealso;
my $hidden;
my $isurl;
my $link;
while (
( $tag, $subfield, $liblibrarian, , $libopac, $tab,
$mandatory, $repeatable, $authorised_value, $authtypecode,
$value_builder, $kohafield, $seealso, $hidden,
$isurl, $link )
= $sth->fetchrow
$res->{$tag}->{$subfield}->{lib} = ($forlibrarian or !$libopac)?$liblibrarian:$libopac;
$res->{$tag}->{$subfield}->{tab} = $tab;
$res->{$tag}->{$subfield}->{mandatory} = $mandatory;
$res->{$tag}->{$subfield}->{repeatable} = $repeatable;
$res->{$tag}->{$subfield}->{authorised_value} = $authorised_value;
$res->{$tag}->{$subfield}->{authtypecode} = $authtypecode;
$res->{$tag}->{$subfield}->{value_builder} = $value_builder;
$res->{$tag}->{$subfield}->{kohafield} = $kohafield;
$res->{$tag}->{$subfield}->{seealso} = $seealso;
$res->{$tag}->{$subfield}->{hidden} = $hidden;
$res->{$tag}->{$subfield}->{isurl} = $isurl;
$res->{$tag}->{$subfield}->{link} = $link;
return $res;
sub AUTHaddauthority {
# pass the MARC::Record to this function, and it will create the records in the authority table
my ($dbh,$record,$authid,$authtypecode) = @_;
#my $leadercode=AUTHfind_leader($dbh,$authtypecode);
my $leader=' a ';##Fixme correct leader as this one just adds utf8 to MARC21
# $record->leader($leader);
my ($authfield,$authidsubfield)=AUTHfind_marc_from_kohafield($dbh,"auth_header.authid",$authtypecode);
my ($authfield2,$authtypesubfield)=AUTHfind_marc_from_kohafield($dbh,"auth_header.authtypecode",$authtypecode);
my ($linkidfield,$linkidsubfield)=AUTHfind_marc_from_kohafield($dbh,"auth_header.linkid",$authtypecode);
# if authid empty => true add, find a new authid number
if (!$authid) {
my $sth=$dbh->prepare("select max(authid) from auth_header");
##Insert the recordID in MARC record
##Both authid and authtypecode is expected to be in the same field. Modify if other requirements arise
$dbh->do("lock tables auth_header WRITE");
$sth=$dbh->prepare("insert into auth_header (authid,datecreated,authtypecode,marc) values (?,now(),?,?)");
##Modified record reinsertid
$dbh->do("lock tables auth_header WRITE");
my $sth=$dbh->prepare("update auth_header set marc=? where authid=?");
$dbh->do("unlock tables");
if ($record->field($linkidfield)){
my @fields=$record->field($linkidfield);
foreach my $field (@fields){
my $linkid=$field->subfield($linkidsubfield) ;
if ($linkid){
##Modify the record of linked
return ($authid);
sub AUTHaddlink{
my ($dbh,$linkid,$authid)=@_;
my $record=AUTHgetauthority($dbh,$linkid);
my $authtypecode=AUTHfind_authtypecode($dbh,$linkid);
#warn "adding l:$linkid,a:$authid,auth:$authtypecode";
$dbh->do("lock tables auth_header WRITE");
my $sth=$dbh->prepare("update auth_header set marc=? where authid=?");
$dbh->do("unlock tables");
sub AUTH2marcOnefieldlink {
my ( $dbh, $record, $kohafieldname, $newvalue,$authtypecode ) = @_;
my $sth = $dbh->prepare(
"select tagfield,tagsubfield from auth_subfield_structure where authtypecode=? and kohafield=?"
my ($tagfield,$tagsubfield)=$sth->fetchrow;
$record->add_fields( $tagfield, " ", " ", $tagsubfield => $newvalue );
return $record;
sub zebraopauth{
my ($dbh,$authid,$op)=@_;
my $Zconnauthority;
my $tried=0;
my $recon=0;
if ($Zconnauthority ne "error"){
my $record = AUTHgetauthority($dbh,$authid);
my $Zpackage = $Zconnauthority->package();
$Zpackage->option(action => $op);
$Zpackage->option(record => $record->as_xml_record);
eval {
if ($@) {
if($@->code()==10007 && $tried==0){ ##Timedout -retry
goto "retry";
}elsif($@->code()==10004 && $recon==0){##Lost connection -reconnect
goto "reconnect";
warn "Error-authority updating $authid $op /CODE:", $@->code()," /MSG:",$@->message(),"\n";
$Zpackage->("commit") if (C4::Context->shadow);
sub zebrafiles{
my ($dbh,$authid,$folder)=@_;
my $record=AUTHgetauthority($dbh,$authid);
my $zebradir = C4::Context->zebraconfig("authorityserver")->{directory}."/".$folder."/";
#my $zebradir = C4::Context->authoritydir."/".$folder."/";
unless (opendir(DIR, "$zebradir")) {
warn "$zebradir not found";
closedir DIR;
my $filename = $zebradir.$authid;
if ($record){
open (OUTPUT,">", $filename.".xml");
print OUTPUT $record->as_xml_record;
close OUTPUT;
sub AUTHfind_leader{
##Hard coded for NEU auth types
my $leadercode;
if ($authtypecode eq "AUTH"){
}elsif ($authtypecode eq "ESUB"){
}elsif ($authtypecode eq "TSUB"){
$leadercode=" ";
return $leadercode;
sub AUTHgetauthority {
# Returns MARC::Record of the biblio passed in parameter.
my ($dbh,$authid)=@_;
my $sth=$dbh->prepare("select marc from auth_header where authid=?");
my ($marc) = $sth->fetchrow;
my $record=MARC::File::USMARC::decode($marc);
return ($record);
sub AUTHgetauth_type {
my ($authtypecode) = @_;
my $dbh=C4::Context->dbh;
my $sth=$dbh->prepare("select * from auth_types where authtypecode=?");
return $sth->fetchrow_hashref;
sub AUTHmodauthority {
my ($dbh,$authid,$record,$authtypecode,$merge)=@_;
my ($oldrecord)=&AUTHgetauthority($dbh,$authid);
if ($oldrecord eq $record) {
my $sth=$dbh->prepare("update auth_header set marc=? where authid=?");
#warn find if linked records exist and delete them
if ($oldrecord->field($linkidfield)){
my @fields=$oldrecord->field($linkidfield);
foreach my $field (@fields){
my $linkid=$field->subfield($linkidsubfield) ;
if ($linkid){
##Modify the record of linked
my $linkrecord=AUTHgetauthority($dbh,$linkid);
my $linktypecode=AUTHfind_authtypecode($dbh,$linkid);
my ( $linkidfield2,$linkidsubfield2)=AUTHfind_marc_from_kohafield($dbh,"auth_header.linkid",$linktypecode);
my @linkfields=$linkrecord->field($linkidfield2);
foreach my $linkfield (@linkfields){
if ($linkfield->subfield($linkidsubfield2) eq $authid){
}#foreach linkfield
}#foreach linkid
#Now rewrite the $record to table with an add
##Uncomment below and all biblios will get updated with modified authority-- To be used with $merge flag
# &merge($dbh,$authid,$record,$authid,$record);
return $authid;
sub AUTHdelauthority {
my ($dbh,$authid,$keep_biblio) = @_;
# if the keep_biblio is set to 1, then authority entries in biblio are preserved.
$dbh->do("delete from auth_header where authid=$authid") ;
# FIXME : delete or not in biblio tables (depending on $keep_biblio flag)
sub AUTHfind_authtypecode {
my ($dbh,$authid) = @_;
my $sth = $dbh->prepare("select authtypecode from auth_header where authid=?");
my ($authtypecode) = $sth->fetchrow;
return $authtypecode;
sub AUTHhtml2marc {
my ($dbh,$rtags,$rsubfields,$rvalues,%indicators) = @_;
my $prevtag = -1;
my $record = MARC::Record->new();
#---- TODO : the leader is missing
# my %subfieldlist=();
my $prevvalue; # if tag <10
my $field; # if tag >=10
for (my $i=0; $i< @$rtags; $i++) {
# rebuild MARC::Record
if (@$rtags[$i] ne $prevtag) {
if ($prevtag < 10) {
if ($prevvalue) {
$record->add_fields((sprintf "%03s",$prevtag),$prevvalue);
} else {
if ($field) {
$indicators{@$rtags[$i]}.=' ';
if (@$rtags[$i] <10) {
$prevvalue= @$rvalues[$i];
undef $field;
} else {
undef $prevvalue;
$field = MARC::Field->new( (sprintf "%03s",@$rtags[$i]), substr($indicators{@$rtags[$i]},0,1),substr($indicators{@$rtags[$i]},1,1), @$rsubfields[$i] => @$rvalues[$i]);
$prevtag = @$rtags[$i];
} else {
if (@$rtags[$i] <10) {
} else {
if (length(@$rvalues[$i])>0) {
$field->add_subfields(@$rsubfields[$i] => @$rvalues[$i]);
$prevtag= @$rtags[$i];
# the last has not been included inside the loop... do it now !
$record->add_fields($field) if $field;
return $record;
sub FindDuplicate {
my ($record,$authtypecode)=@_;
# warn "IN for ".$record->as_formatted;
my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
# warn "".$record->as_formatted;
my $sth = $dbh->prepare("select auth_tag_to_report from auth_types where authtypecode=?");
my ($auth_tag_to_report) = $sth->fetchrow;
# build a request for authoritysearch
my (@tags, @and_or, @excluding, @operator, @value, $offset, $length);
if ($record->field($auth_tag_to_report)) {
push @tags, $auth_tag_to_report;
push @and_or, "";
push @excluding, "";
push @operator, "all";
push @value, $record->field($auth_tag_to_report)->as_string();
my ($finalresult,$nbresult) = authoritysearch($dbh,\@tags,\@and_or,\@excluding,\@operator,\@value,0,10,$authtypecode);
# there is at least 1 result => return the 1st one
if ($nbresult>0) {
return @$finalresult[0]->{authid},@$finalresult[0]->{summary};
# no result, returns nothing
sub getsummary{
## give this a Marc record to return summary
my ($dbh,$record,$authid,$authtypecode)=@_;
# my $authtypecode = AUTHfind_authtypecode($dbh,$authid);
my $authref = getauthtype($authtypecode);
my $summary = $authref->{summary};
my @fields = $record->fields();
# chop $tags_using_authtype;
# if the library has a summary defined, use it. Otherwise, build a standard one
if ($summary) {
my @fields = $record->fields();
foreach my $field (@fields) {
my $tag = $field->tag();
my $tagvalue = $field->as_string();
$summary =~ s/\[(.?.?.?.?)$tag\*(.*?)]/$1$tagvalue$2\[$1$tag$2]/g;
if ($tag<10) {
} else {
my @subf = $field->subfields;
for my $i (0..$#subf) {
my $subfieldcode = $subf[$i][0];
my $subfieldvalue = $subf[$i][1];
my $tagsubf = $tag.$subfieldcode;
$summary =~ s/\[(.?.?.?.?)$tagsubf(.*?)]/$1$subfieldvalue$2\[$1$tagsubf$2]/g;
$summary =~ s/\[(.*?)]//g;
$summary =~ s/\n/<br>/g;
} else {
my $heading; # = $authref->{summary};
my $altheading;
my $seeheading;
my $see;
my @fields = $record->fields();
if (C4::Context->preference('marcflavour') eq 'UNIMARC') {
# construct UNIMARC summary, that is quite different from MARC21 one
# accepted form
foreach my $field ($record->field('2..')) {
$heading.= $field->as_string();
# rejected form(s)
foreach my $field ($record->field('4..')) {
$summary.= " <i>".$field->as_string()."</i><br/>";
$summary.= " <i>see:</i> ".$heading."<br/>";
# see :
foreach my $field ($record->field('5..')) {
$summary.= " <i>".$field->as_string()."</i><br/>";
$summary.= " <i>see:</i> ".$heading."<br/>";
# // form
foreach my $field ($record->field('7..')) {
$seeheading.= " <i>see also:</i> ".$field->as_string()."<br />";
$altheading.= " ".$field->as_string()."<br />";
$altheading.= " <i>see also:</i> ".$heading."<br />";
$summary = "<b>".$heading."</b><br />".$seeheading.$altheading.$summary;
} else {
# construct MARC21 summary
foreach my $field ($record->field('1..')) {
if ($record->field('100')) {
$heading.= $field->as_string('abcdefghjklmnopqrstvxyz68');
} elsif ($record->field('110')) {
$heading.= $field->as_string('abcdefghklmnoprstvxyz68');
} elsif ($record->field('111')) {
$heading.= $field->as_string('acdefghklnpqstvxyz68');
} elsif ($record->field('130')) {
$heading.= $field->as_string('adfghklmnoprstvxyz68');
} elsif ($record->field('148')) {
$heading.= $field->as_string('abvxyz68');
} elsif ($record->field('150')) {
$heading.= $field->as_string('abvxyz68');
} elsif ($record->field('151')) {
$heading.= $field->as_string('avxyz68');
} elsif ($record->field('155')) {
$heading.= $field->as_string('abvxyz68');
} elsif ($record->field('180')) {
$heading.= $field->as_string('vxyz68');
} elsif ($record->field('181')) {
$heading.= $field->as_string('vxyz68');
} elsif ($record->field('182')) {
$heading.= $field->as_string('vxyz68');
} elsif ($record->field('185')) {
$heading.= $field->as_string('vxyz68');
} else {
$heading.= $field->as_string();
} #See From
foreach my $field ($record->field('4..')) {
$seeheading.= " ".$field->as_string()."<br />";
$seeheading.= " <i>see:</i> ".$seeheading."<br />";
} #See Also
foreach my $field ($record->field('5..')) {
$altheading.= " <i>see also:</i> ".$field->as_string()."<br />";
$altheading.= " ".$field->as_string()."<br />";
$altheading.= " <i>see also:</i> ".$altheading."<br />";
return $summary;
sub merge {
my ($dbh,$mergefrom,$MARCfrom,$mergeto,$MARCto) = @_;
my $authtypecodefrom = AUTHfind_authtypecode($dbh,$mergefrom);
my $authtypecodeto = AUTHfind_authtypecode($dbh,$mergeto);
# return if authority does not exist
my @X = $MARCfrom->fields();
return if $#X == -1;
my @X = $MARCto->fields();
return if $#X == -1;
# search the tag to report
my $sth = $dbh->prepare("select auth_tag_to_report from auth_types where authtypecode=?");
my ($auth_tag_to_report) = $sth->fetchrow;
my @record_to;
@record_to = $MARCto->field($auth_tag_to_report)->subfields() if $MARCto->field($auth_tag_to_report);
my @record_from;
@record_from = $MARCfrom->field($auth_tag_to_report)->subfields() if $MARCfrom->field($auth_tag_to_report);
# search all biblio tags using this authority.
$sth = $dbh->prepare("select distinct tagfield from marc_subfield_structure where authtypecode=?");
my @tags_using_authtype;
while (my ($tagfield) = $sth->fetchrow) {
push @tags_using_authtype,$tagfield."9" ;
# now, find every biblio using this authority
### try ZOOM search here
my $oConnection=C4::Context->Zconn("biblioserver");
my $query;
$query= "\@attr GILS 1=2057 ".$mergefrom;
my $oResult = $oConnection->search_pqf($query);
my $count=$oResult->size() if ($oResult);
my @reccache;
my $z=0;
while ( $z<$count ) {
my $rec;
my $marcdata = $rec->raw();
push @reccache, $marcdata;
foreach my $marc(@reccache){
my $update;
my $marcrecord;
$marcrecord = MARC::File::USMARC::decode($marc);
foreach my $tagfield (@tags_using_authtype){
my @tags = $marcrecord->field($tagfield);
foreach my $tag (@tags){
my $tagsubs=$tag->subfield("9");
#warn "$tagfield:$tagsubs:$mergefrom";
if ($tagsubs== $mergefrom) {
$tag->update("9" =>$mergeto);
foreach my $subfield (@record_to) {
# warn "$subfield,$subfield->[0],$subfield->[1]";
$tag->update($subfield->[0] =>$subfield->[1]);
}#for $subfield
}#for each tag
}#foreach tagfield
my $oldbiblio = MARCmarc2koha($dbh,$marcrecord,"") ;
if ($update==1){
&NEWmodbiblio($dbh,$marcrecord,$oldbiblio->{'biblionumber'},undef,"0000") ;
}#foreach $marc
END { } # module clean-up code here (global destructor)
=head1 AUTHOR
Koha Developement team <info@koha.org>
Paul POULAIN paul.poulain@free.fr
# $Id$
# $Log$
# Revision 1.25 2006/05/19 18:09:39 tgarip1957
# All support for auth_subfield_tables is removed. All search is now with zebra authorities. New authority structure allows multiple linking of authorities of differnet types to one another.
# Authority tables are modified to be compatible with new MARC frameworks. This change is part of Authority Linking & Zebra authorities. Requires change in Mysql database. It will break head unless all changes regarding this is implemented. This warning will take place on all commits regarding this
# Revision 2005/06/07 10:02:00 tipaul
# porting dictionnary search from head to 2.2. there is now a ... facing titles, author & subject, to search in biblio & authorities existing values.
# Revision 2005/05/31 14:50:46 tipaul
# fix for authority merging. There was a bug on official installs
# Revision 2005/05/30 11:24:15 tipaul
# fixing a bug : when a field was repeated, the last field was also repeated. (Was due to the "empty" field in html between fields : to separate fields, in html, an empty field is automatically added. in AUTHhtml2marc, this empty field was not discarded correctly)
# Revision 2005/04/28 08:45:33 tipaul
# porting FindDuplicate feature for authorities from HEAD to rel_2_2, works correctly now.
# Revision 2005/02/28 14:03:13 tipaul
# * adding search on "main entry" (ie $a subfield) on a given authority (the "search everywhere" field is still here).
# * adding a select box to requet "contain" or "begin with" search.
# * fixing some bug in authority search (related to "main entry" search)
# Revision 2005/02/24 13:12:13 tipaul
# saving authority modif in a text file. This will be used soon with another script (in crontab). The script in crontab will retrieve every authorityid in the directory localfile/authorities and modify every biblio using this authority. Those modifs may be long. So they can't be done through http, because we may encounter a webserver timeout, and kill the process before end of the job.
# So, it will be done through a cron job.
# (/me agree we need some doc for command line scripts)
# Revision 1.9 2004/12/23 09:48:11 tipaul
# Minor changes in summary "exploding" (the 3 digits AFTER the subfield were not on the right place).
# Revision 1.8 2004/11/05 10:11:39 tipaul
# export auth_count_usage (bugfix)
# Revision 1.7 2004/09/23 16:13:00 tipaul
# Bugfix in modification
# Revision 1.6 2004/08/18 16:00:24 tipaul
# fixes for authorities management
# Revision 1.5 2004/07/05 13:37:22 doxulting
# First step for working authorities
# Revision 1.4 2004/06/22 11:35:37 tipaul
# removing % at the beginning of a string to avoid loooonnnngggg searchs
# Revision 1.3 2004/06/17 08:02:13 tipaul
# merging tag & subfield in auth_word for better perfs
# Revision 1.2 2004/06/10 08:29:01 tipaul
# MARC authority management (continued)
# Revision 1.1 2004/06/07 07:35:01 tipaul
# MARC authority management package