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You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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# This Koha test module is a stub!
# Add more tests here!!!
use strict;
use warnings;
use Test::More tests => 10;
#Obvious cases
is(C4::ClassSortRoutine::LCC::get_class_sort_key(), "", "No arguments returns an empty string");
is(C4::ClassSortRoutine::LCC::get_class_sort_key('a','b'), "A B", "Arguments 'a','b' return 'A B'");
#spaces in arguements
is(C4::ClassSortRoutine::LCC::get_class_sort_key(' ','b'), "B", "Arguments ' ','b' return 'B'");
is(C4::ClassSortRoutine::LCC::get_class_sort_key('a',' '), "A", "Arguments 'a',' ' return 'A'");
is(C4::ClassSortRoutine::LCC::get_class_sort_key(' ',' '), "", "Arguments ' ',' ' return ''");
#'funky cases' based on regex in code
is(C4::ClassSortRoutine::LCC::get_class_sort_key('.','b'), "", "Arguments '.','b' return ''");
is(C4::ClassSortRoutine::LCC::get_class_sort_key('....','........'), "", "Arguments '....','........' return ''");
is(C4::ClassSortRoutine::LCC::get_class_sort_key('.','.'), "", "Arguments '.','.' return ''");
# list of example call numbers -- these
# are intentionally in the _reverse_ of
# the correct sort order
my @call_numbers = (
'SB410.9 .P26 1993',
'SB410.A26 I75 2000',
'QC995 .E29 1997',
'QC145.45 .H4 D65 1998',
'QC145 .A57 V.12 1980',
'QC100 .U57 NO. 555 1986',
my @sorted_call_numbers = map { $_->{call_number} }
sort { $a->{sortkey} cmp $b->{sortkey} }
map { { call_number => $_, sortkey => C4::ClassSortRoutine::LCC::get_class_sort_key($_, '') } }
is_deeply(\@sorted_call_numbers, [ reverse @call_numbers ], 'LC call numbers sorted in correct order');