2004-02-19 21:28:14 +00:00

301 lines
9.2 KiB
Executable file

# This file is part of Koha
# Parts copyright 2003-2004 Paul Poulain
# Parts copyright 2003-2004 Jerome Vizcaino
# Parts copyright 2004 Ambrose Li
=head1 NAME
tmpl_process3.pl - Experimental version of tmpl_process.pl
using gettext-compatible translation files
use strict;
use Getopt::Long;
use Locale::PO;
use File::Temp qw( :POSIX );
use TmplTokenizer;
use VerboseWarnings qw( error_normal warn_normal );
use vars qw( @in_files $in_dir $str_file $out_dir );
use vars qw( @excludes $exclude_regex );
use vars qw( $recursive_p );
use vars qw( $pedantic_p );
use vars qw( $href );
use vars qw( $type ); # file extension (DOS form without the dot) to match
sub find_translation ($) {
my($s) = @_;
my $key = TmplTokenizer::quote_po($s) if $s =~ /\S/;
return defined $href->{$key}
&& !$href->{$key}->fuzzy
&& length Locale::PO->dequote($href->{$key}->msgstr)?
Locale::PO->dequote($href->{$key}->msgstr): $s;
sub text_replace_tag ($$) {
my($t, $attr) = @_;
my $it;
# value [tag=input], meta
my $tag = lc($1) if $t =~ /^<(\S+)/s;
my $translated_p = 0;
for my $a ('alt', 'content', 'title', 'value') {
if ($attr->{$a}) {
next if $a eq 'content' && $tag ne 'meta';
next if $a eq 'value' && ($tag ne 'input'
|| (ref $attr->{'type'} && $attr->{'type'}->[1] =~ /^(?:hidden|radio)$/)); # FIXME
my($key, $val, $val_orig, $order) = @{$attr->{$a}}; #FIXME
my($pre, $trimmed, $post) = TmplTokenizer::trim $val;
if ($val =~ /\S/s) {
my $s = $pre . find_translation($trimmed) . $post;
if ($attr->{$a}->[1] ne $s) { #FIXME
$attr->{$a}->[1] = $s; # FIXME
$attr->{$a}->[2] = ($s =~ /"/s)? "'$s'": "\"$s\""; #FIXME
$translated_p = 1;
if ($translated_p) {
$it = "<$tag"
. join('', map {
sprintf(' %s=%s', $_, $attr->{$_}->[2]) #FIXME
} sort {
$attr->{$a}->[3] <=> $attr->{$b}->[3] #FIXME
} keys %$attr)
. '>';
} else {
$it = $t;
return $it;
sub text_replace (**) {
my($h, $output) = @_;
for (;;) {
my $s = TmplTokenizer::next_token $h;
last unless defined $s;
my($kind, $t, $attr) = ($s->type, $s->string, $s->attributes);
if ($kind eq TmplTokenType::TEXT) {
my($pre, $trimmed, $post) = TmplTokenizer::trim $t;
print $output $pre, find_translation($trimmed), $post;
} elsif ($kind eq TmplTokenType::TEXT_PARAMETRIZED) {
my $fmt = find_translation($s->form);
print $output TmplTokenizer::parametrize($fmt, map {
my($kind, $t, $attr) = ($_->type, $_->string, $_->attributes);
$kind == TmplTokenType::TAG && %$attr?
text_replace_tag($t, $attr): $t } $s->parameters);
} elsif ($kind eq TmplTokenType::TAG && %$attr) {
print $output text_replace_tag($t, $attr);
} elsif (defined $t) {
print $output $t;
# FIXME: Should we use the GNOME convention of using POTFILES.in instead?
sub listfiles ($$) {
my($dir, $type) = @_;
my @it = ();
if (opendir(DIR, $dir)) {
my @dirent = readdir DIR; # because DIR is shared when recursing
closedir DIR;
for my $dirent (@dirent) {
my $path = "$dir/$dirent";
if ($dirent =~ /^\./ || $dirent eq 'CVS' || $dirent eq 'RCS'
|| (defined $exclude_regex && $dirent =~ /^(?:$exclude_regex)$/)) {
} elsif (-f $path) {
push @it, $path if !defined $type || $dirent =~ /\.(?:$type)$/;
} elsif (-d $path && $recursive_p) {
push @it, listfiles($path, $type);
} else {
warn_normal "$dir: $!", undef;
return @it;
sub usage_error (;$) {
for my $msg (split(/\n/, $_[0])) {
print STDERR "$msg\n";
print STDERR "Try `$0 --help' for more information.\n";
'input|i=s' => \@in_files,
'outputdir|o=s' => \$out_dir,
'recursive|r' => \$recursive_p,
'str-file|s=s' => \$str_file,
'exclude|x=s' => \@excludes,
'pedantic-warnings|pedantic' => sub { $pedantic_p = 1 },
) || usage_error;
VerboseWarnings::set_application_name $0;
VerboseWarnings::set_pedantic_mode $pedantic_p;
my $action = shift or usage_error('You must specify an ACTION.');
usage_error('You must at least specify input and string list filenames.')
if !@in_files || !defined $str_file;
# Type match defaults to *.tmpl plus *.inc if not specified
$type = "tmpl|inc" if !defined($type);
# Check the inputs for being files or directories
for my $input (@in_files) {
usage_error("$input: Input must be a file or directory.\n"
. "(Symbolic links are not supported at the moment)")
unless -d $input || -f $input;;
# Generates the global exclude regular expression
$exclude_regex = '(?:'.join('|', @excludes).')' if @excludes;
# Generate the list of input files if a directory is specified
if (-d $in_files[0]) {
die "If you specify a directory as input, you must specify only it.\n"
if @in_files > 1;
# input is a directory, generates list of files to process
$in_dir = $in_files[0];
$in_dir =~ s/\/$//; # strips the trailing / if any
@in_files = listfiles($in_dir, $type);
} else {
for my $input (@in_files) {
die "You cannot specify input files and directories at the same time.\n"
unless -f $input;
if ($action eq 'create') {
# updates the list. As the list is empty, every entry will be added
die "$str_file: Output file already exists" if -f $str_file;
my($tmph, $tmpfile) = tmpnam();
for my $input (@in_files) {
print $tmph "$input\n";
close $tmph;
system {'./xgettext.pl'} ('xgettext.pl', '-s', '-f', $tmpfile, '-o', $str_file);
unlink $tmpfile || warn_normal "$tmpfile: unlink failed: $!\n", undef;
} elsif ($action eq 'update') {
my($tmph1, $tmpfile1) = tmpnam();
my($tmph2, $tmpfile2) = tmpnam();
close $tmph2; # We just want a name
for my $input (@in_files) {
print $tmph1 "$input\n";
close $tmph1;
system('./xgettext.pl', '-s', '-f', $tmpfile1, '-o', $tmpfile2);
system('msgmerge', '-U', '-s', $str_file, $tmpfile2);
unlink $tmpfile1 || warn_normal "$tmpfile1: unlink failed: $!\n", undef;
unlink $tmpfile2 || warn_normal "$tmpfile2: unlink failed: $!\n", undef;
} elsif ($action eq 'install') {
if(!defined($out_dir)) {
usage_error("You must specify an output directory when using the install method.");
if ($in_dir eq $out_dir) {
warn "You must specify a different input and output directory.\n";
exit -1;
# Make sure the output directory exists
# (It will auto-create it, but for compatibility we should not)
-d $out_dir || die "$out_dir: The directory does not exist\n";
# Try to open the file, because Locale::PO doesn't check :-/
open(INPUT, "<$str_file") || die "$str_file: $!\n";
close INPUT;
# restores the string list from file
$href = Locale::PO->load_file_ashash($str_file);
# creates the new tmpl file using the new translation
for my $input (@in_files) {
die "Assertion failed"
unless substr($input, 0, length($in_dir) + 1) eq "$in_dir/";
my $h = TmplTokenizer->new( $input );
$h->set_allow_cformat( 1 );
VerboseWarnings::set_input_file_name $input;
my $target = $out_dir . substr($input, length($in_dir));
my $targetdir = $` if $target =~ /[^\/]+$/s;
if (!-d $targetdir) {
print STDERR "Making directory $targetdir...";
# creates with rwxrwxr-x permissions
mkdir($targetdir, 0775) || warn_normal "$targetdir: $!", undef;
print STDERR "Creating $target...\n";
open( OUTPUT, ">$target" ) || die "$target: $!\n";
text_replace( $h, *OUTPUT );
close OUTPUT;
} else {
usage_error('Unknown action specified.');
exit 0;
./tmpl_process3.pl [ I<tmpl_process.pl options> ]
This is an experimental version of the tmpl_process.pl script,
using standard gettext-style PO files.
Currently, the create, update, and install actions have all been
reimplemented and seem to work.
The create action calls xgettext.pl to do the actual work;
the update action calls xgettext.pl and msgmerge(1) to do the
actual work.
The script can detect <TMPL_VAR> directives embedded inside what
appears to be a full sentence (this actual work being done by
TmplTokenizer(3)); these larger patterns appear in the translation
file as c-format strings with %s.
=head1 BUGS
The --help option has not been implemented yet.
There are probably some real bugs too, since this has not been
tested very much.
xgettext.pl must be present in the current directory; the
msgmerge(1) command must also be present in the search path.
The script currently does not check carefully whether these
dependent commands are present.
Locale::PO(3) has a lot of bugs. It can neither parse nor
generate GNU PO files properly; a couple of workarounds have
been written in TmplTokenizer and more is likely to be needed
(e.g., to get rid of the "Strange line" warning for #~).
=head1 SEE ALSO