Marcel de Rooy 05d35b0ae0 6094 Fixing ModAuthority problems
Pref MergeAuthoritiesOnUpdate does not exist; should be dontmerge

Instead of folder modified_authorities, now introducing a table for this
purpose: need_merge_authorities. This eliminates several permissions and
security issues. This change applies to AuthoritiesMarc.pm and

POD lines added for ModAuthority. Deprecated parameter $merge removed.

Test this patch by applying the db revision first from the second patch.

August 4, 2011: Rebased.

Signed-off-by: Frédéric Demians <f.demians@tamil.fr>

Thanks Marcel. It works as advertised. Both modes are functionnal

- Immediate with dontmerge=0: After modifying an authority record, its
  linked biblios are immediately modified. This isn't the case in 3.4.5.
- Delayed with dontmerge=1: After modifying an authority record, its
  linked biblios are not modified. But an entry is added to
  need_merge_authority new table and 'merge_authorities.pl -b' script
  updates biblios.

Comment: need_merge_authority, like zebraqueue, should be cleared
from time to time.

Signed-off-by: Chris Cormack <chrisc@catalyst.net.nz>
2011-10-20 11:28:53 +13:00

97 lines
3.2 KiB
Executable file

# script that rebuild thesaurus from biblio table.
use strict;
#use warnings; FIXME - Bug 2505
# find Koha's Perl modules
# test carefully before changing this
use FindBin;
eval { require "$FindBin::Bin/kohalib.pl" };
# Koha modules used
use C4::Context;
use C4::Search;
use C4::Biblio;
use C4::AuthoritiesMarc;
use Time::HiRes qw(gettimeofday);
use Getopt::Long;
my ($version, $verbose, $mergefrom,$mergeto,$noconfirm,$batch);
'h' => \$version,
'f:s' => \$mergefrom,
't:s' => \$mergeto,
'v' => \$verbose,
'n' => \$noconfirm,
'b' => \$batch,
if ($version || ($mergefrom eq '' && !$batch)) {
print <<EOF
Script to merge an authority into another
parameters :
\th : this version/help screen
\tv : verbose mode (show many things on screen)
\tf : the authority number to merge (the one that can be deleted after the merge).
\tt : the authority number where to merge
\tn : don't ask for confirmation (useful for batch mergings, should not be used on command line)
\tb : batch Merging
All biblios with the authority in -t will be modified to be "connected" to authority -f
./merge_authority.pl -f 2457 -t 531
Before doing anything, the script will show both authorities and ask for confirmation. Of course, you can merge only 2 authorities of the same kind.
my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
$|=1; # flushes output
my $authfrom = GetAuthority($mergefrom);
my $authto = GetAuthority($mergeto);
my $authtypecodefrom = GetAuthTypeCode($mergefrom);
my $authtypecodeto = GetAuthTypeCode($mergeto);
unless ($noconfirm || $batch) {
print "************\n";
print "You will merge authority : $mergefrom ($authtypecodefrom)\n".$authfrom->as_formatted;
print "\n*************\n";
print "Into authority : $mergeto ($authtypecodeto)\n".$authto->as_formatted;
print "\n\nDo you confirm (enter YES)?";
my $confirm = <STDIN>;
chop $confirm;
unless (uc($confirm) eq 'YES' and $authtypecodefrom eq $authtypecodeto) {
print "IMPOSSIBLE : authorities are not of the same type ($authtypecodefrom vs $authtypecodeto) !!!\n" if $authtypecodefrom ne $authtypecodeto;
print "Merge cancelled\n";
my $starttime = gettimeofday;
print "Merging\n" unless $noconfirm;
if ($batch) {
my $authref;
$dbh->do("update need_merge_authorities set done=2 where done=0"); #temporary status 2 means: selected for merge
$authref=$dbh->selectall_arrayref("select distinct authid from need_merge_authorities where done=2");
foreach(@$authref) {
my $authid=$_->[0];
print "managing $authid\n" if $verbose;
my $MARCauth = GetAuthority($authid) ;
next unless ($MARCauth);
merge($authid,$MARCauth,$authid,$MARCauth) if ($MARCauth);
$dbh->do("update need_merge_authorities set done=1 where done=2"); #DONE
} else {
my $MARCfrom = GetAuthority($mergefrom);
my $MARCto = GetAuthority($mergeto);
#Could add mergefrom authority to mergeto rejected forms before deletion
DelAuthority($mergefrom) if ($mergefrom != $mergeto);
my $timeneeded = gettimeofday - $starttime;
print "Done in $timeneeded seconds" unless $noconfirm;