Test plan, k-t-d, apply patches:
1) Install FreeForm backend, enable ILLModule sys pref, run:
bash <(curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ammopt/koha-ill-dev/master/start-ill-dev.sh)
2) Navigate to ILL requests, visit:
3) Click '+New ILL request', select a type, enter an existing cardnumber (e.g. '42') and pick a library. Click 'Create'.
4) Visit ILL requests again, repeat 2)
5) Notice the row for the created request has the already existing action button 'Manage request'
6) Install the ILL actions plugin, located at:
7) Restart plack, run:
koha-plack --restart kohadev
8) Repeat 4) and 5). Notice the row for the created request now has a new custom action in addition to the already existing core one.
Signed-off-by: David Nind <david@davidnind.com>
Signed-off-by: Kyle M Hall <kyle@bywatersolutions.com>
Signed-off-by: Katrin Fischer <katrin.fischer@bsz-bw.de>