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package Koha::REST::V1::Patrons;
# This file is part of Koha.
# Koha is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Koha is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Koha; if not, see <>.
use Modern::Perl;
use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious::Controller';
use Koha::DateUtils;
use Koha::Patrons;
use Scalar::Util qw(blessed);
use Try::Tiny;
=head1 NAME
=head1 API
=head2 Methods
=head3 list
Controller function that handles listing Koha::Patron objects
sub list {
my $c = shift->openapi->valid_input or return;
return try {
my $patrons_rs = Koha::Patrons->new;
my $args = $c->validation->output;
my $attributes = {};
# Extract reserved params
my ( $filtered_params, $reserved_params ) = $c->extract_reserved_params($args);
my $restricted = delete $filtered_params->{restricted};
# Merge sorting into query attributes
attributes => $attributes,
params => $reserved_params,
result_set => $patrons_rs
# Merge pagination into query attributes
filter => $attributes,
params => $reserved_params
if ( defined $filtered_params ) {
# Apply the mapping function to the passed params
$filtered_params = $patrons_rs->attributes_from_api($filtered_params);
$filtered_params = $c->build_query_params( $filtered_params, $reserved_params );
# translate 'restricted' => 'debarred'
$filtered_params->{debarred} = { '!=' => undef }
if $restricted;
my $patrons = $patrons_rs->search( $filtered_params, $attributes );
if ( $patrons_rs->is_paged ) {
total => $patrons->pager->total_entries,
params => $args,
return $c->render( status => 200, openapi => $patrons->to_api );
catch {
=head3 get
Controller function that handles retrieving a single Koha::Patron object
sub get {
my $c = shift->openapi->valid_input or return;
return try {
my $patron_id = $c->validation->param('patron_id');
my $patron = Koha::Patrons->find($patron_id);
unless ($patron) {
return $c->render( status => 404, openapi => { error => "Patron not found." } );
return $c->render( status => 200, openapi => $patron->to_api );
catch {
=head3 add
Controller function that handles adding a new Koha::Patron object
sub add {
my $c = shift->openapi->valid_input or return;
return try {
my $patron = Koha::Patron->new_from_api( $c->validation->param('body') )->store;
$c->res->headers->location( $c->req->url->to_string . '/' . $patron->borrowernumber );
return $c->render(
status => 201,
openapi => $patron->to_api
catch {
my $to_api_mapping = Koha::Patron->new->to_api_mapping;
unless ( blessed $_ && $_->can('rethrow') ) {
return $c->render(
status => 500,
openapi => { error => "Something went wrong, check Koha logs for details." }
if ( $_->isa('Koha::Exceptions::Object::DuplicateID') ) {
return $c->render(
status => 409,
openapi => { error => $_->error, conflict => $_->duplicate_id }
elsif ( $_->isa('Koha::Exceptions::Object::FKConstraint') ) {
return $c->render(
status => 400,
openapi => {
error => "Given "
. $to_api_mapping->{ $_->broken_fk }
. " does not exist"
elsif ( $_->isa('Koha::Exceptions::BadParameter') ) {
return $c->render(
status => 400,
openapi => {
error => "Given "
. $to_api_mapping->{ $_->parameter }
. " does not exist"
else {
=head3 update
Controller function that handles updating a Koha::Patron object
sub update {
my $c = shift->openapi->valid_input or return;
my $patron_id = $c->validation->param('patron_id');
my $patron = Koha::Patrons->find( $patron_id );
unless ($patron) {
return $c->render(
status => 404,
openapi => { error => "Patron not found" }
return try {
my $body = $c->validation->param('body');
my $user = $c->stash('koha.user');
if (
and !$user->is_superlibrarian
and ( exists $body->{email}
or exists $body->{secondary_email}
or exists $body->{altaddress_email} )
foreach my $email_field ( qw(email secondary_email altaddress_email) ) {
my $exists_email = exists $body->{$email_field};
next unless $exists_email;
# exists, verify if we are asked to change it
my $put_email = $body->{$email_field};
# As of writing this patch, 'email' is the only unmapped field
# (i.e. it preserves its name, hence this fallback)
my $db_email_field = $patron->to_api_mapping->{$email_field} // 'email';
my $db_email = $patron->$db_email_field;
return $c->render(
status => 403,
openapi => { error => "Not enough privileges to change a superlibrarian's email" }
unless ( !defined $put_email and !defined $db_email )
or ( defined $put_email
and defined $db_email
and $put_email eq $db_email );
return $c->render( status => 200, openapi => $patron->to_api );
catch {
unless ( blessed $_ && $_->can('rethrow') ) {
return $c->render(
status => 500,
openapi => {
error => "Something went wrong, check Koha logs for details."
if ( $_->isa('Koha::Exceptions::Object::DuplicateID') ) {
return $c->render(
status => 409,
openapi => { error => $_->error, conflict => $_->duplicate_id }
elsif ( $_->isa('Koha::Exceptions::Object::FKConstraint') ) {
return $c->render(
status => 400,
openapi => { error => "Given " .
. " does not exist" }
elsif ( $_->isa('Koha::Exceptions::MissingParameter') ) {
return $c->render(
status => 400,
openapi => {
error => "Missing mandatory parameter(s)",
parameters => $_->parameter
elsif ( $_->isa('Koha::Exceptions::BadParameter') ) {
return $c->render(
status => 400,
openapi => {
error => "Invalid parameter(s)",
parameters => $_->parameter
elsif ( $_->isa('Koha::Exceptions::NoChanges') ) {
return $c->render(
status => 204,
openapi => { error => "No changes have been made" }
else {
=head3 delete
Controller function that handles deleting a Koha::Patron object
sub delete {
my $c = shift->openapi->valid_input or return;
my $patron;
return try {
$patron = Koha::Patrons->find( $c->validation->param('patron_id') );
# check if loans, reservations, debarrment, etc. before deletion!
try {
return $c->render(
status => 204,
openapi => q{}
} catch {
if ( $_->isa('Koha::Exceptions::Patron::FailedDeleteAnonymousPatron') ) {
return $c->render(
status => 403,
openapi => { error => "Anonymous patron cannot be deleted" }
else {
catch {
unless ($patron) {
return $c->render(
status => 404,
openapi => { error => "Patron not found" }
else {
=head3 guarantors_can_see_charges
Method for setting whether guarantors can see the patron's charges.
sub guarantors_can_see_charges {
my $c = shift->openapi->valid_input or return;
return try {
if ( C4::Context->preference('AllowPatronToSetFinesVisibilityForGuarantor') ) {
my $patron = $c->stash( 'koha.user' );
my $privacy_setting = ($c->req->json->{allowed}) ? 1 : 0;
$patron->privacy_guarantor_fines( $privacy_setting )->store;
return $c->render(
status => 200,
openapi => {}
else {
return $c->render(
status => 403,
openapi => {
error =>
'The current configuration doesn\'t allow the requested action.'
catch {
=head3 guarantors_can_see_checkouts
Method for setting whether guarantors can see the patron's checkouts.
sub guarantors_can_see_checkouts {
my $c = shift->openapi->valid_input or return;
return try {
if ( C4::Context->preference('AllowPatronToSetCheckoutsVisibilityForGuarantor') ) {
my $patron = $c->stash( 'koha.user' );
my $privacy_setting = ( $c->req->json->{allowed} ) ? 1 : 0;
$patron->privacy_guarantor_checkouts( $privacy_setting )->store;
return $c->render(
status => 200,
openapi => {}
else {
return $c->render(
status => 403,
openapi => {
error =>
'The current configuration doesn\'t allow the requested action.'
catch {