Jonathan Druart 9d6d641d1f Bug 17600: Standardize our EXPORT_OK
On bug 17591 we discovered that there was something weird going on with
the way we export and use subroutines/modules.
This patch tries to standardize our EXPORT to use EXPORT_OK only.

That way we will need to explicitely define the subroutine we want to
use from a module.

This patch is a squashed version of:
Bug 17600: After export.pl
Bug 17600: After perlimport
Bug 17600: Manual changes
Bug 17600: Other manual changes after second perlimports run
Bug 17600: Fix tests

And a lot of other manual changes.

export.pl is a dirty script that can be found on bug 17600.

"perlimport" is:
git clone https://github.com/oalders/App-perlimports.git
cd App-perlimports/
cpanm --installdeps .
export PERL5LIB="$PERL5LIB:/kohadevbox/koha/App-perlimports/lib"
find . \( -name "*.pl" -o -name "*.pm" \) -exec perl App-perlimports/script/perlimports --inplace-edit --no-preserve-unused --filename {} \;

The ideas of this patch are to:
* use EXPORT_OK instead of EXPORT
* perltidy the EXPORT_OK list
* remove '&' before the subroutine names
* remove some uneeded use statements
* explicitely import the subroutines we need within the controllers or

Note that the private subroutines (starting with _) should not be
exported (and not used from outside of the module except from tests).

Export allows to export the functions and variables of modules to user’s namespace using the standard import method. This way, we don’t need to create the objects for the modules to access it’s members.

@EXPORT and @EXPORT_OK are the two main variables used during export operation.

@EXPORT contains list of symbols (subroutines and variables) of the module to be exported into the caller namespace.

@EXPORT_OK does export of symbols on demand basis.

If this patch caused a conflict with a patch you wrote prior to its
* Make sure you are not reintroducing a "use" statement that has been
* "$subroutine" is not exported by the C4::$MODULE module
means that you need to add the subroutine to the @EXPORT_OK list
* Bareword "$subroutine" not allowed while "strict subs"
means that you didn't imported the subroutine from the module:
  - use $MODULE qw( $subroutine list );
You can also use the fully qualified namespace: C4::$MODULE::$subroutine

Signed-off-by: Jonathan Druart <jonathan.druart@bugs.koha-community.org>
2021-07-16 08:58:47 +02:00

450 lines
17 KiB
Executable file

# This file is part of Koha.
# Koha is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Koha is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Koha; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses>.
use Modern::Perl;
use File::Temp;
use CGI qw ( -utf8 );
use GD;
use C4::Context;
use C4::Auth qw( get_template_and_user );
use C4::Output qw( output_and_exit output_html_with_http_headers );
use C4::Members;
use Koha::Logger;
use Koha::Patrons;
use Koha::Patron::Images;
use Koha::Token;
my $input = CGI->new;
unless (C4::Context->preference('patronimages')) {
# redirect to intranet home if patronimages is not enabled
print $input->redirect("/cgi-bin/koha/mainpage.pl");
my ($template, $loggedinuser, $cookie)
= get_template_and_user({template_name => "tools/picture-upload.tt",
query => $input,
type => "intranet",
flagsrequired => { tools => 'batch_upload_patron_images'},
our $filetype = $input->param('filetype') || '';
my $cardnumber = $input->param('cardnumber');
our $uploadfilename = $input->param('uploadfile') || '';
my $uploadfile = $input->upload('uploadfile');
my $borrowernumber = $input->param('borrowernumber');
my $op = $input->param('op') || '';
#FIXME: This code is really in the rough. The variables need to be re-scoped as the two subs depend on global vars to operate.
# Other parts of this code could be optimized as well, I think. Perhaps the file upload could be done with YUI's upload
# coded. -fbcit
our $logger = Koha::Logger->get;
$logger->debug("Params are: filetype=$filetype, cardnumber=$cardnumber, borrowernumber=$borrowernumber, uploadfile=$uploadfilename");
=head1 NAME
picture-upload.pl - Script for handling uploading of both single and bulk patronimages and importing them into the database.
This script is called and presents the user with an interface allowing him/her to upload a single patron image or bulk patron images via a zip file.
Files greater than 100K will be refused. Images should be 140x200 pixels. If they are larger they will be auto-resized to comply.
my ( $total, $handled, $tempfile, $tfh );
our @counts = ();
our %errors = ();
# Case is important in these operational values as the template must use case to be visually pleasing!
if ( ( $op eq 'Upload' ) && $uploadfile ) {
output_and_exit( $input, $cookie, $template, 'wrong_csrf_token' )
unless Koha::Token->new->check_csrf({
session_id => scalar $input->cookie('CGISESSID'),
token => scalar $input->param('csrf_token'),
my $dirname = File::Temp::tempdir( CLEANUP => 1 );
my $filesuffix;
if ( $uploadfilename =~ m/(\..+)$/i ) {
$filesuffix = $1;
( $tfh, $tempfile ) =
File::Temp::tempfile( SUFFIX => $filesuffix, UNLINK => 1 );
my ( @directories, $results );
$errors{'NOTZIP'} = 1
if ( $uploadfilename !~ /\.zip$/i && $filetype =~ m/zip/i );
$errors{'NOWRITETEMP'} = 1 unless ( -w $dirname );
$errors{'EMPTYUPLOAD'} = 1 unless ( length($uploadfile) > 0 );
if (%errors) {
$template->param( ERRORS => [ \%errors ] );
output_html_with_http_headers $input, $cookie, $template->output;
while (<$uploadfile>) {
print $tfh $_;
close $tfh;
if ( $filetype eq 'zip' ) {
qx/unzip $tempfile -d $dirname/;
my $exit_code = $?;
unless ( $exit_code == 0 ) {
$errors{'UZIPFAIL'} = $uploadfilename;
$template->param( ERRORS => [ \%errors ] );
# This error is fatal to the import, so bail out here
output_html_with_http_headers $input, $cookie, $template->output;
push @directories, "$dirname";
foreach my $recursive_dir (@directories) {
opendir RECDIR, $recursive_dir;
while ( my $entry = readdir RECDIR ) {
push @directories, "$recursive_dir/$entry"
if ( -d "$recursive_dir/$entry" and $entry !~ /^\./ );
closedir RECDIR;
foreach my $dir (@directories) {
$results = handle_dir( $dir, $filesuffix, $template );
$handled++ if $results == 1;
$total = scalar @directories;
else {
#if ($filetype eq 'zip' )
$results = handle_dir( $dirname, $filesuffix, $template, $cardnumber,
$tempfile );
$handled++ if $results == 1;
$total = 1;
if ( $results!=1 || %errors ) {
$template->param( ERRORS => [$results] );
else {
my $filecount;
map { $filecount += $_->{count} } @counts;
$logger->debug("Total directories processed: $total");
$logger->debug("Total files processed: $filecount");
TOTAL => $total,
HANDLED => $handled,
COUNTS => \@counts,
TCOUNTS => ( $filecount > 0 ? $filecount : undef ),
$template->param( borrowernumber => $borrowernumber )
if $borrowernumber;
elsif ( ( $op eq 'Upload' ) && !$uploadfile ) {
warn "Problem uploading file or no file uploaded.";
$template->param( cardnumber => $cardnumber );
$template->param( filetype => $filetype );
elsif ( $op eq 'Delete' ) {
output_and_exit( $input, $cookie, $template, 'wrong_csrf_token' )
unless Koha::Token->new->check_csrf({
session_id => scalar $input->cookie('CGISESSID'),
token => scalar $input->param('csrf_token'),
my $deleted = eval {
Koha::Patron::Images->find( $borrowernumber )->delete;
if ( $@ or not $deleted ) {
warn "Image for patron '$borrowernumber' has not been deleted";
if ( $borrowernumber && !%errors && !$template->param('ERRORS') ) {
print $input->redirect(
else {
csrf_token => Koha::Token->new->generate_csrf({
session_id => scalar $input->cookie('CGISESSID'),
output_html_with_http_headers $input, $cookie, $template->output;
sub handle_dir {
my ( $dir, $suffix, $template, $cardnumber, $source ) = @_;
my ( %counts, %direrrors );
$logger->debug("Entering sub handle_dir; passed \$dir=$dir, \$suffix=$suffix");
if ( $suffix =~ m/zip/i ) {
# If we were sent a zip file, process any included data/idlink.txt files
my ( $file, $filename );
undef $cardnumber;
$logger->debug("Passed a zip file.");
opendir DIR, $dir;
while ( my $filename = readdir DIR ) {
$file = "$dir/$filename"
if ( $filename =~ m/datalink\.txt/i
|| $filename =~ m/idlink\.txt/i );
my $fh;
unless ( open( $fh, '<', $file ) ) {
warn "Opening $dir/$file failed!";
$direrrors{'OPNLINK'} = $file;
# This error is fatal to the import of this directory contents
# so bail and return the error to the caller
return \%direrrors;
while ( my $line = <$fh> ) {
$logger->debug("Reading contents of $file");
chomp $line;
$logger->debug("Examining line: $line");
my $delim = ( $line =~ /\t/ ) ? "\t" : ( $line =~ /,/ ) ? "," : "";
$logger->debug("Delimeter is \'$delim\'");
unless ( $delim eq "," || $delim eq "\t" ) {
warn "Unrecognized or missing field delimeter. Please verify that you are using either a ',' or a 'tab'";
$direrrors{'DELERR'} = 1;
# This error is fatal to the import of this directory contents
# so bail and return the error to the caller
return \%direrrors;
( $cardnumber, $filename ) = split $delim, $line;
$cardnumber =~ s/[\"\r\n]//g; # remove offensive characters
$filename =~ s/[\"\r\n\s]//g;
$logger->debug("Cardnumber: $cardnumber Filename: $filename");
$source = "$dir/$filename";
%counts = handle_file( $cardnumber, $source, $template, %counts );
close $fh;
closedir DIR;
else {
%counts = handle_file( $cardnumber, $source, $template, %counts );
push @counts, \%counts;
return 1;
sub handle_file {
my ( $cardnumber, $source, $template, %count ) = @_;
$logger->debug("Entering sub handle_file; passed \$cardnumber=$cardnumber, \$source=$source");
$count{filenames} = () if !$count{filenames};
$count{source} = $source if !$count{source};
$count{count} = 0 unless exists $count{count};
my %filerrors;
my $filename;
if ( $filetype eq 'image' ) {
$filename = $uploadfilename;
else {
$filename = $1 if ( $source && $source =~ /\/([^\/]+)$/ );
if ( $cardnumber && $source ) {
# Now process any imagefiles
$logger->debug("Source: $source");
my $size = ( stat($source) )[7];
if ( $size > 550000 ) {
# This check is necessary even with image resizing to avoid possible security/performance issues...
$filerrors{'OVRSIZ'} = 1;
push my @filerrors, \%filerrors;
push @{ $count{filenames} },
filerrors => \@filerrors,
source => $filename,
cardnumber => $cardnumber
$template->param( ERRORS => 1 );
# this one is fatal so bail here...
return %count;
my ( $srcimage, $image );
if ( open( my $fh, '<', $source ) ) {
$srcimage = GD::Image->new($fh);
if ( defined $srcimage ) {
my $imgfile;
my $mimetype = 'image/png';
# GD autodetects three basic image formats: PNG, JPEG, XPM
# we will convert all to PNG which is lossless...
# Check the pixel size of the image we are about to import...
my ( $width, $height ) = $srcimage->getBounds();
$logger->debug("$filename is $width pix X $height pix.");
if ( $width > 200 || $height > 300 ) {
# MAX pixel dims are 200 X 300...
$logger->debug("$filename exceeds the maximum pixel dimensions of 200 X 300. Resizing...");
# Percent we will reduce the image dimensions by...
my $percent_reduce;
if ( $width > 200 ) {
# If the width is oversize, scale based on width overage...
$percent_reduce = sprintf( "%.5f", ( 140 / $width ) );
else {
# otherwise scale based on height overage.
$percent_reduce = sprintf( "%.5f", ( 200 / $height ) );
my $width_reduce =
sprintf( "%.0f", ( $width * $percent_reduce ) );
my $height_reduce =
sprintf( "%.0f", ( $height * $percent_reduce ) );
$logger->debug("Reducing $filename by "
. ( $percent_reduce * 100 )
. "\% or to $width_reduce pix X $height_reduce pix");
#'1' creates true color image...
$image = GD::Image->new( $width_reduce, $height_reduce, 1 );
$image->copyResampled( $srcimage, 0, 0, 0, 0, $width_reduce,
$height_reduce, $width, $height );
$imgfile = $image->png();
$logger->debug("$filename is "
. length($imgfile)
. " bytes after resizing.");
undef $image;
undef $srcimage; # This object can get big...
else {
$image = $srcimage;
$imgfile = $image->png();
$logger->debug("$filename is " . length($imgfile) . " bytes.");
undef $image;
undef $srcimage; # This object can get big...
$logger->debug("Image is of mimetype $mimetype");
if ($mimetype) {
my $patron = Koha::Patrons->find({ cardnumber => $cardnumber });
if ( $patron ) {
my $image = $patron->image;
$image ||= Koha::Patron::Image->new({ borrowernumber => $patron->borrowernumber });
mimetype => $mimetype,
imagefile => $imgfile,
eval { $image->store };
if ( $@ ) {
# Errors from here on are fatal only to the import of a particular image
#so don't bail, just note the error and keep going
warn "Database returned error: $@";
$filerrors{'DBERR'} = 1;
push my @filerrors, \%filerrors;
push @{ $count{filenames} },
filerrors => \@filerrors,
source => $filename,
cardnumber => $cardnumber
$template->param( ERRORS => 1 );
} else {
push @{ $count{filenames} },
{ source => $filename, cardnumber => $cardnumber };
} else {
warn "Patron with the cardnumber '$cardnumber' does not exist";
$filerrors{'CARDNUMBER_DOES_NOT_EXIST'} = 1;
push my @filerrors, \%filerrors;
push @{ $count{filenames} },
filerrors => \@filerrors,
source => $filename,
cardnumber => $cardnumber
$template->param( ERRORS => 1 );
else {
warn "Unable to determine mime type of $filename. Please verify mimetype.";
$filerrors{'MIMERR'} = 1;
push my @filerrors, \%filerrors;
push @{ $count{filenames} },
filerrors => \@filerrors,
source => $filename,
cardnumber => $cardnumber
$template->param( ERRORS => 1 );
else {
warn "Contents of $filename corrupted!";
$filerrors{'CORERR'} = 1;
push my @filerrors, \%filerrors;
push @{ $count{filenames} },
filerrors => \@filerrors,
source => $filename,
cardnumber => $cardnumber
$template->param( ERRORS => 1 );
else {
warn "Opening $source failed!";
$filerrors{'OPNERR'} = 1;
push my @filerrors, \%filerrors;
push @{ $count{filenames} },
filerrors => \@filerrors,
source => $filename,
cardnumber => $cardnumber
$template->param( ERRORS => 1 );
else {
# The need for this seems a bit unlikely, however, to maximize error trapping it is included
warn "Missing "
. (
? "filename"
: ( $filename ? "cardnumber" : "cardnumber and filename" )
$filerrors{'CRDFIL'} = (
? "filename"
: ( $filename ? "cardnumber" : "cardnumber and filename" )
push my @filerrors, \%filerrors;
push @{ $count{filenames} },
filerrors => \@filerrors,
source => $filename,
cardnumber => $cardnumber
$template->param( ERRORS => 1 );
return (%count);
=head1 AUTHORS
Original contributor(s) undocumented
Database storage, single patronimage upload option, and extensive error trapping contributed by Chris Nighswonger cnighswonger <at> foundations <dot> edu
Image scaling/resizing contributed by the same.