Magnus Enger 884b3e71d8 Bug 23391: Hide finished ILL requests
Currently, the main table of ILL requests will display all ILL
requests in the database, regardless of their status. For libraries
with active ILL this quickly leads to a lot of requests being displayed,
and the main page of the ILL module taking a long time to load. This
patch proposes to fix this by introducing the ILLHiddenRequestStatuses
syspref, which can take a pipe-separated list of ILL statuses that
will be hidden from view in the ILL module. This means that the
only way to find a hidden request will be through a report.

To test:
- Apply the patch and make sure the atomic database update is run
- Make sure you have a few ILL requests, with at least two different
- Check that all requests are still displayed in the main table of
  ILL requests
- Add one of the statuses* you have in your database to the
  ILLHiddenRequestStatuses syspref, reload the ILL module frontpage
  and verify that requests with the given status are not displayed
- Change the syspref to another status and verify requests with
  that status are now hidden
- Change the syspref to hold both statuses, separated by the pipe
  symbol (e.g.: A|B). Verify that no requests with the given
  statuses are now displayed
- Run the ILL REST API tests, e.g.:
  $ sudo koha-shell -c "prove t/db_dependent/api/v1/illrequests.t" kohadev

* = The ILLHiddenRequestStatuses syspref should hold status codes, like
"REQ" and "NEW", not their human readable counterparts.

Signed-off-by: Andrew Isherwood <andrew.isherwood@ptfs-europe.com>

Signed-off-by: Katrin Fischer <katrin.fischer@bsz-bw.de>

Signed-off-by: Jonathan Druart <jonathan.druart@bugs.koha-community.org>
2020-07-20 17:25:40 +02:00

232 lines
8 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env perl
# This file is part of Koha.
# Koha is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Koha is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Koha; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses>.
use Modern::Perl;
use Test::More tests => 1;
use Test::MockModule;
use Test::MockObject;
use Test::Mojo;
use Test::Warn;
use t::lib::TestBuilder;
use t::lib::Mocks;
use C4::Auth;
use Koha::Illrequests;
use Koha::DateUtils qw( format_sqldatetime );
my $schema = Koha::Database->new->schema;
my $builder = t::lib::TestBuilder->new;
t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference( 'SessionStorage', 'tmp' );
my $remote_address = '';
my $t = Test::Mojo->new('Koha::REST::V1');
subtest 'list() tests' => sub {
plan tests => 30;
# Mock ILLBackend (as object)
my $backend = Test::MockObject->new;
$backend->set_always('name', 'Mock');
$backend->set_always('capabilities', sub { return 'bar'; } );
sub {
my ( $self, $rq ) = @_;
return {
ID => $rq->illrequest_id,
Title => $rq->patron->borrowernumber
'status_graph', sub {},
# Mock Koha::Illrequest::load_backend (to load Mocked Backend)
my $illreqmodule = Test::MockModule->new('Koha::Illrequest');
$illreqmodule->mock( 'load_backend',
sub { my $self = shift; $self->{_my_backend} = $backend; return $self }
# ill => 22 (userflags.sql)
my ( $borrowernumber, $session_id ) = create_user_and_session({ authorized => 22 });
## Authorized user tests
# No requests, so empty array should be returned
my $tx = $t->ua->build_tx( GET => '/api/v1/illrequests' );
$tx->req->cookies( { name => 'CGISESSID', value => $session_id } );
$tx->req->env( { REMOTE_ADDR => $remote_address } );
$t->request_ok($tx)->status_is(200)->json_is( [] );
my $library = $builder->build_object( { class => 'Koha::Libraries' } );
my $patron_1 = $builder->build_object( { class => 'Koha::Patrons' } );
my $patron_2 = $builder->build_object( { class => 'Koha::Patrons' } );
# Create an ILL request
my $illrequest = $builder->build_object(
class => 'Koha::Illrequests',
value => {
backend => 'Mock',
branchcode => $library->branchcode,
borrowernumber => $patron_1->borrowernumber,
status => 'STATUS1',
# The api response is always augmented with the id_prefix
my $response = $illrequest->unblessed;
$response->{id_prefix} = $illrequest->id_prefix;
my $req_formatted = add_formatted($response);
# One illrequest created, should get returned
$tx = $t->ua->build_tx( GET => '/api/v1/illrequests' );
$tx->req->cookies( { name => 'CGISESSID', value => $session_id } );
$tx->req->env( { REMOTE_ADDR => $remote_address } );
$t->request_ok($tx)->status_is(200)->json_is( [ $req_formatted ] );
# One illrequest created, returned with augmented data
$tx = $t->ua->build_tx( GET =>
'/api/v1/illrequests?embed=patron,library,capabilities,metadata,requested_partners' );
$tx->req->cookies( { name => 'CGISESSID', value => $session_id } );
$tx->req->env( { REMOTE_ADDR => $remote_address } );
->json_has( '/0/patron', 'patron embedded' )
->json_is( '/0/patron/patron_id', $patron_1->borrowernumber, 'The right patron is embeded')
->json_has( '/0/requested_partners', 'requested_partners embedded' )
->json_has( '/0/capabilities', 'capabilities embedded' )
->json_has( '/0/library', 'library embedded' )
->json_has( '/0/metadata', 'metadata embedded' )
->json_hasnt( '/1', 'Only one request was created' );
# Create another ILL request
my $illrequest2 = $builder->build_object(
class => 'Koha::Illrequests',
value => {
backend => 'Mock',
branchcode => $library->branchcode,
borrowernumber => $patron_2->borrowernumber,
status => 'STATUS2',
# The api response is always augmented with the id_prefix
my $response2 = $illrequest2->unblessed;
$response2->{id_prefix} = $illrequest2->id_prefix;
my $req2_formatted = add_formatted($response2);
# Two illrequest created, should get returned
$tx = $t->ua->build_tx( GET => '/api/v1/illrequests' );
$tx->req->cookies( { name => 'CGISESSID', value => $session_id } );
$tx->req->env( { REMOTE_ADDR => $remote_address } );
->json_is( [ $req_formatted, $req2_formatted ] );
# Warn on unsupported query parameter
$tx = $t->ua->build_tx( GET => '/api/v1/illrequests?request_blah=blah' );
$tx->req->cookies( { name => 'CGISESSID', value => $session_id } );
$tx->req->env( { REMOTE_ADDR => $remote_address } );
[{ path => '/query/request_blah', message => 'Malformed query string'}]
# Test the borrowernumber parameter
$tx = $t->ua->build_tx( GET => '/api/v1/illrequests?borrowernumber=' .
$patron_2->borrowernumber );
$tx->req->cookies( { name => 'CGISESSID', value => $session_id } );
$tx->req->env( { REMOTE_ADDR => $remote_address } );
$t->request_ok($tx)->status_is(200)->json_is( [ $response2 ] );
# Test the ILLHiddenRequestStatuses syspref
t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference( 'ILLHiddenRequestStatuses', 'STATUS1' );
$tx = $t->ua->build_tx( GET => '/api/v1/illrequests' );
$tx->req->cookies( { name => 'CGISESSID', value => $session_id } );
$tx->req->env( { REMOTE_ADDR => $remote_address } );
->json_is( [ $req2_formatted ] );
t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference( 'ILLHiddenRequestStatuses', 'STATUS2' );
$tx = $t->ua->build_tx( GET => '/api/v1/illrequests' );
$tx->req->cookies( { name => 'CGISESSID', value => $session_id } );
$tx->req->env( { REMOTE_ADDR => $remote_address } );
->json_is( [ $req_formatted ] );
sub add_formatted {
my $req = shift;
my @format_dates = ( 'placed', 'updated', 'completed' );
# We need to embellish the request with properties that the API
# controller calculates on the fly
# Create new "formatted" columns for each date column
# that needs formatting
foreach my $field(@format_dates) {
if (defined $req->{$field}) {
$req->{$field . "_formatted"} = format_sqldatetime(
return $req;
sub create_user_and_session {
my $args = shift;
my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
my $flags = ( $args->{authorized} ) ? 2**$args->{authorized} : 0;
my $user = $builder->build(
source => 'Borrower',
value => {
flags => $flags
# Create a session for the authorized user
my $session = C4::Auth::get_session('');
$session->param( 'number', $user->{borrowernumber} );
$session->param( 'id', $user->{userid} );
$session->param( 'ip', '' );
$session->param( 'lasttime', time() );
return ( $user->{borrowernumber}, $session->id );