Marcel de Rooy 52d30fba7b Bug 15543: Use another notice in membership_expiry.pl
This patch adds a letter parameter to the cron job membership_expiry.
It is used to substitute the default notice by another one.
This could be handy if you e.g. send a reminder after the first notice.
In any case, it allows for more flexibility.

Apart from this new parameter, this patch removes the sub parse_letter from
the code. The call to GetPreparedLetter is moved to the for loop and the
call to getletter is removed (no longer needed). If there is no letter
found, the Letter module already warns you. So we just exit the loop.

Test plan:
[1] Run membership_expiry.pl -c -n -v -let NOT_EXIST
    Check if you see a warning (coming from Letters.pm)
[2] Check if you have some soon expiring patrons or add before/after
    parameter to include some.
    Run membership_expiry.pl -c -n -v [-before ?] [-after ?]
[3] Create a new notice MEMBERSHIP2. Copy the text from the original notice
    and make some adjustments.
[4] Run membership_expiry.pl -c -v -let MEMBERSHIP2 [-before ?] [-after ?].
    Be aware that this call generates email messages.
    Verify that the email contained the adjusted text.

Signed-off-by: Bernardo Gonzalez Kriegel <bgkriegel@gmail.com>

On top of Bug 14834
Work as described, tested using '-n' to see messages on terminal, e.g.
membership_expiry.pl -v -n -c -before 3 -branch BC -after 2 --letter MEMEXP2
No errors

Signed-off-by: Kyle M Hall <kyle@bywatersolutions.com>

Signed-off-by: Kyle M Hall <kyle@bywatersolutions.com>
2016-04-29 16:58:58 +00:00

198 lines
5.4 KiB
Executable file

# This file is part of Koha.
# Copyright (C) 2015 Amit Gupta (amitddng135@gmail.com)
# Koha is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Koha is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Koha; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses>.
=head1 NAME
membership_expiry.pl - cron script to put membership expiry reminders into the message queue
./membership_expiry.pl -c
or, in crontab:
0 1 * * * membership_expiry.pl -c
This script sends membership expiry reminder notices to patrons.
It queues them in the message queue, which is processed by
the process_message_queue.pl cronjob.
=head1 OPTIONS
=over 8
=item B<--help>
Print a brief help message and exits.
=item B<--man>
Prints the manual page and exits.
=item B<-v>
Verbose. Without this flag set, only fatal errors are reported.
=item B<-n>
Do not send any email. Membership expire notices that would have been sent to
the patrons are printed to standard out.
=item B<-c>
Confirm flag: Add this option. The script will only print a usage
statement otherwise.
=item B<-branch>
Optional branchcode to restrict the cronjob to that branch.
=item B<-before>
Optional parameter to extend the selection with a number of days BEFORE
the date set by the preference.
=item B<-after>
Optional parameter to extend the selection with a number of days AFTER
the date set by the preference.
=item B<-letter>
Optional parameter to use another notice than the default one.
The content of the messages is configured in Tools -> Notices and slips. Use the MEMBERSHIP_EXPIRY notice.
Typically, messages are prepared for each patron when the memberships are going to expire.
These emails are staged in the outgoing message queue, as are messages
produced by other features of Koha. This message queue must be
processed regularly by the
F<misc/cronjobs/process_message_queue.pl> program.
In the event that the C<-n> flag is passed to this program, no emails
are sent. Instead, messages are sent on standard output from this
Notices can contain variables enclosed in double angle brackets like
E<lt>E<lt>thisE<gt>E<gt>. Those variables will be replaced with values
specific to the soon expiring members.
Available variables are:
=item E<lt>E<lt>borrowers.*E<gt>E<gt>
any field from the borrowers table
=item E<lt>E<lt>branches.*E<gt>E<gt>
any field from the branches table
use Modern::Perl;
use Getopt::Long;
use Pod::Usage;
use Data::Dumper;
# find Koha's Perl modules
# test carefully before changing this
use FindBin;
eval { require "$FindBin::Bin/../kohalib.pl" };
use C4::Context;
use C4::Letters;
use C4::Log;
# These are defaults for command line options.
my $confirm; # -c: Confirm that the user has read and configured this script.
my $nomail; # -n: No mail. Will not send any emails.
my $verbose = 0; # -v: verbose
my $help = 0;
my $man = 0;
my $before = 0;
my $after = 0;
my ( $branch, $letter_type );
'help|?' => \$help,
'man' => \$man,
'c' => \$confirm,
'n' => \$nomail,
'v' => \$verbose,
'branch:s' => \$branch,
'before:i' => \$before,
'after:i' => \$after,
'letter:s' => \$letter_type,
) or pod2usage(2);
pod2usage( -verbose => 2 ) if $man;
pod2usage(1) if $help || !$confirm;
my $expdays = C4::Context->preference('MembershipExpiryDaysNotice');
if( !$expdays ) {
#If the pref is not set, we will exit
warn 'Exiting membership_expiry.pl: MembershipExpiryDaysNotice not set'
if $verbose;
my $admin_adress = C4::Context->preference('KohaAdminEmailAddress');
warn 'getting upcoming membership expires' if $verbose;
my $upcoming_mem_expires = C4::Members::GetUpcomingMembershipExpires({ branch => $branch, before => $before, after => $after });
warn 'found ' . scalar( @$upcoming_mem_expires ) . ' soon expiring members'
if $verbose;
# main loop
$letter_type = 'MEMBERSHIP_EXPIRY' if !$letter_type;
foreach my $recent ( @$upcoming_mem_expires ) {
my $from_address = $recent->{'branchemail'} || $admin_adress;
my $letter = C4::Letters::GetPreparedLetter(
module => 'members',
letter_code => $letter_type,
branchcode => $recent->{'branchcode'},
tables => {
borrowers => $recent->{'borrowernumber'},
branches => $recent->{'branchcode'},
last if !$letter; # Letters.pm already warned, just exit
if( $nomail ) {
print $letter->{'content'}."\n";
} else {
letter => $letter,
borrowernumber => $recent->{'borrowernumber'},
from_address => $from_address,
message_transport_type => 'email',