Main Koha release repository
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use Modern::Perl;
use FindBin qw( $Bin );
use Test::More;
use Test::MockModule;
use Module::Load::Conditional qw/check_install/;
if ( check_install( module => 'Test::DBIx::Class' ) ) {
plan tests => 5;
else {
plan skip_all => 'Need Test::DBIx::Class';
use Test::DBIx::Class;
fixtures_ok [
VendorEdiAccount =>
[ [ 'id', 'description', 'transport' ], [ 1, 'test vendor', 'FILE' ], ],
EdifactMessage => [
[ 'message_type', 'filename', 'raw_msg' ],
[ 'TEST', 'duplicate', 'message_contents' ],
my $filename = 'QUOTES_413514.CEQ';
my $db = Test::MockModule->new('Koha::Database');
$db->mock( _new_schema => sub { return Schema(); } );
my $trans = Koha::Edifact::Transport->new(1);
isa_ok( $trans, 'Koha::Edifact::Transport' );
my $mhash = $trans->message_hash();
$mhash->{message_type} = 'TEST'; # set a bogus message type
$trans->ingest( $mhash, $filename );
my $cnt = ResultSet('EdifactMessage')->count();
is( $cnt, 2, 'unique message name ingested' );
$trans->ingest( $mhash, $filename ); # try a repeat ingest
my $cnt2 = ResultSet('EdifactMessage')->count();
is( $cnt2, 2, 'duplicate message name not ingested' );