Nick Clemens a344710aed Bug 20741: (RM follow-up) adjust selenium tests
Signed-off-by: Nick Clemens <nick@bywatersolutions.com>
2018-09-06 12:43:20 +00:00

201 lines
7.7 KiB

# This file is part of Koha.
# Koha is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Koha is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Koha; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses>.
#This selenium test tests the Koha Administration module functionality including adding circ rules, item types and modifying frameworks
#Note: If you are testing this on kohadevbox with selenium installed in kohadevbox then you need to set the staffClientBaseURL to localhost:8080 and the OPACBaseURL to http://localhost:80
use Modern::Perl;
use C4::Context;
use Test::More tests => 1;
use t::lib::Selenium;
my $login = $ENV{KOHA_USER} || 'koha';
my $itemtype = 'UT_DVD';
my $frameworkcode = 'UTFW'; # frameworkcode is only 4 characters max!
my $branchcode = 'UT_BC';
my $av_category = 'AV_CAT_TEST';
my $category_code = 'PATRON_CAT';
our ($cleanup_needed);
eval { require Selenium::Remote::Driver; };
skip "Selenium::Remote::Driver is needed for selenium tests.", 1 if $@;
$cleanup_needed = 1;
my $s = t::lib::Selenium->new;
my $driver = $s->driver;
my $mainpage = $s->base_url . q|mainpage.pl|;
like( $driver->get_title(), qr(Log in to Koha), );
{ # Item types
# Navigate to the Administration area and create an item type
$s->click( { href => '/admin/admin-home.pl', main => 'container-main' } )
; # Koha administration
$s->click( { href => '/admin/itemtypes.pl', main_class => 'main container-fluid' } ); # Item Types
$s->click( { href => '/admin/itemtypes.pl?op=add_form', main_class => 'main container-fluid' } )
; # New item type
{ itemtype => $itemtype, description => "Digital Optical Disc" } );
href => '/admin/itemtypes.pl?op=add_form&itemtype=' . $itemtype,
main_class => 'main container-fluid'
); # New item type
{ # Circulation/fine rules
$s->click( { href => '/admin/admin-home.pl', main => 'container-main' } )
; # Koha administration
$s->click( { href => '/admin/smart-rules.pl', main_class => 'main container-fluid' } )
; # Circulation and fines rules
# TODO Create smart navigation here
{ # Biblio frameworks
$s->click( { href => '/admin/admin-home.pl', main => 'container-main' } )
; # Koha administration
$s->click( { href => '/admin/biblio_framework.pl', main_class => 'main container-fluid' } )
; # MARC bibliographic framework
{ href => '/admin/biblio_framework.pl?op=add_form', main_class => 'main container-fluid' } )
; # New framework
frameworkcode => $frameworkcode,
description => 'just a description'
$s->click( { id => 'frameworkactions' . $frameworkcode } );
href => 'marctagstructure.pl?frameworkcode=' . $frameworkcode,
main_class => 'main container-fluid'
); # MARC structure # FIXME '/admin/' is missing in the url
# TODO Click on OK to create the MARC structure
{ #Libraries
$s->click( { href => '/admin/admin-home.pl', main => 'container-main' } )
; # Koha administration
$s->click( { href => '/admin/branches.pl', main_class => 'main container-fluid' } )
; # Libraries and groups
$s->click( { href => '/admin/branches.pl?op=add_form', main_class => 'main container-fluid' } )
; # New library
$s->fill_form( { branchcode => $branchcode, branchname => 'my library' } );
href => '/admin/branches.pl?op=add_form&branchcode=' . $branchcode,
main_class => 'main container-fluid'
); # Edit
$s->fill_form( { branchname => 'another branchname' } );
id => 'delete_library_'.$branchcode,
); # Delete
{ #Authorized values
$s->click( { href => '/admin/admin-home.pl', main => 'container-main' } ); #Koha administration
$s->click( { href => '/admin/authorised_values.pl', main_class => 'main container-fluid' } ); #Authorized values
$s->click( { href => { 'ends-with' => '/admin/authorised_values.pl?op=add_form' }, main_class => 'main container-fluid' } ); # New category
$s->fill_form( { category => $av_category } );
href => '/admin/authorised_values.pl?op=add_form&category=' . $av_category,
main_class => 'main container-fluid'
); # New authorised value for ...
authorised_value => "$av_category" . "_xxx",
lib => "This is a description for staff",
lib_opac => "This is a description for OPAC"
my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
my ( $av_id ) = $dbh->selectrow_array(q|
SELECT id FROM authorised_values WHERE category=?|, undef, $av_category );
href => '/admin/authorised_values.pl?op=delete&searchfield=' . $av_category . '&id=' . $av_id,
main_class => 'main container-fluid'
$s->driver->accept_alert; # Accept the modal "Are you sure you want to delete this authorized value?"
{ # Patron categories
$s->click( { href => '/admin/admin-home.pl', main => 'container-main' } ); # Koha administration
$s->click( { href => '/admin/categories.pl', main_class => 'main container-fluid' } ); # Patron categories
$s->click( { href => '/admin/categories.pl?op=add_form', main_class => 'main container-fluid' } ); # New patron category
$s->fill_form( { categorycode => $category_code, description => 'Test category', enrolmentperiod => 12, category_type => 'A' } );
href => '/admin/categories.pl?op=delete_confirm&categorycode=' . $category_code,
main_class => 'main container-fluid'
); # Delete button
$s->submit_form; # Delete this category
# TODO Make sure the category has been deleted
cleanup() if $cleanup_needed;
sub cleanup {
my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
$dbh->do(q|DELETE FROM itemtypes WHERE itemtype=?|, undef, $itemtype);
$dbh->do(q|DELETE FROM biblio_framework WHERE frameworkcode=?|, undef, $frameworkcode);
$dbh->do(q|DELETE FROM branches WHERE branchcode=?|, undef, $branchcode);
$dbh->do(q|DELETE FROM authorised_value_categories WHERE category_name=?|, undef, $av_category);
$dbh->do(q|DELETE FROM categories WHERE categorycode=?|, undef, $category_code);