Mason James 7eef4c8c70 Bug 5668 - Star ratings in the opac
patch applied to commit eb3dc448d2

Signed-off-by: Nicole C. Engard <nengard@bywatersolutions.com>

Turned on star ratings in the opac on details and results
Searched for titles - saw the stars
Clicked on a title
Clicked on the stars
Clicked on the stars to change my rating
Logged out
Tried to click on stars
Logged in as different user
Rated items that were rated already and saw average change
Changed preference to show only on detail and repeated tests
Changed preference to now show stars

All above tests passed. Signing off.

Rebased 3-19-12 by Ian Walls

Signed-off-by: Paul Poulain <paul.poulain@biblibre.com>
2012-04-10 14:40:49 +02:00

392 lines
16 KiB

### jQuery Star Rating Plugin v3.14 - 2012-01-26 ###
* Home: http://www.fyneworks.com/jquery/star-rating/
* Code: http://code.google.com/p/jquery-star-rating-plugin/
* Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses:
* http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
* http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
;if(window.jQuery) (function($){
// IE6 Background Image Fix
if ($.browser.msie) try { document.execCommand("BackgroundImageCache", false, true)} catch(e) { };
// Thanks to http://www.visualjquery.com/rating/rating_redux.html
// plugin initialization
$.fn.rating = function(options){
if(this.length==0) return this; // quick fail
// Handle API methods
if(typeof arguments[0]=='string'){
// Perform API methods on individual elements
var args = arguments;
return this.each(function(){
$.fn.rating.apply($(this), args);
// Invoke API method handler
$.fn.rating[arguments[0]].apply(this, $.makeArray(arguments).slice(1) || []);
// Quick exit...
return this;
// Initialize options for this call
var options = $.extend(
{}/* new object */,
$.fn.rating.options/* default options */,
options || {} /* just-in-time options */
// Allow multiple controls with the same name by making each call unique
// loop through each matched element
// Load control parameters / find context / etc
var control, input = $(this);
var eid = (this.name || 'unnamed-rating').replace(/\[|\]/g, '_').replace(/^\_+|\_+$/g,'');
var context = $(this.form || document.body);
// FIX: http://code.google.com/p/jquery-star-rating-plugin/issues/detail?id=23
var raters = context.data('rating');
if(!raters || raters.call!=$.fn.rating.calls) raters = { count:0, call:$.fn.rating.calls };
var rater = raters[eid];
// if rater is available, verify that the control still exists
if(rater) control = rater.data('rating');
if(rater && control)//{// save a byte!
// add star to control if rater is available and the same control still exists
//}// save a byte!
// create new control if first star or control element was removed/replaced
// Initialize options for this rater
control = $.extend(
{}/* new object */,
options || {} /* current call options */,
($.metadata? input.metadata(): ($.meta?input.data():null)) || {}, /* metadata options */
{ count:0, stars: [], inputs: [] }
// increment number of rating controls
control.serial = raters.count++;
// create rating element
rater = $('<span class="star-rating-control"/>');
// Mark element for initialization (once all stars are ready)
// Accept readOnly setting from 'disabled' property
if(input.attr('disabled') || input.hasClass('disabled')) control.readOnly = true;
// Accept required setting from class property (class='required')
if(input.hasClass('required')) control.required = true;
// Create 'cancel' button
control.cancel = $('<div class="rating-cancel"><a title="' + control.cancel + '">' + control.cancelValue + '</a></div>')
.data('rating', control)
}; // first element of group
// insert rating star
var star = $('<div class="star-rating rater-'+ control.serial +'"><a title="' + (this.title || this.value) + '">' + this.value + '</a></div>');
// inherit attributes from input element
if(this.id) star.attr('id', this.id);
if(this.className) star.addClass(this.className);
// Half-stars?
if(control.half) control.split = 2;
// Prepare division control
if(typeof control.split=='number' && control.split>0){
var stw = ($.fn.width ? star.width() : 0) || control.starWidth;
var spi = (control.count % control.split), spw = Math.floor(stw/control.split);
// restrict star's width and hide overflow (already in CSS)
// move the star left by using a negative margin
// this is work-around to IE's stupid box model (position:relative doesn't work)
.find('a').css({ 'margin-left':'-'+ (spi*spw) +'px' })
// readOnly?
if(control.readOnly)//{ //save a byte!
// Mark star as readOnly so user can customize display
//} //save a byte!
else//{ //save a byte!
// Enable hover css effects
// Attach mouse events
//}; //save a byte!
// set current selection
if(this.checked) control.current = star;
// set current select for links
control.current = star;
// hide input element
// backward compatibility, form element to plugin
// attach reference to star to input element and vice-versa
star.data('rating.input', input.data('rating.star', star));
// store control information in form (or body when form not available)
control.stars[control.stars.length] = star[0];
control.inputs[control.inputs.length] = input[0];
control.rater = raters[eid] = rater;
control.context = context;
input.data('rating', control);
rater.data('rating', control);
star.data('rating', control);
context.data('rating', raters);
}); // each element
// Initialize ratings (first draw)
return this; // don't break the chain...
### Core functionality and API ###
$.extend($.fn.rating, {
// Used to append a unique serial number to internal control ID
// each time the plugin is invoked so same name controls can co-exist
calls: 0,
focus: function(){
var control = this.data('rating'); if(!control) return this;
if(!control.focus) return this; // quick fail if not required
// find data for event
var input = $(this).data('rating.input') || $( this.tagName=='INPUT' ? this : null );
// focus handler, as requested by focusdigital.co.uk
if(control.focus) control.focus.apply(input[0], [input.val(), $('a', input.data('rating.star'))[0]]);
}, // $.fn.rating.focus
blur: function(){
var control = this.data('rating'); if(!control) return this;
if(!control.blur) return this; // quick fail if not required
// find data for event
var input = $(this).data('rating.input') || $( this.tagName=='INPUT' ? this : null );
// blur handler, as requested by focusdigital.co.uk
if(control.blur) control.blur.apply(input[0], [input.val(), $('a', input.data('rating.star'))[0]]);
}, // $.fn.rating.blur
fill: function(){ // fill to the current mouse position.
var control = this.data('rating'); if(!control) return this;
// do not execute when control is in read-only mode
if(control.readOnly) return;
// Reset all stars and highlight them up to this element
this.prevAll().andSelf().filter('.rater-'+ control.serial).addClass('star-rating-hover');
},// $.fn.rating.fill
drain: function() { // drain all the stars.
var control = this.data('rating'); if(!control) return this;
// do not execute when control is in read-only mode
if(control.readOnly) return;
// Reset all stars
control.rater.children().filter('.rater-'+ control.serial).removeClass('star-rating-on').removeClass('star-rating-hover');
},// $.fn.rating.drain
draw: function(){ // set value and stars to reflect current selection
var control = this.data('rating'); if(!control) return this;
// Clear all stars
// Set control value
control.current.prevAll().andSelf().filter('.rater-'+ control.serial).addClass('star-rating-on');
// Show/hide 'cancel' button
control.cancel[control.readOnly || control.required?'hide':'show']();
// Add/remove read-only classes to remove hand pointer
},// $.fn.rating.draw
select: function(value,wantCallBack){ // select a value
// ***** MODIFICATION *****
// Thanks to faivre.thomas - http://code.google.com/p/jquery-star-rating-plugin/issues/detail?id=27
// ***** added Parameter wantCallBack : false if you don't want a callback. true or undefined if you want postback to be performed at the end of this method'
// ***** recursive calls to this method were like : ... .rating('select') it's now like .rating('select',undefined,wantCallBack); (parameters are set.)
// ***** line which is calling callback
// ***** /LIST OF MODIFICATION *****
var control = this.data('rating'); if(!control) return this;
// do not execute when control is in read-only mode
if(control.readOnly) return;
// clear selection
control.current = null;
// programmatically (based on user input)
if(typeof value!='undefined'){
// select by index (0 based)
if(typeof value=='number')
return $(control.stars[value]).rating('select',undefined,wantCallBack);
// select by literal value (must be passed as a string
if(typeof value=='string')
$.each(control.stars, function(){
if($(this).data('rating.input').val()==value) $(this).rating('select',undefined,wantCallBack);
control.current = this[0].tagName=='INPUT' ?
this.data('rating.star') :
(this.is('.rater-'+ control.serial) ? this : null);
// Update rating control state
this.data('rating', control);
// Update display
// find data for event
var input = $( control.current ? control.current.data('rating.input') : null );
// click callback, as requested here: http://plugins.jquery.com/node/1655
// **** MODIFICATION *****
// Thanks to faivre.thomas - http://code.google.com/p/jquery-star-rating-plugin/issues/detail?id=27
//old line doing the callback :
//if(control.callback) control.callback.apply(input[0], [input.val(), $('a', control.current)[0]]);// callback event
//new line doing the callback (if i want :)
if((wantCallBack ||wantCallBack == undefined) && control.callback) control.callback.apply(input[0], [input.val(), $('a', control.current)[0]]);// callback event
//to ensure retro-compatibility, wantCallBack must be considered as true by default
// **** /MODIFICATION *****
},// $.fn.rating.select
readOnly: function(toggle, disable){ // make the control read-only (still submits value)
var control = this.data('rating'); if(!control) return this;
// setread-only status
control.readOnly = toggle || toggle==undefined ? true : false;
// enable/disable control value submission
if(disable) $(control.inputs).attr("disabled", "disabled");
else $(control.inputs).removeAttr("disabled");
// Update rating control state
this.data('rating', control);
// Update display
},// $.fn.rating.readOnly
disable: function(){ // make read-only and never submit value
this.rating('readOnly', true, true);
},// $.fn.rating.disable
enable: function(){ // make read/write and submit value
this.rating('readOnly', false, false);
}// $.fn.rating.select
### Default Settings ###
eg.: You can override default control like this:
$.fn.rating.options.cancel = 'Clear';
$.fn.rating.options = { //$.extend($.fn.rating, { options: {
cancel: 'Cancel Rating', // advisory title for the 'cancel' link
cancelValue: '', // value to submit when user click the 'cancel' link
split: 0, // split the star into how many parts?
// Width of star image in case the plugin can't work it out. This can happen if
// the jQuery.dimensions plugin is not available OR the image is hidden at installation
starWidth: 16//,
//NB.: These don't need to be pre-defined (can be undefined/null) so let's save some code!
//half: false, // just a shortcut to control.split = 2
//required: false, // disables the 'cancel' button so user can only select one of the specified values
//readOnly: false, // disable rating plugin interaction/ values cannot be changed
//focus: function(){}, // executed when stars are focused
//blur: function(){}, // executed when stars are focused
//callback: function(){}, // executed when a star is clicked
}; //} });
### Default implementation ###
The plugin will attach itself to file inputs
with the class 'multi' when the page loads