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Additional Author *****
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AMOUNT *****
An Error has Occurred *****
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Apr *****
Aug *****
Author *****
Available *****
Barcode *****
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bgcolor='#ffffcc'> *****
Biblio number *****
Biblionumber *****
Cancelled *****
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days *****
Dec *****
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Easy / Picture Books *****
Easy Reader *****
Email *****
End reserve on this date *****
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Feb *****
Fiction *****
Firstname *****
Free Software ILS *****
GROUP - *****
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Illus *****
Illustrator *****
in *****
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ISBN *****
Item Count *****
Item lost *****
Item Type *****
Itemtype *****
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Junior Fiction *****
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KOHA: OPAC Catalogue Search *****
Last borrowed *****
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Not Reservable *****
Note that if you enter a value in Keyword and a value somewhere else, only keyword will be used *****
Note there will be a reserve charge of *****
Notes *****
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Oct *****
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Online *****
opac *****
OR *****
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Pages *****
Paid for *****
Password *****
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Place *****
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Please confirm that you wish to request an item of these types *****
Please select the branch from which you want to collect the item *****
Please select which item types are ok for you. The first of these item that matches one of these types that becomes available will be set kept for you. *****
Please, change what's needed. An email will be sent to the library. *****
Published by *****
Publisher *****
Recent acquisitions *****
records. *****
Reference Books *****
Renewals *****
Rental Charge *****
Replacement Price *****
Request *****
Reserve date *****
Reserve on this date *****
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reserves already on this item. *****
Results *****
Results through of records. *****
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search *****
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Sep *****
Serial *****
Size *****
Something new ? *****
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Teacher Reference *****
text/html; charset=iso8859-1 *****
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Title *****
to Koha *****
Total Due *****
Total Number of Items *****
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Type in the box and press the enter key. *****
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Young Adult Fiction *****
Your changes won't appear until the library has validated them. *****