Jonathan Druart 18e808240f
Bug 34478: op =~ ^cud- in pl/pm
This is the result of
  bash op_must_start_with_cud-perl.sh

Signed-off-by: Jonathan Druart <jonathan.druart@bugs.koha-community.org>
2024-03-01 10:56:11 +01:00

331 lines
11 KiB
Executable file

# Copyright 2010 BibLibre
# This file is part of Koha.
# Koha is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Koha is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Koha; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses>.
use Modern::Perl;
use CGI qw ( -utf8 );
use C4::Auth qw( get_template_and_user );
use C4::Context;
use C4::Koha qw( GetAuthorisedValues );
use C4::Output qw( output_html_with_http_headers );
use C4::Reports qw( GetDelimiterChoices );
use C4::Members;
use Koha::AuthorisedValues;
use Koha::ItemTypes;
use Koha::Libraries;
use Koha::Patron::Categories;
use List::MoreUtils qw( any );
=head1 NAME
Plugin that shows reserve stats
my $input = CGI->new;
my $fullreportname = "reports/reserves_stats.tt";
my $do_it = $input->param('cud-do_it');
my $line = $input->param("Line");
my $column = $input->param("Column");
my $calc = $input->param("Cellvalue");
my $output = $input->param("output");
my $basename = $input->param("basename");
my $hash_params = $input->Vars;
my $filter_hashref;
foreach my $filter (grep {$_ =~/^filter/} keys %$hash_params){
my $filterstring=$filter;
$$filter_hashref{$filterstring}=$$hash_params{$filter} if (defined $$hash_params{$filter} && $$hash_params{$filter} ne "");
my ($template, $borrowernumber, $cookie) = get_template_and_user({
template_name => $fullreportname,
query => $input,
type => "intranet",
flagsrequired => {reports => '*'},
our $sep = C4::Context->csv_delimiter(scalar $input->param("sep"));
$template->param(do_it => $do_it,
my @patron_categories = Koha::Patron::Categories->search_with_library_limits({}, {order_by => ['description']})->as_list;
my $locations = { map { ( $_->{authorised_value} => $_->{lib} ) } Koha::AuthorisedValues->get_descriptions_by_koha_field( { frameworkcode => '', kohafield => 'items.location' }, { order_by => ['description'] } ) };
my $ccodes = { map { ( $_->{authorised_value} => $_->{lib} ) } Koha::AuthorisedValues->get_descriptions_by_koha_field( { frameworkcode => '', kohafield => 'items.ccode' }, { order_by => ['description'] } ) };
my $Bsort1 = GetAuthorisedValues("Bsort1");
my $Bsort2 = GetAuthorisedValues("Bsort2");
my ($hassort1,$hassort2);
$hassort1=1 if $Bsort1;
$hassort2=1 if $Bsort2;
if ($do_it) {
# Displaying results
my $results = calculate($line, $column, $calc, $filter_hashref);
if ($output eq "screen"){
# Printing results to screen
$template->param(mainloop => $results);
output_html_with_http_headers $input, $cookie, $template->output;
} else {
# Printing to a csv file
print $input->header(-type => 'application/vnd.sun.xml.calc',
-encoding => 'utf-8',
-filename=>"$basename.csv" );
my $cols = @$results[0]->{loopcol};
my $lines = @$results[0]->{looprow};
# header top-right
print @$results[0]->{line} ."/". @$results[0]->{column} .$sep;
# Other header
foreach my $col ( @$cols ) {
print $col->{coltitle}.$sep;
print "Total\n";
# Table
foreach my $line ( @$lines ) {
my $x = $line->{loopcell};
print $line->{rowtitle}.$sep;
print map {$_->{value}.$sep} @$x;
print $line->{totalrow}, "\n";
# footer
print "TOTAL";
$cols = @$results[0]->{loopfooter};
print map {$sep.$_->{totalcol}} @$cols;
print $sep.@$results[0]->{total};
exit; # exit either way after $do_it
my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
my $itemtypes = Koha::ItemTypes->search_with_localization;
# location list
my @locations;
foreach (sort keys %$locations) {
push @locations, { code => $_, description => "$_ - " . $locations->{$_} };
my @ccodes;
foreach (sort {$ccodes->{$a} cmp $ccodes->{$b}} keys %$ccodes) {
push @ccodes, { code => $_, description => $ccodes->{$_} };
# various
my $CGIextChoice = ( 'CSV' ); # FIXME translation
my $CGIsepChoice=GetDelimiterChoices;
categoryloop => \@patron_categories,
itemtypes => $itemtypes,
locationloop => \@locations,
ccodeloop => \@ccodes,
hassort1=> $hassort1,
hassort2=> $hassort2,
Bsort1 => $Bsort1,
Bsort2 => $Bsort2,
CGIextChoice => $CGIextChoice,
CGIsepChoice => $CGIsepChoice,
output_html_with_http_headers $input, $cookie, $template->output;
sub calculate {
my ($linefield, $colfield, $process, $filters_hashref) = @_;
my @loopfooter;
my @loopcol;
my @loopline;
my @looprow;
my %globalline;
my $grantotal =0;
# extract parameters
my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
# Filters
# Checking filters
my @loopfilter;
foreach my $filter ( keys %$filters_hashref ) {
$filters_hashref->{$filter} =~ s/\*/%/;
@loopfilter = map {
crit => $_,
filter => $filters_hashref->{$_},
} sort keys %$filters_hashref;
my $linesql=changeifreservestatus($linefield);
my $colsql=changeifreservestatus($colfield);
#Initialization of cell values.....
# preparing calculation
my $strcalc = "(SELECT $linesql line, $colsql col, ";
$strcalc .= ($process == 1) ? " COUNT(*) calculation" :
($process == 2) ? "(COUNT(DISTINCT reserves.borrowernumber)) calculation" :
($process == 3) ? "(COUNT(DISTINCT reserves.itemnumber)) calculation" :
($process == 4) ? "(COUNT(DISTINCT reserves.biblionumber)) calculation" : '*';
$strcalc .= "
FROM (select * from reserves union select * from old_reserves) reserves
LEFT JOIN borrowers USING (borrowernumber)
$strcalc .= "LEFT JOIN biblio ON reserves.biblionumber=biblio.biblionumber "
if ($linefield =~ /^biblio\./ or $colfield =~ /^biblio\./ or any {$_=~/biblio/}keys %$filters_hashref);
$strcalc .= "LEFT JOIN items ON reserves.itemnumber=items.itemnumber "
if ($linefield =~ /^items\./ or $colfield =~ /^items\./ or any {$_=~/items/}keys %$filters_hashref);
my @sqlparams;
my @sqlorparams;
my @sqlor;
my @sqlwhere;
foreach my $filter (keys %$filters_hashref){
my $string;
my $stringfield=$filter;
if ($filter=~/ /){
elsif ($filter=~/_or/){
push @sqlor, qq{( }.changeifreservestatus($filter)." = ? ) ";
push @sqlorparams, $$filters_hashref{$filter};
elsif ($filter=~/_endex$/){
$string = " $stringfield < ? ";
elsif ($filter=~/_end$/){
$string = " $stringfield <= ? ";
elsif ($filter=~/_begin$/){
$string = " $stringfield >= ? ";
else {
$string = " $stringfield LIKE ? ";
if ($string){
push @sqlwhere, $string;
push @sqlparams, $$filters_hashref{$filter};
$strcalc .= " WHERE ".join(" AND ",@sqlwhere) if (@sqlwhere);
$strcalc .= " AND (".join(" OR ",@sqlor).")" if (@sqlor);
$strcalc .= " GROUP BY line, col )";
my $dbcalc = $dbh->prepare($strcalc);
push @loopfilter, {crit=>'SQL =', sql=>1, filter=>$strcalc};
my $data = $dbcalc->fetchall_hashref([qw(line col)]);
my %cols_hash;
foreach my $row (keys %$data){
push @loopline, $row;
foreach my $col (keys %{$$data{$row}}){
$cols_hash{$col}=1 ;
my $urlbase="do_it=1&amp;".join("&amp;",map{"filter_$_=$$filters_hashref{$_}"} keys %$filters_hashref);
foreach my $row (sort @loopline) {
my @loopcell;
#@loopcol ensures the order for columns is common with column titles
# and the number matches the number of columns
foreach my $col (sort keys %cols_hash) {
push @loopcell, {value =>( $$data{$row}{$col}{calculation} or ""),
# url_complement=>($urlbase=~/&amp;$/?$urlbase."&amp;":$urlbase)."filter_$linefield=$row&amp;filter_$colfield=$col"
push @looprow, {
'rowtitle_display' => display_value($linefield,$row),
'rowtitle' => $row,
'loopcell' => \@loopcell,
'totalrow' => $$data{$row}{totalrow}
for my $col ( sort keys %cols_hash ) {
my $total = 0;
foreach my $row (@loopline) {
$total += $data->{$row}{$col}{calculation} if $data->{$row}{$col}{calculation};
push @loopfooter, {'totalcol' => $total};
push @loopcol, {'coltitle' => $col,
# the header of the table
# the core of the table
$globalline{looprow} = \@looprow;
$globalline{loopcol} = \@loopcol;
# # the foot (totals by borrower type)
$globalline{loopfooter} = \@loopfooter;
$globalline{total} = $grantotal;
$globalline{line} = $linefield;
$globalline{column} = $colfield;
return [(\%globalline)];
sub display_value {
my ( $crit, $value ) = @_;
my $locations = { map { ( $_->{authorised_value} => $_->{lib} ) } Koha::AuthorisedValues->get_descriptions_by_koha_field( { frameworkcode => '', kohafield => 'items.location' }, { order_by => ['description'] } ) };
my $ccodes = { map { ( $_->{authorised_value} => $_->{lib} ) } Koha::AuthorisedValues->get_descriptions_by_koha_field( { frameworkcode => '', kohafield => 'items.ccode' }, { order_by => ['description'] } ) };
my $Bsort1 = GetAuthorisedValues("Bsort1");
my $Bsort2 = GetAuthorisedValues("Bsort2");
my $display_value =
( $crit =~ /ccode/ ) ? $ccodes->{$value}
: ( $crit =~ /location/ ) ? $locations->{$value}
: ( $crit =~ /itemtype/ ) ? Koha::ItemTypes->find( $value )->translated_description
: ( $crit =~ /branch/ ) ? Koha::Libraries->find($value)->branchname
: $value; # default fallback
if ($crit =~ /sort1/) {
foreach (@$Bsort1) {
($value eq $_->{authorised_value}) or next;
$display_value = $_->{lib} and last;
elsif ($crit =~ /sort2/) {
foreach (@$Bsort2) {
($value eq $_->{authorised_value}) or next;
$display_value = $_->{lib} and last;
elsif ( $crit =~ /category/ ) {
my @patron_categories = Koha::Patron::Categories->search_with_library_limits({}, {order_by => ['description']})->as_list;
foreach my $patron_category ( @patron_categories ) {
( $value eq $patron_category->categorycode ) or next;
$display_value = $patron_category->description and last;
return $display_value;
sub changeifreservestatus{
my ( $field ) = @_;
return $field unless $field =~ /reservestatus/;
# For reservestatus we return C- Cancelled, W- Waiting, F- Filled, P- Placed (or other like processing, transit etc.)
return q|CASE WHEN cancellationdate IS NOT NULL THEN 'C' WHEN found='W' THEN 'W' WHEN found='F' THEN 'F' ELSE 'P' END|;