Henri-Damien LAURENT 30e6a55268 Changes to install.pl
Changing structure :
adding a marcflavour directory to data/language/
This directory shall have the same subdirectory structure as /data/language
This allows for instance adding optionals CD-Framework or Serials Frameworks
keeping default frameworks mandatory.
install.pl was changed in order to manage those changes.
Could be changed in order to skip marcflavour selection if marcflavour directory is not found.

Signed-off-by: Chris Cormack <crc@liblime.com>
Signed-off-by: Joshua Ferraro <jmf@liblime.com>
2007-10-29 17:44:07 -05:00

646 lines
25 KiB
Executable file

#!/usr/bin/perl -w # please develop with -w
#use diagnostics;
# use Install;
use InstallAuth;
use C4::Context;
use C4::Output;
use C4::Languages;
use strict; # please develop with the strict pragma
use CGI;
my $query = new CGI;
my $step = $query->param('step');
my $language = $query->param('language');
my ( $template, $loggedinuser, $cookie );
my $all_languages = getAllLanguages();
if ( defined($language) ) {
setlanguagecookie( $query, $language, "install.pl?step=1" );
( $template, $loggedinuser, $cookie ) = get_template_and_user(
template_name => "installer/step" . ( $step ? $step : 1 ) . ".tmpl",
query => $query,
type => "intranet",
authnotrequired => 0,
debug => 1,
my %info;
$info{'dbname'} = C4::Context->config("database");
$info{'dbms'} =
( C4::Context->config("db_scheme")
? C4::Context->config("db_scheme")
: "mysql" );
$info{'hostname'} = C4::Context->config("hostname");
( $info{'hostname'}, $info{'port'} ) = ( $1, $2 )
if $info{'hostname'} =~ /([^:]*):([0-9]+)/;
$info{'user'} = C4::Context->config("user");
$info{'password'} = C4::Context->config("pass");
my $dbh = DBI->connect(
. ( $info{port} ? ":$info{port}" : "" ),
$info{'user'}, $info{'password'}
if ( $step && $step == 1 ) {
#First Step
#Checking ALL perl Modules and services needed are installed.
#Whenever there is an error, adding a report to the page
$template->param( language => 1 );
my $problem;
unless ( $] >= 5.006001 ) { # Bug 179
$template->param( "problems" => 1, "perlversion" => 1 );
$problem = 1;
# We could here use a special find
my @missing = ();
unless ( eval { require ZOOM } ) {
push @missing, { name => "ZOOM" };
unless ( eval { require LWP::Simple } ) {
push @missing, { name => "LWP::Simple" };
unless ( eval { require XML::Simple } ) {
push @missing, { name => "XML::Simple" };
unless ( eval { require MARC::File::XML } ) {
push @missing, { name => "MARC::File::XML" };
unless ( eval { require MARC::File::USMARC } ) {
push @missing, { name => "MARC::File::USMARC" };
unless ( eval { require DBI } ) {
push @missing, { name => "DBI" };
unless ( eval { require Date::Manip } ) {
push @missing, { name => "Date::Manip" };
unless ( eval { require DBD::mysql } ) {
push @missing, { name => "DBD::mysql" };
unless ( eval { require HTML::Template } ) {
push @missing, { name => "HTML::Template::Pro" };
unless ( eval { require HTML::Template } ) {
push @missing, { name => "Date::Calc" };
unless ( eval { require Digest::MD5 } ) {
push @missing, { name => "Digest::MD5" };
unless ( eval { require MARC::Record } ) {
push @missing, { name => "MARC::Record" };
unless ( eval { require Mail::Sendmail } ) {
push @missing, { name => "Mail::Sendmail", usagemail => 1 };
unless ( eval { require List::MoreUtils } ) {
push @missing, { name => "List::MoreUtils" };
unless ( eval { require XML::RSS } ) {
push @missing, { name => "XML::RSS" };
unless ( eval { require CGI::Carp } ) {
push @missing, { name => "CGI::Carp" };
# The following modules are not mandatory, depends on how the library want to use Koha
unless ( eval { require PDF::API2 } ) {
if ( $#missing >= 0 ) { # only when $#missing >= 0 so this isn't fatal
push @missing, { name => "PDF::API2", usagebarcode => 1 };
unless ( eval { require GD::Barcorde } ) {
if ( $#missing >= 0 ) { # only when $#missing >= 0 so this isn't fatal
push @missing,
{ name => "GD::Barcode", usagebarcode => 1, usagespine => 1 };
unless ( eval { require Data::Random } ) {
if ( $#missing >= 0 ) { # only when $#missing >= 0 so this isn't fatal
push @missing, { name => "Data::Random", usagebarcode => 1 };
unless ( eval { require PDF::Reuse::Barcode } ) {
if ( $#missing >= 0 ) { # only when $#missing >= 0 so this isn't fatal
push @missing, { name => "PDF::Reuse::Barcode", usagebarcode => 1 };
unless ( eval { require PDF::Report } ) {
if ( $#missing >= 0 ) { # only when $#missing >= 0 so this isn't fatal
push @missing, { name => "PDF::Report", usagebarcode => 1 };
unless ( eval { require Net::LDAP } ) {
if ( $#missing >= 0 ) { # only when $#missing >= 0 so this isn't fatal
push @missing, { name => "Algorithm::CheckDigits", usagebarcode => 1 };
unless ( eval { require GD::Barcode::UPCE } ) {
if ( $#missing >= 0 ) { # only when $#missing >= 0 so this isn't fatal
push @missing, { name => "GD::Barcode::UPCE", usagepine => 1 };
unless ( eval { require Net::LDAP } ) {
if ( $#missing >= 0 ) { # only when $#missing >= 0 so this isn't fatal
push @missing, { name => "Net::LDAP", usageLDAP => 1 };
$template->param( missings => \@missing ) if ( scalar(@missing) > 0 );
$template->param( 'checkmodule' => 1 )
unless ( scalar(@missing) && $problem );
elsif ( $step && $step == 2 ) {
#STEP 2 Check Database connection and access
my $checkmysql = $query->param("checkmysql");
$template->param( 'mysqlconnection' => $checkmysql );
if ($checkmysql) {
if ($dbh) {
# Can connect to the mysql
$template->param( "checkdatabaseaccess" => 1 );
if ( $info{dbms} eq "mysql" ) {
#Check if database created
my $rv = $dbh->do("SHOW DATABASES LIKE \'$info{dbname}\'");
if ( $rv == 1 ) {
$template->param( 'checkdatabasecreated' => 1 );
#Check if user have all necessary grants on this database.
my $rq =
"SHOW GRANTS FOR \'$info{user}\'\@'$info{hostname}'");
my $grantaccess;
while ( my ($line) = $rq->fetchrow ) {
my $dbname = $info{dbname};
if ( $line =~ m/$dbname/ || index( $line, '*.*' ) > 0 ) {
$grantaccess = 1
if (
index( $line, 'ALL PRIVILEGES' ) > 0
|| ( ( index( $line, 'SELECT' ) > 0 )
&& ( index( $line, 'INSERT' ) > 0 )
&& ( index( $line, 'UPDATE' ) > 0 )
&& ( index( $line, 'DELETE' ) > 0 )
&& ( index( $line, 'CREATE' ) > 0 )
&& ( index( $line, 'DROP' ) > 0 ) )
unless ($grantaccess) {
$rq =
$dbh->prepare("SHOW GRANTS FOR \'$info{user}\'\@'\%'");
while ( my ($line) = $rq->fetchrow ) {
my $dbname = $info{dbname};
if ( $line =~ m/$dbname/ || index( $line, '*.*' ) > 0 )
$grantaccess = 1
if (
index( $line, 'ALL PRIVILEGES' ) > 0
|| ( ( index( $line, 'SELECT' ) > 0 )
&& ( index( $line, 'INSERT' ) > 0 )
&& ( index( $line, 'UPDATE' ) > 0 )
&& ( index( $line, 'DELETE' ) > 0 )
&& ( index( $line, 'CREATE' ) > 0 )
&& ( index( $line, 'DROP' ) > 0 ) )
$template->param( "checkgrantaccess" => $grantaccess );
else {
$template->param( "error" => DBI::err, "message" => DBI::errstr );
elsif ( $step && $step == 3 ) {
# STEP 3 : database setup
my $op = $query->param('op');
if ( $op && $op eq 'finished' ) {
# we have finished, just redirect to mainpage.
print $query->redirect("/cgi-bin/koha/mainpage.pl");
exit 1;
elsif ( $op && $op eq 'finish' ) {
my $kohaversion=C4::Context::KOHAVERSION;
# remove the 3 last . to have a Perl number
$kohaversion =~ s/(.*\..*)\.(.*)\.(.*)/$1$2$3/;
if (C4::Context->preference('Version')) {
warn "UPDATE Version";
my $finish=$dbh->prepare("UPDATE systempreferences SET value=? WHERE variable='Version'");
} else {
warn "INSERT Version";
my $finish=$dbh->prepare("INSERT into systempreferences (variable,value,explanation) values ('Version',?,'The Koha database version. Don t change this value manually, it s holded by the webinstaller')");
# Installation is finished.
# We just deny anybody acess to install
# And we redirect people to mainpage.
# The installer wil have to relogin since we donot pass cookie to redirection.
$template->param( "$op" => 1 );
elsif ( $op && $op eq 'Nozebra' ) {
if ($query->param('Nozebra')) {
$dbh->do("UPDATE systempreferences SET value=1 WHERE variable='NoZebra'");
} else {
$dbh->do("UPDATE systempreferences SET value=0 WHERE variable='NoZebra'");
$template->param( "$op" => 1 );
elsif ( $op && $op eq 'addframeworks' ) {
# 1ST install, 3rd sub-step : insert the SQL files the user has selected
#Framework importing and reports
my $lang;
my %hashlevel;
# sort by filename -> prepend with numbers to specify order of insertion.
my @fnames = sort {
my @aa = split /\/|\\/, ($a);
my @bb = split /\/|\\/, ($b);
$aa[-1] lt $bb[-1]
} $query->param('framework');
my $request =
"SELECT value FROM systempreferences WHERE variable='FrameworksLoaded'"
my ($systempreference) = $request->fetchrow;
foreach my $file (@fnames) {
# warn $file;
undef $/;
my $strcmd = "mysql "
. ( $info{hostname} ? " -h $info{hostname} " : "" )
. ( $info{port} ? " -P $info{port} " : "" )
. ( $info{user} ? " -u $info{user} " : "" )
. ( $info{password} ? " -p$info{password}" : "" )
. " $info{dbname} ";
my $error = qx($strcmd < $file 2>&1);
my @file = split qr(\/|\\), $file;
$lang = $file[ scalar(@file) - 3 ] unless ($lang);
my $level = $file[ scalar(@file) - 2 ];
unless ($error) {
$systempreference .= "$file[scalar(@file)-1]|"
unless (
index( $systempreference, $file[ scalar(@file) - 1 ] ) >=
0 );
#Bulding here a hierarchy to display files by level.
push @{ $hashlevel{$level} },
{ "fwkname" => $file[ scalar(@file) - 1 ], "error" => $error };
#systempreference contains an ending |
chop $systempreference;
my @list;
map { push @list, { "level" => $_, "fwklist" => $hashlevel{$_} } }
keys %hashlevel;
my $fwk_language;
for my $each_language (@$all_languages) {
# warn "CODE".$each_language->{'language_code'};
# warn "LANG:".$lang;
if ( $lang eq $each_language->{'language_code'} ) {
$fwk_language = $each_language->{language_locale_name};
my $updateflag =
"UPDATE systempreferences set value=\"$systempreference\" where variable='FrameworksLoaded'"
unless ( $updateflag == 1 ) {
my $string =
"INSERT INTO systempreferences (value, variable, explanation, type) VALUES (\"$systempreference\",'FrameworksLoaded','Frameworks loaded through webinstaller','choice')";
my $rq = $dbh->prepare($string);
"fwklanguage" => $fwk_language,
"list" => \@list
$template->param( "$op" => 1 );
elsif ( $op && $op eq 'selectframeworks' ) {
# 1ST install, 2nd sub-step : show the user the sql datas he can insert in the database.
# (note that the term "selectframeworks is not correct. The user can select various files, not only frameworks)
#Framework Selection
#sql data for import are supposed to be located in installer/data/<language>/<level>
# Where <language> is en|fr or any international abbreviation (provided language hash is updated... This will be a problem with internationlisation.)
# Where <level> is a category of requirement : required, recommended optional
# level should contain :
# SQL File for import With a readable name.
# txt File taht explains what this SQL File is meant for.
# Could be VERY useful to have A Big file for a kind of library.
# But could also be useful to have some Authorised values data set prepared here.
# Framework Selection is achieved through checking boxes.
my $langchoice = $query->param('fwklanguage');
$langchoice = $query->cookie('KohaOpacLanguage') unless ($langchoice);
my $marcflavour = $query->param('marcflavour');
$marcflavour = C4::Context->preference('marcflavour') unless ($marcflavour);
#Insert into database the selected marcflavour
my $request =
"INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('marcflavour','$marcflavour','Define global MARC flavor (MARC21 or UNIMARC) used for character encoding','MARC21|UNIMARC','Choice');"
undef $/;
my $dir =
C4::Context->config('intranetdir') . "/installer/data/$langchoice/marcflavour/".lc($marcflavour);
opendir( MYDIR, $dir ) || warn "no open $dir";
my @listdir = sort grep { !/^\.|CVS|marcflavour/ && -d "$dir/$_" } readdir(MYDIR);
closedir MYDIR;
my @fwklist;
my $request =
"SELECT value FROM systempreferences WHERE variable='FrameworksLoaded'"
my ($frameworksloaded) = $request->fetchrow;
my %frameworksloaded;
foreach ( split( /\|/, $frameworksloaded ) ) {
$frameworksloaded{$_} = 1;
foreach my $requirelevel (@listdir) {
opendir( MYDIR, "$dir/$requirelevel" );
my @listname =
grep { !/^\.|CVS/ && -f "$dir/$requirelevel/$_" && $_ =~ m/\.sql$/ }
closedir MYDIR;
my %cell;
my @frameworklist;
map {
my $name = substr( $_, 0, -4 );
open FILE, "< $dir/$requirelevel/$name.txt";
my $lines = <FILE>;
$lines =~ s/\n|\r/<br \/>/g;
use utf8;
utf8::encode($lines) unless ( utf8::is_utf8($lines) );
push @frameworklist,
'fwkname' => $name,
'fwkfile' => "$dir/$requirelevel/$_",
'fwkdescription' => $lines,
'checked' => (
|| ( $requirelevel =~
/(mandatory|requi|oblig|necess)/i )
) ? 1 : 0
} @listname;
my @fwks =
sort { $a->{'fwkname'} lt $b->{'fwkname'} } @frameworklist;
# $cell{"mandatory"}=($requirelevel=~/(mandatory|requi|oblig|necess)/i);
$cell{"frameworks"} = \@fwks;
$cell{"label"} = ucfirst($requirelevel);
$cell{"code"} = lc($requirelevel);
push @fwklist, \%cell;
$template->param( "frameworksloop" => \@fwklist );
$template->param( "marcflavour" => ucfirst($marcflavour));
$dir =
C4::Context->config('intranetdir') . "/installer/data/$langchoice";
opendir( MYDIR, $dir ) || warn "no open $dir";
@listdir = sort grep { !/^\.|CVS|marcflavour/ && -d "$dir/$_" } readdir(MYDIR);
closedir MYDIR;
my @levellist;
foreach ( split( /\|/, $frameworksloaded ) ) {
$frameworksloaded{$_} = 1;
foreach my $requirelevel (@listdir) {
opendir( MYDIR, "$dir/$requirelevel" );
my @listname =
grep { !/^\.|CVS/ && -f "$dir/$requirelevel/$_" && $_ =~ m/\.sql$/ }
closedir MYDIR;
my %cell;
my @frameworklist;
map {
my $name = substr( $_, 0, -4 );
open FILE, "< $dir/$requirelevel/$name.txt";
my $lines = <FILE>;
$lines =~ s/\n|\r/<br \/>/g;
use utf8;
utf8::encode($lines) unless ( utf8::is_utf8($lines) );
push @frameworklist,
'fwkname' => $name,
'fwkfile' => "$dir/$requirelevel/$_",
'fwkdescription' => $lines,
'checked' => (
|| ( $requirelevel =~
/(mandatory|requi|oblig|necess)/i )
) ? 1 : 0
} @listname;
my @fwks =
sort { $a->{'fwkname'} lt $b->{'fwkname'} } @frameworklist;
# $cell{"mandatory"}=($requirelevel=~/(mandatory|requi|oblig|necess)/i);
$cell{"frameworks"} = \@fwks;
$cell{"label"} = ucfirst($requirelevel);
$cell{"code"} = lc($requirelevel);
push @levellist, \%cell;
$template->param( "levelloop" => \@levellist );
$template->param( "$op" => 1 );
elsif ( $op && $op eq 'choosemarc' ) {
# 1ST install, 2nd sub-step : show the user the marcflavour available.
#Choose Marc Flavour
#sql data are supposed to be located in installer/data/<language>/marcflavour/marcflavourname
# Where <language> is en|fr or any international abbreviation (provided language hash is updated... This will be a problem with internationlisation.)
# Where <level> is a category of requirement : required, recommended optional
# level should contain :
# SQL File for import With a readable name.
# txt File taht explains what this SQL File is meant for.
# Could be VERY useful to have A Big file for a kind of library.
# But could also be useful to have some Authorised values data set prepared here.
# Marcflavour Selection is achieved through radiobuttons.
my $langchoice = $query->param('fwklanguage');
$langchoice = $query->cookie('KohaOpacLanguage') unless ($langchoice);
my $dir =
C4::Context->config('intranetdir') . "/installer/data/$langchoice/marcflavour";
opendir( MYDIR, $dir ) || warn "no open $dir";
my @listdir = grep { !/^\.|CVS/ && -d "$dir/$_" } readdir(MYDIR);
closedir MYDIR;
my $marcflavour=C4::Context->preference("marcflavour");
my @flavourlist;
foreach my $marc (@listdir) {
my %cell=(
"label"=> ucfirst($marc),
"checked"=>uc($marc) eq $marcflavour);
# $cell{"description"}= do { local $/ = undef; open INPUT "<$dir/$marc.txt"||"";<INPUT> };
push @flavourlist, \%cell;
$template->param( "flavourloop" => \@flavourlist );
$template->param( "$op" => 1 );
elsif ( $op && $op eq 'importdatastructure' ) {
# 1st install, 1st "sub-step" : import kohastructure
my $dbh = DBI->connect(
. ( $info{port} ? ":$info{port}" : "" ),
$info{'user'}, $info{'password'}
open( INPUT, "<kohastructure.sql" );
my $file = do { local $/ = undef; <INPUT> };
my @commands = split( /;/, $file );
pop @commands;
map { $dbh->do($_) } @commands;
"error" => $dbh->errstr,
"$op" => 1,
elsif ( $op && $op eq 'updatestructure' ) {
# Not 1st install, the only sub-step : update database
#Do updatedatabase And report
my $execstring =
C4::Context->config("intranetdir") . "/updater/updatedatabase";
undef $/;
my $string = qx|$execstring 2>&1|;
if ($string) {
$string =~ s/\n|\r/<br \/>/g;
$string =~
s/(DBD::mysql.*? failed: .*? line [0-9]*.|=================.*?====================)/<font color=red>$1<\/font>/g;
$template->param( "updatereport" => $string );
$template->param( $op => 1 );
else {
# check wether it's a 1st install or an update
#Check if there are enough tables.
# Paul has cleaned up tables so reduced the count
#I put it there because it implied a data import if condition was not satisfied.
my $dbh = DBI->connect(
. ( $info{port} ? ":$info{port}" : "" ),
$info{'user'}, $info{'password'}
my $rq = $dbh->prepare( "SHOW TABLES FROM " . $info{'dbname'} );
my $data = $rq->fetchall_arrayref( {} );
my $count = scalar(@$data);
# we don't have tables, propose DB import
if ( $count < 70 ) {
$template->param( "count" => $count, "proposeimport" => 1 );
else {
# we have tables, propose to select files to upload or updatedatabase
$template->param( "count" => $count, "default" => 1 );
# 1st part of step 3 : check if there is a databaseversion systempreference
# if there is, then we just need to upgrade
# if there is none, then we need to install the database
my $dbversion = C4::Context->preference('Version');
$dbversion =~ /(.*)\.(..)(..)(...)/;
$dbversion = "$1.$2.$3.$4";
if (C4::Context->preference('Version')) {
$template->param("upgrading" => 1,
"dbversion" => $dbversion,
"kohaversion" => C4::Context->KOHAVERSION,
else {
# LANGUAGE SELECTION page by default
# using opendir + language Hash
my $langavail = getTranslatedLanguages();
my @languages;
foreach (@$langavail) {
push @languages,
'value' => $_->{'language_code'},
'description' => $_->{'language_name'}
if ( $_->{'language_code'} );
$template->param( languages => \@languages );
if ($dbh) {
my $rq =
"SELECT * from systempreferences WHERE variable='Version'");
if ( $rq->execute ) {
my ($version) = $rq->fetchrow;
if ($version) {
output_html_with_http_headers $query, $cookie, $template->output;