Main Koha release repository
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

50 lines
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<div id="mainbloc" >
<!-- TMPL_IF NAME="do_it" -->
<!-- TMPL_LOOP NAME="mainloop" -->
<h1 class="reports">Koha : Issues by borrower category <!--TMPL_IF NAME="borrower_category" --> for category = <!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="borrower_category" --><!-- /TMPL_IF --></h1>
<!-- TMPL_LOOP NAME="categorycodeloop" -->
<th><!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="categorycode" --></th>
<!-- /TMPL_LOOP -->
<!-- TMPL_LOOP NAME="loopborrowertype" -->
<!-- TMPL_IF NAME="hilighted" --><td class="hilighted"><!-- TMPL_ELSE --><td><!-- /TMPL_IF -->
<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="itemtype" --></td>
<!-- TMPL_LOOP NAME="loopitemtype" -->
<!-- TMPL_IF NAME="hilighted" --><td class="numberhilighted"><!-- TMPL_ELSE --><td class="number"><!-- /TMPL_IF -->
<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="issues" -->
<!-- /TMPL_LOOP -->
<!-- TMPL_IF NAME="hilighted" --><td class="numberhilighted"><!-- TMPL_ELSE --><td class="number"><!-- /TMPL_IF -->
<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="totalitemtype" -->
<!-- /TMPL_LOOP NAME="loopitemtype" -->
<!-- TMPL_LOOP NAME="loopborrowertotal" -->
<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="issues" -->
<!-- /TMPL_LOOP -->
<th><!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="grantotal" --></th>
<!-- /TMPL_LOOP -->
<!-- TMPL_ELSE -->
<h1 class = "reports">Issues by borrower category</h1>
<form method="post">
<p>Select a borrower category (or don't if you want to see global status) <input type="text" name="value"></p>
<p>Select a branch : <!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="CGIbranch" --></p>
<input type="submit" value="OK" class="button reports">
<input type="hidden" name="report_name" value="<!--TMPL_VAR NAME="report_name" -->">
<input type="hidden" name="do_it" value="1">
<!-- /TMPL_IF -->