This patch updates the staff interface catalog search results to use a new reusable BLOCK for displaying item information: Available items, checked-out items, and unavailable items. Some style has been updated, and an old GIF image has been replaced with an SVG. The hold ratios template has been updated to accommodate this change. To test, apply the patch and rebuild the staff interface CSS ( - Perform a catalog search in the staff interface which will return multiple results with multiple items each. For thorough testing, some records should have items which are checked out, available, or lost/notforloan. - On the search results page, confirm that item information is accurate and readable. - Test with item-level_itypes on and off. - Test with noItemTypeImages on and off. Signed-off-by: David Nind <> Signed-off-by: Katrin Fischer <> Signed-off-by: Jonathan Druart <>
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