Henri-Damien LAURENT e2fd348f7f Bug 6017 : MT3157 : editing an attribute lead to Error500
Editing an extended attribute in the extended attribute tab would lead to an Error500
This patch adds some checks for values before UPDATE in SQLHelper.pm
And Adds some checks also befaore calling ModMember in members/memberentry

Signed-off-by: Stéphane Delaune <stephane.delaune@biblibre.com>
Signed-off-by: Chris Cormack <chrisc@catalyst.net.nz>
2011-04-08 14:14:32 +12:00

414 lines
11 KiB

package C4::SQLHelper;
# Copyright 2009 Biblibre SARL
# This file is part of Koha.
# Koha is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
# version.
# Koha is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
# A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with Koha; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
use strict;
use warnings;
use List::MoreUtils qw(first_value any);
use C4::Context;
use C4::Dates qw(format_date_in_iso);
use C4::Debug;
require Exporter;
# set the version for version checking
$VERSION = 0.5;
require Exporter;
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
%EXPORT_TAGS = ( all =>[qw( InsertInTable DeleteInTable SearchInTable UpdateInTable GetPrimaryKeys)]
my $tablename;
my $hash;
=head1 NAME
C4::SQLHelper - Perl Module containing convenience functions for SQL Handling
use C4::SQLHelper;
This module contains routines for adding, modifying and Searching Data in MysqlDB
=head2 SearchInTable
$hashref = &SearchInTable($tablename,$data, $orderby, $limit,
$columns_out, $filtercolumns, $searchtype);
$tablename Name of the table (string)
$data may contain
- string
- data_hashref : will be considered as an AND of all the data searched
- data_array_ref on hashrefs : Will be considered as an OR of Datahasref elements
$orderby is an arrayref of hashref with fieldnames as key and 0 or 1 as values (ASCENDING or DESCENDING order)
$limit is an array ref on 2 values in order to limit results to MIN..MAX
$columns_out is an array ref on field names is used to limit results on those fields (* by default)
$filtercolums is an array ref on field names : is used to limit expansion of research for strings
$searchtype is string Can be "start_with" or "exact"
sub SearchInTable{
my ($tablename,$filters,$orderby, $limit, $columns_out, $filter_columns,$searchtype) = @_;
my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
my $sql = do { local $"=', ';
qq{ SELECT @$columns_out from $tablename}
my $row;
my $sth;
my ($keys,$values)=_filter_fields($tablename,$filters,$searchtype,$filter_columns);
if ($keys){
my @criteria=grep{defined($_) && $_ !~/^\W$/ }@$keys;
if (@criteria) {
$sql.= do { local $"=') AND (';
qq{ WHERE (@criteria) }
if ($orderby){
#Order by desc by default
my @orders;
foreach my $order (@$orderby){
push @orders,map{ "$_".($order->{$_}? " DESC " : "") } keys %$order;
$sql.= do { local $"=', ';
qq{ ORDER BY @orders}
if ($limit){
$sql.=qq{ LIMIT }.join(",",@$limit);
$debug && $values && warn $sql," ",join(",",@$values);
$sth = $dbh->prepare_cached($sql);
warn $@ if ($@ && $debug);
my $results = $sth->fetchall_arrayref( {} );
return $results;
=head2 InsertInTable
$data_id_in_table = &InsertInTable($tablename,$data_hashref,$withprimarykeys);
Insert Data in table and returns the id of the row inserted
sub InsertInTable{
my ($tablename,$data,$withprimarykeys) = @_;
my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
my ($keys,$values)=_filter_hash($tablename,$data,($withprimarykeys?"exact":0));
my $query = qq{ INSERT INTO $tablename SET }.join(", ",@$keys);
$debug && warn $query, join(",",@$values);
my $sth = $dbh->prepare_cached($query);
warn $@ if ($@ && $debug);
return $dbh->last_insert_id(undef, undef, $tablename, undef);
=head2 UpdateInTable
$status = &UpdateInTable($tablename,$data_hashref);
Update Data in table and returns the status of the operation
sub UpdateInTable{
my ($tablename,$data) = @_;
my @field_ids=GetPrimaryKeys($tablename);
my @ids=@$data{@field_ids};
my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
my ($keys,$values)=_filter_hash($tablename,$data,0);
return unless ($keys);
my $query =
qq{ UPDATE $tablename
SET }.join(",",@$keys).qq{
WHERE }.join (" AND ",map{ "$_=?" }@field_ids);
$debug && warn $query, join(",",@$values,@ids);
my $sth = $dbh->prepare_cached($query);
my $result;
warn $@ if ($@ && $debug);
return $result;
=head2 DeleteInTable
$status = &DeleteInTable($tablename,$data_hashref);
Delete Data in table and returns the status of the operation
sub DeleteInTable{
my ($tablename,$data) = @_;
my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
my ($keys,$values)=_filter_fields($tablename,$data,1);
if ($keys){
my $query = do { local $"=') AND (';
qq{ DELETE FROM $tablename WHERE (@$keys)};
$debug && warn $query, join(",",@$values);
my $sth = $dbh->prepare_cached($query);
my $result;
warn $@ if ($@ && $debug);
return $result;
=head2 GetPrimaryKeys
@primarykeys = &GetPrimaryKeys($tablename)
Get the Primary Key field names of the table
sub GetPrimaryKeys($) {
my $tablename=shift;
my $hash_columns=_get_columns($tablename);
return grep { $hash_columns->{$_}->{'Key'} =~/PRI/i} keys %$hash_columns;
=head2 _get_columns
Given a tablename
Returns a hashref of all the fieldnames of the table
sub _get_columns($) {
my ($tablename)=@_;
my $dbh=C4::Context->dbh;
my $sth=$dbh->prepare_cached(qq{SHOW COLUMNS FROM $tablename });
my $columns= $sth->fetchall_hashref(qw(Field));
=head2 _filter_columns
_filter_columns($tablename,$research, $filtercolumns)
- a tablename
- indicator on purpose whether all fields should be returned or only non Primary keys
- array_ref to columns to limit to
Returns an array of all the fieldnames of the table
If it is not for research purpose, filter primary keys
sub _filter_columns ($$;$) {
my ($tablename,$research, $filtercolumns)=@_;
if ($filtercolumns){
return (@$filtercolumns);
else {
my $columns=_get_columns($tablename);
if ($research){
return keys %$columns;
else {
return grep {my $column=$_; any {$_ ne $column }GetPrimaryKeys($tablename) } keys %$columns;
=head2 _filter_fields
- a tablename
- a string or a hashref (containing, fieldnames and datatofilter) or an arrayref to one of those elements
- an indicator of operation whether it is a wide research or a narrow one
- an array ref to columns to restrict string filter to.
Returns a ref of key array to use in SQL functions
and a ref to value array
sub _filter_fields{
my ($tablename,$filter_input,$searchtype,$filtercolumns)=@_;
my @keys;
my @values;
if (ref($filter_input) eq "HASH"){
my ($keys, $values) = _filter_hash($tablename,$filter_input, $searchtype);
if ($keys){
my $stringkey="(".join (") AND (",@$keys).")";
return [$stringkey],$values;
else {
return ();
} elsif (ref($filter_input) eq "ARRAY"){
foreach my $element_data (@$filter_input){
my ($localkeys,$localvalues)=_filter_fields($tablename,$element_data,$searchtype,$filtercolumns);
if ($localkeys){
@$localkeys=grep{defined($_) && $_ !~/^\W*$/}@$localkeys;
my $string=do{
local $"=") OR (";
push @keys, $string;
push @values, @$localvalues;
$debug && warn "filterstring : $filter_input";
my ($keys, $values) = _filter_string($tablename,$filter_input, $searchtype,$filtercolumns);
if ($keys){
my $stringkey="(".join (") AND (",@$keys).")";
return [$stringkey],$values;
else {
return ();
return (\@keys,\@values);
sub _filter_hash{
my ($tablename,$filter_input, $searchtype)=@_;
my (@values, @keys);
my $columns= _get_columns($tablename);
my @columns_filtered= _filter_columns($tablename,$searchtype);
#Filter Primary Keys of table
my $elements=join "|",@columns_filtered;
foreach my $field (grep {/\b($elements)\b/} keys %$filter_input){
## supposed to be a hash of simple values, hashes of arrays could be implemented
$filter_input->{$field}=format_date_in_iso($filter_input->{$field}) if ($columns->{$field}{Type}=~/date/ && $filter_input->{$field} !~C4::Dates->regexp("iso"));
my ($tmpkeys, $localvalues)=_Process_Operands($filter_input->{$field},"$tablename.$field",$searchtype,$columns);
if (@$tmpkeys){
push @values, @$localvalues;
push @keys, @$tmpkeys;
if (@keys){
return (\@keys,\@values);
else {
return ();
sub _filter_string{
my ($tablename,$filter_input, $searchtype,$filtercolumns)=@_;
return () unless($filter_input);
my @operands=split / /,$filter_input;
my @columns_filtered= _filter_columns($tablename,$searchtype,$filtercolumns);
my $columns= _get_columns($tablename);
my (@values,@keys);
foreach my $operand (@operands){
my @localkeys;
foreach my $field (@columns_filtered){
my ($tmpkeys, $localvalues)=_Process_Operands($operand,"$tablename.$field",$searchtype,$columns);
if ($tmpkeys){
push @values,@$localvalues;
push @localkeys,@$tmpkeys;
my $sql= join (' OR ', @localkeys);
push @keys, $sql;
if (@keys){
return (\@keys,\@values);
else {
return ();
sub _Process_Operands{
my ($operand, $field, $searchtype,$columns)=@_;
my @values;
my @tmpkeys;
my @localkeys;
push @tmpkeys, " $field = ? ";
push @values, $operand;
#By default, exact search
if (!$searchtype ||$searchtype eq "exact"){
return \@tmpkeys,\@values;
my $col_field=(index($field,".")>0?substr($field, index($field,".")+1):$field);
if ($field=~/(?<!zip)code|(?<!card)number/ && $searchtype ne "exact"){
push @tmpkeys,(" $field= '' ","$field IS NULL");
if ($columns->{$col_field}->{Type}=~/varchar|text/i){
my @localvaluesextended;
if ($searchtype eq "contain"){
push @tmpkeys,(" $field LIKE ? ");
push @localvaluesextended,("\%$operand\%") ;
if ($searchtype eq "field_start_with"){
push @tmpkeys,("$field LIKE ?");
push @localvaluesextended, ("$operand\%") ;
if ($searchtype eq "start_with"){
push @tmpkeys,("$field LIKE ?","$field LIKE ?");
push @localvaluesextended, ("$operand\%", " $operand\%") ;
push @values,@localvaluesextended;
push @localkeys,qq{ (}.join(" OR ",@tmpkeys).qq{) };
return (\@localkeys,\@values);