2012-03-28 18:10:40 +02:00

237 lines
8.8 KiB
Executable file

# This script loops through each overdue item, determines the fine,
# and updates the total amount of fines due by each user. It relies on
# the existence of /tmp/fines, which is created by ???
# Doesnt really rely on it, it relys on being able to write to /tmp/
# It creates the fines file
# This script is meant to be run nightly out of cron.
# Copyright 2000-2002 Katipo Communications
# This file is part of Koha.
# Koha is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
# version.
# Koha is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
# A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with Koha; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
# FIXME: use FinesMode as described or change syspref description
use strict;
#use warnings; FIXME - Bug 2505
# find Koha's Perl modules
# test carefully before changing this
use FindBin;
eval { require "$FindBin::Bin/kohalib.pl" };
use Date::Calc qw/Date_to_Days/;
use C4::Context;
use C4::Circulation;
use C4::Overdues;
use C4::Calendar qw(); # don't need any exports from Calendar
use C4::Biblio;
use C4::Debug; # supplying $debug and $cgi_debug
use Getopt::Long;
use List::MoreUtils qw/none/;
my $help = 0;
my $verbose = 0;
my $output_dir;
my @pcategories;
my @categories;
my %catamounts;
my @libraries;
my $delay;
my $useborrowerlibrary;
my $borrowersalreadyapplied; # hashref of borrowers for whom we already applied the fine, so it's only applied once
my $debug = $ENV{'DEBUG'} || 0;
my $bigdebug = 0;
'h|help' => \$help,
'v|verbose' => \$verbose,
'o|out:s' => \$output_dir,
'c|category:s'=> \@pcategories,
'l|library:s' => \@libraries,
'd|delay:i' => \$delay,
'u|use-borrower-library' => \$useborrowerlibrary
my $usage = << 'ENDUSAGE';
This script calculates and charges overdue fines to patron accounts.
If the Koha System Preference 'finesMode' is set to 'production', the fines are charged to the patron accounts.
If set to 'test', the fines are calculated but not applied.
Please note that the fines won't be applied on a holiday.
This script has the following parameters :
-h --help: this message
-o --out: ouput directory for logs (defaults to env or /tmp if !exist)
-v --verbose
-c --category borrower_category,amount (repeatable)
-l --library (repeatable)
-d --delay
-u --use-borrower-library: use borrower's library, regardless of the CircControl syspref
die $usage if $help;
# Processing categories
foreach (@pcategories) {
my ($category, $amount) = split(',', $_);
push @categories, $category;
$catamounts{$category} = $amount;
use vars qw(@borrower_fields @item_fields @other_fields);
use vars qw($fldir $libname $control $mode $delim $dbname $today $today_iso $today_days);
use vars qw($filename);
@borrower_fields = qw(cardnumber categorycode surname firstname email phone address citystate);
@item_fields = qw(itemnumber barcode date_due);
@other_fields = qw(type days_overdue fine);
$libname = C4::Context->preference('LibraryName');
$control = C4::Context->preference('CircControl');
$mode = C4::Context->preference('finesMode');
$dbname = C4::Context->config('database');
$delim = "\t"; # ? C4::Context->preference('delimiter') || "\t";
$debug and print "Each line will contain the following fields:\n",
"From borrowers : ", join( ', ', @borrower_fields ), "\n",
"From items : ", join( ', ', @item_fields ), "\n",
"Per overdue: ", join( ', ', @other_fields ), "\n",
"Delimiter: '$delim'\n";
my $data = Getoverdues();
my $overdueItemsCounted = 0;
my %calendars = ();
$today = C4::Dates->new();
$today_iso = $today->output('iso');
$today_days = Date_to_Days( split( /-/, $today_iso ) );
if ($output_dir) {
$fldir = $output_dir if ( -d $output_dir );
} else {
$fldir = $ENV{TMPDIR} || "/tmp";
if ( !-d $fldir ) {
warn "Could not write to $fldir ... does not exist!";
$filename = $dbname;
$filename =~ s/\W//;
$filename = $fldir . '/' . $filename . '_' . $today_iso . ".log";
print "writing to $filename\n" if $verbose;
open my $FILE, ">", $filename or die "Cannot write file $filename: $!";
print $FILE join $delim, ( @borrower_fields, @item_fields, @other_fields );
print $FILE "\n";
for ( my $i = 0 ; $i < scalar(@$data) ; $i++ ) {
my $datedue;
my $datedue_days;
eval {
$datedue = C4::Dates->new( $data->[$i]->{'date_due'}, 'iso' );
$datedue_days = Date_to_Days( split( /-/, $datedue->output('iso') ) );
if ($@) {
warn "Error on date for borrower " . $data->[$i]->{'borrowernumber'} . ": $@date_due: " . $data->[$i]->{'date_due'} . "\ndatedue_days: " . $datedue_days . "\nSkipping";
my $due_str = $datedue->output();
unless ( defined $data->[$i]->{'borrowernumber'} ) {
print STDERR "ERROR in Getoverdues line $i: issues.borrowernumber IS NULL. Repair 'issues' table now! Skipping record.\n";
next; # Note: this doesn't solve everything. After NULL borrowernumber, multiple issues w/ real borrowernumbers can pile up.
my $borrower = BorType( $data->[$i]->{'borrowernumber'} );
# Skipping borrowers that are not in @categories
$bigdebug and warn "Skipping borrower from category " . $borrower->{categorycode} if none { $borrower->{categorycode} eq $_ } @categories;
next if none { $borrower->{categorycode} eq $_ } @categories;
my $branchcode =
( $useborrowerlibrary ) ? $borrower->{branchcode}
: ( $control eq 'ItemHomeLibrary' ) ? $data->[$i]->{homebranch}
: ( $control eq 'PatronLibrary' ) ? $borrower->{branchcode}
: $data->[$i]->{branchcode};
# In final case, CircControl must be PickupLibrary. (branchcode comes from issues table here).
# Skipping branchcodes that are not in @libraries
$bigdebug and warn "Skipping library $branchcode" if none { $branchcode eq $_ } @libraries;
next if none { $branchcode eq $_ } @libraries;
my $calendar;
unless ( defined( $calendars{$branchcode} ) ) {
$calendars{$branchcode} = C4::Calendar->new( branchcode => $branchcode );
$calendar = $calendars{$branchcode};
my $isHoliday = $calendar->isHoliday( split '/', $today->output('metric') );
# Reassing datedue_days if -delay specified in commandline
$bigdebug and warn "Using commandline supplied delay : $delay" if ($delay);
$datedue_days += $delay if ($delay);
( $datedue_days <= $today_days ) or next; # or it's not overdue, right?
my ( $amount, $type, $daycounttotal, $daycount ) = CalcFine( $data->[$i], $borrower->{'categorycode'}, $branchcode, undef, undef, $datedue, $today );
# Reassign fine's amount if specified in command-line
$amount = $catamounts{$borrower->{'categorycode'}} if (defined $catamounts{$borrower->{'categorycode'}});
# FIXME: $type NEVER gets populated by anything.
( defined $type ) or $type = '';
# Don't update the fine if today is a holiday.
# This ensures that dropbox mode will remove the correct amount of fine.
if ( $mode eq 'production' and !$borrowersalreadyapplied->{$data->[$i]->{'borrowernumber'}}) {
# If we're on a holiday, warn the user (if debug) that no fine will be applied
if($isHoliday) {
$debug and warn "Today is a holiday. The fine for borrower " . $data->[$i]->{'borrowernumber'} . " will not be applied";
} else {
$debug and warn "Updating fine for borrower " . $data->[$i]->{'borrowernumber'} . " with amount : $amount";
UpdateFine( $data->[$i]->{'itemnumber'}, $data->[$i]->{'borrowernumber'}, $amount, $type, $due_str ) if ( $amount > 0 );
$borrowersalreadyapplied->{$data->[$i]->{'borrowernumber'}} = 1;
my @cells = ();
push @cells, map { $borrower->{$_} } @borrower_fields;
push @cells, map { $data->[$i]->{$_} } @item_fields;
push @cells, $type, $daycounttotal, $amount;
print FILE join( $delim, @cells ), "\n";
my $numOverdueItems = scalar(@$data);
if ($verbose) {
print <<EOM;
Fines assessment -- $today_iso -- Saved to $filename
Number of Overdue Items:
counted $overdueItemsCounted
reported $numOverdueItems
close FILE;