Adding New Systempreference AddPatronLists This systempreference allow administrator to choose if patrons are created on categorycode lists or category_type ones. Overloading GetBorrowerCategory so that if no parameter provided, it returns the list of category records Changing memberentry.pl in order to use the categorycode when provided. Bug Fixing Circulation.pl so that doesnot come up with Error 500 with no category selected for GetBorrowerCategory Signed-off-by: Joshua Ferraro <jmf@liblime.com>
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<!-- TMPL_INCLUDE NAME="doc-head-open.inc" -->
<title>Koha › Administration › Authorized Values <!-- TMPL_IF name="add_form" --> › <!-- TMPL_IF name="action_modify" -->Modify authorised value<!-- /TMPL_IF -->
<!-- TMPL_IF name="action_add_value" --> › New authorised value<!-- /TMPL_IF -->
<!-- TMPL_IF name="action_add_category" --> › New category<!-- /TMPL_IF --><!-- /TMPL_IF -->
<!-- TMPL_IF name="delete_confirm" --> › Confirm Deletion<!-- /TMPL_IF -->
<!-- TMPL_IF name="else" -->Authorized values<!-- /TMPL_IF --></title>
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<!-- TMPL_INCLUDE NAME="header.inc" -->
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<div id="breadcrumbs"><a href="/cgi-bin/koha/mainpage.pl">Home</a> › <a href="/cgi-bin/koha/admin/admin-home.pl">Administration</a> › <!-- TMPL_IF name="add_form" --> <a href="/cgi-bin/koha/admin/authorised_values.pl">Authorized Values</a> › <!-- TMPL_IF name="action_modify" -->Modify authorised value<!-- /TMPL_IF -->
<!-- TMPL_IF name="action_add_value" -->New authorised value<!-- /TMPL_IF -->
<!-- TMPL_IF name="action_add_category" -->New category<!-- /TMPL_IF --><!-- /TMPL_IF -->
<!-- TMPL_IF name="delete_confirm" --> <a href="/cgi-bin/koha/admin/authorised_values.pl">Authorized Values</a> › Confirm Deletion<!-- /TMPL_IF -->
<!-- TMPL_IF name="else" -->Authorized values<!-- /TMPL_IF --></div>
<div id="doc3" class="yui-t2">
<div id="bd">
<div id="yui-main">
<div class="yui-b">
<!-- TMPL_IF name="add_form" -->
<!-- TMPL_IF name="action_modify" -->Modify authorised value<!-- /TMPL_IF -->
<!-- TMPL_IF name="action_add_value" -->New authorised value<!-- /TMPL_IF -->
<!-- TMPL_IF name="action_add_category" -->New category<!-- /TMPL_IF -->
<form action="<!-- TMPL_VAR name="script_name" -->" name="Aform" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="op" value="add_validate" />
<fieldset class="rows"><ol>
<!-- TMPL_IF name="action_add_category" --><label for="category">Category</label>
<input type="text" name="category" id="category" size="16" maxlength="16" />
<!-- TMPL_ELSE --><span class="label">Category</span>
<input type="hidden" name="category" value="<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME='category' -->" /> <!-- TMPL_VAR NAME='category' -->
<!-- /TMPL_IF -->
<label for="authorised_value">Authorized value</label>
<!-- TMPL_IF name="action_modify" --><input type="hidden" id="id" name="id" value="<!-- TMPL_VAR name="id" -->" /><!-- /TMPL_IF -->
<input type="text" id="authorised_value" name="authorised_value" value="<!-- TMPL_VAR name="authorised_value" -->" />
<label for="lib">Description</label>
<input type="text" name="lib" id="lib" value="<!-- TMPL_VAR name="lib" -->" />
<label for="lib">Icon</label>
<!-- TMPL_LOOP NAME="imagesets" -->
<li>Icons from collection <b><!-- TMPL_VAR name="imagesetname" --></b>:</li>
<!-- TMPL_LOOP NAME="images" -->
<li style="float: none; display: inline; clear : none; width: auto;">
<label> <!-- TMPL_IF NAME="StaffImageUrl" -->
<img src="<!-- TMPL_VAR name="StaffImageUrl" -->" alt="<!-- TMPL_VAR name="StaffImageUrl" -->" title="<!-- TMPL_VAR name="StaffImageUrl" -->" />
<!-- TMPL_ELSE -->
<!-- /TMPL_IF -->
<!-- TMPL_IF name="checked" -->
<input type="radio" name="imageurl" value="<!-- TMPL_VAR name="KohaImage" -->" checked="checked" />
<!-- TMPL_ELSE -->
<!-- TMPL_IF NAME="KohaImage" --> <!-- to delete the radio button if there is no image after -->
<input type="radio" name="imageurl" value="<!-- TMPL_VAR name="KohaImage" -->" />
<!-- /TMPL_IF -->
<!-- /TMPL_IF -->
<!-- /TMPL_LOOP -->
<!-- /TMPL_LOOP -->
<fieldset class="action"> <input type="hidden" name="id" value="<!-- TMPL_VAR name="id" -->" />
<input type="submit" value="Save" /> <a class="cancel" href="/cgi-bin/koha/admin/authorised_values.pl?searchfield=<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="category" -->">Cancel</a></fieldset>
<!-- /TMPL_IF -->
<!-- TMPL_IF name="delete_confirm" -->
<div class="dialog alert">
<h3>Confirm Deletion</h3>
<td><!-- TMPL_VAR name="searchfield" --></td>
<td><!-- TMPL_VAR name="Tvalue" --></td>
<td><!-- TMPL_VAR name="Tlib" --></td></tr>
<form action="<!-- TMPL_VAR name=" script_name " -->" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="op" value="delete_confirmed" />
<input type="hidden" name="id" value="<!-- TMPL_VAR name="id" -->" />
<input type="hidden" name="searchfield" value="<!-- TMPL_VAR name="searchfield" -->" /><fieldset class="action"><input type="submit" value="Yes, Delete" class="approve" /></form>
<form action="<!-- TMPL_VAR name=" script_name " -->" method="get"><input type="hidden" name="searchfield" value="<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="searchfield" -->" /><input type="submit" value="No, Do Not Delete" class="deny" /></form>
<!-- /TMPL_IF -->
<!-- TMPL_IF name="else" -->
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// prepare DOM for YUI Toolbar
$(document).ready(function() {
$('#searchfield').change(function() {
// YUI Toolbar Functions
function yuiToolbar() {
new YAHOO.widget.Button("addauth");
new YAHOO.widget.Button("addcat");
<ul class="toolbar">
<li><a id="addauth" href= "/cgi-bin/koha/admin/authorised_values.pl?op=add_form&category=<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="category" -->">New Authorized value for <!-- TMPL_VAR name="category" --></a></li>
<li><a id="addcat" href= "/cgi-bin/koha/admin/authorised_values.pl?op=add_form">New Category</a></li>
<h1>Authorized values</h1>
<p>This table is used in MARC definition. You can define as many categories as you want, and as many authorized values as you want in each category.</p>
<p>When you define the MARC subfield structure, you can link a subfield to a authorized-value category. When the user ask for adding of modifying a biblio,
the subfield is not entered through a free field, but though a list of authorized values</p>
<!-- TMPL_IF name="duplicate_category" -->
<span class="problem">Could not add value "<!-- TMPL_VAR name="duplicate_value" -->" for category
"<!-- TMPL_VAR name="duplicate_category" -->" — value already present.
<!-- /TMPL_IF -->
<form action="/cgi-bin/koha/admin/authorised_values.pl" method="post" id="category"><label for="searchfield">Show Category: </label><!-- TMPL_VAR name="tab_list" --> <input type="submit" value="Submit" /></form>
<!-- TMPL_IF EXPR="category eq 'Bsort1'" -->
<p>Bsort1 is an authorised value attached to patrons, that can be used for stats purposes</p>
<!-- /TMPL_IF -->
<!-- TMPL_IF EXPR="category eq 'Bsort2'" -->
<p>Bsort2 is an authorised value attached to patrons, that can be used for stats purposes</p>
<!-- /TMPL_IF -->
<!-- TMPL_IF EXPR="category eq 'Asort1'" -->
<p>Asort1 is an authorised value attached to acquisitions, that can be used for stats purposes</p>
<!-- /TMPL_IF -->
<!-- TMPL_IF EXPR="category eq 'Asort2'" -->
<p>Asort2 is an authorised value attached to acquisitions, that can be used for stats purposes</p>
<!-- /TMPL_IF -->
<!-- TMPL_IF EXPR="category eq 'SUGGEST'" -->
<p>The list of patron suggestion reject or accept reasons</p>
<!-- /TMPL_IF -->
<!-- TMPL_IF EXPR="category eq 'DAMAGED'" -->
<p>The list of status to describe a damaged item</p>
<!-- /TMPL_IF -->
<!-- TMPL_IF EXPR="category eq 'LOST'" -->
<p>The list of status to describe a lost item</p>
<!-- /TMPL_IF -->
<th>Authorized value</th>
<!-- TMPL_LOOP name="loop" -->
<td><!-- TMPL_VAR name="category" --></td>
<td><!-- TMPL_VAR name="authorised_value" --></td>
<td><!-- TMPL_VAR name="lib" --></td>
<td><img src="<!-- TMPL_VAR name="imageurl" -->" alt=""/></td>
<td><a href="<!-- TMPL_VAR name="edit" -->">Edit</a></td>
<td><a href="<!-- TMPL_VAR name="delete" -->">Delete</a></td>
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<input type="submit" value="Next Page >>" /></form>
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