Jonathan Druart 39e969f05f Bug 19185: Split installation and onboarding
The previous installation tests were testing the full onboarding process
by not selecting all the sample data.
It would be good to test the whole sample data set.

So there are now 2 files, 00-onboarding.t and 01-installation.t

Signed-off-by: Jonathan Druart <jonathan.druart@bugs.koha-community.org>
2021-10-25 11:27:40 +02:00

178 lines
5.5 KiB

# This file is part of Koha.
# Koha is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Koha is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Koha; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses>.
# This test file is made to be run by our CI
# - KOHA_TESTING must be set
# - the database must exist but be empty
# It will go through the installer process with only the mandatory sample data checked, to test the onboarding process
use Modern::Perl;
use Test::More tests => 2;
use t::lib::Selenium;
use C4::Context;
my $superlibrarian = {
surname => 'Super',
firstname => 'Librarian',
cardnumber => '143749305',
userid => 'SuperL',
password => 'aA1bB2cC3dD4'
my $languages = {
en => 'en',
ar => 'ar-Arab',
es => 'es-ES',
fr => 'fr-FR',
it => 'it-IT',
pt_BR => 'pt-BR',
tr => 'tr-TR',
zh_TW => 'zh-Hans-TW'
eval { require Selenium::Remote::Driver; };
skip "Selenium::Remote::Driver is needed for selenium tests.", 2 if $@;
skip "This test must be run with an empty DB. We are using KOHA_TESTING that is set by our CI\nIf you really want to run it, set this env var.", 2 unless $ENV{KOHA_TESTING};
my $dbh = eval { C4::Context->dbh; };
skip "Tests won't run if the database does not exist", 2 if $@;
my $dup_err;
local *STDERR;
open STDERR, ">>", \$dup_err;
SELECT * FROM systempreferences WHERE 1 = 0 |
close STDERR;
if ( $dup_err ) {
skip "Tests won't run if the database is not empty", 2 if $@;
my $s = t::lib::Selenium->new;
my $driver = $s->driver;
my $base_url = $s->base_url;
my $db_user = C4::Context->config('user');
my $db_pass = C4::Context->config('pass');
my $lang = "en"; # The idea here is to loop on all languages
# Welcome to the Koha web installer
$s->fill_form({userid => $db_user, password => $db_pass });
# Choose your language
$s->fill_form({ language => $languages->{$lang} });
# Check Perl dependencies
# Database settings
# Database settings
# Connection established
$s->driver->find_element('//div[@class="alert alert-success"]');
# Set up database
# Success
# Database tables created
$s->driver->find_element('//div[@class="alert alert-success"]');
# Install basic configuration settings
# Select your MARC flavor
$s->fill_form({ marcflavour => 'MARC21' });
# Selecting default settings
# Do not check otherwise no onboarding
#my @checkboxes = $driver->find_elements('//input[@type="checkbox" and not(@checked="checked")]');
#for my $c ( @checkboxes ) {
# $c->click;
for (1..20){ # FIXME This is really ugly, but for an unknown reason the next submit_form is resubmitting the same form. So waiting for the next page to be effectively loaded
my $title = $s->driver->get_title;
last if $title =~ m|Default data loaded|;
sleep 1;
# Default data loaded
# Installation complete
$s->click( { href => '/installer/onboarding.pl', main => 'installer-step3' } );
# Create a library
$s->fill_form({ branchcode => 'CPL', branchname => 'Centerville' });
# Library created!
$s->driver->find_element('//div[@class="alert alert-success"]');
# Create a patron category
$s->fill_form({ categorycode => 'S', description => 'Staff', enrolmentperiod => 12 });
# Patron category created!
$s->driver->find_element('//div[@class="alert alert-success"]');
# Create Koha administrator patron
$s->fill_form({ %$superlibrarian, password2 => $superlibrarian->{password} });
#Administrator account created!
$s->driver->find_element('//div[@class="alert alert-success"]');
# Create a new item type
$s->fill_form({ itemtype => 'BK', description => 'Book' });
# New item type created!
$s->driver->find_element('//div[@class="alert alert-success"]');
# Create a new circulation rule
# Keep default values
# Get the interface in the correct language
C4::Context->set_preference('language', $languages->{$lang} );
C4::Context->set_preference('opaclanguages', $languages->{$lang} );
$s->click( { href => '/mainpage.pl', main => 'onboarding-step5' } );
$s->fill_form({ userid => $superlibrarian->{userid}, password => $superlibrarian->{password} });
like( $s->driver->get_title, qr(Log in to Koha), 'After the onboarding process the user should have landed in the login form page');
is( $s->driver->get_title, 'Koha staff interface', 'The credentials we created should work');