Main Koha release repository
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

119 lines
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[% INCLUDE '' %]
<title>Koha &rsaquo; Add to list</title>
[% INCLUDE '' %]
<body id="lists_addbybiblionumber" class="lists">
<div class="container-fluid">
[% UNLESS (authorized) %]
<p align="center">
[% IF (errcode==1) %]Could not create a new list. Please check the name.<br/>[% END %]
[% IF (errcode==2) %]Sorry, you do not have permission to add items to this list.<br/>[% END %]
<a href="javascript:self.close();">Close this window.</a>
[% ELSE %]
[% IF ( multiple ) %]
<h1>Add [% total | html %] items to [% IF ( singleshelf ) %]<em>[% shelfname | html %]</em>: [% ELSE %]a list:[% END %]</h1>
[% ELSE %]
<h1>Add to [% IF ( singleshelf ) %]<em>[% shelfname | html %]</em>[% ELSE %]a list:[% END %]</h1>
[% END %]
[% FOREACH biblio IN biblios %]
<li> <span class="title">[% biblio.title | html %]</span>
[% IF ( ) %]<span class="author"> [% | html %] </span>[% END %]
[% END %]
<form name="f1" action="/cgi-bin/koha/virtualshelves/" method="post">
[% FOREACH biblio IN biblios %] <input type="hidden" name="biblionumber" value="[% biblio.biblionumber | html %]" />[% END %]
<input type="hidden" name="confirmed" value="1" />
[% IF ( shelfnumber ) %]<input type="hidden" name="shelfnumber" value="[% shelfnumber | html %]" />[% END %]
[% UNLESS ( shelfnumber ) %]
[% UNLESS ( newshelf ) %]
[% IF private_shelves.count OR public_shelves.count OR private_shelves_shared_with_me.count %]
<fieldset class="rows">
<legend>Select an existing list</legend>
<label>Choose list</label>
<select name="shelfnumber" id="shelfnumber">
[% IF private_shelves.count %]
<optgroup label="Private lists">
[% FOREACH private_shelf IN private_shelves %]
<option value="[% private_shelf.shelfnumber | html %]">[% private_shelf.shelfname | html %]</option>
[% END %]
[% END %]
[% IF private_shelves_shared_with_me.count %]
<optgroup label="Private lists shared with me">
[% FOREACH private_shelf IN private_shelves_shared_with_me %]
<option value="[% private_shelf.shelfnumber | html %]">[% private_shelf.shelfname | html %]</option>
[% END %]
[% END %]
[% IF public_shelves.count %]
<optgroup label="Public lists">
[% FOREACH public_shelf IN public_shelves %]
<option value="[% public_shelf.shelfnumber | html %]">[% public_shelf.shelfname | html %]</option>
[% END %]
[% END %]
[% FOREACH biblio IN biblios %]<input type="hidden" name="biblionumber" value="[% biblio.biblionumber | html %]" />[% END %]
[% UNLESS ( biblionumbers ) %]
<input type="hidden" name="biblionumber" value="[% biblionumber | html %]" />
[% ELSE %]
<input type="hidden" name="biblionumbers" value="[% biblionumbers | html %]" />
[% END %]
<p>... or...</p>
[% END %]
[% END %]
<fieldset class="rows"><legend>Add to a new list:</legend>
<label for="newvirtualshelf">
List name:
[% FOREACH biblio IN biblios %]<input type="hidden" name="biblionumber" value="[% biblio.biblionumber | html %]" />[% END %]
[% UNLESS ( biblionumbers ) %]
<input type="hidden" name="biblionumber" id="biblionumber" value="[% biblionumber | html %]" />
[% ELSE %]
<input type="hidden" name="biblionumbers" id="biblionumbers" value="[% biblionumbers | html %]" />
[% END %]
<input type="text" name="newvirtualshelf" id="newvirtualshelf" size="40" />
<input type="hidden" name="confirmed" value="1" />
<label for="category">Category:</label>
<select name="category" id="category">
<option value="1">Private</option>
<option value="2">Public</option>
[% END %]
<!-- SAVE -->
<fieldset class="action">
<input type="hidden" name="sortfield" value="title" />
<input type="submit" value="Save" class="submit" /> <a class="close cancel" href="#">Cancel</a>
<!-- /SAVE -->
[% END %]
[% SET popup_window = 1 %]
[% INCLUDE '' %]