Kyle M Hall 3b2abc60d7 Bug 9922 - holds queue shows home library with AutomaticReturn
Test Plan:
 1) Enable AutomaticItemReturn
 2) Place a reserve on a record where the holding and home branches differ
    for the available items
 3) Rebuild the holds queue
 4) Check the holds queue, verify the item is listed in the items to pull for the item's home branch
 5) Disable AutomaticItemReturn
 6) Rebuild the holds queue
 7) Verify the item is listed in the items to pull for the item's holding branch
 8) Enable AutomaticItemReturn
 9) Apply patch
10) Rebuild the holds queue
11) Verify the item is listed in the items to pull for the item's holding branch

Signed-off-by: Liz Rea <liz@catalyst.net.nz>
Tested per plan, and the patch seems sane. Functionality of the hold queue is restored to previous behaviour.

Signed-off-by: Katrin Fischer <Katrin.Fischer.83@web.de>
Amended test plan to make clear it has to be a record level
hold for the test plan to work.
All tests and QA script pass.
Signed-off-by: Jared Camins-Esakov <jcamins@cpbibliography.com>
2013-03-29 22:25:23 -04:00

623 lines
21 KiB
Executable file

package C4::HoldsQueue;
# Copyright 2011 Catalyst IT
# This file is part of Koha.
# Koha is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
# version.
# Koha is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
# A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with Koha; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
# FIXME: expand perldoc, explain intended logic
use strict;
use warnings;
use C4::Context;
use C4::Search;
use C4::Items;
use C4::Branch;
use C4::Circulation;
use C4::Members;
use C4::Biblio;
use C4::Dates qw/format_date/;
use List::Util qw(shuffle);
use Data::Dumper;
$VERSION = 3.03;
require Exporter;
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
@EXPORT_OK = qw(
=head2 TransportCostMatrix
Returns Transport Cost Matrix as a hashref <to branch code> => <from branch code> => cost
sub TransportCostMatrix {
my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
my $transport_costs = $dbh->selectall_arrayref("SELECT * FROM transport_cost",{ Slice => {} });
my %transport_cost_matrix;
foreach (@$transport_costs) {
my $from = $_->{frombranch};
my $to = $_->{tobranch};
my $cost = $_->{cost};
my $disabled = $_->{disable_transfer};
$transport_cost_matrix{$to}{$from} = { cost => $cost, disable_transfer => $disabled };
return \%transport_cost_matrix;
=head2 UpdateTransportCostMatrix
Updates full Transport Cost Matrix table. $records is an arrayref of records.
Records: { frombranch => <code>, tobranch => <code>, cost => <figure>, disable_transfer => <0,1> }
sub UpdateTransportCostMatrix {
my ($records) = @_;
my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
my $sth = $dbh->prepare("INSERT INTO transport_cost (frombranch, tobranch, cost, disable_transfer) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)");
$dbh->do("TRUNCATE TABLE transport_cost");
foreach (@$records) {
my $cost = $_->{cost};
my $from = $_->{frombranch};
my $to = $_->{tobranch};
if ($_->{disable_transfer}) {
$cost ||= 0;
elsif ( !defined ($cost) || ($cost !~ m/(0|[1-9][0-9]*)(\.[0-9]*)?/o) ) {
warn "Invalid $from -> $to cost $cost - must be a number >= 0, disablig";
$cost = 0;
$_->{disable_transfer} = 1;
$sth->execute( $from, $to, $cost, $_->{disable_transfer} ? 1 : 0 );
=head2 GetHoldsQueueItems
Returns hold queue for a holding branch. If branch is omitted, then whole queue is returned
sub GetHoldsQueueItems {
my ($branchlimit) = @_;
my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
my @bind_params = ();
my $query = q/SELECT tmp_holdsqueue.*, biblio.author, items.ccode, items.location, items.enumchron, items.cn_sort, biblioitems.publishercode,biblio.copyrightdate,biblioitems.publicationyear,biblioitems.pages,biblioitems.size,biblioitems.publicationyear,biblioitems.isbn,items.copynumber
FROM tmp_holdsqueue
JOIN biblio USING (biblionumber)
LEFT JOIN biblioitems USING (biblionumber)
LEFT JOIN items USING ( itemnumber)
if ($branchlimit) {
$query .=" WHERE tmp_holdsqueue.holdingbranch = ?";
push @bind_params, $branchlimit;
$query .= " ORDER BY ccode, location, cn_sort, author, title, pickbranch, reservedate";
my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
my $items = [];
while ( my $row = $sth->fetchrow_hashref ){
$row->{reservedate} = format_date($row->{reservedate});
my $record = GetMarcBiblio($row->{biblionumber});
if ($record){
$row->{subtitle} = GetRecordValue('subtitle',$record,'')->[0]->{subfield};
$row->{parts} = GetRecordValue('parts',$record,'')->[0]->{subfield};
$row->{numbers} = GetRecordValue('numbers',$record,'')->[0]->{subfield};
push @$items, $row;
return $items;
=head2 CreateQueue
Top level function that turns reserves into tmp_holdsqueue and hold_fill_targets.
sub CreateQueue {
my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
$dbh->do("DELETE FROM tmp_holdsqueue"); # clear the old table for new info
$dbh->do("DELETE FROM hold_fill_targets");
my $total_bibs = 0;
my $total_requests = 0;
my $total_available_items = 0;
my $num_items_mapped = 0;
my $branches_to_use;
my $transport_cost_matrix;
my $use_transport_cost_matrix = C4::Context->preference("UseTransportCostMatrix");
if ($use_transport_cost_matrix) {
$transport_cost_matrix = TransportCostMatrix();
unless (keys %$transport_cost_matrix) {
warn "UseTransportCostMatrix set to yes, but matrix not populated";
undef $transport_cost_matrix;
unless ($transport_cost_matrix) {
$branches_to_use = load_branches_to_pull_from();
my $bibs_with_pending_requests = GetBibsWithPendingHoldRequests();
foreach my $biblionumber (@$bibs_with_pending_requests) {
my $hold_requests = GetPendingHoldRequestsForBib($biblionumber);
my $available_items = GetItemsAvailableToFillHoldRequestsForBib($biblionumber, $branches_to_use);
$total_requests += scalar(@$hold_requests);
$total_available_items += scalar(@$available_items);
my $item_map = MapItemsToHoldRequests($hold_requests, $available_items, $branches_to_use, $transport_cost_matrix);
$item_map or next;
my $item_map_size = scalar(keys %$item_map)
or next;
$num_items_mapped += $item_map_size;
if (($item_map_size < scalar(@$hold_requests )) and
($item_map_size < scalar(@$available_items))) {
# DOUBLE CHECK, but this is probably OK - unfilled item-level requests
#warn "unfilled requests for $biblionumber";
#warn Dumper($hold_requests), Dumper($available_items), Dumper($item_map);
=head2 GetBibsWithPendingHoldRequests
my $biblionumber_aref = GetBibsWithPendingHoldRequests();
Return an arrayref of the biblionumbers of all bibs
that have one or more unfilled hold requests.
sub GetBibsWithPendingHoldRequests {
my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
my $bib_query = "SELECT DISTINCT biblionumber
FROM reserves
AND priority > 0
AND reservedate <= CURRENT_DATE()";
my $sth = $dbh->prepare($bib_query);
my $biblionumbers = $sth->fetchall_arrayref();
return [ map { $_->[0] } @$biblionumbers ];
=head2 GetPendingHoldRequestsForBib
my $requests = GetPendingHoldRequestsForBib($biblionumber);
Returns an arrayref of hashrefs to pending, unfilled hold requests
on the bib identified by $biblionumber. The following keys
are present in each hashref:
The arrayref is sorted in order of increasing priority.
sub GetPendingHoldRequestsForBib {
my $biblionumber = shift;
my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
my $request_query = "SELECT biblionumber, borrowernumber, itemnumber, priority, reserves.branchcode,
reservedate, reservenotes, borrowers.branchcode AS borrowerbranch
FROM reserves
JOIN borrowers USING (borrowernumber)
WHERE biblionumber = ?
AND priority > 0
AND reservedate <= CURRENT_DATE()
ORDER BY priority";
my $sth = $dbh->prepare($request_query);
my $requests = $sth->fetchall_arrayref({});
return $requests;
=head2 GetItemsAvailableToFillHoldRequestsForBib
my $available_items = GetItemsAvailableToFillHoldRequestsForBib($biblionumber, $branches_ar);
Returns an arrayref of items available to fill hold requests
for the bib identified by C<$biblionumber>. An item is available
to fill a hold request if and only if:
* it is not on loan
* it is not withdrawn
* it is not marked notforloan
* it is not currently in transit
* it is not lost
* it is not sitting on the hold shelf
sub GetItemsAvailableToFillHoldRequestsForBib {
my ($biblionumber, $branches_to_use) = @_;
my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
my $items_query = "SELECT itemnumber, homebranch, holdingbranch, itemtypes.itemtype AS itype
FROM items ";
if (C4::Context->preference('item-level_itypes')) {
$items_query .= "LEFT JOIN itemtypes ON (itemtypes.itemtype = items.itype) ";
} else {
$items_query .= "JOIN biblioitems USING (biblioitemnumber)
LEFT JOIN itemtypes USING (itemtype) ";
$items_query .= "WHERE items.notforloan = 0
AND holdingbranch IS NOT NULL
AND itemlost = 0
AND wthdrawn = 0";
$items_query .= " AND damaged = 0" unless C4::Context->preference('AllowHoldsOnDamagedItems');
$items_query .= " AND items.onloan IS NULL
AND (itemtypes.notforloan IS NULL OR itemtypes.notforloan = 0)
AND itemnumber NOT IN (
SELECT itemnumber
FROM reserves
WHERE biblionumber = ?
AND itemnumber IS NOT NULL
AND (found IS NOT NULL OR priority = 0)
AND items.biblionumber = ?";
$items_query .= " AND damaged = 0 "
unless C4::Context->preference('AllowHoldsOnDamagedItems');
my @params = ($biblionumber, $biblionumber);
if ($branches_to_use && @$branches_to_use) {
$items_query .= " AND holdingbranch IN (" . join (",", map { "?" } @$branches_to_use) . ")";
push @params, @$branches_to_use;
my $sth = $dbh->prepare($items_query);
my $itm = $sth->fetchall_arrayref({});
my @items = grep { ! scalar GetTransfers($_->{itemnumber}) } @$itm;
return [ grep {
my $rule = GetBranchItemRule($_->{homebranch}, $_->{itype});
$_->{holdallowed} = $rule->{holdallowed} != 0
} @items ];
=head2 MapItemsToHoldRequests
MapItemsToHoldRequests($hold_requests, $available_items, $branches, $transport_cost_matrix)
sub MapItemsToHoldRequests {
my ($hold_requests, $available_items, $branches_to_use, $transport_cost_matrix) = @_;
# handle trival cases
return unless scalar(@$hold_requests) > 0;
return unless scalar(@$available_items) > 0;
my $automatic_return = C4::Context->preference("AutomaticItemReturn");
# identify item-level requests
my %specific_items_requested = map { $_->{itemnumber} => 1 }
grep { defined($_->{itemnumber}) }
# group available items by itemnumber
my %items_by_itemnumber = map { $_->{itemnumber} => $_ } @$available_items;
# items already allocated
my %allocated_items = ();
# map of items to hold requests
my %item_map = ();
# figure out which item-level requests can be filled
my $num_items_remaining = scalar(@$available_items);
foreach my $request (@$hold_requests) {
last if $num_items_remaining == 0;
# is this an item-level request?
if (defined($request->{itemnumber})) {
# fill it if possible; if not skip it
if (exists $items_by_itemnumber{$request->{itemnumber}} and
not exists $allocated_items{$request->{itemnumber}}) {
$item_map{$request->{itemnumber}} = {
borrowernumber => $request->{borrowernumber},
biblionumber => $request->{biblionumber},
holdingbranch => $items_by_itemnumber{$request->{itemnumber}}->{holdingbranch},
pickup_branch => $request->{branchcode} || $request->{borrowerbranch},
item_level => 1,
reservedate => $request->{reservedate},
reservenotes => $request->{reservenotes},
} else {
# it's title-level request that will take up one item
# group available items by branch
my %items_by_branch = ();
foreach my $item (@$available_items) {
next unless $item->{holdallowed};
push @{ $items_by_branch{ $item->{holdingbranch} } }, $item
unless exists $allocated_items{ $item->{itemnumber} };
return unless keys %items_by_branch;
# now handle the title-level requests
$num_items_remaining = scalar(@$available_items) - scalar(keys %allocated_items);
my $pull_branches;
foreach my $request (@$hold_requests) {
last if $num_items_remaining == 0;
next if defined($request->{itemnumber}); # already handled these
# look for local match first
my $pickup_branch = $request->{branchcode} || $request->{borrowerbranch};
my ($itemnumber, $holdingbranch);
my $holding_branch_items = $automatic_return ? undef : $items_by_branch{$pickup_branch};
if ( $holding_branch_items ) {
foreach my $item (@$holding_branch_items) {
if ( $request->{borrowerbranch} eq $item->{homebranch} ) {
$itemnumber = $item->{itemnumber};
$holdingbranch = $pickup_branch;
$itemnumber ||= $holding_branch_items->[0]->{itemnumber};
elsif ($transport_cost_matrix) {
$pull_branches = [keys %items_by_branch];
$holdingbranch = least_cost_branch( $pickup_branch, $pull_branches, $transport_cost_matrix );
if ( $holdingbranch ) {
my $holding_branch_items = $items_by_branch{$holdingbranch};
foreach my $item (@$holding_branch_items) {
next if $request->{borrowerbranch} ne $item->{homebranch};
$itemnumber = $item->{itemnumber};
$itemnumber ||= $holding_branch_items->[0]->{itemnumber};
else {
warn "No transport costs for $pickup_branch";
unless ($itemnumber) {
# not found yet, fall back to basics
if ($branches_to_use) {
$pull_branches = $branches_to_use;
} else {
$pull_branches = [keys %items_by_branch];
foreach my $branch (@$pull_branches) {
my $holding_branch_items = $items_by_branch{$branch}
or next;
$holdingbranch ||= $branch;
foreach my $item (@$holding_branch_items) {
next if $pickup_branch ne $item->{homebranch};
$itemnumber = $item->{itemnumber};
$holdingbranch = $branch;
$itemnumber ||= $items_by_branch{$holdingbranch}->[0]->{itemnumber}
if $holdingbranch;
if ($itemnumber) {
my $holding_branch_items = $items_by_branch{$holdingbranch}
or die "Have $itemnumber, $holdingbranch, but no items!";
@$holding_branch_items = grep { $_->{itemnumber} != $itemnumber } @$holding_branch_items;
delete $items_by_branch{$holdingbranch} unless @$holding_branch_items;
$item_map{$itemnumber} = {
borrowernumber => $request->{borrowernumber},
biblionumber => $request->{biblionumber},
holdingbranch => $holdingbranch,
pickup_branch => $pickup_branch,
item_level => 0,
reservedate => $request->{reservedate},
reservenotes => $request->{reservenotes},
return \%item_map;
=head2 CreatePickListFromItemMap
sub CreatePicklistFromItemMap {
my $item_map = shift;
my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
my $sth_load=$dbh->prepare("
INSERT INTO tmp_holdsqueue (biblionumber,itemnumber,barcode,surname,firstname,phone,borrowernumber,
cardnumber,reservedate,title, itemcallnumber,
holdingbranch,pickbranch,notes, item_level_request)
VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)
foreach my $itemnumber (sort keys %$item_map) {
my $mapped_item = $item_map->{$itemnumber};
my $biblionumber = $mapped_item->{biblionumber};
my $borrowernumber = $mapped_item->{borrowernumber};
my $pickbranch = $mapped_item->{pickup_branch};
my $holdingbranch = $mapped_item->{holdingbranch};
my $reservedate = $mapped_item->{reservedate};
my $reservenotes = $mapped_item->{reservenotes};
my $item_level = $mapped_item->{item_level};
my $item = GetItem($itemnumber);
my $barcode = $item->{barcode};
my $itemcallnumber = $item->{itemcallnumber};
my $borrower = GetMember('borrowernumber'=>$borrowernumber);
my $cardnumber = $borrower->{'cardnumber'};
my $surname = $borrower->{'surname'};
my $firstname = $borrower->{'firstname'};
my $phone = $borrower->{'phone'};
my $bib = GetBiblioData($biblionumber);
my $title = $bib->{title};
$sth_load->execute($biblionumber, $itemnumber, $barcode, $surname, $firstname, $phone, $borrowernumber,
$cardnumber, $reservedate, $title, $itemcallnumber,
$holdingbranch, $pickbranch, $reservenotes, $item_level);
=head2 AddToHoldTargetMap
sub AddToHoldTargetMap {
my $item_map = shift;
my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
my $insert_sql = q(
INSERT INTO hold_fill_targets (borrowernumber, biblionumber, itemnumber, source_branchcode, item_level_request)
VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
my $sth_insert = $dbh->prepare($insert_sql);
foreach my $itemnumber (keys %$item_map) {
my $mapped_item = $item_map->{$itemnumber};
$sth_insert->execute($mapped_item->{borrowernumber}, $mapped_item->{biblionumber}, $itemnumber,
$mapped_item->{holdingbranch}, $mapped_item->{item_level});
# Helper functions, not part of any interface
sub _trim {
return $_[0] unless $_[0];
$_[0] =~ s/^\s+//;
$_[0] =~ s/\s+$//;
sub load_branches_to_pull_from {
my $static_branch_list = C4::Context->preference("StaticHoldsQueueWeight")
or return;
my @branches_to_use = map _trim($_), split /,/, $static_branch_list;
@branches_to_use = shuffle(@branches_to_use) if C4::Context->preference("RandomizeHoldsQueueWeight");
return \@branches_to_use;
sub least_cost_branch {
#$from - arrayref
my ($to, $from, $transport_cost_matrix) = @_;
# Nothing really spectacular: supply to branch, a list of potential from branches
# and find the minimum from - to value from the transport_cost_matrix
return $from->[0] if @$from == 1;
my ($least_cost, @branch);
foreach (@$from) {
my $cell = $transport_cost_matrix->{$to}{$_};
next if $cell->{disable_transfer};
my $cost = $cell->{cost};
next unless defined $cost; # XXX should this be reported?
unless (defined $least_cost) {
$least_cost = $cost;
push @branch, $_;
next if $cost > $least_cost;
if ($cost == $least_cost) {
push @branch, $_;
@branch = ($_);
$least_cost = $cost;
return $branch[0];
# XXX return a random @branch with minimum cost instead of the first one;
# return $branch[0] if @branch == 1;