- changing nozebra table to have biblionumber,title-ranking; (; is the entry separator. Now, if a value is several times in an index, it is stored only once, with a higher ranking (the ranking is the number of times the word appeard for this index) - improving search to have ranking value (default order). The ranking is the sum of ranking of all terms. The list is ordered by ranking+title, from most to lower
138 lines
5.2 KiB
Executable file
138 lines
5.2 KiB
Executable file
use C4::Context;
use Getopt::Long;
use C4::Biblio;
use C4::AuthoritiesMarc;
use strict;
# script that fills the nozebra table
$|=1; # flushes output
# limit for database dumping
my $limit;# = "LIMIT 1000";
my $directory;
my $skip_export;
my $keep_export;
my $reset;
my $biblios;
my $authorities;
'd:s' => \$directory,
'reset' => \$reset,
's' => \$skip_export,
'k' => \$keep_export,
'b' => \$biblios,
'a' => \$authorities,
$directory = "export" unless $directory;
my $dbh=C4::Context->dbh;
$dbh->do("update systempreferences set value=1 where variable='NoZebra'");
$dbh->do("CREATE TABLE `nozebra` (
`indexname` varchar(40) character set latin1 NOT NULL,
`value` varchar(250) character set latin1 NOT NULL,
`biblionumbers` longtext character set latin1 NOT NULL,
KEY `indexname` (`indexname`),
KEY `value` (`value`))
$dbh->do("truncate nozebra");
my $sth;
$sth=$dbh->prepare("select biblionumber from biblioitems order by biblionumber $limit");
my $i=0;
my %result;
my %index = (
'title' => '200a,200c,200d,200e,225a,225d,225e,225f,225h,225i,225v,500*,501*,503*,510*,512*,513*,514*,515*,516*,517*,518*,519*,520*,530*,531*,532*,540*,541*,545*,604t,610t,605a',
'author' =>'200f,600a,601a,604a,700a,700b,700c,700d,700a,701b,701c,701d,702a,702b,702c,702d,710a,710b,710c,710d,711a,711b,711c,711d,712a,712b,712c,712d',
'isbn' => '010a',
'issn' => '011a',
'biblionumber' =>'0909',
'itemtype' => '200b',
'language' => '010a',
'publisher' => '210x',
'date' => '210d',
'note' => '300a,301a,302a,303a,304a,305a,306az,307a,308a,309a,310a,311a,312a,313a,314a,315a,316a,317a,318a,319a,320a,321a,322a,323a,324a,325a,326a,327a,328a,330a,332a,333a,336a,337a,345a',
'Koha-Auth-Number' => '6009,6019,6029,6039,6049,6059,6069,6109',
'subject' => '600*,601*,606*,610*',
'dewey' => '676a',
'host-item' => '995a,995c',
while (my ($biblionumber) = $sth->fetchrow) {
print "\r$i";
my $record = GetMarcBiblio($biblionumber);
# get title of the record (to store the 10 first letters with the index)
my $title;
if (C4::Context->preference('marcflavour') eq 'UNIMARC') {
$title = lc($record->subfield('200','a'));
} else {
$title = lc($record->subfield('245','a'));
# remove blancks comma (that could cause problem when decoding the string for CQL retrieval) and regexp specific values
$title =~ s/ |,|;|\[|\]|\(|\)|\*//g;
# limit to 10 char, should be enough, and limit the DB size
$title = substr($title,0,10);
#parse each field
foreach my $field ($record->fields()) {
#parse each subfield
next if $field->tag <10;
foreach my $subfield ($field->subfields()) {
my $tag = $field->tag();
my $subfieldcode = $subfield->[0];
my $indexed=0;
# check each index to see if the subfield is stored somewhere
# otherwise, store it in __RAW__ index
foreach my $key (keys %index) {
if ($index{$key} =~ /$tag\*/ or $index{$key} =~ /$tag$subfield/) {
my $line= lc $subfield->[1];
$line =~ s/-|\.|\?|,|;|!|'|\(|\)|\[|\]|{|}|"|<|>|&|\+|\*|\// /g;
foreach (split / /,$line) {
# see if the entry is already here
if ($result{$key}->{$_} =~ /$biblionumber,$title\-(\d);/) {
my $weight=$1+1;
$result{$key}->{$_} =~ s/$biblionumber,$title\-(\d);//;
$result{$key}->{$_} .= "$biblionumber,$title-$weight;";
} else {
# the subfield is not indexed, store it in __RAW__ index anyway
unless ($indexed) {
my $line= lc $subfield->[1];
$line =~ s/-|\.|\?|,|;|!|'|\(|\)|\[|\]|{|}|"|<|>|&|\+|\*|\// /g;
foreach (split / /,$line) {
# warn $record->as_formatted."$_ =>".$title;
if ($result{__RAW__}->{$_} =~ /$biblionumber,$title\-(\d);/) {
my $weight=$1+1;
# $weight++;
$result{__RAW__}->{$_} =~ s/$biblionumber,$title\-(\d);//;
$result{__RAW__}->{$_} .= "$biblionumber,$title-$weight;";
} else {
my $sth = $dbh->prepare("INSERT INTO nozebra (indexname,value,biblionumbers) VALUES (?,?,?)");
foreach my $key (keys %result) {
foreach my $index (keys %{$result{$key}}) {
if (length($result{$key}->{$index}) >40000) {
print length($result{$key}->{$index})." for $key / $index";