This patch adds a cronjob to take a marc file from the Koha file directory system and import it before creating order lines
Test plan:
This test plan involves running a cronjob, not sure how easy this is in the sandboxes
1) In system preferences, click Search and then select the Acquisitions option from the left hand menu
2) Enable MarcOrderingAutomation
3) Paste the following into MarcFieldsToOrder
price: 975$p
quantity: 975$q
budget_code: 975$h
4) Paste the following into MarcItemFieldsToOrder
homebranch: 949$a
holdingbranch: 949$b
itype: 949$y
nonpublic_note: 949$x
public_note: 949$z
loc: 949$c
ccode: 949$8
notforloan: 949$7
uri: 949$u
copyno: 949$t
price: 949$g
replacementprice: 949$v
itemcallnumber: 949$o
quantity: 949$k
budget_code: 949$l
Now save the sysprefs
5) In the administration homepage, under Acquisition parameters there should now be a link called "MARC order accounts"
6) Click on this and click the New account button
7) Choose a vendor and a budget
8) Enter a description
9) Enter the following in download directory - "/var/lib/koha/kohadev/tmp/koha_kohadev_upload"
10) Select any record matching settings you want (not important for the test plan, this uses the same code as the marc file staging that already exists in Koha)
11) Check Yes under Check for embedded item record data
12) Click submit
13) We now need to upload a MARC file into the directory that we put in the account. The easiest way to do this is through the marc staging tool
14) Navigate to Cataloging > Stage MARC records for import
15) Upload the file attached to this bug using the Choose file button
16) Click Upload file.
17) Leave the page without completing the new form that appears, we don't want to stage this file. The file we uploaded is now in the directory ready for the cronjob to process as if it had been transferred via SFTP.
18) In the CLI run, perl misc/cronjobs/ -v -c
19) The logging should show that the file has been processed for that account
20) Navigate to Acquisitions
21) Search for the Vendor that you put in the MARC ordering account
22) There should be a basket created on the vendor with the name of the file you uploaded (there will also be a reference at the start e.g. ea2323966faef2c59a6056dbd1f7d658_filename.marcxml. This is because we used the marc staging tool to upload the file and that adds a reference to filenames. This will not appear when using files from an SFTP location).
23) Click in the basket
24) There should be three orderlines, complete with accounting details that have been mapped from the file.
One line should have a fund of Fund 1_2, quantity of 4 and a replacement price of 6.75, one should have Secondary fund, 2, 6.40 and one should have Main fund,2, 6.30
Signed-off-by: Andrew Fuerste Henry <>
Signed-off-by: Nick Clemens <>
Signed-off-by: Katrin Fischer <>