Marcel de Rooy cbdd9194eb Bug 16610: [QA Follow-up] Add a test
To verify the original patch, this test shows that before applying
it the Patron Info request did not return CQ==N for an empty
password. Note that the Patron Status did btw.

After applying the original patch, the test passes for patron
info as well as status.

Signed-off-by: Marcel de Rooy <m.de.rooy@rijksmuseum.nl>

Signed-off-by: Brendan Gallagher <brendan@bywatersolutions.com>
2016-06-03 06:38:30 +00:00

235 lines
9.2 KiB
Executable file

# Tests for SIP::Sip::MsgType
# Please help to extend it!
# This file is part of Koha.
# Copyright 2016 Rijksmuseum
# Koha is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Koha is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Koha; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses>.
use Modern::Perl;
use Test::More tests => 2;
use Test::MockObject;
use Test::MockModule;
use Koha::Database;
use t::lib::TestBuilder;
use Koha::AuthUtils qw(hash_password);
use C4::SIP::ILS::Patron;
use C4::SIP::Sip qw(write_msg);
use C4::SIP::Sip::Constants qw(:all);
use C4::SIP::Sip::MsgType;
use constant PATRON_PW => 'do_not_ever_use_this_one';
my $fixed_length = { #length of fixed fields including response code
my $schema = Koha::Database->new->schema;
my $builder = t::lib::TestBuilder->new();
# COMMON: Some common stuff for all/most subtests
my ( $response, $findpatron, $branch, $branchcode );
# mock write_msg (imported from Sip.pm into Message.pm)
my $mockMsg = Test::MockModule->new( 'C4::SIP::Sip::MsgType' );
$mockMsg->mock( 'write_msg', sub { $response = $_[1]; } ); # save response
# mock ils object
my $mockILS = Test::MockObject->new;
$mockILS->mock( 'check_inst_id', sub {} );
$mockILS->mock( 'institution_id', sub { $branchcode; } );
$mockILS->mock( 'find_patron', sub { $findpatron; } );
$branch = $builder->build({
source => 'Branch',
$branchcode = $branch->{branchcode};
# START testing
subtest 'Testing Patron Status Request V2' => sub {
plan tests => 13;
$C4::SIP::Sip::protocol_version = 2;
subtest 'Testing Patron Info Request V2' => sub {
plan tests => 16;
$C4::SIP::Sip::protocol_version = 2;
# Here is room for some more subtests
# END of main code
sub test_request_patron_status_v2 {
my $patron1 = $builder->build({
source => 'Borrower',
value => {
password => hash_password( PATRON_PW ),
my $card1 = $patron1->{cardnumber};
my $sip_patron1 = C4::SIP::ILS::Patron->new( $card1 );
$findpatron = $sip_patron1;
FID_INST_ID. $branchcode. '|'.
FID_PATRON_ID. $card1. '|'.
my $msg = C4::SIP::Sip::MsgType->new( $siprequest, 0 );
my $server = { ils => $mockILS };
undef $response;
$msg->handle_patron_status( $server );
isnt( $response, undef, 'At least we got a response.' );
my $respcode = substr( $response, 0, 2 );
is( $respcode, PATRON_STATUS_RESP, 'Response code fine' );
check_field( $respcode, $response, FID_INST_ID, $branchcode , 'Verified institution id' );
check_field( $respcode, $response, FID_PATRON_ID, $card1, 'Verified patron id' );
check_field( $respcode, $response, FID_PERSONAL_NAME, $patron1->{surname}, 'Verified patron name', 'contains' );
check_field( $respcode, $response, FID_VALID_PATRON, 'Y', 'Verified code BL' );
check_field( $respcode, $response, FID_VALID_PATRON_PWD, 'Y', 'Verified code CQ' );
check_field( $respcode, $response, FID_SCREEN_MSG, '.+', 'Verified non-empty screen message', 'regex' );
# Now, we pass a wrong password and verify CQ again
FID_INST_ID. $branchcode. '|'.
FID_PATRON_ID. $card1. '|'.
FID_PATRON_PWD. 'wrong_password'. '|';
$msg = C4::SIP::Sip::MsgType->new( $siprequest, 0 );
undef $response;
$msg->handle_patron_status( $server );
$respcode = substr( $response, 0, 2 );
check_field( $respcode, $response, FID_VALID_PATRON_PWD, 'N', 'Verified code CQ for wrong pw' );
# Check empty password and verify CQ again
FID_INST_ID. $branchcode. '|'.
FID_PATRON_ID. $card1. '|'.
$msg = C4::SIP::Sip::MsgType->new( $siprequest, 0 );
undef $response;
$msg->handle_patron_status( $server );
$respcode = substr( $response, 0, 2 );
check_field( $respcode, $response, FID_VALID_PATRON_PWD, 'N', 'code CQ should be N for empty AD' );
# Finally, we send a wrong card number and check AE, BL
# This is done by removing the new patron first
$schema->resultset('Borrower')->search({ cardnumber => $card1 })->delete;
undef $findpatron;
FID_INST_ID. $branchcode. '|'.
FID_PATRON_ID. $card1. '|'.
$msg = C4::SIP::Sip::MsgType->new( $siprequest, 0 );
undef $response;
$msg->handle_patron_status( $server );
$respcode = substr( $response, 0, 2 );
check_field( $respcode, $response, FID_VALID_PATRON, 'N', 'Verified code BL for wrong cardnumber' );
check_field( $respcode, $response, FID_PERSONAL_NAME, '', 'Name should be empty now' );
check_field( $respcode, $response, FID_SCREEN_MSG, '.+', 'But we have a screen msg', 'regex' );
sub test_request_patron_info_v2 {
my $patron2 = $builder->build({
source => 'Borrower',
value => {
password => hash_password( PATRON_PW ),
my $card = $patron2->{cardnumber};
my $sip_patron2 = C4::SIP::ILS::Patron->new( $card );
$findpatron = $sip_patron2;
my $siprequest = PATRON_INFO. 'engYYYYMMDDZZZZHHMMSS'.'Y '.
FID_INST_ID. $branchcode. '|'.
FID_PATRON_ID. $card. '|'.
my $msg = C4::SIP::Sip::MsgType->new( $siprequest, 0 );
my $server = { ils => $mockILS };
undef $response;
$msg->handle_patron_info( $server );
isnt( $response, undef, 'At least we got a response.' );
my $respcode = substr( $response, 0, 2 );
is( $respcode, PATRON_INFO_RESP, 'Response code fine' );
check_field( $respcode, $response, FID_INST_ID, $branchcode , 'Verified institution id' );
check_field( $respcode, $response, FID_PATRON_ID, $card, 'Verified patron id' );
check_field( $respcode, $response, FID_PERSONAL_NAME, $patron2->{surname}, 'Verified patron name', 'contains' );
check_field( $respcode, $response, FID_VALID_PATRON, 'Y', 'Verified code BL' );
check_field( $respcode, $response, FID_VALID_PATRON_PWD, 'Y', 'Verified code CQ' );
check_field( $respcode, $response, FID_FEE_LMT, '.*', 'Checked existence of fee limit', 'regex' );
check_field( $respcode, $response, FID_HOME_ADDR, $patron2->{address}, 'Address in BD', 'contains' );
check_field( $respcode, $response, FID_EMAIL, $patron2->{email}, 'Verified email in BE' );
check_field( $respcode, $response, FID_HOME_PHONE, $patron2->{phone}, 'Verified home phone in BF' );
# No check for custom fields here (unofficial PB, PC and PI)
check_field( $respcode, $response, FID_SCREEN_MSG, '.+', 'We have a screen msg', 'regex' );
# Check empty password and verify CQ again
FID_INST_ID. $branchcode. '|'.
FID_PATRON_ID. $card. '|'.
$msg = C4::SIP::Sip::MsgType->new( $siprequest, 0 );
undef $response;
$msg->handle_patron_info( $server );
$respcode = substr( $response, 0, 2 );
check_field( $respcode, $response, FID_VALID_PATRON_PWD, 'N', 'code CQ should be N for empty AD' );
# Finally, we send a wrong card number
$schema->resultset('Borrower')->search({ cardnumber => $card })->delete;
undef $findpatron;
$msg = C4::SIP::Sip::MsgType->new( $siprequest, 0 );
undef $response;
$msg->handle_patron_info( $server );
$respcode = substr( $response, 0, 2 );
check_field( $respcode, $response, FID_VALID_PATRON, 'N', 'Verified code BL for wrong cardnumber' );
check_field( $respcode, $response, FID_PERSONAL_NAME, '', 'Name should be empty now' );
check_field( $respcode, $response, FID_SCREEN_MSG, '.+', 'But we have a screen msg', 'regex' );
# Helper routines
sub check_field {
my ( $code, $resp, $fld, $expr, $msg, $mode ) = @_;
# mode: contains || equals || regex (by default: equals)
# strip fixed part; prefix to simplify next regex
$resp = '|'. substr( $resp, $fixed_length->{$code} );
my $fldval;
if( $resp =~ /\|$fld([^\|]*)\|/ ) {
$fldval = $1;
} else { # test fails
is( 0, 1, "Code $fld not found in '$resp'?" );
if( !$mode || $mode eq 'equals' ) { # default
is( $fldval, $expr, $msg );
} elsif( $mode eq 'regex' ) {
is( $fldval =~ /$expr/, 1, $msg );
} else { # contains
is( index( $fldval, $expr ) > -1, 1, $msg );