Add support for processing incoming Edifact Quotes, Invoices and order responses and generating and transmission of Edifact Orders. Basic workflow is that an incoming quote generates an aquisition basket in Koha, with each line corresponding to an order record The user can then generate an edifact order from this (or another) basket, which is transferred to the vendor's site The supplier generates an invoice on despatch and this will result in corresponding invoices being generated in Koha The orderlines on the invoice are receipted automatically. We also support order response messages. This may include simple order acknowledgements, supplier reports/amendments on availability. Cancellation messages cause the koha order to be cancelled, other messages are recorded against the order Which messages are to be supported/processed is specifiable on a vendor by vendor basis via the admin screens You can also specify auto order i.e. to generate orders from quotes without user intervention - This reflects existing workflows where most work is done on the suppliers website then generating a dummy quote Received messages are stored in the edifact_messages table and the original can be viewed via the online Database changes are in installer/data/mysql/atomicchanges/edifact.sql Note new perl dependencies: Net::SFTP:Foreign Text::Unidecode Signed-off-by: Paul Johnson <p.johnson@staffs.ac.uk> Signed-off-by: Sally Healey <sally.healey@cheshiresharedservices.gov.uk> Signed-off-by: Kyle M Hall <kyle@bywatersolutions.com> Signed-off-by: Brendan A Gallagher <brendan@bywatersolutions.com>
121 lines
4 KiB
Executable file
121 lines
4 KiB
Executable file
use strict;
use warnings;
use FindBin qw( $Bin );
use Test::More tests => 34;
BEGIN { use_ok('Koha::Edifact') }
my $filename = "$Bin/edi_testfiles/prquotes_73050_20140430.CEQ";
my $quote = Koha::Edifact->new( { filename => $filename, } );
isa_ok( $quote, 'Koha::Edifact' );
my $x = $quote->interchange_header('sender');
is( $x, '5013546027856', "sender returned" );
$x = $quote->interchange_header('recipient');
is( $x, '5030670137480', "recipient returned" );
$x = $quote->interchange_header('datetime');
is( $x->[0], '140430', "datetime returned" );
my $control_reference = 'EDIQ2857763';
$x = $quote->interchange_header('interchange_control_reference');
is( $x, $control_reference, "interchange_control_reference returned" );
$x = $quote->interchange_header('application_reference');
is( $x, 'QUOTES', "application_reference returned" );
$x = $quote->interchange_trailer('interchange_control_count');
is( $x, 1, "interchange_control_count returned" );
my $msgs = $quote->message_array();
my $msg_count = @{$msgs};
is( $msg_count, 1, "correct message count returned" );
my $m = $msgs->[0];
is( $m->message_type, 'QUOTES', "Message shows correct type" );
is( $m->message_reference_number,
'MQ09791', "Message reference number returned" );
is( $m->docmsg_number, 'Q741588', "Message docmsg number returned" );
is( $m->message_date, '20140430', "Message date returned" );
my $lin = $m->lineitems();
my $num_lines = @{$lin};
is( $num_lines, 18, 'Correct number of lines in message' );
my $test_line = $lin->[-1];
is( $test_line->line_item_number, 18, 'correct line number returned' );
is( $test_line->item_number_id, '9780273761006', 'correct ean returned' );
is( $test_line->quantity, 1, 'quantity returned' );
my $test_title = 'International business [electronic resource]';
my $marcrec = $test_line->marc_record;
isa_ok( $marcrec, 'MARC::Record' );
my $title = $test_line->title();
# also tests components are concatenated
is( $title, $test_title, "Title returned" );
# problems currently with the record (needs leader ??)
#is( $marcrec->title(), $test_title, "Title returned from marc");
my $test_author = q{Rugman, Alan M.};
is( $test_line->author, $test_author, "Author returned" );
is( $test_line->publisher, 'Pearson Education', "Publisher returned" );
is( $test_line->publication_date, q{2012.}, "Pub. date returned" );
# Test data encoded in GIR
my $stock_category = $test_line->girfield('stock_category');
is( $stock_category, 'EBOOK', "stock_category returned" );
my $branch = $test_line->girfield('branch');
is( $branch, 'ELIB', "branch returned" );
my $fund_allocation = $test_line->girfield('fund_allocation');
is( $fund_allocation, '660BOO_2013', "fund_allocation returned" );
my $collection_code = $test_line->girfield('collection_code');
is( $collection_code, 'EBOO', "collection_code returned" );
#my $shelfmark = $test_line->girfield('shelfmark');
#my $classification = $test_line->girfield('classification');
## text the free_text returned from the line
my $test_line_2 = $lin->[12];
my $ftx_string = 'E*610.72* - additional items';
is( $test_line_2->orderline_free_text, $ftx_string, "ftx note retrieved" );
my $filename2 = "$Bin/edi_testfiles/QUOTES_413514.CEQ";
my $q2 = Koha::Edifact->new( { filename => $filename2, } );
my $messages = $q2->message_array();
my $orderlines = $messages->[0]->lineitems();
my $ol = $orderlines->[0];
my $y = $ol->girfield( 'copy_value', 5 );
is( $y, undef, 'No extra item generated' );
$y = $ol->girfield( 'copy_value', 1 );
is( $y, '16.99', 'Copy Price returned' );
$y = $ol->girfield( 'classification', 4 );
is( $y, '914.1061', 'Copy classification returned' );
$y = $ol->girfield( 'fund_allocation', 4 );
is( $y, 'REF', 'Copy fund returned' );
$y = $ol->girfield( 'branch', 4 );
is( $y, 'SOU', 'Copy Branch returned' );
$y = $ol->girfield( 'collection_code', 4 );
is( $y, 'ANF', 'Collection code returned' );
$y = $ol->girfield( 'stock_category', 4 );
is( $y, 'RS', 'Copy stock category returned' );