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package Koha::Config;
# This file is part of Koha.
# Koha is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Koha is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Koha; if not, see <>.
=head1 NAME
Koha::Config - Read Koha configuration file
use Koha::Config;
my $config = Koha::Config->get_instance;
my $database = $config->get('database');
my $serverinfo = $config->get('biblioserver', 'serverinfo');
my $otherconfig = Koha::Config->get_instance('/path/to/other/koha-conf.xml');
Koha::Config is a helper module for reading configuration variables from the
main Koha configuration file ($KOHA_CONF)
use Modern::Perl;
# Default config file, if none is specified
use constant CONFIG_FNAME => "/etc/koha/koha-conf.xml";
# path to config file set by installer
# __KOHA_CONF_DIR__ is set by rewrite-confg.PL
# when Koha is installed in 'standard' or 'single'
# mode. If Koha was installed in 'dev' mode,
# __KOHA_CONF_DIR__ is *not* rewritten; instead
# developers should set the KOHA_CONF environment variable
my $INSTALLED_CONFIG_FNAME = '__KOHA_CONF_DIR__/koha-conf.xml';
=head2 get_instance
$config = Koha::Config->get_instance;
$config = Koha::Config->get_instance($file);
Reads C<$file> and returns the corresponding C<Koha::Config> object.
If C<$file> is not given (or undef) it defaults to the result of
Multiple calls with the same arguments will return the same object, and the
file will be read only the first time.
our %configs;
sub get_instance {
my ($class, $file) = @_;
$file //= $class->guess_koha_conf;
unless (exists $configs{$file}) {
$configs{$file} = $class->read_from_file($file);
return $configs{$file};
=head2 read_from_file
$config = Koha::Config->read_from_file($file);
Reads C<$file> and returns the corresponding C<Koha::Config> object.
Unlike C<get_instance>, this method will read the file at every call, so use it
carefully. In most cases, you should use C<get_instance> instead.
sub read_from_file {
my ( $class, $file ) = @_;
return if not defined $file;
my $config = {};
eval {
my $dom = XML::LibXML->load_xml(location => $file);
foreach my $childNode ($dom->documentElement->nonBlankChildNodes) {
$class->_read_from_dom_node($childNode, $config);
if ($@) {
die "\nError reading file $file.\nTry running this again as the koha instance user (or use the koha-shell command in debian)\n\n";
return bless $config, $class;
=head2 guess_koha_conf
$file = Koha::Config->guess_koha_conf;
Returns the path to Koha main configuration file.
Koha's main configuration file koha-conf.xml is searched for according to this
priority list:
=item 1. Path supplied via use C4::Context '/path/to/koha-conf.xml'
=item 2. Path supplied in KOHA_CONF environment variable.
=item 3. Path supplied in INSTALLED_CONFIG_FNAME, as long as value has changed
from its default of '__KOHA_CONF_DIR__/koha-conf.xml', as happens when Koha is
installed in 'standard' or 'single' mode.
=item 4. Path supplied in CONFIG_FNAME.
The first entry that refers to a readable file is used.
sub guess_koha_conf {
# If the $KOHA_CONF environment variable is set, use
# that. Otherwise, use the built-in default.
my $conf_fname;
if ( exists $ENV{"KOHA_CONF"} and $ENV{'KOHA_CONF'} and -s $ENV{"KOHA_CONF"} ) {
$conf_fname = $ENV{"KOHA_CONF"};
# NOTE: be careful -- don't change __KOHA_CONF_DIR in the above
# regex to anything else -- don't want installer to rewrite it
} elsif ( -s CONFIG_FNAME ) {
$conf_fname = CONFIG_FNAME;
return $conf_fname;
=head2 get
$value = $config->get($key);
$value = $config->get($key, $section);
Returns the configuration entry corresponding to C<$key> and C<$section>.
The returned value can be a string, an arrayref or a hashref.
If C<$key> is not found, it returns undef.
C<$section> can be one of 'listen', 'server', 'serverinfo', 'config'.
If not given, C<$section> defaults to 'config'.
sub get {
my ($self, $key, $section) = @_;
$section //= 'config';
my $value;
if (exists $self->{$section} and exists $self->{$section}->{$key}) {
$value = $self->{$section}->{$key};
return $value;
=head2 timezone
$timezone = $config->timezone
Returns the configured timezone. If not configured or invalid, it returns
sub timezone {
my ($self) = @_;
my $timezone = $self->get('timezone') || $ENV{TZ};
if ($timezone) {
require DateTime::TimeZone;
if ( !DateTime::TimeZone->is_valid_name( $timezone ) ) {
warn "Invalid timezone in koha-conf.xml ($timezone)";
$timezone = 'local';
} else {
$timezone = 'local';
return $timezone;
sub _read_from_dom_node {
my ($class, $node, $config) = @_;
if ($node->nodeType == XML_TEXT_NODE) {
$config->{content} = $node->textContent;
} elsif ($node->nodeType == XML_ELEMENT_NODE) {
my $subconfig = {};
foreach my $attribute ($node->attributes) {
my $key = $attribute->nodeName;
my $value = $attribute->value;
$subconfig->{$key} = $value;
foreach my $childNode ($node->nonBlankChildNodes) {
$class->_read_from_dom_node($childNode, $subconfig);
my $key = $node->nodeName;
if ($node->hasAttribute('id')) {
my $id = $node->getAttribute('id');
$config->{$key} //= {};
$config->{$key}->{$id} = $subconfig;
delete $subconfig->{id};
} else {
my @keys = keys %$subconfig;
if (1 == scalar @keys && $keys[0] eq 'content') {
# An element with no attributes and no child elements becomes its text content
$subconfig = $subconfig->{content};
} elsif (0 == scalar @keys) {
# An empty element becomes an empty string
$subconfig = '';
if (exists $config->{$key}) {
unless (ref $config->{$key} eq 'ARRAY') {
$config->{$key} = [$config->{$key}];
push @{ $config->{$key} }, $subconfig;
} else {
if (grep { $_ eq $key } (qw(listen server serverinfo))) {
# <listen>, <server> and <serverinfo> are always arrays
$config->{$key} = [$subconfig];
} else {
$config->{$key} = $subconfig;