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# Copyright 2020 Koha Development team
# This file is part of Koha
# Koha is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Koha is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Koha; if not, see <>.
use Modern::Perl;
use Test::More tests => 4;
use Test::Exception;
use Koha::CirculationRules;
use Koha::Database;
use t::lib::Mocks;
use t::lib::TestBuilder;
use t::lib::Mocks;
my $schema = Koha::Database->new->schema;
my $builder = t::lib::TestBuilder->new;
subtest 'set_rule + get_effective_rule' => sub {
plan tests => 9;
my $categorycode = $builder->build_object( { class => 'Koha::Patron::Categories' } )->categorycode;
my $itemtype = $builder->build_object( { class => 'Koha::ItemTypes' } )->itemtype;
my $branchcode = $builder->build_object( { class => 'Koha::Libraries' } )->branchcode;
my $branchcode_2 = $builder->build_object( { class => 'Koha::Libraries' } )->branchcode;
my $rule_name = 'maxissueqty';
my $default_rule_value = 1;
my $rule;
throws_ok { Koha::CirculationRules->get_effective_rule }
"Exception should be raised if get_effective_rule is called without rule_name parameter";
$rule = Koha::CirculationRules->get_effective_rule(
branchcode => $branchcode,
categorycode => $categorycode,
itemtype => $itemtype,
rule_name => $rule_name,
is( $rule, undef, 'Undef should be returned if no rule exist' );
branchcode => '*',
categorycode => '*',
itemtype => '*',
rule_name => $rule_name,
rule_value => $default_rule_value,
$rule = Koha::CirculationRules->get_effective_rule(
branchcode => undef,
categorycode => undef,
itemtype => undef,
rule_name => $rule_name,
is( $rule->rule_value, $default_rule_value, 'undef means default' );
$rule = Koha::CirculationRules->get_effective_rule(
branchcode => '*',
categorycode => '*',
itemtype => '*',
rule_name => $rule_name,
is( $rule->rule_value, $default_rule_value, '* means default' );
$rule = Koha::CirculationRules->get_effective_rule(
branchcode => $branchcode_2,
categorycode => '*',
itemtype => '*',
rule_name => $rule_name,
is( $rule->rule_value, 1,
'Default rule is returned if there is no rule for this branchcode' );
subtest 'test rules that cannot be blank' => sub {
plan tests => 3;
foreach my $no_blank_rule ( ('holdallowed','hold_fulfillment_policy','returnbranch') ){
branchcode => $branchcode,
itemtype => '*',
rule_name => $no_blank_rule,
rule_value => '',
$rule = Koha::CirculationRules->get_effective_rule(
branchcode => $branchcode,
categorycode => undef,
itemtype => undef,
rule_name => $no_blank_rule,
is( $rule, undef, 'Rules that cannot be blank are not set when passed blank string' );
subtest 'test rule matching with different combinations of rule scopes' => sub {
my ( $tests, $order ) = prepare_tests_for_rule_scope_combinations(
branchcode => $branchcode,
categorycode => $categorycode,
itemtype => $itemtype,
plan tests => 2**scalar @$order;
foreach my $test (@$tests) {
my $rule_params = {%$test};
$rule_params->{rule_name} = $rule_name;
my $rule_value = $rule_params->{rule_value} = int( rand(10) );
my $rule = Koha::CirculationRules->get_effective_rule(
branchcode => $branchcode,
categorycode => $categorycode,
itemtype => $itemtype,
rule_name => $rule_name,
my $scope_output = '';
foreach my $key ( values @$order ) {
$scope_output .= " $key" if $test->{$key} ne '*';
is( $rule->rule_value, $rule_value,
'Explicitly scoped'
. ( $scope_output ? $scope_output : ' nothing' ) );
my $our_branch_rules = Koha::CirculationRules->search({branchcode => $branchcode});
is( $our_branch_rules->count, 4, "We added 8 rules");
is( $our_branch_rules->count, 0, "We deleted 8 rules");
subtest 'get_onshelfholds_policy() tests' => sub {
plan tests => 2;
my $item = $builder->build_sample_item();
my $circ_rules = Koha::CirculationRules->new;
# Cleanup
$circ_rules->search({ rule_name => 'onshelfholds' })->delete;
branchcode => '*',
categorycode => '*',
itemtype => '*',
rule_name => 'onshelfholds',
rule_value => 1,
is( $circ_rules->get_onshelfholds_policy({ item => $item }), 1, 'If rule_value is set on a matching rule, return it' );
# Delete the rule (i.e. get_effective_rule returns undef)
is( $circ_rules->get_onshelfholds_policy({ item => $item }), 0, 'If no matching rule, fallback to 0' );
subtest 'get_effective_daysmode' => sub {
plan tests => 4;
my $item_1 = $builder->build_sample_item();
my $item_2 = $builder->build_sample_item();
my $circ_rules =
Koha::CirculationRules->search( { rule_name => 'daysmode' } )->delete;
# Default value 'Datedue' at pref level
t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference( 'useDaysMode', 'Datedue' );
categorycode => undef,
itemtype => $item_1->effective_itemtype,
branchcode => undef
'daysmode default to pref value if the rule does not exist'
branchcode => '*',
categorycode => '*',
itemtype => '*',
rule_name => 'daysmode',
rule_value => 'Calendar',
branchcode => '*',
categorycode => '*',
itemtype => $item_1->effective_itemtype,
rule_name => 'daysmode',
rule_value => 'Days',
categorycode => undef,
itemtype => $item_1->effective_itemtype,
branchcode => undef
"daysmode for item_1 is the specific rule"
categorycode => undef,
itemtype => $item_2->effective_itemtype,
branchcode => undef
"daysmode for item_2 is the one defined for the default circ rule"
branchcode => '*',
categorycode => '*',
itemtype => $item_2->effective_itemtype,
rule_name => 'daysmode',
rule_value => '',
categorycode => undef,
itemtype => $item_2->effective_itemtype,
branchcode => undef
'daysmode default to pref value if the rule exists but set to""'
subtest 'get_lostreturn_policy() tests' => sub {
plan tests => 7;
my $default_rule_charge = $builder->build(
source => 'CirculationRule',
value => {
branchcode => undef,
categorycode => undef,
itemtype => undef,
rule_name => 'lostreturn',
rule_value => 'charge'
my $branchcode = $builder->build( { source => 'Branch' } )->{branchcode};
my $specific_rule_false = $builder->build(
source => 'CirculationRule',
value => {
branchcode => $branchcode,
categorycode => undef,
itemtype => undef,
rule_name => 'lostreturn',
rule_value => 0
my $branchcode2 = $builder->build( { source => 'Branch' } )->{branchcode};
my $specific_rule_refund = $builder->build(
source => 'CirculationRule',
value => {
branchcode => $branchcode2,
categorycode => undef,
itemtype => undef,
rule_name => 'lostreturn',
rule_value => 'refund'
my $branchcode3 = $builder->build( { source => 'Branch' } )->{branchcode};
my $specific_rule_restore = $builder->build(
source => 'CirculationRule',
value => {
branchcode => $branchcode3,
categorycode => undef,
itemtype => undef,
rule_name => 'lostreturn',
rule_value => 'restore'
# Make sure we have an unused branchcode
my $branchcode4 = $builder->build( { source => 'Branch' } )->{branchcode};
my $specific_rule_dummy = $builder->build(
source => 'CirculationRule',
value => {
branchcode => $branchcode4,
categorycode => undef,
itemtype => undef,
rule_name => 'lostreturn',
rule_value => 'refund'
my $branch_without_rule = $specific_rule_dummy->{ branchcode };
branchcode => $branch_without_rule,
categorycode => undef,
itemtype => undef,
rule_name => 'lostreturn',
rule_value => 'refund'
my $item = $builder->build_sample_item(
homebranch => $specific_rule_restore->{branchcode},
holdingbranch => $specific_rule_false->{branchcode}
my $params = {
return_branch => $specific_rule_refund->{ branchcode },
item => $item
# Specific rules
t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference( 'RefundLostOnReturnControl', 'CheckinLibrary' );
is( Koha::CirculationRules->get_lostreturn_policy( $params ),
'refund','Specific rule for checkin branch is applied (refund)');
t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference( 'RefundLostOnReturnControl', 'ItemHomeBranch' );
is( Koha::CirculationRules->get_lostreturn_policy( $params ),
'restore','Specific rule for home branch is applied (restore)');
t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference( 'RefundLostOnReturnControl', 'ItemHoldingBranch' );
is( Koha::CirculationRules->get_lostreturn_policy( $params ),
0,'Specific rule for holding branch is applied (false)');
# Default rule check
t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference( 'RefundLostOnReturnControl', 'CheckinLibrary' );
$params->{return_branch} = $branch_without_rule;
is( Koha::CirculationRules->get_lostreturn_policy( $params ),
'charge','No rule for branch, global rule applied (charge)');
# Change the default value just to try
Koha::CirculationRules->search({ branchcode => undef, rule_name => 'lostreturn' })->next->rule_value(0)->store;
is( Koha::CirculationRules->get_lostreturn_policy( $params ),
0,'No rule for branch, global rule applied (false)');
# No default rule defined check
branchcode => undef,
categorycode => undef,
itemtype => undef,
rule_name => 'lostreturn'
is( Koha::CirculationRules->get_lostreturn_policy( $params ),
'refund','No rule for branch, no default rule, fallback default (refund)');
# Fallback to ItemHoldBranch if CheckinLibrary is undefined
$params->{return_branch} = undef;
is( Koha::CirculationRules->get_lostreturn_policy( $params ),
'restore','return_branch undefined, fallback to ItemHomeBranch rule (restore)');
sub prepare_tests_for_rule_scope_combinations {
my ( $scope, $rule_name ) = @_;
# Here we create a combinations of 1s and 0s the following way
# 000...
# 001...
# 010...
# 011...
# 100...
# 101...
# 110...
# 111...
# (the number of columns equals to the amount of rule scopes)
# The ... symbolizes possible future scopes.
# - 0 equals to circulation rule scope with any value (aka. *)
# - 1 equals to circulation rule scope exact value, e.g.
# "CPL" (for branchcode).
# The order is the same as the weight of scopes when sorting circulation
# rules. So the first column of numbers is the scope with most weight.
# This is defined by C<$order> which will be assigned next.
# We must maintain the order in order to keep the test valid. This should be
# equal to Koha/ "order_by" of C<get_effective_rule> sub.
# Let's explicitly define the order and fail test if we are missing a scope:
my $order = [ 'branchcode', 'categorycode', 'itemtype' ];
is( join(", ", sort keys %$scope),
join(", ", sort @$order), 'Missing a scope!' ) if keys %$scope ne scalar @$order;
my @tests = ();
foreach my $value ( glob( "{0,1}" x keys %$scope || 1 ) ) {
my $test = { %$scope };
for ( my $i=0; $i < keys %$scope; $i++ ) {
$test->{$order->[$i]} = '*' unless substr( $value, $i, 1 );
push @tests, $test;
return \@tests, $order;