Jonathan Druart 9d6d641d1f Bug 17600: Standardize our EXPORT_OK
On bug 17591 we discovered that there was something weird going on with
the way we export and use subroutines/modules.
This patch tries to standardize our EXPORT to use EXPORT_OK only.

That way we will need to explicitely define the subroutine we want to
use from a module.

This patch is a squashed version of:
Bug 17600: After export.pl
Bug 17600: After perlimport
Bug 17600: Manual changes
Bug 17600: Other manual changes after second perlimports run
Bug 17600: Fix tests

And a lot of other manual changes.

export.pl is a dirty script that can be found on bug 17600.

"perlimport" is:
git clone https://github.com/oalders/App-perlimports.git
cd App-perlimports/
cpanm --installdeps .
export PERL5LIB="$PERL5LIB:/kohadevbox/koha/App-perlimports/lib"
find . \( -name "*.pl" -o -name "*.pm" \) -exec perl App-perlimports/script/perlimports --inplace-edit --no-preserve-unused --filename {} \;

The ideas of this patch are to:
* use EXPORT_OK instead of EXPORT
* perltidy the EXPORT_OK list
* remove '&' before the subroutine names
* remove some uneeded use statements
* explicitely import the subroutines we need within the controllers or

Note that the private subroutines (starting with _) should not be
exported (and not used from outside of the module except from tests).

Export allows to export the functions and variables of modules to user’s namespace using the standard import method. This way, we don’t need to create the objects for the modules to access it’s members.

@EXPORT and @EXPORT_OK are the two main variables used during export operation.

@EXPORT contains list of symbols (subroutines and variables) of the module to be exported into the caller namespace.

@EXPORT_OK does export of symbols on demand basis.

If this patch caused a conflict with a patch you wrote prior to its
* Make sure you are not reintroducing a "use" statement that has been
* "$subroutine" is not exported by the C4::$MODULE module
means that you need to add the subroutine to the @EXPORT_OK list
* Bareword "$subroutine" not allowed while "strict subs"
means that you didn't imported the subroutine from the module:
  - use $MODULE qw( $subroutine list );
You can also use the fully qualified namespace: C4::$MODULE::$subroutine

Signed-off-by: Jonathan Druart <jonathan.druart@bugs.koha-community.org>
2021-07-16 08:58:47 +02:00

519 lines
16 KiB

# ILS.pm: Koha ILS interface module
package C4::SIP::ILS;
use warnings;
use strict;
use C4::SIP::Sip qw( siplog );
use Data::Dumper;
use C4::SIP::ILS::Item;
use C4::SIP::ILS::Patron;
use C4::SIP::ILS::Transaction;
use C4::SIP::ILS::Transaction::Checkout;
use C4::SIP::ILS::Transaction::Checkin;
use C4::SIP::ILS::Transaction::FeePayment;
use C4::SIP::ILS::Transaction::Hold;
use C4::SIP::ILS::Transaction::Renew;
use C4::SIP::ILS::Transaction::RenewAll;
my %supports = (
'magnetic media' => 1,
'security inhibit' => 0,
'offline operation' => 0,
"patron status request" => 1,
"checkout" => 1,
"checkin" => 1,
"block patron" => 1,
"acs status" => 1,
"login" => 1,
"patron information" => 1,
"end patron session" => 1,
"fee paid" => 1,
"item information" => 1,
"item status update" => 0,
"patron enable" => 1,
"hold" => 1,
"renew" => 1,
"renew all" => 1,
sub new {
my ($class, $institution) = @_;
my $type = ref($class) || $class;
my $self = {};
siplog("LOG_DEBUG", "new ILS '%s'", $institution->{id});
$self->{institution} = $institution;
return bless $self, $type;
sub find_patron {
my $self = shift;
return C4::SIP::ILS::Patron->new(@_);
sub find_item {
my $self = shift;
return C4::SIP::ILS::Item->new(@_);
sub institution {
my $self = shift;
return $self->{institution}->{id}; # consider making this return the whole institution
sub institution_id {
my $self = shift;
return $self->{institution}->{id};
sub supports {
my ($self, $op) = @_;
return (exists($supports{$op}) && $supports{$op});
sub check_inst_id {
my ($self, $id, $whence) = @_;
if ($id ne $self->{institution}->{id}) {
siplog("LOG_WARNING", "%s: received institution '%s', expected '%s'", $whence, $id, $self->{institution}->{id});
# Just an FYI check, we don't expect the user to change location from that in SIPconfig.xml
sub to_bool {
my $bool = shift;
# If it's defined, and matches a true sort of string, or is
# a non-zero number, then it's true.
defined($bool) or return; # false
($bool =~ /true|y|yes/i) and return 1; # true
return ($bool =~ /^\d+$/ and $bool != 0); # true for non-zero numbers, false otherwise
sub checkout_ok {
my $self = shift;
return (exists($self->{institution}->{policy}->{checkout})
&& to_bool($self->{institution}->{policy}->{checkout}));
sub checkin_ok {
my $self = shift;
return (exists($self->{institution}->{policy}->{checkin})
&& to_bool($self->{institution}->{policy}->{checkin}));
sub status_update_ok {
my $self = shift;
return (exists($self->{institution}->{policy}->{status_update})
&& to_bool($self->{institution}->{policy}->{status_update}));
sub offline_ok {
my $self = shift;
return (exists($self->{institution}->{policy}->{offline})
&& to_bool($self->{institution}->{policy}->{offline}));
# Checkout(patron_id, item_id, sc_renew):
# patron_id & item_id are the identifiers send by the terminal
# sc_renew is the renewal policy configured on the terminal
# returns a status opject that can be queried for the various bits
# of information that the protocol (SIP or NCIP) needs to generate
# the response.
sub checkout {
my ( $self, $patron_id, $item_id, $sc_renew, $fee_ack, $account ) = @_;
my ( $patron, $item, $circ );
$circ = C4::SIP::ILS::Transaction::Checkout->new();
$circ->patron( $patron = C4::SIP::ILS::Patron->new($patron_id) );
$circ->item( $item = C4::SIP::ILS::Item->new($item_id) );
if ($fee_ack) {
if ( !$patron ) {
$circ->screen_msg("Invalid Patron");
elsif ( !$patron->charge_ok ) {
$circ->screen_msg("Patron Blocked");
elsif ( !$item ) {
$circ->screen_msg("Invalid Item");
elsif ( $item->{borrowernumber}
&& !_ci_cardnumber_cmp( $item->{borrowernumber}, $patron->borrowernumber ) )
$circ->screen_msg("Item checked out to another patron");
else {
if ( $circ->ok ) {
# If the item is already associated with this patron, then
# we're renewing it.
$circ->renew_ok( $item->{borrowernumber}
&& _ci_cardnumber_cmp( $item->{borrowernumber}, $patron->borrowernumber ) );
$item->{borrowernumber} = $patron_id;
$item->{due_date} = $circ->{due};
push( @{ $patron->{items} }, { barcode => $item_id } );
$circ->desensitize( !$item->magnetic_media );
"LOG_DEBUG", "ILS::Checkout: patron %s has checked out %s",
$patron_id, join( ', ', map{ $_->{barcode} } @{ $patron->{items} } )
else {
siplog( "LOG_ERR", "ILS::Checkout Issue failed" );
return $circ;
sub _ci_cardnumber_cmp {
my ( $s1, $s2) = @_;
# As the database is case insensitive we need to normalize two strings
# before comparing them
return ( uc($s1) eq uc($s2) );
# wrapper which allows above to be called for testing
sub test_cardnumber_compare {
my ($self, $str1, $str2) = @_;
return _ci_cardnumber_cmp($str1, $str2);
sub checkin {
my ( $self, $item_id, $trans_date, $return_date, $current_loc, $item_props, $cancel, $account ) = @_;
my $checked_in_ok = $account->{checked_in_ok};
my $cv_triggers_alert = $account->{cv_triggers_alert};
my $holds_block_checkin = $account->{holds_block_checkin};
my ( $patron, $item, $circ );
$circ = C4::SIP::ILS::Transaction::Checkin->new();
$circ->item( $item = C4::SIP::ILS::Item->new($item_id) );
my $data;
if ($item) {
$data = $circ->do_checkin( $current_loc, $return_date, $account );
else {
$circ->ok( 0 );
$circ->screen_msg('Invalid Item');
return $circ;
if ( !$circ->ok && $circ->alert_type && $circ->alert_type == 98 ) { # data corruption
$circ->screen_msg("Checkin failed: data problem");
siplog( "LOG_WARNING", "Problem with issue_id in issues and old_issues; check the about page" );
} elsif ( $data->{messages}->{ResFound} && !$circ->ok && $holds_block_checkin ) {
$circ->screen_msg("Item is on hold, please return to circulation desk");
siplog ("LOG_DEBUG", "C4::SIP::ILS::Checkin - item on hold");
} elsif ( $data->{messages}->{withdrawn} && !$circ->ok && C4::Context->preference("BlockReturnOfWithdrawnItems") ) {
$circ->screen_msg("Item withdrawn, return not allowed");
siplog ("LOG_DEBUG", "C4::SIP::ILS::Checkin - item withdrawn");
} elsif ( $data->{messages}->{WasLost} && !$circ->ok && C4::Context->preference("BlockReturnOfLostItems") ) {
$circ->screen_msg("Item lost, return not allowed");
siplog("LOG_DEBUG", "C4::SIP::ILS::Checkin - item lost");
} elsif ( !$item->{borrowernumber} ) {
if ( $checked_in_ok ) { # Mark checkin ok although book not checked out
$circ->ok( 1 );
siplog("LOG_DEBUG", "C4::SIP::ILS::Checkin - using checked_in_ok");
} else {
$circ->screen_msg("Item not checked out");
siplog("LOG_DEBUG", "C4::SIP::ILS::Checkin - item not checked out");
} elsif ( $circ->ok ) {
$circ->patron( $patron = C4::SIP::ILS::Patron->new( { borrowernumber => $item->{borrowernumber} } ) );
delete $item->{borrowernumber};
delete $item->{due_date};
$patron->{items} = [ grep { $_ ne $item_id } @{ $patron->{items} } ];
} else {
# Checkin failed: Wrongbranch or withdrawn?
# Bug 10748 with pref BlockReturnOfLostItems adds another case to come
# here: returning a lost item when the pref is set.
$circ->screen_msg("Checkin failed");
siplog( "LOG_WARNING", "Checkin failed: probably for Wrongbranch or withdrawn" );
return $circ;
# If the ILS caches patron information, this lets it free
# it up
sub end_patron_session {
my ($self, $patron_id) = @_;
# success?, screen_msg, print_line
return (1, 'Thank you !', '');
sub pay_fee {
my ($self, $patron_id, $patron_pwd, $fee_amt, $fee_type, $pay_type, $fee_id, $trans_id, $currency, $is_writeoff, $disallow_overpayment, $register_id) = @_;
my $trans = C4::SIP::ILS::Transaction::FeePayment->new();
my $patron;
$trans->patron($patron = C4::SIP::ILS::Patron->new($patron_id));
if (!$patron) {
$trans->screen_msg('Invalid patron barcode.');
return $trans;
my $trans_result = $trans->pay( $patron->{borrowernumber}, $fee_amt, $pay_type, $fee_id, $is_writeoff, $disallow_overpayment, $register_id );
my $ok = $trans_result->{ok};
return {
status => $trans,
pay_response => $trans_result->{pay_response}
sub add_hold {
my ($self, $patron_id, $patron_pwd, $item_id, $title_id,
$expiry_date, $pickup_location, $hold_type, $fee_ack) = @_;
my ($patron, $item);
my $trans = C4::SIP::ILS::Transaction::Hold->new();
$patron = C4::SIP::ILS::Patron->new( $patron_id );
if ( !$patron ) {
$trans->screen_msg("Invalid patron barcode.");
return $trans;
unless ($item = C4::SIP::ILS::Item->new($item_id || $title_id)) {
$trans->screen_msg("No such item.");
return $trans;
if ( $patron->holds_blocked_by_excessive_fees() ) {
$trans->screen_msg("Excessive fees blocking placement of hold.");
if ($item->fee and $fee_ack ne 'Y') {
$trans->screen_msg = "Fee required to place hold.";
return $trans;
my $hold = {
item_id => $item->id,
patron_id => $patron->id,
expiration_date => $expiry_date,
pickup_location => $pickup_location,
hold_type => $hold_type,
push(@{$item->hold_queue}, $hold);
push(@{$patron->{hold_items}}, $hold);
return $trans;
sub cancel_hold {
my ($self, $patron_id, $patron_pwd, $item_id, $title_id) = @_;
my ($patron, $item, $hold);
my $trans = C4::SIP::ILS::Transaction::Hold->new();
$patron = C4::SIP::ILS::Patron->new( $patron_id );
if (!$patron) {
$trans->screen_msg("Invalid patron barcode.");
return $trans;
unless ($item = C4::SIP::ILS::Item->new($item_id || $title_id)) {
$trans->screen_msg("No such item.");
return $trans;
unless ($trans->ok) {
$trans->screen_msg("Error with transaction drop_hold: " . $trans->screen_msg);
return $trans;
# Remove the hold from the patron's record first
$trans->ok($patron->drop_hold($item_id)); # different than the transaction drop!
unless ($trans->ok) {
# We didn't find it on the patron record
$trans->screen_msg("No such hold on patron record.");
return $trans;
# Now, remove it from the item record. If it was on the patron
# record but not on the item record, we'll treat that as success.
foreach my $i (0 .. scalar @{$item->hold_queue}) {
$hold = $item->hold_queue->[$i];
if ($item->barcode_is_borrowernumber($patron->id, $hold->{borrowernumber})) {
# found it: delete it.
splice @{$item->hold_queue}, $i, 1;
last; # ?? should we keep going, in case there are multiples
$trans->screen_msg("Hold Cancelled.");
return $trans;
# The patron and item id's can't be altered, but the
# date, location, and type can.
sub alter_hold {
my ($self, $patron_id, $patron_pwd, $item_id, $title_id,
$expiry_date, $pickup_location, $hold_type, $fee_ack) = @_;
my ($patron, $item);
my $hold;
my $trans;
$trans = C4::SIP::ILS::Transaction::Hold->new();
$patron = C4::SIP::ILS::Patron->new( $patron_id );
unless ($patron) {
$trans->screen_msg("Invalid patron barcode: '$patron_id'.");
return $trans;
foreach my $i (0 .. scalar @{$patron->{hold_items}}) {
$hold = $patron->{hold_items}[$i];
if ($hold->{item_id} eq $item_id) {
# Found it. So fix it.
$hold->{expiration_date} = $expiry_date if $expiry_date;
$hold->{pickup_location} = $pickup_location if $pickup_location;
$hold->{hold_type} = $hold_type if $hold_type;
# $trans->ok(1);
$trans->screen_msg("Hold updated.");
$trans->item(C4::SIP::ILS::Item->new( $hold->{item_id}));
# The same hold structure is linked into both the patron's
# list of hold items and into the queue of outstanding holds
# for the item, so we don't need to search the hold queue for
# the item, since it's already been updated by the patron code.
if (!$trans->ok) {
$trans->screen_msg("No such outstanding hold.");
return $trans;
sub renew {
my ($self, $patron_id, $patron_pwd, $item_id, $title_id,
$no_block, $nb_due_date, $third_party,
$item_props, $fee_ack) = @_;
my ($patron, $item);
my $trans;
$trans = C4::SIP::ILS::Transaction::Renew->new();
$trans->patron($patron = C4::SIP::ILS::Patron->new( $patron_id ));
if (!$patron) {
$trans->screen_msg("Invalid patron barcode.");
return $trans;
} elsif (!$patron->renew_ok) {
$trans->screen_msg("Renewals not allowed.");
return $trans;
# Previously: renewing a title, rather than an item (sort of)
# This is gross, but in a real ILS it would be better
# if (defined($title_id)) {
# foreach my $i (@{$patron->{items}}) {
# $item = new ILS::Item $i;
# last if ($title_id eq $item->title_id);
# $item = undef;
# }
# } else {
my $j = 0;
my $count = scalar @{$patron->{items}};
foreach my $i (@{$patron->{items}}) {
unless (defined $i->{barcode}) { # FIXME: using data instead of objects may violate the abstraction layer
siplog("LOG_ERR", "No barcode for item %s of %s: $item_id", $j+1, $count);
siplog("LOG_DEBUG", "checking item %s of %s: $item_id vs. %s", ++$j, $count, $i->{barcode});
if ($i->{barcode} eq $item_id) {
# We have it checked out
$item = C4::SIP::ILS::Item->new( $item_id );
# }
if (!defined($item)) {
$trans->screen_msg("Item not checked out to " . $patron->name); # not checked out to $patron_id
} else {
if ($trans->renewal_ok()) {
$item->{due_date} = $trans->{due};
return $trans;
sub renew_all {
my ($self, $patron_id, $patron_pwd, $fee_ack) = @_;
my ($patron, $item_id);
my $trans;
$trans = C4::SIP::ILS::Transaction::RenewAll->new();
$trans->patron($patron = C4::SIP::ILS::Patron->new( $patron_id ));
if (defined $patron) {
siplog("LOG_DEBUG", "ILS::renew_all: patron '%s': renew_ok: %s", $patron->name, $patron->renew_ok);
} else {
siplog("LOG_DEBUG", "ILS::renew_all: Invalid patron id: '%s'", $patron_id);
if (!$patron) {
$trans->screen_msg("Invalid patron barcode.");
return $trans;
} elsif (!$patron->renew_ok) {
$trans->screen_msg("Renewals not allowed.");
return $trans;
return $trans;