To test:
1. Apply patch, restart_all
2. Check some items out and prepare some reasons that would initiate a branchtransfer. According the schema it can be any of the following: 'Manual', 'StockrotationAdvance', 'StockrotationRepatriation', 'ReturnToHome', 'ReturnToHolding', 'RotatingCollection', 'Reserve', 'LostReserve', 'CancelReserve', 'TransferCancellation', 'Recall', 'RecallCancellation.
3. CHeck in some the items and notice the 'Transfer reason' column in the table. Make sure the reasons are acurate and make sense.
4. To go Table settings and find the 'checkedintable'. Make sure you can properly hide the column from the display.
Signed-off-by: AndrewA <>
Signed-off-by: Emily Lamancusa <>
Signed-off-by: Tomas Cohen Arazi <>