Main Koha release repository
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

268 lines
8.5 KiB

use strict;
use CGI;
use C4::Search;
use C4::Auth;
use C4::Interface::CGI::Output;
use C4::Biblio;
use C4::Koha;
use POSIX qw(ceil floor);
my $query = new CGI;
my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
my $op = $query->param('op'); #show the search form or execute the search
my $format=$query->param('MARC');
my ($template, $borrowernumber, $cookie);
# get all the common search variables,
my @value=$query->param('value');
my @kohafield=$query->param('kohafield');
my @and_or=$query->param('and_or');
my @relation=$query->param('relation');
my $order=$query->param('order');
my $reorder=$query->param('reorder');
my $number_of_results=$query->param('number_of_results');
my $zoom=$query->param('zoom');
my $ascend=$query->param('asc');
my $searchtype=$query->param('searchtype'); ## this is actual query type
my @marclist = $query->param('marclist');
# collect all the fields ...
my %search;
my @forminputs; #this is for the links to navigate among the results
my (@searchdesc, %hashdesc,$facetsdesc); #this is to show the description of the current search
my @fields = ('value', 'kohafield', 'and_or', 'relation','order','barcode','biblionumber','itemnumber','asc','from','searchtype');
###Collect all the marclist values coming from old Koha MARCdetails
## Although we can not search on all marc fields- if any is matched in Zebra we can use it
my $sth=$dbh->prepare("Select kohafield from koha_attr where tagfield=? and tagsubfield=? and intrashow=1");
foreach my $marc (@marclist) {
if ($marc) {
if ((my $kohafield)=$sth->fetchrow){
push @kohafield,$kohafield;
push @and_or,"\@or";
push @value,@value[0] if @kohafield>1;
push @relation ,"\@attr 5=1";
#### Now normal search routine
foreach my $field (@fields) {
$search{$field} = $query->param($field);
my @fieldvalue = $query->param($field);
foreach my $fvalue (@fieldvalue) {
push @forminputs, { field=>$field ,value=> $fvalue} unless ($field eq 'reorder');
## Build the query for facets as well
for (my $i=0;$i<@value;$i++){
$hashdesc{'query'} = join " , ", @value;
push @searchdesc,\%hashdesc;
if ($op eq "do_search"){
#this fields is just to allow the user come back to the search form with all the values previously entered
$search{'search_type'} = $query->param('search_type');# this is the panel type
push @forminputs, {field => 'search_type', value => $search{'search_type'}};
($template, $borrowernumber, $cookie)
= get_template_and_user({template_name => "catalogue/catalogue_searchresults.tmpl",
query => $query,
type => "intranet",
authnotrequired => 1,
$search{'from'} = 'intranet';
$search{'borrowernumber'} = $borrowernumber;
$search{'remote_IP'} = $query->remote_addr();
$search{'remote_URL'} = $query->url(-query=>1);
$search{'searchdesc'} = \@searchdesc;
$template->param(FORMINPUTS => \@forminputs);
$template->param(reorder => $query->param('reorder'));
# do the searchs ....
$number_of_results = 10 unless $number_of_results;
my $startfrom=$query->param('startfrom');
($startfrom) || ($startfrom=0);
my ($count,@results,$facets);
if (!$zoom){
## using sql search for barcode,biblionumber or itemnumber only useful for libraian interface
($count, @results) =sqlsearch($dbh,\%search);
my $sortorder=$order.$ascend if $order;
($count,$facets,@results) =ZEBRAsearch_kohafields(\@kohafield,\@value, \@relation,$sortorder, \@and_or, 1,$reorder,$startfrom, $number_of_results,"intranet",$searchtype);
if ( $count eq "error"){
$template->param(error =>1);
goto "show";
my $num = scalar(@results) - 1;
if ( $count == 1){
# if its a barcode search by definition we will only have one result.
# And if we have a result
# lets jump straight to the page
if ($format eq '1') {
print $query->redirect("/cgi-bin/koha/catalogue/$results[0]->{'biblionumber'}");
print $query->redirect("/cgi-bin/koha/catalogue/$results[0]->{'biblionumber'}");
# sorting out which results to display.
# the result number to star to show
$template->param(startfrom => $startfrom);
$template->param(beginning => $startfrom+1);
# the result number to end to show
($startfrom+$num<=$count) ? ($template->param(endat => $startfrom+$num+1)) : ($template->param(endat => $count));
# the total results searched
$template->param(numrecords => $count);
$template->param(FORMINPUTS => \@forminputs );
$template->param(searchdesc => \@searchdesc );
$template->param(SEARCH_RESULTS => \@results,
facets_loop => $facets,
#this is to show the images numbers to navigate among the results, if it has to show the number highlighted or not
my $numbers;
@$numbers = ();
my $pg = 1;
if (defined($query->param('pg'))) {
$pg = $query->param('pg');
my $start = 0;
$start = ($pg - 1) * $number_of_results;
my $pages = ceil($count / $number_of_results);
my $total_pages = ceil($count / $number_of_results);
if ($pg > 1) {
my $url = $pg - 1;
push @$numbers, { number => "&lt;&lt;",
highlight => 0 ,
startfrom => 0,
pg => '1' };
push @$numbers, { number => "&lt;",
highlight => 0 , forminputs=>\@forminputs,
startfrom => ($url-1)*$number_of_results+1,
pg => $url };
my $current_ten = $pg / 10;
if ($current_ten == 0) {
$current_ten = 0.1; # In case it�s in ten = 0
my $from = $current_ten * 10; # Calculate the initial page
my $end_ten = $from + 9;
my $to;
if ($pages > $end_ten) {
$to = $end_ten;
} else {
$to = $pages;
for (my $i = $from; $i <= $to ; $i++) {
if ($i == $pg) {
if ($count > $number_of_results) {
push @$numbers, { number => $i,
highlight => 1 , forminputs=>\@forminputs,
startfrom => ($i-1)*$number_of_results ,
pg => $i };
} else {
push @$numbers, { number => $i,
highlight => 0 , forminputs=>\@forminputs,
startfrom => ($i-1)*$number_of_results ,
pg => $i };
if ($pg < $pages) {
my $url = $pg + 1;
push @$numbers, { number => "&gt;",
highlight => 0 , forminputs=>\@forminputs,
startfrom => ($url-1)*$number_of_results,
pg => $url };
push @$numbers, { number => "&gt;&gt;",
highlight => 0 , forminputs=>\@forminputs,
startfrom => ($total_pages-1)*$number_of_results,
pg => $total_pages};
# push @$numbers,{forminputs=>@forminputs};
$template->param(numbers =>$numbers,
#show the virtual shelves
#my $results = &GetShelfList($borrowernumber);
#$template->param(shelvescount => scalar(@{$results}));
#$template->param(shelves => $results);
if ($format eq '1') {
$template->param(script => "catalogue/");
$template->param(script => "catalogue/");
}else{ ## No search yet
($template, $borrowernumber, $cookie)
= get_template_and_user({template_name => "catalogue/catalogue_search.tmpl",
query => $query,
type => "intranet",
authnotrequired => 1,
#show kohafields
my $kohafield = $query->param('kohafield');
my ($fieldcount,@kohafields)=getkohafields();
foreach my $row (@kohafields) {
if ($kohafield eq $row->{'kohafield'}) {
$row->{'sel'} = 1;
$template->param(kohafields => \@kohafields);
##show sorting fields
my @sorts;
foreach my $sort (@kohafields) {
if ($sort->{sorts}){
push @sorts,$sort;
if ($order eq $sort->{'kohafield'}) {
$sort->{'sel'} = 1;
$template->param(sorts => \@sorts);
# load the branches
my @branches = GetallBranches();
$template->param(branchloop => \@branches,);
# load the itemtypes
my $itemtypes=GetItemTypes();
my (@item_type_loop);
foreach my $thisitemtype (sort keys %$itemtypes) {
my %row =(itemtype => $thisitemtype,
description => $itemtypes->{$thisitemtype}->{'description'},
push @item_type_loop, \%row;
my $search_type = $query->param('search_type');
if ((!$search_type) || ($search_type eq 'zoom')) {
$template->param(zoom_search => 1);
} else{
$template->param(sql_search => 1);
output_html_with_http_headers $query, $cookie, $template->output();