Arthur Suzuki 48fd8d1900
Bug 24480: Unit test
This updates the SimpleMARC tests and MarcModificationTemplates
tests to expect the new order of fields

Signed-off-by: Kelly <kelly@bywatersolutions.com>
Signed-off-by: Phil Ringnalda <phil@chetcolibrary.org>
Signed-off-by: Katrin Fischer <katrin.fischer.83@web.de>
Signed-off-by: Tomas Cohen Arazi <tomascohen@theke.io>
2023-11-03 12:04:34 -03:00

863 lines
30 KiB
Executable file

use Modern::Perl;
use Test::More tests => 129;
use Koha::Database;
use Koha::SimpleMARC;
use t::lib::Mocks;
use_ok('C4::MarcModificationTemplates', qw( AddModificationTemplate AddModificationTemplateAction GetModificationTemplateAction GetModificationTemplateActions ModModificationTemplateAction MoveModificationTemplateAction DelModificationTemplate DelModificationTemplateAction ModifyRecordWithTemplate GetModificationTemplates ));
my $schema = Koha::Database->new->schema;
my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
$dbh->do(q|DELETE FROM marc_modification_templates|);
# Creation
my $template_id = AddModificationTemplate("template_name");
like( $template_id, qr|^\d+$|, "new template returns an id" );
is( AddModificationTemplateAction(
$template_id, 'move_field', 1,
'464', 'u', '', '464', '3',
'', '', '',
'', '', '', '', '', '',
'move first 464$u to 464$3'
), 1, "Add first action");
is( AddModificationTemplateAction(
$template_id, 'update_field', 0,
'099', 't', 'LIV', '', '',
'', '', '',
'if', '200', 'b', 'equals', 'Text', '',
'Update field 099$t with value LIV if 200$b matches "Text"'
), 1, "Add second action");
is( AddModificationTemplateAction(
$template_id, 'copy_field', 0,
'606', 'a', '', '607', 'a',
'', '', '',
'unless', '606', 'a', 'not_equals', '^AJAX', '1',
'Copy field 606$a to 607$a unless 606$a matches RegEx m^AJAX'
), 1, "Add third action");
is( AddModificationTemplateAction(
$template_id, 'add_field', 0,
'650', 'a', 'Additional', '', '',
'', '', '',
'unless', '650', 'a', 'exists', '', '',
'Add field 650$aAdditional unless 650$a exists'
), 1, "Add fourth action");
# Getter
my @actions = GetModificationTemplateActions( $template_id );
is( @actions, 4, "4 actions are inserted");
for my $action ( @actions ) {
isnt( GetModificationTemplateAction( $action->{mmta_id} ), undef, "action with id $action->{mmta_id} exists" );
my $first_action = $actions[0];
is( $first_action->{ordering}, 1, "test ordering for first action" );
is( $first_action->{action}, 'move_field', "test action for first action" );
is( $first_action->{from_field}, '464', "test from_field for first action" );
is( $first_action->{from_subfield}, 'u', "test from_subfield for first action" );
is( $first_action->{to_field}, '464', "test to_field for first action" );
is( $first_action->{to_subfield}, '3', "test to_subfield for first action" );
my $second_action = $actions[1];
is( $second_action->{ordering}, 2, "test ordering for second action" );
is( $second_action->{action}, 'update_field', "test action for second action" );
is( $second_action->{from_field}, '099',"test from_field for second action" );
is( $second_action->{from_subfield}, 't', "test from_subfield for second action" );
is( $second_action->{field_value}, 'LIV', "test firld_value for second action" );
is( $second_action->{to_field}, '', "test to_field for second action" );
is( $second_action->{to_subfield}, '', "test to_subfield for second action" );
is( $second_action->{conditional}, 'if', "test conditional for second action" );
is( $second_action->{conditional_field}, '200', "test conditional_field for second action" );
is( $second_action->{conditional_subfield}, 'b', "test conditional_subfield for second action" );
is( $second_action->{conditional_comparison}, 'equals', "test conditional_comparison for second action" );
my $third_action = $actions[2];
is( $third_action->{ordering}, 3, "test ordering for third action" );
is( $third_action->{action}, 'copy_field', "test action for third action" );
is( $third_action->{from_field}, '606', "test from_field for third action" );
is( $third_action->{from_subfield}, 'a', "test from_subfield for third action" );
is( $third_action->{to_field}, '607', "test to_field for third action" );
is( $third_action->{to_subfield}, 'a', "test to_subfield for third action" );
is( $third_action->{conditional}, 'unless', "test conditional for third action" );
is( $third_action->{conditional_field}, '606', "test conditional_field for third action" );
is( $third_action->{conditional_subfield}, 'a', "test conditional_subfield for third action" );
is( $third_action->{conditional_comparison}, 'not_equals', "test conditional_comparison for third action" );
is( $third_action->{conditional_value}, '^AJAX', "test conditional_value for third action" );
my $fourth_action = $actions[3];
is( $fourth_action->{ordering}, 4, "test ordering for fourth action" );
is( $fourth_action->{action}, 'add_field', "test action for fourth action" );
is( $fourth_action->{from_field}, '650', "test from_field for fourth action" );
is( $fourth_action->{from_subfield}, 'a', "test from_subfield for fourth action" );
is( $fourth_action->{to_field}, '', "test to_field for fourth action" );
is( $fourth_action->{to_subfield}, '', "test to_subfield for fourth action" );
is( $fourth_action->{conditional}, 'unless', "test conditional for fourth action" );
is( $fourth_action->{conditional_field}, '650', "test conditional_field for fourth action" );
is( $fourth_action->{conditional_subfield}, 'a', "test conditional_subfield for fourth action" );
is( $fourth_action->{conditional_comparison}, 'exists', "test conditional_comparison for fourth action" );
is( $fourth_action->{conditional_value}, '', "test conditional_value for fourth action" );
# Modifications
is( ModModificationTemplateAction(
$actions[1]->{mmta_id}, 'update_field', 0,
'100', 'u', 'LIV', '', '',
'', '', '',
'if', '200', 'c', 'equals', 'Text', '',
'Update field 099$t with value LIV if 200$b matches "Text"'
), 1, "Modify second action");
$second_action = GetModificationTemplateAction( $actions[1]->{mmta_id} );
is( $second_action->{ordering}, 2, "test ordering for second action modified" );
is( $second_action->{action}, 'update_field', "test action for second action modified" );
is( $second_action->{from_field}, '100',"test from_field for second action modified" );
is( $second_action->{from_subfield}, 'u', "test from_subfield for second action modified" );
is( $second_action->{field_value}, 'LIV', "test firld_value for second action modified" );
is( $second_action->{to_field}, '', "test to_field for second action modified" );
is( $second_action->{to_subfield}, '', "test to_subfield for second action modified" );
is( $second_action->{conditional}, 'if', "test conditional for second action modified" );
is( $second_action->{conditional_field}, '200', "test conditional_field for second action modified" );
is( $second_action->{conditional_subfield}, 'c', "test conditional_subfield for second action modified" );
is( $second_action->{conditional_comparison}, 'equals', "test conditional_comparison for second action modified" );
# Up and down
is( MoveModificationTemplateAction( $actions[2]->{mmta_id}, 'top' ), '1', 'Move the third action on top' );
is( MoveModificationTemplateAction( $actions[0]->{mmta_id}, 'bottom' ), '1', 'Move the first action on bottom' );
is( GetModificationTemplateAction( $actions[0]->{mmta_id} )->{ordering}, '4', 'First becomes fourth' );
is( GetModificationTemplateAction( $actions[1]->{mmta_id} )->{ordering}, '2', 'Second stays second' );
is( GetModificationTemplateAction( $actions[2]->{mmta_id} )->{ordering}, '1', 'Third becomes first' );
is( GetModificationTemplateAction( $actions[3]->{mmta_id} )->{ordering}, '3', 'Fourth becomes third' );
is( MoveModificationTemplateAction( $actions[0]->{mmta_id}, 'up' ), '1', 'Move up the first action (was fourth)' );
is( MoveModificationTemplateAction( $actions[0]->{mmta_id}, 'up' ), '1', 'Move up the first action (was third)' );
is( MoveModificationTemplateAction( $actions[2]->{mmta_id}, 'down' ), '1', 'Move down the third action (was first)' );
is( GetModificationTemplateAction( $actions[0]->{mmta_id} )->{ordering}, '1', 'First becomes again first' );
is( GetModificationTemplateAction( $actions[1]->{mmta_id} )->{ordering}, '3', 'Second becomes third' );
is( GetModificationTemplateAction( $actions[2]->{mmta_id} )->{ordering}, '2', 'Third becomes second' );
is( GetModificationTemplateAction( $actions[3]->{mmta_id} )->{ordering}, '4', 'Fourth becomes again fourth' );
# Cleaning
is( DelModificationTemplateAction( $actions[0]->{mmta_id} ), 3, "Delete the first action, 2 others are reordered" );
is( GetModificationTemplateAction( $actions[0]->{mmta_id} ), undef, "first action does not exist anymore" );
is( DelModificationTemplate( $template_id ), 1, "The template has been deleted" );
is( GetModificationTemplateAction( $actions[1]->{mmta_id} ), undef, "second action does not exist anymore" );
is( GetModificationTemplateAction( $actions[2]->{mmta_id} ), undef, "third action does not exist anymore" );
is( GetModificationTemplateAction( $actions[3]->{mmta_id} ), undef, "fourth action does not exist anymore" );
is( GetModificationTemplateActions( $template_id ), 0, "There is no action for deleted template" );
# ModifyRecordWithTemplate
$template_id = AddModificationTemplate("new_template_test");
like( $template_id, qr|^\d+$|, "new template returns an id" );
is( AddModificationTemplateAction(
$template_id, 'delete_field', 0,
'245', '', '', '', '',
'', '', '',
'if', '245', 'a', 'equals', 'Bad title', '',
'Delete field 245 if 245$a eq "Bad title"'
), 1, 'Add first action: delete field 245 if 245$a eq "Bad title"');
is( AddModificationTemplateAction(
$template_id, 'copy_field', 0,
'245', 'a', '', '246', 'a',
'', '', '',
'', '', '', '', '', '',
'copy field 245$a to 246$a'
), 1, 'Add second action: copy 245$a to 246$a');
is( AddModificationTemplateAction(
$template_id, 'delete_field', 0,
'650', 'a', '', '', '',
'', '', '',
'if', '650', '9', 'equals', '462', '',
'Delete field 650$a if 650$9=462'
), 1, 'Add third action: delete field 650$a if 650$9=462');
is( AddModificationTemplateAction(
$template_id, 'update_field', 0,
'952', 'p', '3010023917_updated', '', '',
'', '', '',
'unless', '650', '9', 'equals', '42', '',
'Update field 952$p with "3010023917_updated" if 650$9 != 42'
), 1, 'Add fourth action: update field 952$p with "3010023917_updated" if 650$9 != 42');
is( AddModificationTemplateAction(
$template_id, 'move_field', 0,
'952', 'd', '', '952', 'e',
'', '', '',
'if', '952', 'c', 'equals', '^GEN', '1',
'Move field 952$d to 952$e if 952$c =~ /^GEN/'
), 1, 'Add fifth action: move field 952$d to 952$e if 952$c =~ /^GEN/');
is( AddModificationTemplateAction(
$template_id, 'update_field', 0,
'650', 'a', 'Computer algorithms.', '', '',
'', '', '',
'if', '650', '9', 'equals', '499', '',
'Update field 650$a with "Computer algorithms." to 651 if 650$9 == 499'
), 1, 'Add sixth action: update field 650$a with "Computer algorithms." if 650$9 == 499');
is( AddModificationTemplateAction(
$template_id, 'move_field', 0,
'650', '', '', '651', '',
'', '', '',
'if', '650', '9', 'equals', '499', '',
'Move field 650 to 651 if 650$9 == 499'
), 1, 'Add seventh action: move field 650 to 651 if 650$9 == 499');
is( AddModificationTemplateAction(
$template_id, 'update_field', 0,
'999', 'a', 'non existent.', '', '',
'', '', '',
'', '', '', '', '', '',
'Update non existent field 999$a with "non existent"'
), 1, 'Add eighth action: update field non existent 999$a with "non existent."');
is( AddModificationTemplateAction(
$template_id, 'update_field', 0,
'999', 'a', 'existent - updated.', '', '',
'', '', '',
'', '', '', '', '', '',
'Update existent field 999$a with "existent - updated."'
), 1, 'Add ninth action: update field non existent 999$a with "existent - updated."');
is( AddModificationTemplateAction(
$template_id, 'add_field', 0,
'999', 'a', 'additional existent.', '', '',
'', '', '',
'', '', '', '', '', '',
'Add new existent field 999$a with "additional existent"'
), 1, 'Add tenth action: add additional field existent 999$a with "additional existent."');
is( AddModificationTemplateAction(
$template_id, 'add_field', 0,
'007', '', 'vxcdq', '', '',
'', '', '',
'', '', '', '', '', '',
'Add new existent field 999$a with "additional existent"'
), 1, 'Add eleventh action: add additional field existent 007');
my $record = new_record();
is( ModifyRecordWithTemplate( $template_id, $record ), undef, "The ModifyRecordWithTemplate returns undef" );
my $expected_record = expected_record_1();
is_deeply( $record, $expected_record, "Record modification as expected");
$template_id = AddModificationTemplate("another_template_test");
# Duplicate 245 => 3x245
is( AddModificationTemplateAction(
$template_id, 'copy_field', 0,
'245', '', '', '245', '',
'', '', '',
'if', '245', 'a', 'equals', 'Bad title', '',
'Copy field 245 if 245$a eq "Bad title"'
), 1, 'Add action: copy field 245 if 245$a eq "Bad title"');
$record = new_record();
is( ModifyRecordWithTemplate( $template_id, $record ), undef, "The ModifyRecordWithTemplate returns undef" );
my @fields_245a = Koha::SimpleMARC::read_field({
record => $record,
field => '245',
subfield => 'a',
is_deeply( \@fields_245a, [
'The art of computer programming',
'Bad title',
'Bad title',
], 'Copy field has copied the "Bad title"' );
# Update first "Bad title"
is( AddModificationTemplateAction(
$template_id, 'update_field', 1,
'245', 'a', 'Bad title updated', '', '',
'', '', '',
'if', '245', 'a', 'equals', 'Bad title', '',
'Update first 245$a matching "Bad title" with "Bad title updated"'
), 1, 'Add action: update field 245$a matching "Bad title" with "Bad title updated');
$record = new_record();
is( ModifyRecordWithTemplate( $template_id, $record ), undef, "The ModifyRecordWithTemplate returns undef" );
@fields_245a = Koha::SimpleMARC::read_field({
record => $record,
field => '245',
subfield => 'a',
is_deeply( \@fields_245a, [
'The art of computer programming',
'Bad title updated',
'Bad title',
], 'update_field has update first the "Bad title"' );
# Duplicate first 245 => 3x245
is( AddModificationTemplateAction(
$template_id, 'copy_field', 1,
'245', '', '', '245', '',
'', '', '',
'if', '245', 'a', 'equals', '^Bad title', '1',
'Copy field 245 if 245$a =~ "^Bad title"'
), 1, 'Add action: copy field 245 if 245$a =~ "^Bad title"');
$record = new_record();
is( ModifyRecordWithTemplate( $template_id, $record ), undef, "The ModifyRecordWithTemplate returns undef" );
@fields_245a = Koha::SimpleMARC::read_field({
record => $record,
field => '245',
subfield => 'a',
is_deeply( \@fields_245a, [
'The art of computer programming',
'Bad title updated',
'Bad title',
'Bad title updated',
], 'Copy field has copied first "^Bad title"' );
# Delete first ^Bad title
is( AddModificationTemplateAction(
$template_id, 'delete_field', 1,
'245', '', '', '', '',
'', '', '',
'if', '245', 'a', 'equals', '^Bad title', '1',
'Delete first 245$a mathing ^Bad title'
), 1, 'Delete first 245$a mathing ^Bad title');
$record = new_record();
is( ModifyRecordWithTemplate( $template_id, $record ), undef, "The ModifyRecordWithTemplate returns undef" );
@fields_245a = Koha::SimpleMARC::read_field({
record => $record,
field => '245',
subfield => 'a',
is_deeply( \@fields_245a, [
'The art of computer programming',
'Bad title',
'Bad title updated',
], 'delete field has been deleted the right field"' );
is( AddModificationTemplateAction(
$template_id, 'delete_field', 0,
'245', '', '', '', '',
'', '', '',
'if', '245', 'a', 'equals', 'updated$', '1',
'Delete first 245$a mathing updated$'
), 1, 'Delete first 245$a mathing updated$');
$record = new_record();
is( ModifyRecordWithTemplate( $template_id, $record ), undef, "The ModifyRecordWithTemplate returns undef" );
@fields_245a = Koha::SimpleMARC::read_field({
record => $record,
field => '245',
subfield => 'a',
is_deeply( \@fields_245a, [
'The art of computer programming',
'Bad title'
], 'delete field has been deleted the right field"' );
subtest 'GetModificationTemplates' => sub {
plan tests => 1;
$dbh->do(q|DELETE FROM marc_modification_templates|);
my @templates = GetModificationTemplates();
is_deeply( [map{$_->{name}} @templates], ['aaa', 'mmm', 'zzz'] );
subtest "not_equals" => sub {
plan tests => 2;
$dbh->do(q|DELETE FROM marc_modification_templates|);
my $template_id = AddModificationTemplate("template_name");
$template_id, 'move_field', 0,
'650', '', '', '651', '',
'', '', '',
'if', '650', '9', 'not_equals', '499', '',
'Move field 650 to 651 if 650$9 != 499'
my $record = new_record();
ModifyRecordWithTemplate( $template_id, $record );
my $expected_record = expected_record_2();
is_deeply( $record, $expected_record, '650 has been moved to 651 when 650$9 != 499' );
$dbh->do(q|DELETE FROM marc_modification_templates|);
$template_id = AddModificationTemplate("template_name");
$template_id, 'move_field', 0,
'650', '', '', '651', '',
'', '', '',
'if', '650', 'b', 'not_equals', '499', '',
'Move field 650 to 651 if 650$b != 499'
$record = new_record();
ModifyRecordWithTemplate( $template_id, $record );
$expected_record = new_record();
is_deeply( $record, $expected_record, 'None 650 have been moved, no $650$b exists' );
subtest "when conditional field doesn't match the from field" => sub {
plan tests => 3;
$dbh->do(q|DELETE FROM marc_modification_templates|);
my $template_id = AddModificationTemplate("template_name");
$template_id, 'delete_field', 0,
'650', '9', '', '', '',
'', '', '',
'if', '245', 'a', 'equals', 'Bad title', '',
'Delete fields 650$9 if 245$a == "Bad title"'
my $record = new_record();
ModifyRecordWithTemplate( $template_id, $record );
my $expected_record = expected_record_3();
is_deeply( $record, $expected_record, '650$9 fields have been deleted when 245$a == "Bad title"' );
$dbh->do(q|DELETE FROM marc_modification_templates|);
$template_id = AddModificationTemplate("template_name");
$template_id, 'delete_field', 0,
'650', '9', '', '', '',
'', '', '',
'if', '245', 'a', 'exists', '', '',
'Delete fields 650$9 if 245$a exists'
$record = new_record();
ModifyRecordWithTemplate( $template_id, $record );
$expected_record = expected_record_3();
is_deeply( $record, $expected_record, '650$9 fields have been deleted because 245$a exists' );
$dbh->do(q|DELETE FROM marc_modification_templates|);
$template_id = AddModificationTemplate("template_name");
$template_id, 'delete_field', 1,
'650', '', '', '', '',
'', '', '',
'if', '245', 'a', 'exists', '', '',
'Delete 1st field 650 if 245$a exists'
$record = new_record();
ModifyRecordWithTemplate( $template_id, $record );
$expected_record = expected_record_4();
is_deeply( $record, $expected_record, '1st 650 field has been deleted because 245$a exists' );
sub new_record {
my $record = MARC::Record->new;
$record->leader('03174nam a2200445 a 4500');
my @fields = (
100, '1', ' ',
a => 'Knuth, Donald Ervin',
d => '1938',
245, '1', '4',
a => 'The art of computer programming',
c => 'Donald E. Knuth.',
245, '1', '4',
a => 'Bad title',
c => 'Donald E. Knuth.',
650, ' ', '0',
a => 'Computer programming.',
9 => '462',
650, ' ', '0',
a => 'Computer programming.',
9 => '499',
952, ' ', ' ',
p => '3010023917',
y => 'BK',
c => 'GEN',
d => '2001-06-25',
return $record;
sub expected_record_1 {
my $record = MARC::Record->new;
$record->leader('03174nam a2200445 a 4500');
my @fields = (
'007', 'vxcdq',
100, '1', ' ',
a => 'Knuth, Donald Ervin',
d => '1938',
245, '1', '4',
a => 'The art of computer programming',
c => 'Donald E. Knuth.',
246, '', ' ',
a => 'The art of computer programming',
650, ' ', '0',
9 => '462',
651, ' ', '0',
a => 'Computer algorithms.',
9 => '499',
952, ' ', ' ',
p => '3010023917_updated',
y => 'BK',
c => 'GEN',
e => '2001-06-25',
999, ' ', ' ',
a => 'additional existent.',
999, ' ', ' ',
a => 'existent - updated.',
return $record;
sub expected_record_2 {
my $record = MARC::Record->new;
$record->leader('03174nam a2200445 a 4500');
my @fields = (
100, '1', ' ',
a => 'Knuth, Donald Ervin',
d => '1938',
245, '1', '4',
a => 'The art of computer programming',
c => 'Donald E. Knuth.',
245, '1', '4',
a => 'Bad title',
c => 'Donald E. Knuth.',
650, ' ', '0',
a => 'Computer programming.',
9 => '499',
651, ' ', '0',
a => 'Computer programming.',
9 => '462',
952, ' ', ' ',
p => '3010023917',
y => 'BK',
c => 'GEN',
d => '2001-06-25',
return $record;
sub expected_record_3 {
my $record = MARC::Record->new;
$record->leader('03174nam a2200445 a 4500');
my @fields = (
100, '1', ' ',
a => 'Knuth, Donald Ervin',
d => '1938',
245, '1', '4',
a => 'The art of computer programming',
c => 'Donald E. Knuth.',
245, '1', '4',
a => 'Bad title',
c => 'Donald E. Knuth.',
650, ' ', '0',
a => 'Computer programming.',
650, ' ', '0',
a => 'Computer programming.',
952, ' ', ' ',
p => '3010023917',
y => 'BK',
c => 'GEN',
d => '2001-06-25',
return $record;
sub expected_record_4 {
my $record = MARC::Record->new;
$record->leader('03174nam a2200445 a 4500');
my @fields = (
100, '1', ' ',
a => 'Knuth, Donald Ervin',
d => '1938',
245, '1', '4',
a => 'The art of computer programming',
c => 'Donald E. Knuth.',
245, '1', '4',
a => 'Bad title',
c => 'Donald E. Knuth.',
650, ' ', '0',
a => 'Computer programming.',
9 => '499',
952, ' ', ' ',
p => '3010023917',
y => 'BK',
c => 'GEN',
d => '2001-06-25',
return $record;
# Tests related to use of subfield 0 ($0)
sub new_record_0 {
my $record = MARC::Record->new;
$record->leader('03174nam a2200445 a 4500');
my @fields = (
100, '1', ' ',
0 => '12345',
a => 'Knuth, Donald Ervin',
d => '1938',
245, '1', '4',
0 => '12345',
a => 'The art of computer programming',
c => 'Donald E. Knuth.',
650, ' ', '0',
0 => '42',
a => 'Computer programming.',
9 => '462',
590, ' ', '0',
0 => 'Zeroth',
a => 'Appolo',
return $record;
sub expected_record_0 {
my $record = MARC::Record->new;
$record->leader('03174nam a2200445 a 4500');
my @fields = (
100, '1', ' ',
a => 'Knuth, Donald Ervin',
d => '1938',
0 => 'TestUpdated',
0 => 'TestUpdated',
245, '1', '4',
0 => '12345',
a => 'The art of computer programming',
c => 'Donald E. Knuth.',
600, ' ', ' ',
0 => 'TestUpdated',
600, ' ', ' ',
0 => 'TestUpdated',
650, ' ', '0',
0 => '42',
a => 'Computer programming.',
9 => '462',
590, ' ', '0',
0 => 'Zeroth',
a => 'Appolo',
690, ' ', ' ',
0 => 'Zeroth',
a => 'Appolo',
690, ' ', '0',
0 => 'Zeroth',
a => 'Appolo',
700, ' ', ' ',
0 => '12345',
return $record;
$record = new_record_0();
is( ModifyRecordWithTemplate( $template_id, $record ), undef, "The ModifyRecordWithTemplate returns undef" );
$template_id = AddModificationTemplate("template_test_subfield_0");
like( $template_id, qr|^\d+$|, "new template returns an id" );
# Delete subfield 100$0
is( AddModificationTemplateAction(
$template_id, 'delete_field', 0,
'100', '0', '', '', '',
'', '', '',
'', '', '', '', '', '',
'Action 1: Delete subfield 100$0'
), 1, 'Action 1: Delete subfield 100$0');
# Add new subfield 100$0 with value "Test"
# This adds a new 100 field to the record
is( AddModificationTemplateAction(
$template_id, 'add_field', 0,
'100', '0', 'Test', '', '',
'', '', '',
'', '', '', '', '', '',
'Action 2: Add new subfield 100$0 with value "Test"'
), 1, 'Action 2: Add new subfield 100$0');
# Update existing or add new subfield 100$0 with value "TestUpdated"
# This updates the new 100 create above, and adds a new 100$0 to the original 100 field
is( AddModificationTemplateAction(
$template_id, 'update_field', 0,
'100', '0', 'TestUpdated', '', '',
'', '', '',
'', '', '', '', '', '',
'Action 3: Update existing or add new subfield 100$0 with value "TestUpdated"'
), 1, 'Action 3: Update existing or add new subfield 100$0 with value "TestUpdated"');
# Move subfield 100$0 to 600$0
# This removes the newly created 100, and removes the 100$0 from the original 100 field
# Two 600 fields with a single 0 subfield are created
is( AddModificationTemplateAction(
$template_id, 'move_field', 0,
'100', '0', '', '600', '0',
'', '', '',
'', '', '', '', '', '',
'Action 4: Move subfield 100$0 to 600$0'
), 1, 'Action 4: Move subfield 100$0 to 600$0');
# Copy subfield 600$0 to 100$0
# Copy subfield adds to existing fields if found, so we get two 100$0 on the original field
is( AddModificationTemplateAction(
$template_id, 'copy_field', 0,
'600', '0', '', '100', '0',
'', '', '',
'', '', '', '', '', '',
'Action 5: Copy subfield 600$0 to 100$0'
), 1, 'Action 5: Copy subfield 600$0 to 100$0');
# Copy and replace subfield 245$0 to 700$0
# Copy and replace in this case makes a new 700$0 as it wasn't there
is( AddModificationTemplateAction(
$template_id, 'copy_and_replace_field', 0,
'245', '0', '', '700', '0',
'', '', '',
'', '', '', '', '', '',
'Action 6: Copy and replace subfield 245$0 to 700$0'
), 1, 'Action 6: Copy and replace subfield 245$0 to 700$0');
# Copy subfield 590$0 to 690$0
# Copies the single subfield from 590 to a new 690
is( AddModificationTemplateAction(
$template_id, 'copy_field', 0,
'590', '0', '', '690', '0',
'', '', '',
'', '', '', '', '', '',
'Action 7: Copy subfield 590$0 to 690$0'
), 1, 'Action 7: Copy subfield 590$0 to 690$0');
# Copy subfield 590$a to 690$a
# Copy subfield adds to existing 690 a new subfield a
is( AddModificationTemplateAction(
$template_id, 'copy_field', 0,
'590', 'a', '', '690', 'a',
'', '', '',
'', '', '', '', '', '',
'Action 8: Copy subfield 690$a to 690$a'
), 1, 'Action 8: Copy subfield 690$a to 690$a');
# Copy field 590 to 690
# Copy field copies existing to a new 690, does not add to existing
is( AddModificationTemplateAction(
$template_id, 'copy_field', 0,
'590', '', '', '690', '',
'', '', '',
'', '', '', '', '', '',
'Action 9: Copy subfield 590 to 690'
), 1, 'Action 9: Copy subfield 590 to 690');
my @actions_0 = GetModificationTemplateActions( $template_id );
is( @actions_0, 9, "9 actions are inserted");
ModifyRecordWithTemplate( $template_id, $record );
my $expected_record_0 = expected_record_0();
is_deeply( $record, $expected_record_0, '100$0 has been deleted, added back, updated, moved to 600$0, and copied back to 100$0; finally, 245$0 has been copied and replaced to 700$0' );