Colin Campbell 499ff3618c Bug 12263: Fix startup issues blocking response to HUP
If you do a kill -s HUP sipserver_pid the server process
should restart its children.
This was not happening although it was logging the commencement
of the process.

Removed traces of Exporter usage this was always incorrect
this program inherits from Net::Server 'use base' to make inheritance
clearer. Removed unnecessary begin block

made file executable so it can run

added a shebang line so OS knows to invoke perl to compile and run
the file.

I've removed the debug code dumping the config to STDOUT,
it should not have gone into the production version.
One of the first things this program does is close stdout etc and
reopens the sip sockets to them. Assuming you can print to them other
than as part of the sip dialogue is not always safe.

Signed-off-by: Chris Cormack <chris@bigballofwax.co.nz>

Signed-off-by: Kyle M Hall <kyle@bywatersolutions.com>
Signed-off-by: Tomas Cohen Arazi <tomascohen@gmail.com>
2014-07-15 11:23:29 -03:00

280 lines
7.8 KiB
Executable file

package SIPServer;
use strict;
use warnings;
use FindBin qw($Bin);
use lib "$Bin";
use Sys::Syslog qw(syslog);
use Net::Server::PreFork;
use IO::Socket::INET;
use Socket qw(:DEFAULT :crlf);
require UNIVERSAL::require;
use Sip::Constants qw(:all);
use Sip::Configuration;
use Sip::Checksum qw(checksum verify_cksum);
use Sip::MsgType;
use base qw(Net::Server::PreFork);
use constant LOG_SIP => "local6"; # Local alias for the logging facility
# Main # not really, since package SIPServer
# FIXME: Is this a module or a script?
# A script with no MAIN namespace?
# A module that takes command line args?
my %transports = (
RAW => \&raw_transport,
telnet => \&telnet_transport,
# Read configuration
my $config = new Sip::Configuration $ARGV[0];
my @parms;
# Ports to bind
foreach my $svc (keys %{$config->{listeners}}) {
push @parms, "port=" . $svc;
# Logging
# Log lines look like this:
# Jun 16 21:21:31 server08 steve_sip[19305]: ILS::Transaction::Checkout performing checkout...
# [ TIMESTAMP ] [ HOST ] [ IDENT ] PID : Message...
# The IDENT is determined by config file 'server-params' arguments
# Server Management: set parameters for the Net::Server::PreFork
# module. The module silently ignores parameters that it doesn't
# recognize, and complains about invalid values for parameters
# that it does.
if (defined($config->{'server-params'})) {
while (my ($key, $val) = each %{$config->{'server-params'}}) {
push @parms, $key . '=' . $val;
# This is the main event.
__PACKAGE__ ->run(@parms);
# Child
# process_request is the callback used by Net::Server to handle
# an incoming connection request.
sub process_request {
my $self = shift;
my $service;
my ($sockaddr, $port, $proto);
my $transport;
$self->{config} = $config;
my $sockname = getsockname(STDIN);
($port, $sockaddr) = sockaddr_in($sockname);
$sockaddr = inet_ntoa($sockaddr);
$proto = $self->{server}->{client}->NS_proto();
$self->{service} = $config->find_service($sockaddr, $port, $proto);
if (!defined($self->{service})) {
syslog("LOG_ERR", "process_request: Unknown recognized server connection: %s:%s/%s", $sockaddr, $port, $proto);
die "process_request: Bad server connection";
$transport = $transports{$self->{service}->{transport}};
if (!defined($transport)) {
syslog("LOG_WARNING", "Unknown transport '%s', dropping", $service->{transport});
} else {
# Transports
sub raw_transport {
my $self = shift;
my ($input);
my $service = $self->{service};
while (!$self->{account}) {
local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die "raw_transport Timed Out!\n"; };
syslog("LOG_DEBUG", "raw_transport: timeout is %d", $service->{timeout});
$input = Sip::read_SIP_packet(*STDIN);
if (!$input) {
# EOF on the socket
syslog("LOG_INFO", "raw_transport: shutting down: EOF during login");
$input =~ s/[\r\n]+$//sm; # Strip off trailing line terminator(s)
last if Sip::MsgType::handle($input, $self, LOGIN);
syslog("LOG_DEBUG", "raw_transport: uname/inst: '%s/%s'",
syslog("LOG_INFO", "raw_transport: shutting down");
sub get_clean_string {
my $string = shift;
if (defined $string) {
syslog("LOG_DEBUG", "get_clean_string pre-clean(length %s): %s", length($string), $string);
$string =~ s/^[^A-z0-9]+//;
$string =~ s/[^A-z0-9]+$//;
syslog("LOG_DEBUG", "get_clean_string post-clean(length %s): %s", length($string), $string);
} else {
syslog("LOG_INFO", "get_clean_string called on undefined");
return $string;
sub get_clean_input {
local $/ = "\012";
my $in = <STDIN>;
$in = get_clean_string($in);
while (my $extra = <STDIN>){
syslog("LOG_ERR", "get_clean_input got extra lines: %s", $extra);
return $in;
sub telnet_transport {
my $self = shift;
my ($uid, $pwd);
my $strikes = 3;
my $account = undef;
my $input;
my $config = $self->{config};
my $timeout = $self->{service}->{timeout} || $config->{timeout} || 30;
syslog("LOG_DEBUG", "telnet_transport: timeout is %s", $timeout);
eval {
local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die "telnet_transport: Timed Out ($timeout seconds)!\n"; };
local $| = 1; # Unbuffered output
$/ = "\015"; # Internet Record Separator (lax version)
# Until the terminal has logged in, we don't trust it
# so use a timeout to protect ourselves from hanging.
while ($strikes--) {
print "login: ";
alarm $timeout;
# $uid = &get_clean_input;
$uid = <STDIN>;
print "password: ";
# $pwd = &get_clean_input || '';
$pwd = <STDIN>;
alarm 0;
syslog("LOG_DEBUG", "telnet_transport 1: uid length %s, pwd length %s", length($uid), length($pwd));
$uid = get_clean_string ($uid);
$pwd = get_clean_string ($pwd);
syslog("LOG_DEBUG", "telnet_transport 2: uid length %s, pwd length %s", length($uid), length($pwd));
if (exists ($config->{accounts}->{$uid})
&& ($pwd eq $config->{accounts}->{$uid}->password())) {
$account = $config->{accounts}->{$uid};
Sip::MsgType::login_core($self,$uid,$pwd) and last;
syslog("LOG_WARNING", "Invalid login attempt: '%s'", ($uid||''));
print("Invalid login$CRLF");
}; # End of eval
if ($@) {
syslog("LOG_ERR", "telnet_transport: Login timed out");
die "Telnet Login Timed out";
} elsif (!defined($account)) {
syslog("LOG_ERR", "telnet_transport: Login Failed");
die "Login Failure";
} else {
print "Login OK. Initiating SIP$CRLF";
$self->{account} = $account;
syslog("LOG_DEBUG", "telnet_transport: uname/inst: '%s/%s'", $account->{id}, $account->{institution});
syslog("LOG_INFO", "telnet_transport: shutting down");
# The terminal has logged in, using either the SIP login process
# over a raw socket, or via the pseudo-unix login provided by the
# telnet transport. From that point on, both the raw and the telnet
# processes are the same:
sub sip_protocol_loop {
my $self = shift;
my $service = $self->{service};
my $config = $self->{config};
my $input;
# The spec says the first message will be:
# SIP v2: LOGIN (or SC_STATUS via telnet?)
# But it might be SC_REQUEST_RESEND. As long as we get
# SC_REQUEST_RESEND, we keep waiting.
# Comprise reports that no other ILS actually enforces this
# constraint, so we'll relax about it too.
# Using the SIP "raw" login process, rather than telnet,
# requires the LOGIN message and forces SIP 2.00. In that
# case, the LOGIN message has already been processed (above).
# In short, we'll take any valid message here.
#my $expect = SC_STATUS;
my $expect = '';
while (1) {
$input = Sip::read_SIP_packet(*STDIN);
unless ($input) {
return; # EOF
# begin input hacks ... a cheap stand in for better Telnet layer
$input =~ s/^[^A-z0-9]+//s; # Kill leading bad characters... like Telnet handshakers
$input =~ s/[^A-z0-9]+$//s; # Same on the end, should get DOSsy ^M line-endings too.
while (chomp($input)) {warn "Extra line ending on input";}
unless ($input) {
syslog("LOG_ERR", "sip_protocol_loop: empty input skipped");
# end cheap input hacks
my $status = Sip::MsgType::handle($input, $self, $expect);
if (!$status) {
syslog("LOG_ERR", "sip_protocol_loop: failed to handle %s",substr($input,0,2));
next if $status eq REQUEST_ACS_RESEND;
if ($expect && ($status ne $expect)) {
# We received a non-"RESEND" that wasn't what we were expecting.
syslog("LOG_ERR", "sip_protocol_loop: expected %s, received %s, exiting", $expect, $input);
# We successfully received and processed what we were expecting
$expect = '';