2009-09-30 11:30:39 +02:00

481 lines
16 KiB

Copyright (c) 2009, Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved.
Code licensed under the BSD License:
version: 2.8.0r4
* The ImageLoader Utility is a framework to dynamically load images according to certain triggers,
* enabling faster load times and a more responsive UI.
* @module imageloader
* @namespace YAHOO.util
* @requires yahoo, dom, event
if (typeof(YAHOO.util.ImageLoader) == 'undefined') {
YAHOO.util.ImageLoader = {};
* A group for images. A group can have one time limit and a series of triggers. Thus the images belonging to this group must share these constraints.
* @class YAHOO.util.ImageLoader.group
* @requires YAHOO.util.Dom
* @requires YAHOO.util.Event
* @constructor
* @param {String|HTMLElement} trigEl The HTML element id or reference to assign the trigger event to. Can be null for no trigger
* @param {String} trigAct The type of event to assign to trigEl. Can be null for no trigger
* @param {Number} timeout Timeout (time limit) length, in seconds. Can be undefined, or <= 0, for no time limit
YAHOO.util.ImageLoader.group = function(trigEl, trigAct, timeout) {
* Name for the group. Only used to identify the group in logging statements
* @property name
* @type String
this.name = 'unnamed';
* Collection of images registered with this group
* @property _imgObjs
* @private
* @type Object
this._imgObjs = {};
* Timeout (time limit) length, in seconds
* @property timeoutLen
* @type Number
this.timeoutLen = timeout;
* Timeout object to keep a handle on the time limit
* @property _timeout
* @private
* @type Object
this._timeout = null;
* Collection of triggers for this group.
* Keeps track of each trigger's element, event, and event-listener-callback "fetch" function
* @property _triggers
* @private
* @type Array
this._triggers = [];
* Collection of custom-event triggers for this group.
* Keeps track of each trigger's event object and event-listener-callback "fetch" function
* @property _customTriggers
* @private
* @type Array
this._customTriggers = [];
* Flag to check if images are above the fold. If foldConditional is true, the group will check each of its image locations at page load. If any part of the image is within the client viewport, the image is displayed immediately
* @property foldConditional
* @type Boolean
this.foldConditional = false;
* Class name that will identify images belonging to the group. This class name will be removed from each element in order to fetch images.
* This class should have, in its CSS style definition, "background:none !important;"
* @property className
* @type String
this.className = null;
* HTML elements having the class name that is associated with this group
* Elements are stored during the _foldCheck function and reused later during the fetch function. Gives a slight performance improvement when className and foldConditional are both used
* @property _classImageEls
* @private
* @type Array
this._classImageEls = null;
// add a listener to set the time limit in the onload
YAHOO.util.Event.addListener(window, 'load', this._onloadTasks, this, true);
// add the trigger
this.addTrigger(trigEl, trigAct);
* Adds a trigger to the group. Call this with the same style as YAHOO.util.Event.addListener
* @method addTrigger
* @param {String|HTMLElement} trigEl The HTML element id or reference to assign the trigger event to
* @param {String} trigAct The type of event to assign to trigEl
YAHOO.util.ImageLoader.group.prototype.addTrigger = function(trigEl, trigAct) {
if (! trigEl || ! trigAct) {
/* Need to wrap the fetch function. Event Util can't distinguish prototyped functions of different instantiations
* Leads to this scenario: groupA and groupZ both have window-scroll triggers. groupZ also has a 2-sec timeout (groupA has no timeout).
* groupZ's timeout fires; we remove the triggers. The removeListener call finds the first window-scroll event with Y.u.IL.p.fetch, which is groupA's.
* groupA's trigger is removed and never fires, leaving images unfetched
var wrappedFetch = function() {
this._triggers.push([trigEl, trigAct, wrappedFetch]);
YAHOO.util.Event.addListener(trigEl, trigAct, wrappedFetch, this, true);
* Adds a custom event trigger to the group.
* @method addCustomTrigger
* @param {Object} event A YAHOO.util.CustomEvent object
YAHOO.util.ImageLoader.group.prototype.addCustomTrigger = function(event) {
// make sure we're dealing with a CustomEvent object
if (! event || ! event instanceof YAHOO.util.CustomEvent) {
// see comment in addTrigger()
var wrappedFetch = function() {
this._customTriggers.push([event, wrappedFetch]);
event.subscribe(wrappedFetch, this, true);
* Setup to do in the window's onload
* Initiates time limit for group; executes the fold check for the images
* @method _onloadTasks
* @private
YAHOO.util.ImageLoader.group.prototype._onloadTasks = function() {
if (this.timeoutLen && typeof(this.timeoutLen) == 'number' && this.timeoutLen > 0) {
this._timeout = setTimeout(this._getFetchTimeout(), this.timeoutLen * 1000);
if (this.foldConditional) {
* Returns the group's fetch method, with the proper closure, for use with setTimeout
* @method _getFetchTimeout
* @return {Function} group's fetch method
* @private
YAHOO.util.ImageLoader.group.prototype._getFetchTimeout = function() {
var self = this;
return function() { self.fetch(); };
* Registers a background image with the group
* @method registerBgImage
* @param {String} domId HTML DOM id of the image element
* @param {String} url URL for the image
* @return {Object} bgImgObj that was registered, for modifying any attributes in the object
YAHOO.util.ImageLoader.group.prototype.registerBgImage = function(domId, url) {
this._imgObjs[domId] = new YAHOO.util.ImageLoader.bgImgObj(domId, url);
return this._imgObjs[domId];
* Registers a src image with the group
* @method registerSrcImage
* @param {String} domId HTML DOM id of the image element
* @param {String} url URL for the image
* @param {Int} width pixel width of the image - defaults to image's natural size
* @param {Int} height pixel height of the image - defaults to image's natural size
* @return {Object} srcImgObj that was registered, for modifying any attributes in the object
YAHOO.util.ImageLoader.group.prototype.registerSrcImage = function(domId, url, width, height) {
this._imgObjs[domId] = new YAHOO.util.ImageLoader.srcImgObj(domId, url, width, height);
return this._imgObjs[domId];
* Registers an alpha-channel-type png background image with the group
* @method registerPngBgImage
* @param {String} domId HTML DOM id of the image element
* @param {String} url URL for the image
* @param {Object} ailProps The AlphaImageLoader properties to be set for the image
* Valid properties are 'sizingMethod' and 'enabled'
* @return {Object} pngBgImgObj that was registered, for modifying any attributes in the object
YAHOO.util.ImageLoader.group.prototype.registerPngBgImage = function(domId, url, ailProps) {
this._imgObjs[domId] = new YAHOO.util.ImageLoader.pngBgImgObj(domId, url, ailProps);
return this._imgObjs[domId];
* Displays the images in the group
* @method fetch
YAHOO.util.ImageLoader.group.prototype.fetch = function() {
// remove all listeners
for (var i=0, len = this._triggers.length; i < len; i++) {
YAHOO.util.Event.removeListener(this._triggers[i][0], this._triggers[i][1], this._triggers[i][2]);
// remove custom event subscriptions
for (var i=0, len = this._customTriggers.length; i < len; i++) {
this._customTriggers[i][0].unsubscribe(this._customTriggers[i][1], this);
// fetch whatever we need to by className
// fetch registered images
for (var id in this._imgObjs) {
if (YAHOO.lang.hasOwnProperty(this._imgObjs, id)) {
* Checks the position of each image in the group. If any part of the image is within the client viewport, shows the image immediately.
* @method _foldCheck
* @private
YAHOO.util.ImageLoader.group.prototype._foldCheck = function() {
var scrollTop = (document.compatMode != 'CSS1Compat') ? document.body.scrollTop : document.documentElement.scrollTop;
var viewHeight = YAHOO.util.Dom.getViewportHeight();
var hLimit = scrollTop + viewHeight;
var scrollLeft = (document.compatMode != 'CSS1Compat') ? document.body.scrollLeft : document.documentElement.scrollLeft;
var viewWidth = YAHOO.util.Dom.getViewportWidth();
var wLimit = scrollLeft + viewWidth;
for (var id in this._imgObjs) {
if (YAHOO.lang.hasOwnProperty(this._imgObjs, id)) {
var elPos = YAHOO.util.Dom.getXY(this._imgObjs[id].domId);
if (elPos[1] < hLimit && elPos[0] < wLimit) {
// and by class
if (this.className) {
this._classImageEls = YAHOO.util.Dom.getElementsByClassName(this.className);
for (var i=0, len = this._classImageEls.length; i < len; i++) {
var elPos = YAHOO.util.Dom.getXY(this._classImageEls[i]);
if (elPos[1] < hLimit && elPos[0] < wLimit) {
YAHOO.util.Dom.removeClass(this._classImageEls[i], this.className);
* Finds all elements in the Dom with the class name specified in the group. Removes the class from the element in order to let the style definitions trigger the image fetching
* @method _fetchByClass
* @private
YAHOO.util.ImageLoader.group.prototype._fetchByClass = function() {
if (! this.className) {
// this._classImageEls may have been set during _foldCheck
if (this._classImageEls === null) {
this._classImageEls = YAHOO.util.Dom.getElementsByClassName(this.className);
YAHOO.util.Dom.removeClass(this._classImageEls, this.className);
* Base class for image objects to be registered with the groups
* @class YAHOO.util.ImageLoader.imgObj
* @constructor
* @param {String} domId HTML DOM id of the image element
* @param {String} url URL for the image
YAHOO.util.ImageLoader.imgObj = function(domId, url) {
* HTML DOM id of the image element
* @property domId
* @type String
this.domId = domId;
* URL for the image
* @property url
* @type String
this.url = url;
* Pixel width of the image. Will be set as a "width" attribute after the image is fetched.
* Detaults to the natural width of the image.
* Only appropriate with src images
* @property width
* @type Int
this.width = null;
* Pixel height of the image. Will be set as a "height" attribute after the image is fetched.
* Detaults to the natural height of the image.
* Only appropriate with src images
* @property height
* @type Int
this.height = null;
* Whether the style.visibility should be set to "visible" after the image is fetched.
* Used when setting src images as visibility:hidden prior to image fetching
* @property setVisible
* @type Boolean
this.setVisible = false;
* Whether the image has already been fetched. In the case of a foldCondional group, keeps track for when the trigger is fired so images aren't fetched twice
* @property _fetched
* @type Boolean
* @private
this._fetched = false;
* Displays the image; puts the URL into the DOM
* @method fetch
YAHOO.util.ImageLoader.imgObj.prototype.fetch = function() {
if (this._fetched) {
var el = document.getElementById(this.domId);
if (! el) {
if (this.setVisible) {
el.style.visibility = 'visible';
if (this.width) {
el.width = this.width;
if (this.height) {
el.height = this.height;
this._fetched = true;
* Inserts the image URL into the DOM so that the image is displayed.
* Must be overridden by child class
* @method _applyUrl
* @param {Object} el HTML DOM element
* @private
YAHOO.util.ImageLoader.imgObj.prototype._applyUrl = function(el) {
* Background image object. A background image is one whose URL is specified by "background-image" in the element's style
* @class YAHOO.util.ImageLoader.bgImgObj
* @constructor
* @extends YAHOO.util.ImageLoader.imgObj
* @param {String} domId HTML DOM id of the image element
* @param {String} url URL for the image
YAHOO.util.ImageLoader.bgImgObj = function(domId, url) {
YAHOO.util.ImageLoader.bgImgObj.superclass.constructor.call(this, domId, url);
YAHOO.lang.extend(YAHOO.util.ImageLoader.bgImgObj, YAHOO.util.ImageLoader.imgObj);
* Inserts the image URL into the DOM so that the image is displayed.
* Sets style.backgroundImage
* @method _applyUrl
* @param {Object} el HTML DOM element
* @private
YAHOO.util.ImageLoader.bgImgObj.prototype._applyUrl = function(el) {
el.style.backgroundImage = "url('" + this.url + "')";
* Source image object. A source image is one whose URL is specified by a src attribute in the DOM element
* @class YAHOO.util.ImageLoader.srcImgObj
* @constructor
* @extends YAHOO.util.ImageLoader.imgObj
* @param {String} domId HTML DOM id of the image element
* @param {String} url URL for the image
* @param {Int} width pixel width of the image - defaults to image's natural size
* @param {Int} height pixel height of the image - defaults to image's natural size
YAHOO.util.ImageLoader.srcImgObj = function(domId, url, width, height) {
YAHOO.util.ImageLoader.srcImgObj.superclass.constructor.call(this, domId, url);
this.width = width;
this.height = height;
YAHOO.lang.extend(YAHOO.util.ImageLoader.srcImgObj, YAHOO.util.ImageLoader.imgObj);
* Inserts the image URL into the DOM so that the image is displayed.
* Sets src
* @method _applyUrl
* @param {Object} el HTML DOM element
* @private
YAHOO.util.ImageLoader.srcImgObj.prototype._applyUrl = function(el) {
el.src = this.url;
* PNG background image object. A PNG background image is one whose URL is specified through AlphaImageLoader or by "background-image" in the element's style
* @class YAHOO.util.ImageLoader.pngBgImgObj
* @constructor
* @extends YAHOO.util.ImageLoader.imgObj
* @param {String} domId HTML DOM id of the image element
* @param {String} url URL for the image
* @param {Object} ailProps The AlphaImageLoader properties to be set for the image
* Valid properties are 'sizingMethod' and 'enabled'
YAHOO.util.ImageLoader.pngBgImgObj = function(domId, url, ailProps) {
YAHOO.util.ImageLoader.pngBgImgObj.superclass.constructor.call(this, domId, url);
* AlphaImageLoader properties to be set for the image.
* Valid properties are "sizingMethod" and "enabled".
* @property props
* @type Object
this.props = ailProps || {};
YAHOO.lang.extend(YAHOO.util.ImageLoader.pngBgImgObj, YAHOO.util.ImageLoader.imgObj);
* Inserts the image URL into the DOM so that the image is displayed.
* If the browser is determined to be IE6 (or older), sets the AlphaImageLoader src; otherwise sets style.backgroundImage
* @method _applyUrl
* @param {Object} el HTML DOM element
* @private
YAHOO.util.ImageLoader.pngBgImgObj.prototype._applyUrl = function(el) {
if (YAHOO.env.ua.ie && YAHOO.env.ua.ie <= 6) {
var sizingMethod = (YAHOO.lang.isUndefined(this.props.sizingMethod)) ? 'scale' : this.props.sizingMethod;
var enabled = (YAHOO.lang.isUndefined(this.props.enabled)) ? 'true' : this.props.enabled;
el.style.filter = 'progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src="' + this.url + '", sizingMethod="' + sizingMethod + '", enabled="' + enabled + '")';
else {
el.style.backgroundImage = "url('" + this.url + "')";
YAHOO.register("imageloader", YAHOO.util.ImageLoader, {version: "2.8.0r4", build: "2449"});