Owen Leonard
This patch removes event attributes from several tool-related templates. Events are defined instead in the JavaScript. To test, apply the patch and: - Go to Tools -> Label creator -> Manage -> Layouts and edit any layout. - In the "Font" setting, choose any font which includes the word "italic" or "oblique" in the name. Doing so should disable the "Oblique title" checkbox. - Go to Tools -> Batch patron deletion/anonymization. - Submit the form without making any changes. You should be prompted to select an action. - Go to Tools -> Inventory. - Select a batch of barcodes to upload. - Submit the form without selecting any filters. This should trigger a warning. - Also changed: Added Font Awesome icons to the "Select all" and "Clear all" links on the inventory results view. - Go to Tools -> Notices and Slips. - Click "New notice" - Change the selection under "Koha module." The page should reload with the correct available message body fields. For instance, selecting "Holds" should make available reserves.* columns. - Go to Tools -> Upload. - In the search form, enter a search term and click the 'Search' button. The form should submit. Signed-off-by: Hector Castro <hector.hecaxmmx@gmail.com> Works as advertised. Event attributes removed Signed-off-by: Katrin Fischer <katrin.fischer.83@web.de> Signed-off-by: Kyle M Hall <kyle@bywatersolutions.com>
236 lines
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236 lines
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[% USE Koha %]
[% USE KohaDates %]
[% USE Branches %]
[% INCLUDE 'doc-head-open.inc' %]
<title>Koha › Tools › Batch patron deletion/anonymization [% IF step == 2 %]› Confirm[% END %][% IF step == 3 %]› Finished[% END %]</title>
[% INCLUDE 'doc-head-close.inc' %]
[% INCLUDE 'calendar.inc' %]
<script type="text/javascript">
return checkForm( this );
* checkForm(form)
* This function check the form is correctly filled.
function checkForm(form) {
if ( (!form.date1.value) && (!form.borrower_dateexpiry.value) [% IF Koha.Preference('TrackLastPatronActivity') %]&& (!form.borrower_lastseen.value) [% END %]&& (!form.borrower_categorycode.value) && (!form.patron_list_id.value)){
alert(_("Please enter at least one criterion for deletion!"));
return false;
alert(_("Please enter a date!"));
return false;
if(!form.checkbox[0].checked && !form.checkbox[1].checked) {
alert( _("Please check at least one action") );
return false;
return true;
<body id="tools_cleanborrowers" class="tools">
[% INCLUDE 'header.inc' %]
[% INCLUDE 'cat-search.inc' %]
<div id="breadcrumbs"><a href="/cgi-bin/koha/mainpage.pl">Home</a> › <a href="/cgi-bin/koha/tools/tools-home.pl">Tools</a> › [% IF step == 1 %]Clean Patron Records[% ELSE %]<a href="/cgi-bin/koha/tools/cleanborrowers.pl">Clean patron records</a> › [% END %][% IF step == 2 %]Confirm[% END %][% IF step == 3 %]Finished[% END %]</div>
<div id="doc3" class="yui-t2">
<div id="bd">
<div id="yui-main">
<div class="yui-b">
[% IF !OnlyMine %]
<form method="get" action="/cgi-bin/koha/tools/cleanborrowers.pl" id="selectlibrary">
Select a library :
<select name="branch" id="branch" style="width:20em;">
<option value="*">All libraries</option>
[% FOREACH branch IN Branches.all( selected => current_branch ) %]
[% IF branch.selected %]
<option value="[% branch.branchcode %]" selected="selected">[% branch.branchname %]</option>
[% ELSE %]
<option value="[% branch.branchcode %]">[% branch.branchname %]</option>
[% END %]
[% END %]
[% IF current_branch == '*' %]
<h1>Batch patron deletion/anonymization</h1>
[% ELSE %]
<h1>Batch patron deletion/anonymization for [% Branches.GetName( current_branch ) %]</h1>
[% END %]
[% ELSE %]
<h1>Batch patron deletion/anonymization for [% Branches.GetName( Branches.GetLoggedInBranchcode ) %]</h1>
[% END %]
[% IF step == 1 %]
<!-- step 1 START -->
<div class="help">
<p>This tool allows you to delete patrons and anonymize checkout history. For deleting patrons, any combination of limits can be used.</p>
<div id="step1">
<form name="f1" id="delete_patrons_form" action="/cgi-bin/koha/tools/cleanborrowers.pl" method="post">
<legend>Delete patrons</legend>
<h3><input id="checkborrower" type="checkbox" name="checkbox" value="borrower" /><label for="checkborrower"> Verify you want to delete patrons</label></h3>
<br />
<h5>Delete patrons who meet the following criteria:</h5>
<label for="date1">who have not borrowed since:</label>
<input size="10" id="date1" name="not_borrowed_since" type="text" class="datepicker" />
<span class="hint">[% INCLUDE 'date-format.inc' %]</span>
<label for="borrower_dateexpiry">whose expiration date is before:</label>
<input size="10" id="borrower_dateexpiry" name="borrower_dateexpiry" type="text" class="datepicker" />
<span class="hint">[% INCLUDE 'date-format.inc' %]</span>
[% IF Koha.Preference('TrackLastPatronActivity') %]
<label for="borrower_lastseen">who have not been connected since:</label>
<input size="10" id="borrower_lastseen" name="borrower_lastseen" type="text" class="datepicker" />
<span class="hint">[% INCLUDE 'date-format.inc' %]</span>
[% END %]
<label for="borrower_categorycode">whose patron category is:</label>
<select id="borrower_categorycode" name="borrower_categorycode">
<option value="" selected="selected">Any</option>
[% FOREACH bc IN borrower_categorycodes %]
[% UNLESS bc.category_type == 'S' %]
<option value="[% bc.categorycode %]">[% bc.description %]</option>
[% END %]
[% END %]
[% IF patron_lists %]
<label for="patron_list_id">who are in patron list: </label>
<select id="patron_list_id" name="patron_list_id">
<option value=""></option>
[% FOREACH pl IN patron_lists %]
<option value="[% pl.patron_list_id %]">[% pl.name %]</option>
[% END %]
[% END %]
<legend>Anonymize checkout history</legend>
[% UNLESS Koha.Preference('AnonymousPatron') %]
<div class="dialog message">The AnonymousPatron system preference is not defined. You can use this feature anyway but NULL will be used to update the checkout history.</div>
[% END %]
<h3><input id="checkissue" type="checkbox" name="checkbox" value="issue" /><label for="checkissue"> Verify you want to anonymize patron checkout history</label></h3>
<br />
<label for="date2">Permanently delete checkout history older than</label>
<input size="10" id="date2" name="last_issue_date" type="text" class="datepicker" />
<span class="hint">[% INCLUDE 'date-format.inc' %]</span>
<!-- hidden here -->
<input type="hidden" name="step" value="2" />
<input type="hidden" name="branch" value="[% current_branch %]" />
<fieldset class="action"><input type="submit" value="Next >>" /></fieldset>
<!-- step 1 END -->
[% END %]
[% IF step == 2 %]
<!-- STEP 2 START -->
<div id="step2">
<form name="f2" action="/cgi-bin/koha/tools/cleanborrowers.pl" method="post">
<li>[% patrons_to_delete.size || 0 %] patrons will be deleted</li>
<li>[% patrons_to_anonymize.size || 0 %] patron's checkout histories will be anonymized</li>
<br />
[% IF patrons_to_delete.size %]
<fieldset><legend>What do you want to do for deleted patrons?</legend>
<input id="delete" type="radio" name="radio" value="delete" />
<label for="delete">Permanently delete these patrons</label>
<br /><input id="trash" type="radio" name="radio" value="trash" />
<label for="trash">Move these patrons to the trash</label>
<br /><input id="testrun" type="radio" name="radio" value="testrun" checked="checked" />
<label for="testrun">Do not remove any patrons (test run)</label>
<input type="hidden" name="do_delete" value="[% patrons_to_delete.size %]" /></fieldset>
[% END %]
[% IF patrons_to_anonymize.size %]
Checkout history for [% patrons_to_anonymize.size %] patrons will be anonymized
<input type="hidden" name="do_anonym" value="[% patrons_to_anonymize.size %]" />
[% END %]
<input type="hidden" name="step" value="3" />
<input type="hidden" name="not_borrowed_since" value="[% not_borrowed_since | $KohaDates %]" />
<input type="hidden" name="last_issue_date" value="[% last_issue_date | $KohaDates %]" />
<input type="hidden" name="borrower_dateexpiry" value="[% borrower_dateexpiry | $KohaDates %]" />
[% IF Koha.Preference('TrackLastPatronActivity') %]
<input type="hidden" name="borrower_lastseen" value="[% borrower_lastseen | $KohaDates %]" />
[% END %]
<input type="hidden" name="borrower_categorycode" value="[% borrower_categorycode %]" />
<input type="hidden" name="patron_list_id" value="[% patron_list_id %]" />
<input type="hidden" name="branch" value="[% current_branch %]" />
<fieldset class="action"><input type="submit" value="Finish" /> <a class="cancel" href="/cgi-bin/koha/tools/cleanborrowers.pl">Cancel</a></fieldset>
<!-- STEP 2 END -->
[% END %]
[% IF step == 3 %]
<!-- Step 3 START -->
<div id="step3">
[% IF ( testrun ) %]
<h4>[% TotalDel %] patrons would have been removed (if it wasn't a test run)</h4>
<h4>No patron records have been actually removed</h4>
[% ELSE %]
[% IF ( do_delete ) %]
[% IF ( trash ) %]
<h4>[% TotalDel %] patrons have been successfully moved to trash</h4>
[% ELSE %]
<h4>[% TotalDel %] patrons have been successfully deleted</h4>
[% END %]
[% ELSE %]
<h4>No patron records have been removed</h4>
[% END %]
[% END %]
[% IF ( do_anonym ) %]
<h4>All checkouts older than [% last_issue_date | $KohaDates %] have been anonymized</h4>
[% ELSE %]
<h4>No patron records have been anonymized</h4>
[% END %]
<!-- Step 3 END -->
[% END %]
<div class="yui-b noprint">
[% INCLUDE 'tools-menu.inc' %]
[% INCLUDE 'intranet-bottom.inc' %]