Kyle M Hall 59266cbd61 Bug 14512 - Add support for AV field to Koha's SIP2 Server
Koha's SIP2 server should have support for the AV field ( field items ).
The biggest problem with this field is that its' contents are not really
defined in SIP2 protocol specification. All it says is "this field
should be sent for each fine item". Due to this, I think the contents of
the field need to be configurable at the login level, so that the
contents can be defined based on the SIP2 devices requirements for the
AV field.

Test Plan:
1) Apply this patch
2) Find a patron with outstanding fines
3) Run a patron information request using misc/sip_cli_emulator.pl using the new -s option with the value "   Y      "
4) Note there is an AV field for each fee containing the description and amount
5) Edit your sip config, add an av_field_template parameter to the login you are using such as
    av_field_template="TEST [% accountline.description %] [% accountline.amountoutstanding | format('%.2f') %]"
6) Restart your SIP server
7) Repeat the patron information request
8) Note your custom AV field is being used!

Signed-off-by: Chris Davis <cgdavis@uintah.utah.gov>

Signed-off-by: Jesse Weaver <jweaver@bywatersolutions.com>

Signed-off-by: Brendan A Gallagher <brendan@bywatersolutions.com>
2016-03-31 20:29:18 +00:00

514 lines
16 KiB
Executable file

# This file is part of Koha.
# Copyright (C) 2012-2013 ByWater Solutions
# Koha is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Koha is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Koha; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses>.
use Modern::Perl;
use Socket qw(:crlf);
use IO::Socket::INET;
use Getopt::Long;
use C4::SIP::Sip::Constants qw(:all);
use C4::SIP::Sip;
use constant { LANGUAGE => '001' };
my $help = 0;
my $host;
my $port = '6001';
my $login_user_id;
my $login_password;
my $location_code;
my $patron_identifier;
my $patron_password;
my $summary;
my $item_identifier;
my $fee_acknowledged = 0;
my $terminator = q{};
my @messages;
"a|address|host|hostaddress=s" => \$host, # sip server ip
"p|port=s" => \$port, # sip server port
"su|sip_user=s" => \$login_user_id, # sip user
"sp|sip_pass=s" => \$login_password, # sip password
"l|location|location_code=s" => \$location_code, # sip location code
"patron=s" => \$patron_identifier, # patron cardnumber or login
"password=s" => \$patron_password, # patron's password
"i|item=s" => \$item_identifier,
"fa|fee-acknowledged" => \$fee_acknowledged,
"s|summary=s" => \$summary,
"t|terminator=s" => \$terminator,
"m|message=s" => \@messages,
'h|help|?' => \$help
if ( $help
|| !$host
|| !$login_user_id
|| !$login_password
|| !$location_code )
say &help();
$terminator = ( $terminator eq 'CR' ) ? $CR : $CRLF;
# Set perl to expect the same record terminator it is sending
$/ = $terminator;
my $transaction_date = C4::SIP::Sip::timestamp();
my $terminal_password = $login_password;
$| = 1;
print "Attempting socket connection to $host:$port...";
my $socket = IO::Socket::INET->new("$host:$port")
or die "failed! : $!\n";
say "connected!";
my $handlers = {
login => {
name => 'Login',
subroutine => \&build_login_command_message,
parameters => {
login_user_id => $login_user_id,
login_password => $login_password,
location_code => $location_code,
patron_status_request => {
name => 'Patron Status Request',
subroutine => \&build_patron_status_request_command_message,
parameters => {
transaction_date => $transaction_date,
institution_id => $location_code,
patron_identifier => $patron_identifier,
terminal_password => $terminal_password,
patron_password => $patron_password,
optional => [ 'patron_password', ],
patron_information => {
name => 'Patron Information',
subroutine => \&build_patron_information_command_message,
parameters => {
transaction_date => $transaction_date,
institution_id => $location_code,
patron_identifier => $patron_identifier,
terminal_password => $terminal_password,
patron_password => $patron_password,
summary => $summary,
optional => [ 'patron_password', 'summary' ],
item_information => {
name => 'Item Information',
subroutine => \&build_item_information_command_message,
parameters => {
transaction_date => $transaction_date,
institution_id => $location_code,
item_identifier => $item_identifier,
terminal_password => $terminal_password,
optional => [],
checkout => {
name => 'Checkout',
subroutine => \&build_checkout_command_message,
parameters => {
SC_renewal_policy => 'Y',
no_block => 'N',
transaction_date => $transaction_date,
nb_due_date => undef,
institution_id => $location_code,
patron_identifier => $patron_identifier,
item_identifier => $item_identifier,
terminal_password => $terminal_password,
item_properties => undef,
patron_password => $patron_password,
fee_acknowledged => $fee_acknowledged,
cancel => undef,
optional => [
'nb_due_date', # defaults to transaction date
checkin => {
name => 'Checkin',
subroutine => \&build_checkin_command_message,
parameters => {
no_block => 'N',
transaction_date => $transaction_date,
return_date => $transaction_date,
current_location => $location_code,
institution_id => $location_code,
item_identifier => $item_identifier,
terminal_password => $terminal_password,
item_properties => undef,
cancel => undef,
optional => [
'return_date', # defaults to transaction date
renew => {
name => 'Renew',
subroutine => \&build_renew_command_message,
parameters => {
third_party_allowed => 'N',
no_block => 'N',
transaction_date => $transaction_date,
nb_due_date => undef,
institution_id => $location_code,
patron_identifier => $patron_identifier,
patron_password => $patron_password,
item_identifier => $item_identifier,
title_identifier => undef,
terminal_password => $terminal_password,
item_properties => undef,
fee_acknowledged => $fee_acknowledged,
optional => [
'nb_due_date', # defaults to transaction date
my $data = run_command_message('login');
if ( $data =~ '^941' ) { ## we are logged in
foreach my $m (@messages) {
say "Trying '$m'";
my $data = run_command_message($m);
else {
say "Login Failed!";
sub build_command_message {
my ($message) = @_;
##FIXME It would be much better to use exception handling so we aren't priting from subs
unless ( $handlers->{$message} ) {
say "$message is an unsupported command!";
my $subroutine = $handlers->{$message}->{subroutine};
my $parameters = $handlers->{$message}->{parameters};
my %optional = map { $_ => 1 } @{ $handlers->{$message}->{optional} };
foreach my $key ( keys %$parameters ) {
unless ( $parameters->{$key} ) {
unless ( $optional{$key} ) {
say "$key is required for $message";
return &$subroutine($parameters);
sub run_command_message {
my ($message) = @_;
my $command_message = build_command_message($message);
return unless $command_message;
say "SEND: $command_message";
print $socket $command_message . $terminator;
my $data = <$socket>;
say "READ: $data";
return $data;
sub build_login_command_message {
my ($params) = @_;
my $login_user_id = $params->{login_user_id};
my $login_password = $params->{login_password};
my $location_code = $params->{location_code};
LOGIN . "00"
. build_field( FID_LOGIN_UID, $login_user_id )
. build_field( FID_LOGIN_PWD, $login_password )
. build_field( FID_LOCATION_CODE, $location_code );
sub build_patron_status_request_command_message {
my ($params) = @_;
my $transaction_date = $params->{transaction_date};
my $institution_id = $params->{institution_id};
my $patron_identifier = $params->{patron_identifier};
my $terminal_password = $params->{terminal_password};
my $patron_password = $params->{patron_password};
. $transaction_date
. build_field( FID_INST_ID, $institution_id )
. build_field( FID_PATRON_ID, $patron_identifier )
. build_field( FID_TERMINAL_PWD, $terminal_password )
. build_field( FID_PATRON_PWD, $patron_password );
sub build_patron_information_command_message {
my ($params) = @_;
my $transaction_date = $params->{transaction_date};
my $institution_id = $params->{institution_id};
my $patron_identifier = $params->{patron_identifier};
my $terminal_password = $params->{terminal_password};
my $patron_password = $params->{patron_password};
my $summary = $params->{summary};
$summary //= " ";
. $transaction_date
. $summary
. build_field( FID_INST_ID, $institution_id )
. build_field( FID_PATRON_ID, $patron_identifier )
. build_field( FID_TERMINAL_PWD, $terminal_password )
. build_field( FID_PATRON_PWD, $patron_password, { optional => 1 } );
sub build_item_information_command_message {
my ($params) = @_;
my $transaction_date = $params->{transaction_date};
my $institution_id = $params->{institution_id};
my $item_identifier = $params->{item_identifier};
my $terminal_password = $params->{terminal_password};
. $transaction_date
. build_field( FID_INST_ID, $institution_id )
. build_field( FID_ITEM_ID, $item_identifier )
. build_field( FID_TERMINAL_PWD, $terminal_password );
sub build_checkout_command_message {
my ($params) = @_;
my $SC_renewal_policy = $params->{SC_renewal_policy} || 'N';
my $no_block = $params->{no_block} || 'N';
my $transaction_date = $params->{transaction_date};
my $nb_due_date = $params->{nb_due_date};
my $institution_id = $params->{institution_id};
my $patron_identifier = $params->{patron_identifier};
my $item_identifier = $params->{item_identifier};
my $terminal_password = $params->{terminal_password};
my $item_properties = $params->{item_properties};
my $patron_password = $params->{patron_password};
my $fee_acknowledged = $params->{fee_acknowledged} || 'N';
my $cancel = $params->{cancel} || 'N';
$SC_renewal_policy = $SC_renewal_policy eq 'Y' ? 'Y' : 'N';
$no_block = $no_block eq 'Y' ? 'Y' : 'N';
$fee_acknowledged = $fee_acknowledged eq 'Y' ? 'Y' : 'N';
$cancel = $cancel eq 'Y' ? 'Y' : 'N';
$nb_due_date ||= $transaction_date;
. $SC_renewal_policy
. $no_block
. $transaction_date
. $nb_due_date
. build_field( FID_INST_ID, $institution_id )
. build_field( FID_PATRON_ID, $patron_identifier )
. build_field( FID_ITEM_ID, $item_identifier )
. build_field( FID_TERMINAL_PWD, $terminal_password )
. build_field( FID_ITEM_PROPS, $item_properties, { optional => 1 } )
. build_field( FID_PATRON_PWD, $patron_password, { optional => 1 } )
. build_field( FID_FEE_ACK, $fee_acknowledged, { optional => 1 } )
. build_field( FID_CANCEL, $cancel, { optional => 1 } );
sub build_checkin_command_message {
my ($params) = @_;
my $no_block = $params->{no_block} || 'N';
my $transaction_date = $params->{transaction_date};
my $return_date = $params->{return_date};
my $current_location = $params->{current_location};
my $institution_id = $params->{institution_id};
my $item_identifier = $params->{item_identifier};
my $terminal_password = $params->{terminal_password};
my $item_properties = $params->{item_properties};
my $cancel = $params->{cancel} || 'N';
$no_block = $no_block eq 'Y' ? 'Y' : 'N';
$cancel = $cancel eq 'Y' ? 'Y' : 'N';
$return_date ||= $transaction_date;
. $no_block
. $transaction_date
. $return_date
. build_field( FID_CURRENT_LOCN, $current_location )
. build_field( FID_INST_ID, $institution_id )
. build_field( FID_ITEM_ID, $item_identifier )
. build_field( FID_TERMINAL_PWD, $terminal_password )
. build_field( FID_ITEM_PROPS, $item_properties, { optional => 1 } )
. build_field( FID_CANCEL, $cancel, { optional => 1 } );
sub build_renew_command_message {
my ($params) = @_;
my $third_party_allowed = $params->{third_party_allowed} || 'N';
my $no_block = $params->{no_block} || 'N';
my $transaction_date = $params->{transaction_date};
my $nb_due_date = $params->{nb_due_date};
my $institution_id = $params->{institution_id};
my $patron_identifier = $params->{patron_identifier};
my $patron_password = $params->{patron_password};
my $item_identifier = $params->{item_identifier};
my $title_identifier = $params->{title_identifier};
my $terminal_password = $params->{terminal_password};
my $item_properties = $params->{item_properties};
my $fee_acknowledged = $params->{fee_acknowledged} || 'N';
$third_party_allowed = $third_party_allowed eq 'Y' ? 'Y' : 'N';
$no_block = $no_block eq 'Y' ? 'Y' : 'N';
$fee_acknowledged = $fee_acknowledged eq 'Y' ? 'Y' : 'N';
$nb_due_date ||= $transaction_date;
. $third_party_allowed
. $no_block
. $transaction_date
. $nb_due_date
. build_field( FID_INST_ID, $institution_id )
. build_field( FID_PATRON_ID, $patron_identifier )
. build_field( FID_PATRON_PWD, $patron_password, { optional => 1 } )
. build_field( FID_ITEM_ID, $item_identifier )
. build_field( FID_TITLE_ID, $title_identifier )
. build_field( FID_TERMINAL_PWD, $terminal_password )
. build_field( FID_ITEM_PROPS, $item_properties, { optional => 1 } )
. build_field( FID_FEE_ACK, $fee_acknowledged, { optional => 1 } );
sub build_field {
my ( $field_identifier, $value, $params ) = @_;
$params //= {};
return q{} if ( $params->{optional} && !$value );
return $field_identifier . (($value) ? $value : '') . '|';
sub help {
say q/sip_cli_emulator.pl - SIP command line emulator
Test a SIP2 service by sending patron status and patron
information requests.
sip_cli_emulator.pl [OPTIONS]
--help display help message
-a --address SIP server ip address or host name
-p --port SIP server port
-su --sip_user SIP server login username
-sp --sip_pass SIP server login password
-l --location SIP location code
--patron ILS patron cardnumber or username
--password ILS patron password
-s --summary Optionally define the patron information request summary field.
Please refer to the SIP2 protocol specification for details
--item ILS item identifier ( item barcode )
-t --terminator SIP2 message terminator, either CR, or CRLF
(defaults to CRLF)
-fa --fee-acknowledged Sends a confirmation of checkout fee
-m --message SIP2 message to execute
Implemented Messages: