tonnesen b1cb688dc7 Perl 5.005 doesn't like the -I after the script name. (This doesn't
look very functional yet in any case, but thought I'd put it in as a
fix)  :)
2002-06-24 13:19:40 +00:00

107 lines
2.7 KiB

#!/usr/bin/perl -w # please develop with -w
use strict; # please develop with the strict pragma
print <<EOM;
* Welcome to the Koha Installer *
This installer will prompt you with a series of questions.
It assumes you (or your system administrator) has installed:
* Apache (http://www.apache.org)
* Perl (http://www.perl.org)
and one of the following database applications:
* MySql (http://www.mysql.org)
on some type of Unix or Unix-like operating system
Is Apache, Perl, and a database from the list above installed on this system?
my $answer = $_;
chomp $answer;
if ($answer eq "Y" || $answer eq "y") {
print "Great! \n";
} else {
print <<EOM;
You will need to setup database space for your application.
The installer currently does not support an automated setup with this database.
Please be sure to read the documentation.
print "I need to unpack the Koha TarFile -- where is it? ";
$answer = $_;
chomp $answer;
# FIXME? using system is probably not the best way to do this
# tar on solaris may not work properly, etc.
system("tar -x $answer"); #unpack fill out
#test for Perl and Apache?
print "Are you using MySql?[Y/N]: ";
$answer = $_;
chomp $answer
if ($answer eq "Y") {
system("mysqladmin -uroot -ppassword create $KohaDBNAME ");
system("mysql -u$root -p$password ");
#need to get to mysql prompt HOW DO I DO THIS?
# you could pipe this into mysql in the shell that system generates
# can this be done from dbi?
system("grant all privileges on Koha.* to koha@localhost identified by 'kohapassword'; ");
if ($answer eq "N") {
print <<EOM;
You will need to use the MySQL database system for your application.
The installer currently does not support an automated setup with this database.
print "\n";
system ("perl -I /pathtoC4 updatedatabase");
#KOHA conf
# is there a reason we don't just create the conf file here?
print <<EOM;
You will need to add the following to the Koha configuration file\n";
#SETUP opac
# <VirtualHost opac.your.site>
# ServerAdmin webmaster@your.site
# DocumentRoot /usr/local/www/opac/htdocs
# ServerName opac.your.site
# ErrorLog logs/opac-error_log
# TransferLog logs/opac-access_log
# </VirtualHost>
# this is a pretty rude thing to do on a system ...
# perhaps asking the user first would be better.
system('/etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd restart');