Owen Leonard 6c5ad42edd Bug 25614: Move ILL request keyword filter to sidebar
On the ILL request list page there are two filters for the table: One in
the sidebar and one configured automatically by the DataTables plugin. I
think these two systems are conflicting somehow to prevent the "clear
filter" button in the table toolbar from working correctly.

This patch doesn't fix the bug but avoids it: Since the filter field in
the table toolbar is duplicating the functionality of the form in the
sidebar, we could hide it and rely on the sidebar filter instead.

To test, apply the patch and go to the ILL requests page in the staff

 - The table of requests should display without a search form or "clear
   filter" button at the top.
 - The left-hand sidebar form should now have a "keyword" filter option
   which searches any column in the table.
 - Other filter fields should work as before.

Signed-off-by: David Nind <david@davidnind.com>
Signed-off-by: Martin Renvoize <martin.renvoize@ptfs-europe.com>

Signed-off-by: Jonathan Druart <jonathan.druart@bugs.koha-community.org>
2021-01-27 10:45:54 +01:00

561 lines
20 KiB

$(document).ready(function() {
// Illview Datatable setup
var table;
// Filters that are active
var activeFilters = {};
// Get any prefilters
var prefilters = $('table#ill-requests').data('prefilters');
// Fields we need to expand (flatten)
var expand = [
// Expanded fields
// This is auto populated
var expanded = {};
// Filterable columns
var filterable = {
status: {
prep: function(tableData, oData) {
var uniques = {};
tableData.forEach(function(row) {
var resolvedName;
if (row.status_alias) {
resolvedName = row.status_alias.lib;
} else {
resolvedName = getStatusName(
uniques[resolvedName] = 1
Object.keys(uniques).sort().forEach(function(unique) {
'<option value="' + unique +
'">' + unique + '</option>'
listener: function() {
var me = 'status';
$('#illfilter_status').change(function() {
var sel = $('#illfilter_status option:selected').val();
if (sel && sel.length > 0) {
activeFilters[me] = function() {
} else {
if (activeFilters.hasOwnProperty(me)) {
delete activeFilters[me];
clear: function() {
pickupBranch: {
prep: function(tableData, oData) {
var uniques = {};
tableData.forEach(function(row) {
uniques[row.library_branchname] = 1
Object.keys(uniques).sort().forEach(function(unique) {
'<option value="' + unique +
'">' + unique + '</option>'
listener: function() {
var me = 'pickupBranch';
$('#illfilter_branchname').change(function() {
var sel = $('#illfilter_branchname option:selected').val();
if (sel && sel.length > 0) {
activeFilters[me] = function() {
} else {
if (activeFilters.hasOwnProperty(me)) {
delete activeFilters[me];
clear: function() {
patron: {
listener: function() {
var me = 'patron';
$('#illfilter_patron').change(function() {
var val = $('#illfilter_patron').val();
if (val && val.length > 0) {
activeFilters[me] = function() {
} else {
if (activeFilters.hasOwnProperty(me)) {
delete activeFilters[me];
clear: function() {
keyword: {
listener: function () {
var me = 'keyword';
$('#illfilter_keyword').change(function () {
var val = $('#illfilter_keyword').val();
if (val && val.length > 0) {
activeFilters[me] = function () {
} else {
if (activeFilters.hasOwnProperty(me)) {
delete activeFilters[me];
clear: function () {
dateModified: {
clear: function() {
$('#illfilter_datemodified_start, #illfilter_datemodified_end').val('');
datePlaced: {
clear: function() {
$('#illfilter_dateplaced_start, #illfilter_dateplaced_end').val('');
}; //END Filterable columns
// Expand any fields we're expanding
var expandExpand = function(row) {
expand.forEach(function(thisExpand) {
if (row.hasOwnProperty(thisExpand)) {
if (!expanded.hasOwnProperty(thisExpand)) {
expanded[thisExpand] = [];
var expandObj = row[thisExpand];
function(thisExpandCol) {
var expColName = thisExpand + '_' + thisExpandCol.replace(/\s/g,'_');
// Keep a list of fields that have been expanded
// so we can create toggle links for them
if (expanded[thisExpand].indexOf(expColName) == -1) {
expandObj[expColName] =
delete expandObj[thisExpandCol];
$.extend(true, row, expandObj);
delete row[thisExpand];
//END Expand
// Strip the expand prefix if it exists, we do this for display
var stripPrefix = function(value) {
expand.forEach(function(thisExpand) {
var regex = new RegExp(thisExpand + '_', 'g');
value = value.replace(regex, '');
return value;
// Our 'render' function for borrowerlink
var createPatronLink = function(data, type, row) {
var patronLink = '<a title="' + ill_borrower_details + '" ' +
'href="/cgi-bin/koha/members/moremember.pl?' +
if ( row.patron_firstname ) {
patronLink = patronLink + row.patron_firstname + ' ';
patronLink = patronLink + row.patron_surname +
' (' + row.patron_cardnumber + ')' + '</a>';
return patronLink;
// Our 'render' function for biblio_id
var createBiblioLink = function(data, type, row) {
return (row.biblio_id) ?
'<a title="' + ill_biblio_details + '" ' +
'href="/cgi-bin/koha/catalogue/detail.pl?biblionumber=' +
row.biblio_id + '">' +
row.biblio_id +
'</a>' : '';
// Our 'render' function for title
var createTitle = function(data, type, row) {
return (
row.hasOwnProperty('metadata_container_title') &&
) ? row.metadata_container_title : row.metadata_title;
// Render function for request ID
var createRequestId = function(data, type, row) {
return row.id_prefix + row.illrequest_id;
// Render function for type
var createType = function(data, type, row) {
if (!row.hasOwnProperty('metadata_Type') || !row.metadata_Type) {
if (row.hasOwnProperty('medium') && row.medium) {
row.metadata_Type = row.medium;
} else {
row.metadata_Type = null;
return row.metadata_Type;
// Render function for request status
var createStatus = function(data, type, row, meta) {
if (row.status_alias) {
return row.status_alias.lib
? row.status_alias.lib
: row.status_alias.authorised_value;
} else {
var status_name = row.capabilities[row.status].name;
return getStatusName(status_name, row);
var getStatusName = function(origName, row) {
switch( origName ) {
case "New request":
return ill_statuses.new;
case "Requested":
return ill_statuses.req;
case "Requested from partners":
var statStr = ill_statuses.genreq;
if (
row.hasOwnProperty('requested_partners') &&
row.requested_partners &&
row.requested_partners.length > 0
) {
statStr += ' (' + row.requested_partners + ')';
return statStr;
case "Request reverted":
return ill_statuses.rev;
case "Queued request":
return ill_statuses.que;
case "Cancellation requested":
return ill_statuses.canc;
case "Completed":
return ill_statuses.comp;
case "Delete request":
return ill_statuses.del;
return origName;
// Render function for creating a row's action link
var createActionLink = function(data, type, row) {
return '<a class="btn btn-default btn-sm" ' +
'href="/cgi-bin/koha/ill/ill-requests.pl?' +
'method=illview&amp;illrequest_id=' +
row.illrequest_id +
'">' + ill_manage + '</a>';
// Columns that require special treatment
var specialCols = {
action: {
func: createActionLink,
skipSanitize: true
illrequest_id: {
func: createRequestId
status: {
func: createStatus
biblio_id: {
name: ill_columns.biblio_id,
func: createBiblioLink,
skipSanitize: true
metadata_title: {
func: createTitle
metadata_Type: {
func: createType
updated: {
name: ill_columns.updated
patron: {
skipSanitize: true,
func: createPatronLink
// Display the modal containing request supplier metadata
$('#ill-request-display-log').on('click', function(e) {
// Toggle request attributes in Illview
$('#toggle_requestattributes').on('click', function(e) {
// Toggle new comment form in Illview
$('#toggle_addcomment').on('click', function(e) {
// Filter partner list
// Record the list of all options
var ill_partner_options = $('#partners > option');
$('#partner_filter').keyup(function() {
var needle = $('#partner_filter').val();
var regex = new RegExp(needle, 'i');
var filtered = [];
ill_partner_options.each(function() {
if (
needle.length == 0 ||
$(this).is(':selected') ||
) {
// Display the modal containing request supplier metadata
$('#ill-request-display-metadata').on('click', function(e) {
// Allow us to chain Datatable render helpers together, so we
// can use our custom functions and render.text(), which
// provides us with data sanitization
$.fn.dataTable.render.multi = function(renderArray) {
return function(d, type, row, meta) {
for(var r = 0; r < renderArray.length; r++) {
var toCall = renderArray[r].hasOwnProperty('display') ?
renderArray[r].display :
d = toCall(d, type, row, meta);
return d;
// Get our data from the API and process it prior to passing
// it to datatables
var filterParam = prefilters ? '&' + prefilters : '';
// Only fire the request if we're on an appropriate page
if (
// ILL list requests page
window.location.href.match(/ill\/ill-requests\.pl/) &&
window.location.search.length == 0
) ||
// Patron profile page
) {
var ajax = $.ajax(
+ filterParam
).done(function() {
var data = JSON.parse(ajax.responseText);
// Make a copy, we'll be removing columns next and need
// to be able to refer to data that has been removed
var dataCopy = $.extend(true, [], data);
// Expand columns that need it and create an array
// of all column names
$.each(dataCopy, function(k, row) {
// Assemble an array of column definitions for passing
// to datatables
var colData = [];
columns_settings.forEach(function(thisCol) {
var colName = thisCol.columnname;
// Create the base column object
var colObj = $.extend({}, thisCol);
colObj.name = colName;
colObj.className = colName;
colObj.defaultContent = '';
// We may need to process the data going in this
// column, so do it if necessary
if (
specialCols.hasOwnProperty(colName) &&
) {
var renderArray = [
if (!specialCols[colName].skipSanitize) {
colObj.render = $.fn.dataTable.render.multi(
} else {
colObj.data = colName;
colObj.render = $.fn.dataTable.render.text()
// Make sure properties that aren't present in the API
// response are populated with null to avoid Datatables
// choking on their absence
dataCopy.forEach(function(thisData) {
if (!thisData.hasOwnProperty(colName)) {
thisData[colName] = null;
// Initialise the datatable
table = KohaTable("ill-requests", {
'aoColumnDefs': [
{ // Last column shouldn't be sortable or searchable
'aTargets': [ 'actions' ],
'bSortable': false,
'bSearchable': false
{ // When sorting 'placed', we want to use the
// unformatted column
'aTargets': [ 'placed_formatted'],
'iDataSort': 14
{ // When sorting 'updated', we want to use the
// unformatted column
'aTargets': [ 'updated_formatted'],
'iDataSort': 16
{ // When sorting 'completed', we want to use the
// unformatted column
'aTargets': [ 'completed_formatted'],
'iDataSort': 19
'aaSorting': [[ 16, 'desc' ]], // Default sort, updated descending
'processing': true, // Display a message when manipulating
'sPaginationType': "full_numbers", // Pagination display
'deferRender': true, // Improve performance on big datasets
'data': dataCopy,
"dom": '<"top pager"<"table_entries"ilp><"table_controls"B>>tr<"bottom pager"ip>',
'columns': colData,
'originalData': data, // Enable render functions to access
// our original data
'initComplete': function() {
// Prepare any filter elements that need it
for (var el in filterable) {
if (filterable.hasOwnProperty(el)) {
if (filterable[el].hasOwnProperty('prep')) {
filterable[el].prep(dataCopy, data);
if (filterable[el].hasOwnProperty('listener')) {
}, columns_settings);
// Custom date range filtering
$.fn.dataTable.ext.search.push(function(settings, data, dataIndex) {
var placedStart = $('#illfilter_dateplaced_start').datepicker('getDate');
var placedEnd = $('#illfilter_dateplaced_end').datepicker('getDate');
var modifiedStart = $('#illfilter_datemodified_start').datepicker('getDate');
var modifiedEnd = $('#illfilter_datemodified_end').datepicker('getDate');
var rowPlaced = data[14] ? new Date(data[14]) : null;
var rowModified = data[16] ? new Date(data[16]) : null;
var placedPassed = true;
var modifiedPassed = true;
if (placedStart && rowPlaced && rowPlaced < placedStart) {
placedPassed = false
if (placedEnd && rowPlaced && rowPlaced > placedEnd) {
placedPassed = false;
if (modifiedStart && rowModified && rowModified < modifiedStart) {
modifiedPassed = false
if (modifiedEnd && rowModified && rowModified > modifiedEnd) {
modifiedPassed = false;
return placedPassed && modifiedPassed;
} //END if window.location.search.length == 0
var clearSearch = function() {
activeFilters = {};
for (var filter in filterable) {
if (
filterable.hasOwnProperty(filter) &&
) {
// Apply any search filters, or clear any previous
// ones
$('#illfilter_form').submit(function(event) {
for (var active in activeFilters) {
if (activeFilters.hasOwnProperty(active)) {
// Clear all filters
$('#clear_search').click(function() {