Joe Atzberger 524a5cbb21 Tags - module, script and template support for user tagging in OPAC.
Signed-off-by: Joshua Ferraro <jmf@liblime.com>
2008-04-22 18:02:44 -05:00

427 lines
12 KiB

package C4::Tags;
# This file is part of Koha.
# Koha is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
# version.
# Koha is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
# A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
# Koha; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place,
# Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
use strict;
use warnings;
use Carp;
use Exporter;
use C4::Context;
use C4::Debug;
use vars qw($ext_dict $select_all @fields);
$VERSION = 0.01;
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
@EXPORT_OK = qw(
&get_tag &get_tags &get_tag_rows
&add_tags &add_tag
# %EXPORT_TAGS = ();
$ext_dict = C4::Context->preference('TagsExternalDictionary');
if ($debug) {
require Data::Dumper;
import Data::Dumper qw(:DEFAULT);
print STDERR __PACKAGE__ . " external dictionary = " . ($ext_dict||'none') . "\n";
if ($ext_dict) {
require Lingua::Ispell;
import Lingua::Ispell qw(spellcheck);
$ext_dict and $Lingua::Ispell::path = $ext_dict;
$debug and print STDERR "\$Lingua::Ispell::path = $Lingua::Ispell::path\n";
@fields = qw(tag_id borrowernumber biblionumber term language date_created);
$select_all = "SELECT " . join(',',@fields) . "\n FROM tags_all\n";
sub remove_tag ($) {
my $tag_id = shift;
my $rows = get_tag_rows({tag_id=>$tag_id}) or return 0;
(scalar(@$rows) == 1) or return undef;
my $row = shift(@$rows);
($tag_id == $row->{tag_id}) or return 0;
my $tags = get_tags({term=>$row->{term}, biblionumber=>$row->{biblionumber}});
my $index = shift(@$tags);
$debug and print STDERR
sprintf "remove_tag: tag_id=>%s, biblionumber=>%s, weight=>%s, weight_total=>%s\n",
$row->{tag_id}, $row->{biblionumber}, $index->{weight}, $index->{weight_total};
if ($index->{weight} <= 1) {
} else {
if ($index->{weight_total} <= 1) {
} else {
sub delete_tag_index ($$) {
(@_) or return undef;
my $sth = C4::Context->dbh->prepare("DELETE FROM tags_index WHERE term = ? AND biblionumber = ? LIMIT 1");
return $sth->rows || 0;
sub delete_tag_approval ($) {
(@_) or return undef;
my $sth = C4::Context->dbh->prepare("DELETE FROM tags_approval WHERE term = ? LIMIT 1");
return $sth->rows || 0;
sub delete_tag_row_by_id ($) {
(@_) or return undef;
my $sth = C4::Context->dbh->prepare("DELETE FROM tags_all WHERE tag_id = ? LIMIT 1");
return $sth->rows || 0;
sub delete_tag_rows_by_ids (@) {
(@_) or return undef;
my $i=0;
foreach(@_) {
$i += delete_tag_row_by_id($_);
($i == scalar(@_)) or
warn sprintf "delete_tag_rows_by_ids tried %s tag_ids, only succeeded on $i", scalar(@_);
return $i;
sub get_tag_rows ($) {
my $hash = shift || {};
my @ok_fields = @fields;
push @ok_fields, 'limit'; # push the limit! :)
my $wheres;
my $limit = "";
my @exe_args = ();
foreach my $key (keys %$hash) {
$debug and print STDERR "get_tag_rows arg. '$key' = ", $hash->{$key}, "\n";
unless (length $key) {
carp "Empty argument key to get_tag_rows: ignoring!";
unless (1 == scalar grep {/^ $key $/xi} @ok_fields) {
carp "get_tag_rows received unreconized argument key '$key'.";
if ($key =~ /^limit$/i) {
my $val = $hash->{$key};
unless ($val =~ /^\d+$/) {
carp "Non-nuerical limit value '$val' ignored!";
$limit = " LIMIT $val\n";
} else {
$wheres .= ($wheres) ? " AND $key = ?\n" : " WHERE $key = ?\n";
push @exe_args, $hash->{$key};
my $query = $select_all . ($wheres||'') . $limit;
$debug and print STDERR "get_tag_rows query:\n $query\n",
"get_tag_rows query args: ", join(',', @exe_args), "\n";
my $sth = C4::Context->dbh->prepare($query);
if (@exe_args) {
} else {
return $sth->fetchall_arrayref({});
sub get_tags (;$) { # i.e., from tags_index
# my $self = shift;
my $hash = shift || {};
my @ok_fields = qw(term biblionumber weight limit sort);
my $wheres;
my $limit = "";
my $order = "";
my @exe_args = ();
foreach my $key (keys %$hash) {
$debug and print STDERR "get_tags arg. '$key' = ", $hash->{$key}, "\n";
unless (length $key) {
carp "Empty argument key to get_tags: ignoring!";
unless (1 == scalar grep {/^ $key $/xi} @ok_fields) {
carp "get_tags received unreconized argument key '$key'.";
if ($key =~ /^limit$/i) {
my $val = $hash->{$key};
unless ($val =~ /^\d+$/) {
carp "Non-nuerical limit value '$val' ignored!";
$limit = " LIMIT $val\n";
} elsif ($key =~ /^sort$/i) {
foreach my $by (split /\,/, $hash->{$key}) {
unless (
$by =~ /^([-+])?(term)/ or
$by =~ /^([-+])?(biblionumber)/ or
$by =~ /^([-+])?(weight)/
) {
carp "get_tags received illegal sort order '$by'";
$order .= " ORDER BY $2 " . ($1 eq '-' ? 'DESC' : $1 eq '+' ? 'ASC' : '') . "\n";
} else {
my $whereval = $key;
($key =~ /^term$/i) and $whereval = 'tags_index.term';
$wheres .= ($wheres) ? " AND $whereval = ?\n" : " WHERE $whereval = ?\n";
push @exe_args, $hash->{$key};
my $query = "
SELECT tags_index.term as term,biblionumber,weight,weight_total
FROM tags_index
LEFT JOIN tags_approval
ON tags_index.term = tags_approval.term
" . ($wheres||'') . $order . $limit;
$debug and print STDERR "get_tags query:\n $query\n",
"get_tags query args: ", join(',', @exe_args), "\n";
my $sth = C4::Context->dbh->prepare($query);
if (@exe_args) {
} else {
return $sth->fetchall_arrayref({});
sub is_approved ($) {
my $term = shift or return undef;
if ($ext_dict) {
return (spellcheck($term) ? 0 : 1);
my $sth = C4::Context->dbh->prepare("SELECT approved FROM tags_approval WHERE term = ?");
$sth->rows or return undef;
return $sth->fetch;
sub get_tag_index ($;$) {
my $term = shift or return undef;
my $sth;
if (@_) {
$sth = C4::Context->dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM tags_index WHERE term = ? AND biblionumber = ?");
} else {
$sth = C4::Context->dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM tags_index WHERE term = ?");
return $sth->fetchrow_hashref;
sub add_tag_approval ($;$) {
my $term = shift or return undef;
my $query = "SELECT * FROM tags_approval WHERE term = ?";
my $sth = C4::Context->dbh->prepare($query);
($sth->rows) and return increment_weight_total($term);
my $ok = (@_ ? shift : 0);
if ($ok) {
$query = "INSERT INTO tags_approval (term,approved_by,approved,date_approved) VALUES (?,?,1,NOW())";
$debug and print STDERR "add_tag_approval query:\n$query\nadd_tag_approval args: ($term,$ok)\n";
$sth = C4::Context->dbh->prepare($query);
} else {
$query = "INSERT INTO tags_approval (term,date_approved) VALUES (?,NOW())";
$debug and print STDERR "add_tag_approval query:\n$query\nadd_tag_approval args: ($term)\n";
$sth = C4::Context->dbh->prepare($query);
return $sth->rows;
sub add_tag_index ($$;$) {
my $term = shift or return undef;
my $biblionumber = shift or return undef;
my $query = "SELECT * FROM tags_index WHERE term = ? AND biblionumber = ?";
my $sth = C4::Context->dbh->prepare($query);
($sth->rows) and return increment_weight($term,$biblionumber);
$query = "INSERT INTO tags_index (term,biblionumber) VALUES (?,?)";
$debug and print "add_tag_index query:\n$query\nadd_tag_index args: ($term,$biblionumber)\n";
$sth = C4::Context->dbh->prepare($query);
return $sth->rows;
sub get_tag ($) { # by tag_id
(@_) or return undef;
my $sth = C4::Context->dbh->prepare("$select_all WHERE tag_id = ?");
return $sth->fetchrow_hashref;
sub rectify_weights (;$) {
my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
my $sth;
my $query = "
SELECT term,biblionumber,count(*) as count
FROM tags_all
(@_) and $query .= " WHERE term =? ";
$query .= " GROUP BY term,biblionumber ";
$sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
if (@_) {
} else {
my $results = $sth->fetchall_arrayref({}) or return undef;
my %tally = ();
foreach (@$results) {
$tally{$_->{term}} += $_->{count};
foreach (keys %tally) {
return ($results,\%tally);
sub increment_weights ($$) {
sub decrement_weights ($$) {
sub increment_weight_total ($) {
sub increment_weight ($$) {
sub decrement_weight_total ($) {
sub decrement_weight ($$) {
sub _set_weight_total ($$) {
my $sth = C4::Context->dbh->prepare("
UPDATE tags_approval
SET weight_total=" . (shift) . "
WHERE term=?
$sth->execute(shift); # just the term
sub _set_weight ($$$) {
my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
my $sth = $dbh->prepare("
UPDATE tags_index
SET weight=" . (shift) . "
WHERE term=?
AND biblionumber=?
sub add_tag ($$;$$) { # biblionumber,term,[borrowernumber,approvernumber]
my $biblionumber = shift or return undef;
my $term = shift or return undef;
my $borrowernumber = (@_) ? shift : 0; # the user, default to kohaadmin
# first, add to tags regardless of approaval
my $query = "INSERT INTO tags_all
VALUES (?,?,?,NOW())";
$debug and print STDERR "add_tag query:\n $query\n",
"add_tag query args: ($borrowernumber,$biblionumber,$term)\n";
my $sth = C4::Context->dbh->prepare($query);
# then
if (@_) { # if an arg remains, it is the borrowernumber of the approver: tag is pre-approved.
my $approver = shift;
} elsif (is_approved($term)) {
} else {
=head1 C4::Tags.pm - Support for user tagging of biblios.
More verose debugging messages are sent in the presence of non-zero $ENV{"DEBUG"}.
=head2 add_tag(biblionumber,term[,borrowernumber])
=head3 TO DO: Add real perldoc
=head2 Tricks
If you want to auto-populate some tags for debugging, do something like this:
mysql> select biblionumber from biblio where title LIKE "%Health%";
| biblionumber |
| 18 |
| 22 |
| 24 |
| 30 |
| 44 |
| 45 |
| 46 |
| 49 |
| 111 |
| 113 |
| 128 |
| 146 |
| 155 |
| 518 |
| 522 |
| 524 |
| 530 |
| 544 |
| 545 |
| 546 |
| 549 |
| 611 |
| 613 |
| 628 |
| 646 |
| 655 |
26 rows in set (0.00 sec)
Then, take those numbers and type them into this perl command line:
perl -ne 'use C4::Tags qw(get_tags add_tag); use Data::Dumper;chomp; add_tag($_,"health",51,1); print Dumper get_tags({limit=>5,term=>"health",});'