Jonathan Druart 7d8b96803f
Bug 24545: Fix license statements
Bug 9978 should have fixed them all, but some were missing.
We want all the license statements part of Koha to be identical, and
using the GPLv3 statement.

Signed-off-by: David Nind <david@davidnind.com>
Signed-off-by: Marcel de Rooy <m.de.rooy@rijksmuseum.nl>
Signed-off-by: Martin Renvoize <martin.renvoize@ptfs-europe.com>
2020-02-24 13:31:26 +00:00

179 lines
7 KiB

# Copyright 2014 Rijksmuseum
# This file is part of Koha.
# Koha is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Koha is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Koha; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses>.
use Modern::Perl;
use FindBin;
use File::Slurp;
use Test::More tests => 35;
use Test::Warn;
use Koha::XSLT_Handler;
my $engine=Koha::XSLT_Handler->new;
is( ref $engine, 'Koha::XSLT_Handler', 'Testing creation of handler object' );
is( $engine->err, Koha::XSLT_Handler::XSLTH_ERR_1, 'Engine returns error on no file' );
$engine->transform( '', 'thisfileshouldnotexist.%$#@' );
is( $engine->err, Koha::XSLT_Handler::XSLTH_ERR_2, 'Engine returns error on bad file' );
is( $engine->refresh( 'asdjhaskjh'), 0, 'Test on invalid refresh' );
#check first test xsl
my $path= $FindBin::Bin.'/XSLT_Handler/';
my $xsltfile_1 = 'test01.xsl';
is( -e $path.$xsltfile_1, 1, "Found my test stylesheet $xsltfile_1" );
exit if !-e $path.$xsltfile_1;
$xsltfile_1= $path.$xsltfile_1;
#Testing not-xml strings (undef, empty, some text, malformed xml
my $output;
# Undefined text tests
$output = $engine->transform( undef, $xsltfile_1 );
is( $engine->err, Koha::XSLT_Handler::XSLTH_ERR_7, 'Engine returns error on undefined text' );
# Empty string tests
$output = $engine->transform( '', $xsltfile_1 );
is( $engine->err, Koha::XSLT_Handler::XSLTH_ERR_5, 'Engine returns error on empty string' );
# Non-XML tests
warning_like { $output = $engine->transform( 'abcdef', $xsltfile_1 ) }
qr{parser error : Start tag expected, '<' not found},
"Non-XML warning correctly displayed";
is( $engine->err, Koha::XSLT_Handler::XSLTH_ERR_5, 'Engine returns error on non-xml' );
# Malformed XML tests
warning_like { $output = $engine->transform( '<a></b>', $xsltfile_1 ) }
qr{parser error : Opening and ending tag mismatch: a line 1 and b},
"Malformed XML warning correctly displayed";
is( $engine->err, Koha::XSLT_Handler::XSLTH_ERR_5, 'Engine returns error on malformed xml' );
#Test not returning source on failure when asked for
#Include passing do_not_return via constructor on second engine
my $secondengine=Koha::XSLT_Handler->new( {
do_not_return_source => 'very_true',
some_unknown_attrib => 'just_for_fun',
warning_like { $output = $engine->transform( '<a></b>', $xsltfile_1 ) }
qr{parser error : Opening and ending tag mismatch: a line 1 and b},
"Malformed XML warning correctly displayed";
is( defined $output? 1: 0, 0, 'Engine respects do_not_return_source==1');
warning_like { $output = $secondengine->transform( '<a></b>', $xsltfile_1 ) }
qr{parser error : Opening and ending tag mismatch: a line 1 and b},
"Malformed XML warning correctly displayed";
is( defined $output? 1: 0, 0, 'Second engine respects it too');
undef $secondengine; #bye
warning_like { $output = $engine->transform( '<a></b>', $xsltfile_1 ) }
qr{parser error : Opening and ending tag mismatch: a line 1 and b},
"Malformed XML warning correctly displayed";
is( defined $output? 1: 0, 1, 'Engine respects do_not_return_source==0');
#Testing valid refresh now
is( $engine->refresh($xsltfile_1), 1, 'Test on valid refresh' );
#A second time (for all) should return 0 now
is( $engine->refresh, 0, 'Test on repeated refresh' );
#Testing a string that should not change too much
my $xml_1=<<'EOT';
$output= $engine->transform( $xml_1, $xsltfile_1 );
is( $engine->err, undef, 'Engine returned no error for xml_1' );
is( index($output,'<just_a_tagname>')>0, 1, 'No real change expected for xml_1' ); #Just very simple check if the tag was still there
#Test of adding a new datafield to rudimentary 'marc record'
my $xml_2=<<'EOT';
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<controlfield tag="001">1234</controlfield>
<datafield tag="245" ind1="1" ind2="0"><subfield tag="a">My favorite title</subfield></datafield>
$output= $engine->transform( $xml_2 );
#note: second parameter (file) not passed again
is( $engine->err, undef, 'Engine returned no error for xml_2' );
is( index($output,'I saw you')>0, 1, 'Saw the expected change for xml_2' ); #Just very simple check if new datafield was added
#Test alternative parameter passing
my $output2;
$output2 = $engine->transform( { file => $xsltfile_1, xml => $xml_2 } );
is( $output, $output2, 'Try hash parameter file');
my $code = read_file( $xsltfile_1 );
$output2 = $engine->transform( { code => $code, xml => $xml_2 } );
is( $output, $output2, 'Try hash parameter code');
#Check rerun on last code
$output2 = $engine->transform( $xml_2 );
is( $output, $output2, 'Rerun on previous passed code');
#Check format xmldoc
is( ref $engine->transform({
file => $xsltfile_1, xml => $xml_2, format => 'xmldoc',
}), 'XML::LibXML::Document',
'Format parameter returns a xml document object' );
#The second test xsl contains bad code
my $xsltfile_2 = 'test02.xsl';
is( -e $path.$xsltfile_2, 1, "Found my test stylesheet $xsltfile_2" );
exit if !-e $path.$xsltfile_2;
$xsltfile_2= $path.$xsltfile_2;
$output = $engine->transform( $xml_2, $xsltfile_2 );
is( $engine->err, Koha::XSLT_Handler::XSLTH_ERR_4, 'Engine returned error for parsing bad xsl' );
#The third test xsl is okay again; main use is clearing two items from cache
my $xsltfile_3 = 'test03.xsl';
is( -e $path.$xsltfile_3, 1, "Found my test stylesheet $xsltfile_3" );
exit if !-e $path.$xsltfile_3;
$xsltfile_3= $path.$xsltfile_3;
$output= $engine->transform( $xml_2, $xsltfile_3 );
is( $engine->err, undef, 'Unexpected error on transform with third xsl' );
is( $engine->refresh, 3, 'Final test on clearing cache' );
my $xsltfile_4 = 'test04.xsl';
is( -e $path.$xsltfile_4, 1, "Found my test stylesheet $xsltfile_4" );
exit if !-e $path.$xsltfile_4;
$xsltfile_4 = $path.$xsltfile_4;
my $parameters = { injected_variable => "'this is a test'",};
$output = $engine->transform({
xml => $xml_1,
file => $xsltfile_4,
parameters => $parameters,
require XML::LibXML;
my $dom = XML::LibXML->load_xml(string => $output);
my $result = $dom->find( '/just_a_tagname' );
is ( $result->to_literal(), 'this is a test', "Successfully injected string into XSLT parameter/variable");
$output = $engine->transform({
xml => $xml_1,
file => $xsltfile_4,
$dom = XML::LibXML->load_xml(string => $output);
$result = $dom->find( '/just_a_tagname' );
is ( $result->to_literal(), '', "As expected, no XSLT parameters/variables were added");
#End of tests