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# A Class for handing SIP messages
package Sip::MsgType;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Exporter;
use Sys::Syslog qw(syslog);
use UNIVERSAL qw(can);
use Sip qw(:all);
use Sip::Constants qw(:all);
use Sip::Checksum qw(verify_cksum);
use Data::Dumper;
use CGI;
use C4::Auth qw(&check_api_auth);
use vars qw(@ISA $VERSION @EXPORT_OK);
$VERSION = 1.00;
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
@EXPORT_OK = qw(handle);
# Predeclare handler subroutines
use subs qw(handle_patron_status handle_checkout handle_checkin
handle_block_patron handle_sc_status handle_request_acs_resend
handle_login handle_patron_info handle_end_patron_session
handle_fee_paid handle_item_information handle_item_status_update
handle_patron_enable handle_hold handle_renew handle_renew_all);
# For the most part, Version 2.00 of the protocol just adds new
# variable fields, but sometimes it changes the fixed header.
# In general, if there's no '2.00' protocol entry for a handler, that's
# because 2.00 didn't extend the 1.00 version of the protocol. This will
# be handled by the module initialization code following the declaration,
# which goes through the handlers table and creates a '2.00' entry that
# points to the same place as the '1.00' entry. If there's a 2.00 entry
# but no 1.00 entry, then that means that it's a completely new service
# in 2.00, so 1.00 shouldn't recognize it.
my %handlers = (
name => "Patron Status Request",
handler => \&handle_patron_status,
protocol => {
1 => {
template => "A3A18",
template_len => 21,
fields => [(FID_INST_ID), (FID_PATRON_ID),
name => "Checkout",
handler => \&handle_checkout,
protocol => {
1 => {
template => "CCA18A18",
template_len => 38,
fields => [(FID_INST_ID), (FID_PATRON_ID),
2 => {
template => "CCA18A18",
template_len => 38,
fields => [(FID_INST_ID), (FID_PATRON_ID),
(CHECKIN) => {
name => "Checkin",
handler => \&handle_checkin,
protocol => {
1 => {
template => "CA18A18",
template_len => 37,
2 => {
template => "CA18A18",
template_len => 37,
name => "Block Patron",
handler => \&handle_block_patron,
protocol => {
1 => {
template => "CA18",
template_len => 19,
(SC_STATUS) => {
name => "SC Status",
handler => \&handle_sc_status,
protocol => {
1 => {
template =>"CA3A4",
template_len => 8,
fields => [],
name => "Request ACS Resend",
handler => \&handle_request_acs_resend,
protocol => {
1 => {
template => "",
template_len => 0,
fields => [],
(LOGIN) => {
name => "Login",
handler => \&handle_login,
protocol => {
2 => {
template => "A1A1",
template_len => 2,
fields => [(FID_LOGIN_UID), (FID_LOGIN_PWD),
name => "Patron Info",
handler => \&handle_patron_info,
protocol => {
2 => {
template => "A3A18A10",
template_len => 31,
fields => [(FID_INST_ID), (FID_PATRON_ID),
name => "End Patron Session",
handler => \&handle_end_patron_session,
protocol => {
2 => {
template => "A18",
template_len => 18,
fields => [(FID_INST_ID), (FID_PATRON_ID),
(FEE_PAID) => {
name => "Fee Paid",
handler => \&handle_fee_paid,
protocol => {
2 => {
template => "A18A2A3",
template_len => 0,
fields => [(FID_FEE_AMT), (FID_INST_ID),
name => "Item Information",
handler => \&handle_item_information,
protocol => {
2 => {
template => "A18",
template_len => 18,
fields => [(FID_INST_ID), (FID_ITEM_ID),
name => "Item Status Update",
handler => \&handle_item_status_update,
protocol => {
2 => {
template => "A18",
template_len => 18,
fields => [(FID_INST_ID), (FID_PATRON_ID),
name => "Patron Enable",
handler => \&handle_patron_enable,
protocol => {
2 => {
template => "A18",
template_len => 18,
fields => [(FID_INST_ID), (FID_PATRON_ID),
(HOLD) => {
name => "Hold",
handler => \&handle_hold,
protocol => {
2 => {
template => "AA18",
template_len => 19,
(RENEW) => {
name => "Renew",
handler => \&handle_renew,
protocol => {
2 => {
template => "CCA18A18",
template_len => 38,
fields => [(FID_INST_ID), (FID_PATRON_ID),
(RENEW_ALL) => {
name => "Renew All",
handler => \&handle_renew_all,
protocol => {
2 => {
template => "A18",
template_len => 18,
fields => [(FID_INST_ID), (FID_PATRON_ID),
# Now, initialize some of the missing bits of %handlers
foreach my $i (keys(%handlers)) {
if (!exists($handlers{$i}->{protocol}->{2})) {
$handlers{$i}->{protocol}->{2} = $handlers{$i}->{protocol}->{1};
sub new {
my ($class, $msg, $seqno) = @_;
my $self = {};
my $msgtag = substr($msg, 0, 2);
if ($msgtag eq LOGIN) {
# If the client is using the 2.00-style "Login" message
# to authenticate to the server, then we get the Login message
# _before_ the client has indicated that it supports 2.00, but
# it's using the 2.00 login process, so it must support 2.00.
$protocol_version = 2;
syslog("LOG_DEBUG", "Sip::MsgType::new('%s', '%s...', '%s'): msgtag '%s', protocol %s",
$class, substr($msg, 0, 10), $msgtag, $seqno, $protocol_version);
# warn "SIP PROTOCOL: $protocol_version";
if (!exists($handlers{$msgtag})) {
syslog("LOG_WARNING", "new Sip::MsgType: Skipping message of unknown type '%s' in '%s'",
$msgtag, $msg);
} elsif (!exists($handlers{$msgtag}->{protocol}->{$protocol_version})) {
syslog("LOG_WARNING", "new Sip::MsgType: Skipping message '%s' unsupported by protocol rev. '%d'",
$msgtag, $protocol_version);
bless $self, $class;
$self->{seqno} = $seqno;
$self->_initialize(substr($msg,2), $handlers{$msgtag});
sub _initialize {
my ($self, $msg, $control_block) = @_;
my ($fs, $fn, $fe);
my $proto = $control_block->{protocol}->{$protocol_version};
$self->{name} = $control_block->{name};
$self->{handler} = $control_block->{handler};
$self->{fields} = {};
$self->{fixed_fields} = [];
$msg =~ tr/\cM//d;
$msg =~ s/\^M$//;
# syslog("LOG_DEBUG", "Sip::MsgType::_initialize('%s', '%s...')", $self->{name}, substr($msg, 0, 20));
foreach my $field (@{$proto->{fields}}) {
$self->{fields}->{$field} = undef;
syslog("LOG_DEBUG", "Sip::MsgType::_initialize('%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', ...)",
$self->{name}, $msg, $proto->{template}, $proto->{template_len});
$self->{fixed_fields} = [ unpack($proto->{template}, $msg) ];
# Skip over the fixed fields and the split the rest of
# the message into fields based on the delimiter and parse them
foreach my $field (split(quotemeta($field_delimiter), substr($msg, $proto->{template_len}))) {
$fn = substr($field, 0, 2);
if (!exists($self->{fields}->{$fn})) {
syslog("LOG_WARNING", "Unsupported field '%s' in %s message '%s'",
$fn, $self->{name}, $msg);
} elsif (defined($self->{fields}->{$fn})) {
syslog("LOG_WARNING", "Duplicate field '%s' (previous value '%s') in %s message '%s'",
$fn, $self->{fields}->{$fn}, $self->{name}, $msg);
} else {
$self->{fields}->{$fn} = substr($field, 2);
sub handle {
my ($msg, $server, $req) = @_;
my $config = $server->{config};
my $self;
# What's the field delimiter for variable length fields?
# This can't be based on the account, since we need to know
# the field delimiter to parse a SIP login message
if (defined($server->{config}->{delimiter})) {
$field_delimiter = $server->{config}->{delimiter};
# error detection is active if this is a REQUEST_ACS_RESEND
# message with a checksum, or if the message is long enough
# and the last nine characters begin with a sequence number
# field
# Special case
$error_detection = 1;
$self = new Sip::MsgType ((REQUEST_ACS_RESEND), 0);
} elsif((length($msg) > 11) && (substr($msg, -9, 2) eq "AY")) {
$error_detection = 1;
if (!verify_cksum($msg)) {
syslog("LOG_WARNING", "Checksum failed on message '%s'", $msg);
# REQUEST_SC_RESEND with error detection
$last_response = REQUEST_SC_RESEND_CKSUM;
} else {
# Save the sequence number, then strip off the
# error detection data to process the message
$self = new Sip::MsgType (substr($msg, 0, -9), substr($msg, -7, 1));
} elsif ($error_detection) {
# We received a non-ED message when ED is supposed to be active.
# Warn about this problem, then process the message anyway.
"Received message without error detection: '%s'", $msg);
$error_detection = 0;
$self = new Sip::MsgType ($msg, 0);
} else {
$self = new Sip::MsgType ($msg, 0);
if ((substr($msg, 0, 2) ne REQUEST_ACS_RESEND) &&
$req && (substr($msg, 0, 2) ne $req)) {
return substr($msg, 0, 2);
unless ($self->{handler}) {
syslog("LOG_WARNING", "No handler defined for '%s'", $msg);
return undef;
return($self->{handler}->($self, $server)); # FIXME
# FIXME: Use of uninitialized value in subroutine entry
# Can't use string ("") as a subroutine ref while "strict refs" in use
## Message Handlers
# Patron status messages are produced in response to both
# "Request Patron Status" and "Block Patron"
# Request Patron Status requires a patron password, but
# Block Patron doesn't (since the patron may never have
# provided one before attempting some illegal action).
# ASSUMPTION: If the patron password field is present in the
# message, then it must match, otherwise incomplete patron status
# information will be returned to the terminal.
sub build_patron_status {
my ($patron, $lang, $fields)= @_;
my $patron_pwd = $fields->{(FID_PATRON_PWD)};
my $resp = (PATRON_STATUS_RESP);
if ($patron) {
$resp .= patron_status_string($patron);
$resp .= $lang . Sip::timestamp();
$resp .= add_field(FID_PERSONAL_NAME, $patron->name);
# while the patron ID we got from the SC is valid, let's
# use the one returned from the ILS, just in case...
$resp .= add_field(FID_PATRON_ID, $patron->id);
if ($protocol_version >= 2) {
$resp .= add_field(FID_VALID_PATRON, 'Y');
# If the patron password field doesn't exist, then
# we can't report that the password was valid, now can
# we? But if it does exist, then we know it's valid.
if (defined($patron_pwd)) {
$resp .= add_field(FID_VALID_PATRON_PWD,
$resp .= maybe_add(FID_CURRENCY, $patron->currency);
$resp .= maybe_add(FID_FEE_AMT, $patron->fee_amount);
$resp .= maybe_add(FID_SCREEN_MSG, $patron->screen_msg);
$resp .= maybe_add(FID_PRINT_LINE, $patron->print_line);
} else {
# Invalid patron id. Report that the user has no privs.,
# no personal name, and is invalid (if we're using 2.00)
$resp .= 'YYYY' . (' ' x 10) . $lang . Sip::timestamp();
$resp .= add_field(FID_PERSONAL_NAME, '');
# the patron ID is invalid, but it's a required field, so
# just echo it back
$resp .= add_field(FID_PATRON_ID, $fields->{(FID_PATRON_ID)});
($protocol_version >= 2) and
$resp .= add_field(FID_VALID_PATRON, 'N');
$resp .= add_field(FID_INST_ID, $fields->{(FID_INST_ID)});
return $resp;
sub handle_patron_status {
my ($self, $server) = @_;
#warn Dumper($server);
my $ils = $server->{ils};
my $patron;
my $resp = (PATRON_STATUS_RESP);
my $account = $server->{account};
my ($lang, $date) = @{$self->{fixed_fields}};
my $fields = $self->{fields};
#warn Dumper($fields);
#warn FID_INST_ID;
#warn $fields->{(FID_INST_ID)};
$ils->check_inst_id($fields->{(FID_INST_ID)}, "handle_patron_status");
$patron = $ils->find_patron($fields->{(FID_PATRON_ID)});
$resp = build_patron_status($patron, $lang, $fields);
sub handle_checkout {
my ($self, $server) = @_;
my $account = $server->{account};
my $ils = $server->{ils};
my $inst = $ils->institution;
my ($sc_renewal_policy, $no_block, $trans_date, $nb_due_date);
my $fields;
my ($patron_id, $item_id, $status);
my ($item, $patron);
my $resp;
($sc_renewal_policy, $no_block, $trans_date, $nb_due_date) =
$fields = $self->{fields};
$patron_id = $fields->{(FID_PATRON_ID)};
$item_id = $fields->{(FID_ITEM_ID)};
if ($no_block eq 'Y') {
# Off-line transactions need to be recorded, but there's
# not a lot we can do about it
syslog("LOG_WARNING", "received no-block checkout from terminal '%s'",
$status = $ils->checkout_no_block($patron_id, $item_id,
$trans_date, $nb_due_date);
} else {
# Does the transaction date really matter for items that are
# checkout out while the terminal is online? I'm guessing 'no'
$status = $ils->checkout($patron_id, $item_id, $sc_renewal_policy);
$item = $status->item;
$patron = $status->patron;
if ($status->ok) {
# Item successfully checked out
# Fixed fields
$resp = CHECKOUT_RESP . '1';
$resp .= sipbool($status->renew_ok);
if ($ils->supports('magnetic media')) {
$resp .= sipbool($item->magnetic);
} else {
$resp .= 'U';
# We never return the obsolete 'U' value for 'desensitize'
$resp .= sipbool($status->desensitize);
$resp .= Sip::timestamp;
# Now for the variable fields
$resp .= add_field(FID_INST_ID, $inst);
$resp .= add_field(FID_PATRON_ID, $patron_id);
$resp .= add_field(FID_ITEM_ID, $item_id);
$resp .= add_field(FID_TITLE_ID, $item->title_id);
$resp .= add_field(FID_DUE_DATE, $item->due_date);
$resp .= maybe_add(FID_SCREEN_MSG, $status->screen_msg);
$resp .= maybe_add(FID_PRINT_LINE, $status->print_line);
if ($protocol_version >= 2) {
if ($ils->supports('security inhibit')) {
$resp .= add_field(FID_SECURITY_INHIBIT,
$resp .= maybe_add(FID_MEDIA_TYPE, $item->sip_media_type);
$resp .= maybe_add(FID_ITEM_PROPS, $item->sip_item_properties);
# Financials
if ($status->fee_amount) {
$resp .= add_field(FID_FEE_AMT, $status->fee_amount);
$resp .= maybe_add(FID_CURRENCY, $status->sip_currency);
$resp .= maybe_add(FID_FEE_TYPE, $status->sip_fee_type);
$resp .= maybe_add(FID_TRANSACTION_ID,
} else {
# Checkout failed
# Checkout Response: not ok, no renewal, don't know mag. media,
# no desensitize
$resp = sprintf("120NUN%s", Sip::timestamp);
$resp .= add_field(FID_INST_ID, $inst);
$resp .= add_field(FID_PATRON_ID, $patron_id);
$resp .= add_field(FID_ITEM_ID, $item_id);
# If the item is valid, provide the title, otherwise
# leave it blank
$resp .= add_field(FID_TITLE_ID, $item ? $item->title_id : '');
# Due date is required. Since it didn't get checked out,
# it's not due, so leave the date blank
$resp .= add_field(FID_DUE_DATE, '');
$resp .= maybe_add(FID_SCREEN_MSG, $status->screen_msg);
$resp .= maybe_add(FID_PRINT_LINE, $status->print_line);
if ($protocol_version >= 2) {
# Is the patron ID valid?
$resp .= add_field(FID_VALID_PATRON, sipbool($patron));
if ($patron && exists($fields->{FID_PATRON_PWD})) {
# Password provided, so we can tell if it was valid or not
$resp .= add_field(FID_VALID_PATRON_PWD,
sub handle_checkin {
my ($self, $server) = @_;
my $account = $server->{account};
my $ils = $server->{ils};
my ($current_loc, $inst_id, $item_id, $terminal_pwd, $item_props, $cancel);
my ($patron, $item, $status);
my $resp = CHECKIN_RESP;
my ($no_block, $trans_date, $return_date) = @{$self->{fixed_fields}};
my $fields = $self->{fields};
$current_loc = $fields->{(FID_CURRENT_LOCN)};
$inst_id = $fields->{(FID_INST_ID)};
$item_id = $fields->{(FID_ITEM_ID)};
$item_props = $fields->{(FID_ITEM_PROPS)};
$cancel = $fields->{(FID_CANCEL)};
$ils->check_inst_id($inst_id, "handle_checkin");
if ($no_block eq 'Y') {
# Off-line transactions, ick.
syslog("LOG_WARNING", "received no-block checkin from terminal '%s'",
$status = $ils->checkin_no_block($item_id, $trans_date,
$return_date, $item_props, $cancel);
} else {
$status = $ils->checkin($item_id, $trans_date, $return_date,
$current_loc, $item_props, $cancel);
$patron = $status->patron;
$item = $status->item;
$resp .= $status->ok ? '1' : '0';
$resp .= $status->resensitize ? 'Y' : 'N';
if ($item && $ils->supports('magnetic media')) {
$resp .= sipbool($item->magnetic);
} else {
# The item barcode was invalid or the system doesn't support
# the 'magnetic media' indicator
$resp .= 'U';
$resp .= $status->alert ? 'Y' : 'N';
$resp .= Sip::timestamp;
$resp .= add_field(FID_INST_ID, $inst_id);
$resp .= add_field(FID_ITEM_ID, $item_id);
if ($item) {
$resp .= add_field(FID_PERM_LOCN, $item->permanent_location);
$resp .= maybe_add(FID_TITLE_ID, $item->title_id);
if ($protocol_version >= 2) {
$resp .= maybe_add(FID_SORT_BIN, $status->sort_bin);
if ($patron) {
$resp .= add_field(FID_PATRON_ID, $patron->id);
if ($item) {
$resp .= maybe_add(FID_MEDIA_TYPE, $item->sip_media_type);
$resp .= maybe_add(FID_ITEM_PROPS, $item->sip_item_properties);
$resp .= maybe_add(FID_SCREEN_MSG, $status->screen_msg);
$resp .= maybe_add(FID_PRINT_LINE, $status->print_line);
sub handle_block_patron {
my ($self, $server) = @_;
my $account = $server->{account};
my $ils = $server->{ils};
my ($card_retained, $trans_date);
my ($inst_id, $blocked_card_msg, $patron_id, $terminal_pwd);
my ($fields,$resp,$patron);
($card_retained, $trans_date) = @{$self->{fixed_fields}};
$fields = $self->{fields};
$inst_id = $fields->{(FID_INST_ID)};
$blocked_card_msg = $fields->{(FID_BLOCKED_CARD_MSG)};
$patron_id = $fields->{(FID_PATRON_ID)};
$terminal_pwd = $fields->{(FID_TERMINAL_PWD)};
# Terminal passwords are different from account login
# passwords, but I have no idea what to do with them. So,
# I'll just ignore them for now.
# FIXME ???
$ils->check_inst_id($inst_id, "block_patron");
$patron = $ils->find_patron($patron_id);
# The correct response for a "Block Patron" message is a
# "Patron Status Response", so use that handler to generate
# the message, but then return the correct code from here.
# Normally, the language is provided by the "Patron Status"
# fixed field, but since we're not responding to one of those
# we'll just say, "Unspecified", as per the spec. Let the
# terminal default to something that, one hopes, will be
# intelligible
if ($patron) {
# Valid patron id
$patron->block($card_retained, $blocked_card_msg);
$resp = build_patron_status($patron, $patron->language, $fields);
sub handle_sc_status {
my ($self, $server) = @_;
($server) or warn "handle_sc_status error: no \$server argument received.";
my ($status, $print_width, $sc_protocol_version) = @{$self->{fixed_fields}};
my ($new_proto);
if ($sc_protocol_version =~ /^1\./) {
$new_proto = 1;
} elsif ($sc_protocol_version =~ /^2\./) {
$new_proto = 2;
} else {
syslog("LOG_WARNING", "Unrecognized protocol revision '%s', falling back to '1'", $sc_protocol_version);
$new_proto = 1;
if ($new_proto != $protocol_version) {
syslog("LOG_INFO", "Setting protocol level to $new_proto");
$protocol_version = $new_proto;
if ($status == SC_STATUS_PAPER) {
syslog("LOG_WARNING", "Self-Check unit '%s@%s' out of paper",
$self->{account}->{id}, $self->{account}->{institution});
} elsif ($status == SC_STATUS_SHUTDOWN) {
syslog("LOG_WARNING", "Self-Check unit '%s@%s' shutting down",
$self->{account}->{id}, $self->{account}->{institution});
$self->{account}->{print_width} = $print_width;
return (send_acs_status($self, $server) ? SC_STATUS : '');
sub handle_request_acs_resend {
my ($self, $server) = @_;
if (!$last_response) {
# We haven't sent anything yet, so respond with a
# REQUEST_SC_RESEND msg (p. 16)
} elsif ((length($last_response) < 9)
|| substr($last_response, -9, 2) ne 'AY') {
# When resending a message, we aren't supposed to include
# a sequence number, even if the original had one (p. 4).
# If the last message didn't have a sequence number, then
# we can just send it.
print("$last_response\r"); # not write_msg?
} else {
# Cut out the sequence number and checksum, since the old
# checksum is wrong for the resent message.
my $rebuilt = substr($last_response, 0, -9);
sub handle_login {
my ($self, $server) = @_;
my ($uid_algorithm, $pwd_algorithm);
my ($uid, $pwd);
my $inst;
my $fields;
my $status = 1; # Assume it all works
$fields = $self->{fields};
($uid_algorithm, $pwd_algorithm) = @{$self->{fixed_fields}};
$uid = $fields->{(FID_LOGIN_UID)};
$pwd = $fields->{(FID_LOGIN_PWD)};
if ($uid_algorithm || $pwd_algorithm) {
syslog("LOG_ERR", "LOGIN: Unsupported non-zero encryption method(s): uid = $uid_algorithm, pwd = $pwd_algorithm");
$status = 0;
if (!exists($server->{config}->{accounts}->{$uid})) {
syslog("LOG_WARNING", "MsgType::handle_login: Unknown login '$uid'");
$status = 0;
} elsif ($server->{config}->{accounts}->{$uid}->{password} ne $pwd) {
syslog("LOG_WARNING", "MsgType::handle_login: Invalid password for login '$uid'");
$status = 0;
} else {
# Store the active account someplace handy for everybody else to find.
$server->{account} = $server->{config}->{accounts}->{$uid};
$inst = $server->{account}->{institution};
$server->{institution} = $server->{config}->{institutions}->{$inst};
$server->{policy} = $server->{institution}->{policy};
$server->{sip_username} = $uid;
$server->{sip_password} = $pwd;
my $auth_status = api_auth($uid,$pwd);
if (!$auth_status or $auth_status !~ /^ok$/i) {
syslog("LOG_WARNING", "api_auth failed for SIP terminal '%s' of '%s': %s",
$uid, $inst, ($auth_status||'unknown'));
$status = 0;
} else {
syslog("LOG_INFO", "Successful login/auth for '%s' of '%s'", $server->{account}->{id}, $inst);
# initialize connection to ILS
my $module = $server->{config}->{institutions}->{$inst}->{implementation};
syslog("LOG_DEBUG", 'handle_login: ' . Dumper($module));
if ($@) {
syslog("LOG_ERR", "%s: Loading ILS implementation '%s' for institution '%s' failed",
$server->{service}, $module, $inst);
die("Failed to load ILS implementation '$module' for $inst");
# like ILS->new(), I think.
$server->{ils} = $module->new($server->{institution}, $server->{account});
if (!$server->{ils}) {
syslog("LOG_ERR", "%s: ILS connection to '%s' failed", $server->{service}, $inst);
die("Unable to connect to ILS '$inst'");
$self->write_msg(LOGIN_RESP . $status);
return $status ? LOGIN : '';
# Build the detailed summary information for the Patron
# Information Response message based on the first 'Y' that appears
# in the 'summary' field of the Patron Information reqest. The
# specification says that only one 'Y' can appear in that field,
# and we're going to believe it.
sub summary_info {
my ($ils, $patron, $summary, $start, $end) = @_;
my $resp = '';
my $itemlist;
my $summary_type;
my ($func, $fid);
# Map from offsets in the "summary" field of the Patron Information
# message to the corresponding field and handler
my @summary_map = (
{ func => $patron->can("hold_items"),
fid => FID_HOLD_ITEMS },
{ func => $patron->can("overdue_items"),
{ func => $patron->can("charged_items"),
{ func => $patron->can("fine_items"),
fid => FID_FINE_ITEMS },
{ func => $patron->can("recall_items"),
{ func => $patron->can("unavail_holds"),
if (($summary_type = index($summary, 'Y')) == -1) {
# No detailed information required
return '';
syslog("LOG_DEBUG", "Summary_info: index == '%d', field '%s'",
$summary_type, $summary_map[$summary_type]->{fid});
$func = $summary_map[$summary_type]->{func};
$fid = $summary_map[$summary_type]->{fid};
$itemlist = &$func($patron, $start, $end);
syslog("LOG_DEBUG", "summary_info: list = (%s)", join(", ", @{$itemlist}));
foreach my $i (@{$itemlist}) {
$resp .= add_field($fid, $i);
return $resp;
sub handle_patron_info {
my ($self, $server) = @_;
my $ils = $server->{ils};
my ($lang, $trans_date, $summary) = @{$self->{fixed_fields}};
my $fields = $self->{fields};
my ($inst_id, $patron_id, $terminal_pwd, $patron_pwd, $start, $end);
my ($resp, $patron, $count);
$inst_id = $fields->{(FID_INST_ID)};
$patron_id = $fields->{(FID_PATRON_ID)};
$terminal_pwd = $fields->{(FID_TERMINAL_PWD)};
$patron_pwd = $fields->{(FID_PATRON_PWD)};
$start = $fields->{(FID_START_ITEM)};
$end = $fields->{(FID_END_ITEM)};
$patron = $ils->find_patron($patron_id);
if ($patron) {
$resp .= patron_status_string($patron);
$resp .= $lang . Sip::timestamp();
$resp .= add_count('patron_info/hold_items',
scalar @{$patron->hold_items});
$resp .= add_count('patron_info/overdue_items',
scalar @{$patron->overdue_items});
$resp .= add_count('patron_info/charged_items',
scalar @{$patron->charged_items});
$resp .= add_count('patron_info/fine_items',
scalar @{$patron->fine_items});
$resp .= add_count('patron_info/recall_items',
scalar @{$patron->recall_items});
$resp .= add_count('patron_info/unavail_holds',
scalar @{$patron->unavail_holds});
# while the patron ID we got from the SC is valid, let's
# use the one returned from the ILS, just in case...
$resp .= add_field(FID_PATRON_ID, $patron->id);
$resp .= add_field(FID_PERSONAL_NAME, $patron->name);
# TODO: add code for the fields
# hold items limit
# overdue items limit
# charged items limit
# fee limit
$resp .= maybe_add(FID_CURRENCY, $patron->currency);
$resp .= maybe_add(FID_FEE_AMT, $patron->fee_amount);
$resp .= maybe_add(FID_HOME_ADDR,$patron->address);
$resp .= maybe_add(FID_EMAIL, $patron->email_addr);
$resp .= maybe_add(FID_HOME_PHONE, $patron->home_phone);
$resp .= summary_info($ils, $patron, $summary, $start, $end);
$resp .= add_field(FID_VALID_PATRON, 'Y');
if (defined($patron_pwd)) {
# If the patron password was provided, report on if
# it was right.
$resp .= add_field(FID_VALID_PATRON_PWD,
# SIP 2.0 extensions used by Envisionware
# Other types of terminals will ignore the fields, if
# they don't recognize the codes
$resp .= maybe_add(FID_PATRON_BIRTHDATE, $patron->sip_birthdate);
$resp .= maybe_add(FID_PATRON_CLASS, $patron->ptype);
# Custom protocol extension to report patron internet privileges
$resp .= maybe_add(FID_INET_PROFILE, $patron->inet_privileges);
$resp .= maybe_add(FID_SCREEN_MSG, $patron->screen_msg);
$resp .= maybe_add(FID_PRINT_LINE, $patron->print_line);
} else {
# Invalid patron ID
# He has no privileges, no items associated with him,
# no personal name, and is invalid (if we're using 2.00)
$resp .= 'YYYY' . (' ' x 10) . $lang . Sip::timestamp();
$resp .= '0000' x 6;
$resp .= add_field(FID_PERSONAL_NAME, '');
# the patron ID is invalid, but it's a required field, so
# just echo it back
$resp .= add_field(FID_PATRON_ID, $fields->{(FID_PATRON_ID)});
if ($protocol_version >= 2) {
$resp .= add_field(FID_VALID_PATRON, 'N');
$resp .= add_field(FID_INST_ID, $server->{ils}->institution);
sub handle_end_patron_session {
my ($self, $server) = @_;
my $ils = $server->{ils};
my $trans_date;
my $fields = $self->{fields};
my $resp = END_SESSION_RESP;
my ($status, $screen_msg, $print_line);
($trans_date) = @{$self->{fixed_fields}};
$ils->check_inst_id($fields->{FID_INST_ID}, "handle_end_patron_session");
($status, $screen_msg, $print_line) = $ils->end_patron_session($fields->{(FID_PATRON_ID)});
$resp .= $status ? 'Y' : 'N';
$resp .= Sip::timestamp();
$resp .= add_field(FID_INST_ID, $server->{ils}->institution);
$resp .= add_field(FID_PATRON_ID, $fields->{(FID_PATRON_ID)});
$resp .= maybe_add(FID_SCREEN_MSG, $screen_msg);
$resp .= maybe_add(FID_PRINT_LINE, $print_line);
sub handle_fee_paid {
my ($self, $server) = @_;
my $ils = $server->{ils};
my ($trans_date, $fee_type, $pay_type, $currency) = $self->{fixed_fields};
my $fields = $self->{fields};
my ($fee_amt, $inst_id, $patron_id, $terminal_pwd, $patron_pwd);
my ($fee_id, $trans_id);
my $status;
my $resp = FEE_PAID_RESP;
$fee_amt = $fields->{(FID_FEE_AMT)};
$inst_id = $fields->{(FID_INST_ID)};
$patron_id = $fields->{(FID_PATRON_ID)};
$patron_pwd = $fields->{(FID_PATRON_PWD)};
$fee_id = $fields->{(FID_FEE_ID)};
$trans_id = $fields->{(FID_TRANSACTION_ID)};
$ils->check_inst_id($inst_id, "handle_fee_paid");
$status = $ils->pay_fee($patron_id, $patron_pwd, $fee_amt, $fee_type,
$pay_type, $fee_id, $trans_id, $currency);
$resp .= ($status->ok ? 'Y' : 'N') . Sip::timestamp;
$resp .= add_field(FID_INST_ID, $inst_id);
$resp .= add_field(FID_PATRON_ID, $patron_id);
$resp .= maybe_add(FID_TRANSACTION_ID, $status->transaction_id);
$resp .= maybe_add(FID_SCREEN_MSG, $status->screen_msg);
$resp .= maybe_add(FID_PRINT_LINE, $status->print_line);
sub handle_item_information {
my ($self, $server) = @_;
my $ils = $server->{ils};
my $trans_date;
my $fields = $self->{fields};
my $resp = ITEM_INFO_RESP;
my $item;
my $i;
($trans_date) = @{$self->{fixed_fields}};
$ils->check_inst_id($fields->{(FID_INST_ID)}, "handle_item_information");
$item = $ils->find_item($fields->{(FID_ITEM_ID)});
if (!defined($item)) {
# Invalid Item ID
# "Other" circ stat, "Other" security marker, "Unknown" fee type
$resp .= "010101";
$resp .= Sip::timestamp;
# Just echo back the invalid item id
$resp .= add_field(FID_ITEM_ID, $fields->{(FID_ITEM_ID)});
# title id is required, but we don't have one
$resp .= add_field(FID_TITLE_ID, '');
} else {
# Valid Item ID, send the good stuff
$resp .= $item->sip_circulation_status;
$resp .= $item->sip_security_marker;
$resp .= $item->sip_fee_type;
$resp .= Sip::timestamp;
$resp .= add_field(FID_ITEM_ID, $item->id);
$resp .= add_field(FID_TITLE_ID, $item->title_id);
$resp .= maybe_add(FID_MEDIA_TYPE, $item->sip_media_type);
$resp .= maybe_add(FID_PERM_LOCN, $item->permanent_location);
$resp .= maybe_add(FID_CURRENT_LOCN, $item->current_location);
$resp .= maybe_add(FID_ITEM_PROPS, $item->sip_item_properties);
if (($i = $item->fee) != 0) {
$resp .= add_field(FID_CURRENCY, $item->fee_currency);
$resp .= add_field(FID_FEE_AMT, $i);
$resp .= maybe_add(FID_OWNER, $item->owner);
if (($i = scalar @{$item->hold_queue}) > 0) {
$resp .= add_field(FID_HOLD_QUEUE_LEN, $i);
if (($i = $item->due_date) != 0) {
$resp .= add_field(FID_DUE_DATE, Sip::timestamp($i));
if (($i = $item->recall_date) != 0) {
$resp .= add_field(FID_RECALL_DATE, Sip::timestamp($i));
if (($i = $item->hold_pickup_date) != 0) {
$resp .= add_field(FID_HOLD_PICKUP_DATE, Sip::timestamp($i));
$resp .= maybe_add(FID_SCREEN_MSG, $item->screen_msg);
$resp .= maybe_add(FID_PRINT_LINE, $item->print_line);
sub handle_item_status_update {
my ($self, $server) = @_;
my $ils = $server->{ils};
my ($trans_date, $item_id, $terminal_pwd, $item_props);
my $fields = $self->{fields};
my $status;
my $item;
($trans_date) = @{$self->{fixed_fields}};
$item_id = $fields->{(FID_ITEM_ID)};
$item_props = $fields->{(FID_ITEM_PROPS)};
if (!defined($item_id)) {
"handle_item_status: received message without Item ID field");
} else {
$item = $ils->find_item($item_id);
if (!$item) {
# Invalid Item ID
$resp .= '0';
$resp .= Sip::timestamp;
$resp .= add_field(FID_ITEM_ID, $item_id);
} else {
# Valid Item ID
$status = $item->status_update($item_props);
$resp .= $status->ok ? '1' : '0';
$resp .= Sip::timestamp;
$resp .= add_field(FID_ITEM_ID, $item->id);
$resp .= add_field(FID_TITLE_ID, $item->title_id);
$resp .= maybe_add(FID_ITEM_PROPS, $item->sip_item_properties);
$resp .= maybe_add(FID_SCREEN_MSG, $status->screen_msg);
$resp .= maybe_add(FID_PRINT_LINE, $status->print_line);
sub handle_patron_enable {
my ($self, $server) = @_;
my $ils = $server->{ils};
my $fields = $self->{fields};
my ($trans_date, $patron_id, $terminal_pwd, $patron_pwd);
my ($status, $patron);
($trans_date) = @{$self->{fixed_fields}};
$patron_id = $fields->{(FID_PATRON_ID)};
$patron_pwd = $fields->{(FID_PATRON_PWD)};
syslog("LOG_DEBUG", "handle_patron_enable: patron_id: '%s', patron_pwd: '%s'",
$patron_id, $patron_pwd);
$patron = $ils->find_patron($patron_id);
if (!defined($patron)) {
# Invalid patron ID
$resp .= 'YYYY' . (' ' x 10) . '000' . Sip::timestamp();
$resp .= add_field(FID_PATRON_ID, $patron_id);
$resp .= add_field(FID_PERSONAL_NAME, '');
$resp .= add_field(FID_VALID_PATRON, 'N');
$resp .= add_field(FID_VALID_PATRON_PWD, 'N');
} else {
# valid patron
if (!defined($patron_pwd) || $patron->check_password($patron_pwd)) {
# Don't enable the patron if there was an invalid password
$status = $patron->enable;
$resp .= patron_status_string($patron);
$resp .= $patron->language . Sip::timestamp();
$resp .= add_field(FID_PATRON_ID, $patron->id);
$resp .= add_field(FID_PERSONAL_NAME, $patron->name);
if (defined($patron_pwd)) {
$resp .= add_field(FID_VALID_PATRON_PWD,
$resp .= add_field(FID_VALID_PATRON, 'Y');
$resp .= maybe_add(FID_SCREEN_MSG, $patron->screen_msg);
$resp .= maybe_add(FID_PRINT_LINE, $patron->print_line);
$resp .= add_field(FID_INST_ID, $ils->institution);
sub handle_hold {
my ($self, $server) = @_;
my $ils = $server->{ils};
my ($hold_mode, $trans_date);
my ($expiry_date, $pickup_locn, $hold_type, $patron_id, $patron_pwd);
my ($item_id, $title_id, $fee_ack);
my $fields = $self->{fields};
my $status;
my $resp = HOLD_RESP;
($hold_mode, $trans_date) = @{$self->{fixed_fields}};
$ils->check_inst_id($fields->{(FID_INST_ID)}, "handle_hold");
$patron_id = $fields->{(FID_PATRON_ID) };
$expiry_date = $fields->{(FID_EXPIRATION) } || '';
$pickup_locn = $fields->{(FID_PICKUP_LOCN)} || '';
$hold_type = $fields->{(FID_HOLD_TYPE) } || '2'; # Any copy of title
$patron_pwd = $fields->{(FID_PATRON_PWD) };
$item_id = $fields->{(FID_ITEM_ID) } || '';
$title_id = $fields->{(FID_TITLE_ID) } || '';
$fee_ack = $fields->{(FID_FEE_ACK) } || 'N';
if ($hold_mode eq '+') {
$status = $ils->add_hold($patron_id, $patron_pwd, $item_id, $title_id,
$expiry_date, $pickup_locn, $hold_type, $fee_ack);
} elsif ($hold_mode eq '-') {
$status = $ils->cancel_hold($patron_id, $patron_pwd, $item_id, $title_id);
} elsif ($hold_mode eq '*') {
$status = $ils->alter_hold($patron_id, $patron_pwd, $item_id, $title_id,
$expiry_date, $pickup_locn, $hold_type, $fee_ack);
} else {
syslog("LOG_WARNING", "handle_hold: Unrecognized hold mode '%s' from terminal '%s'",
$hold_mode, $server->{account}->{id});
$status = $ils->Transaction::Hold; # new?
$status->screen_msg("System error. Please contact library staff.");
$resp .= $status->ok;
$resp .= sipbool($status->item && $status->item->available($patron_id));
$resp .= Sip::timestamp;
if ($status->ok) {
$resp .= add_field(FID_PATRON_ID, $status->patron->id);
($status->expiration_date) and
$resp .= maybe_add(FID_EXPIRATION,
$resp .= maybe_add(FID_QUEUE_POS, $status->queue_position);
$resp .= maybe_add(FID_PICKUP_LOCN, $status->pickup_location);
$resp .= maybe_add(FID_ITEM_ID, $status->item->id);
$resp .= maybe_add(FID_TITLE_ID, $status->item->title_id);
} else {
# Not ok. still need required fields
$resp .= add_field(FID_PATRON_ID, $patron_id);
$resp .= add_field(FID_INST_ID, $ils->institution);
$resp .= maybe_add(FID_SCREEN_MSG, $status->screen_msg);
$resp .= maybe_add(FID_PRINT_LINE, $status->print_line);
sub handle_renew {
my ($self, $server) = @_;
my $ils = $server->{ils};
my ($third_party, $no_block, $trans_date, $nb_due_date);
my ($patron_id, $patron_pwd, $item_id, $title_id, $item_props, $fee_ack);
my $fields = $self->{fields};
my $status;
my ($patron, $item);
my $resp = RENEW_RESP;
($third_party, $no_block, $trans_date, $nb_due_date) =
$ils->check_inst_id($fields->{(FID_INST_ID)}, "handle_renew");
if ($no_block eq 'Y') {
"handle_renew: recieved 'no block' renewal from terminal '%s'",
$patron_id = $fields->{(FID_PATRON_ID)};
$patron_pwd = $fields->{(FID_PATRON_PWD)};
$item_id = $fields->{(FID_ITEM_ID)};
$title_id = $fields->{(FID_TITLE_ID)};
$item_props = $fields->{(FID_ITEM_PROPS)};
$fee_ack = $fields->{(FID_FEE_ACK)};
$status = $ils->renew($patron_id, $patron_pwd, $item_id, $title_id,
$no_block, $nb_due_date, $third_party,
$item_props, $fee_ack);
$patron = $status->patron;
$item = $status->item;
if ($status->ok) {
$resp .= '1';
$resp .= $status->renewal_ok ? 'Y' : 'N';
if ($ils->supports('magnetic media')) {
$resp .= sipbool($item->magnetic);
} else {
$resp .= 'U';
$resp .= sipbool($status->desensitize);
$resp .= Sip::timestamp;
$resp .= add_field(FID_PATRON_ID, $patron->id);
$resp .= add_field(FID_ITEM_ID, $item->id);
$resp .= add_field(FID_TITLE_ID, $item->title_id);
$resp .= add_field(FID_DUE_DATE, Sip::timestamp($item->due_date));
if ($ils->supports('security inhibit')) {
$resp .= add_field(FID_SECURITY_INHIBIT,
$resp .= add_field(FID_MEDIA_TYPE, $item->sip_media_type);
$resp .= maybe_add(FID_ITEM_PROPS, $item->sip_item_properties);
} else {
# renew failed for some reason
# not OK, renewal not OK, Unknown media type (why bother checking?)
$resp .= '0NUN';
$resp .= Sip::timestamp;
# If we found the patron or the item, the return the ILS
# information, otherwise echo back the infomation we received
# from the terminal
$resp .= add_field(FID_PATRON_ID, $patron ? $patron->id : $patron_id);
$resp .= add_field(FID_ITEM_ID, $item ? $item->id : $item_id );
$resp .= add_field(FID_TITLE_ID, $item ? $item->title_id : $title_id );
$resp .= add_field(FID_DUE_DATE, '');
if ($status->fee_amount) {
$resp .= add_field(FID_FEE_AMT, $status->fee_amount);
$resp .= maybe_add(FID_CURRENCY, $status->sip_currency);
$resp .= maybe_add(FID_FEE_TYPE, $status->sip_fee_type);
$resp .= maybe_add(FID_TRANSACTION_ID, $status->transaction_id);
$resp .= add_field(FID_INST_ID, $ils->institution);
$resp .= maybe_add(FID_SCREEN_MSG, $status->screen_msg);
$resp .= maybe_add(FID_PRINT_LINE, $status->print_line);
sub handle_renew_all {
# my ($third_party, $no_block, $nb_due_date, $fee_ack, $patron);
my ($self, $server) = @_;
my $ils = $server->{ils};
my ($trans_date, $patron_id, $patron_pwd, $terminal_pwd, $fee_ack);
my $fields = $self->{fields};
my $resp = RENEW_ALL_RESP;
my $status;
my (@renewed, @unrenewed);
$ils->check_inst_id($fields->{(FID_INST_ID)}, "handle_renew_all");
($trans_date) = @{$self->{fixed_fields}};
$patron_id = $fields->{(FID_PATRON_ID)};
$patron_pwd = $fields->{(FID_PATRON_PWD)};
$terminal_pwd = $fields->{(FID_TERMINAL_PWD)};
$fee_ack = $fields->{(FID_FEE_ACK)};
$status = $ils->renew_all($patron_id, $patron_pwd, $fee_ack);
$resp .= $status->ok ? '1' : '0';
if (!$status->ok) {
$resp .= add_count("renew_all/renewed_count" , 0);
$resp .= add_count("renew_all/unrenewed_count", 0);
@renewed = ();
@unrenewed = ();
} else {
@renewed = (@{$status->renewed});
@unrenewed = (@{$status->unrenewed});
$resp .= add_count("renew_all/renewed_count" , scalar @renewed );
$resp .= add_count("renew_all/unrenewed_count", scalar @unrenewed);
$resp .= Sip::timestamp;
$resp .= add_field(FID_INST_ID, $ils->institution);
$resp .= join('', map(add_field(FID_RENEWED_ITEMS , $_), @renewed ));
$resp .= join('', map(add_field(FID_UNRENEWED_ITEMS, $_), @unrenewed));
$resp .= maybe_add(FID_SCREEN_MSG, $status->screen_msg);
$resp .= maybe_add(FID_PRINT_LINE, $status->print_line);
# send_acs_status($self, $server)
# Send an ACS Status message, which is contains lots of little fields
# of information gleaned from all sorts of places.
my @message_type_names = (
"patron status request",
"block patron",
"acs status",
"request sc/acs resend",
"patron information",
"end patron session",
"fee paid",
"item information",
"item status update",
"patron enable",
"renew all",
sub send_acs_status {
my ($self, $server, $screen_msg, $print_line) = @_;
my $msg = ACS_STATUS;
($server) or die "send_acs_status error: no \$server argument received";
my $account = $server->{account} or die "send_acs_status error: no 'account' in \$server object:\n" . Dumper($server);
my $policy = $server->{policy} or die "send_acs_status error: no 'policy' in \$server object:\n" . Dumper($server);
my $ils = $server->{ils} or die "send_acs_status error: no 'ils' in \$server object:\n" . Dumper($server);
my ($online_status, $checkin_ok, $checkout_ok, $ACS_renewal_policy);
my ($status_update_ok, $offline_ok, $timeout, $retries);
$online_status = 'Y';
$checkout_ok = sipbool($ils->checkout_ok);
$checkin_ok = sipbool($ils->checkin_ok);
$ACS_renewal_policy = sipbool($policy->{renewal});
$status_update_ok = sipbool($ils->status_update_ok);
$offline_ok = sipbool($ils->offline_ok);
$timeout = sprintf("%03d", $policy->{timeout});
$retries = sprintf("%03d", $policy->{retries});
if (length($timeout) != 3) {
syslog("LOG_ERR", "handle_acs_status: timeout field wrong size: '%s'",
$timeout = '000';
if (length($retries) != 3) {
syslog("LOG_ERR", "handle_acs_status: retries field wrong size: '%s'",
$retries = '000';
$msg .= "$online_status$checkin_ok$checkout_ok$ACS_renewal_policy";
$msg .= "$status_update_ok$offline_ok$timeout$retries";
$msg .= Sip::timestamp();
if ($protocol_version == 1) {
$msg .= '1.00';
} elsif ($protocol_version == 2) {
$msg .= '2.00';
} else {
'Bad setting for $protocol_version, "%s" in send_acs_status',
$msg .= '1.00';
# Institution ID
$msg .= add_field(FID_INST_ID, $account->{institution});
if ($protocol_version >= 2) {
# Supported messages: we do it all
my $supported_msgs = '';
foreach my $msg_name (@message_type_names) {
if ($msg_name eq 'request sc/acs resend') {
$supported_msgs .= Sip::sipbool(1);
} else {
$supported_msgs .= Sip::sipbool($ils->supports($msg_name));
if (length($supported_msgs) < 16) {
syslog("LOG_ERR", 'send_acs_status: supported messages "%s" too short', $supported_msgs);
$msg .= add_field(FID_SUPPORTED_MSGS, $supported_msgs);
$msg .= maybe_add(FID_SCREEN_MSG, $screen_msg);
if (defined($account->{print_width}) && defined($print_line)
&& $account->{print_width} < length($print_line)) {
syslog("LOG_WARNING", "send_acs_status: print line '%s' too long. Truncating",
$print_line = substr($print_line, 0, $account->{print_width});
$msg .= maybe_add(FID_PRINT_LINE, $print_line);
# Do we want to tell the terminal its location?
return 1;
# build_patron_status: create the 14-char patron status
# string for the Patron Status message
sub patron_status_string {
my $patron = shift;
my $patron_status;
syslog("LOG_DEBUG", "patron_status_string: %s charge_ok: %s", $patron->id,
$patron_status = sprintf('%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s',
return $patron_status;
sub api_auth($$) {
my ($username,$password) = (shift,shift);
$ENV{REMOTE_USER} = $username;
my $query = CGI->new();
$query->param(userid => $username);
$query->param(password => $password);
my ($status, $cookie, $sessionID) = check_api_auth($query, {circulate=>1}, "intranet");
print STDERR "check_api_auth returns " . ($status || 'undef') . "\n";
# print "api_auth userenv = " . &dump_userenv;
return $status;