Jonathan Druart 4b337b107e
Bug 34959: Sort PO files correctly
The PO files are not sorted when we update them which leads to
unnecessary changes that are commited: hard to see differences and
make git index grow superfluously.

Test plan:
0. Do not apply this patch
1. gulp po:update --lang es-ES
2. git commit -a -m"First PO update"
3. Run again the gulp update command
4. git diff
=> You have a lot of changes generated here, the po:update is not

5. Apply this patch
6. Run the gulp update command
7 git commit -a -m"PO update after 34959"
8. Run the gulp update command
9. git diff
=> No changes are generated

Note that this patch will all the entries by files, and per line
It fixes a bug in some condition, where we add information/context about
the string. For instance search for "For the first occurrence" in the
file. Prior to this patch this was not correct, we didn't add info about
the first occurrence (but whichever in the list).

Signed-off-by: David Nind <david@davidnind.com>

Signed-off-by: Kyle M Hall <kyle@bywatersolutions.com>
Signed-off-by: Tomas Cohen Arazi <tomascohen@theke.io>
2023-10-18 10:25:56 -03:00

384 lines
13 KiB

/* eslint-env node */
/* eslint no-console:"off" */
const { dest, parallel, series, src, watch } = require('gulp');
const child_process = require('child_process');
const fs = require('fs');
const os = require('os');
const path = require('path');
const util = require('util');
const sass = require('gulp-sass')(require('sass'));
const rtlcss = require('gulp-rtlcss');
const sourcemaps = require('gulp-sourcemaps');
const autoprefixer = require('gulp-autoprefixer');
const concatPo = require('gulp-concat-po');
const exec = require('gulp-exec');
const merge = require('merge-stream');
const through2 = require('through2');
const Vinyl = require('vinyl');
const args = require('minimist')(process.argv.slice(2));
const rename = require('gulp-rename');
const STAFF_CSS_BASE = "koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/prog/css";
const OPAC_CSS_BASE = "koha-tmpl/opac-tmpl/bootstrap/css";
var CSS_BASE = args.view == "opac"
var sassOptions = {
includePaths: [
__dirname + '/node_modules',
__dirname + '/../node_modules'
// CSS processing for development
function css(css_base) {
css_base = css_base || CSS_BASE
var stream = src(css_base + "/src/**/*.scss")
.pipe(sass(sassOptions).on('error', sass.logError))
if (args.view == "opac") {
stream = stream
suffix: '-rtl'
})) // Append "-rtl" to the filename.
stream = stream.pipe(sourcemaps.write('./maps'))
return stream;
// CSS processing for production
function build(css_base) {
css_base = css_base || CSS_BASE;
sassOptions.outputStyle = "compressed";
var stream = src(css_base + "/src/**/*.scss")
.pipe(sass(sassOptions).on('error', sass.logError))
if( args.view == "opac" ){
stream = stream.pipe(rtlcss())
suffix: '-rtl'
})) // Append "-rtl" to the filename.
return stream;
function opac_css(){
return css(OPAC_CSS_BASE);
function staff_css(){
return css(STAFF_CSS_BASE);
const poTasks = {
'marc-MARC21': {
extract: po_extract_marc_marc21,
create: po_create_marc_marc21,
update: po_update_marc_marc21,
'marc-UNIMARC': {
extract: po_extract_marc_unimarc,
create: po_create_marc_unimarc,
update: po_update_marc_unimarc,
'staff-prog': {
extract: po_extract_staff,
create: po_create_staff,
update: po_update_staff,
'opac-bootstrap': {
extract: po_extract_opac,
create: po_create_opac,
update: po_update_opac,
'pref': {
extract: po_extract_pref,
create: po_create_pref,
update: po_update_pref,
'messages': {
extract: po_extract_messages,
create: po_create_messages,
update: po_update_messages,
'messages-js': {
extract: po_extract_messages_js,
create: po_create_messages_js,
update: po_update_messages_js,
'installer': {
extract: po_extract_installer,
create: po_create_installer,
update: po_update_installer,
'installer-MARC21': {
extract: po_extract_installer_marc21,
create: po_create_installer_marc21,
update: po_update_installer_marc21,
'installer-UNIMARC': {
extract: po_extract_installer_unimarc,
create: po_create_installer_unimarc,
update: po_update_installer_unimarc,
const poTypes = Object.keys(poTasks);
function po_extract_marc (type) {
return src(`koha-tmpl/*-tmpl/*/en/**/*${type}*`, { read: false, nocase: true })
.pipe(xgettext('misc/translator/xgettext.pl --charset=UTF-8 -F', `Koha-marc-${type}.pot`))
function po_extract_marc_marc21 () { return po_extract_marc('MARC21') }
function po_extract_marc_unimarc () { return po_extract_marc('UNIMARC') }
function po_extract_staff () {
const globs = [
return src(globs, { read: false, nocase: true })
.pipe(xgettext('misc/translator/xgettext.pl --charset=UTF-8 -F', 'Koha-staff-prog.pot'))
function po_extract_opac () {
const globs = [
return src(globs, { read: false, nocase: true })
.pipe(xgettext('misc/translator/xgettext.pl --charset=UTF-8 -F', 'Koha-opac-bootstrap.pot'))
const xgettext_options = '--from-code=UTF-8 --package-name Koha '
+ '--package-version= -k -k__ -k__x -k__n:1,2 -k__nx:1,2 -k__xn:1,2 '
+ '-k__p:1c,2 -k__px:1c,2 -k__np:1c,2,3 -k__npx:1c,2,3 -kN__ '
+ '-kN__n:1,2 -kN__p:1c,2 -kN__np:1c,2,3 '
+ '-k -k$__ -k$__x -k$__n:1,2 -k$__nx:1,2 -k$__xn:1,2 '
+ '--force-po';
function po_extract_messages_js () {
const globs = [
return src(globs, { read: false, nocase: true })
.pipe(xgettext(`xgettext -L JavaScript ${xgettext_options}`, 'Koha-messages-js.pot'))
function po_extract_messages () {
const perlStream = src(['**/*.pl', '**/*.pm'], { read: false, nocase: true })
.pipe(xgettext(`xgettext -L Perl ${xgettext_options}`, 'Koha-perl.pot'))
const ttStream = src([
], { read: false, nocase: true })
.pipe(xgettext('misc/translator/xgettext-tt2 --from-code=UTF-8', 'Koha-tt.pot'))
const headers = {
'Project-Id-Version': 'Koha',
'Content-Type': 'text/plain; charset=UTF-8',
return merge(perlStream, ttStream)
.pipe(concatPo('Koha-messages.pot', { headers }))
function po_extract_pref () {
return src('koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/prog/en/modules/admin/preferences/*.pref', { read: false })
.pipe(xgettext('misc/translator/xgettext-pref', 'Koha-pref.pot'))
function po_extract_installer () {
const globs = [
return src(globs, { read: false, nocase: true })
.pipe(xgettext('misc/translator/xgettext-installer', 'Koha-installer.pot'))
function po_extract_installer_marc (type) {
const globs = `installer/data/mysql/en/marcflavour/${type}/**/*.yml`;
return src(globs, { read: false, nocase: true })
.pipe(xgettext('misc/translator/xgettext-installer', `Koha-installer-${type}.pot`))
function po_extract_installer_marc21 () { return po_extract_installer_marc('MARC21') }
function po_extract_installer_unimarc () { return po_extract_installer_marc('UNIMARC') }
function po_create_type (type) {
const access = util.promisify(fs.access);
const exec = util.promisify(child_process.exec);
const languages = getLanguages();
const promises = [];
for (const language of languages) {
const locale = language.split('-').filter(s => s.length !== 4).join('_');
const po = `misc/translator/po/${language}-${type}.po`;
const pot = `misc/translator/Koha-${type}.pot`;
const promise = access(po)
.catch(() => exec(`msginit -o ${po} -i ${pot} -l ${locale} --no-translator`))
return Promise.all(promises);
function po_create_marc_marc21 () { return po_create_type('marc-MARC21') }
function po_create_marc_unimarc () { return po_create_type('marc-UNIMARC') }
function po_create_staff () { return po_create_type('staff-prog') }
function po_create_opac () { return po_create_type('opac-bootstrap') }
function po_create_pref () { return po_create_type('pref') }
function po_create_messages () { return po_create_type('messages') }
function po_create_messages_js () { return po_create_type('messages-js') }
function po_create_installer () { return po_create_type('installer') }
function po_create_installer_marc21 () { return po_create_type('installer-MARC21') }
function po_create_installer_unimarc () { return po_create_type('installer-UNIMARC') }
function po_update_type (type) {
const msgmerge_opts = '--backup=off --quiet -F --update';
const cmd = `msgmerge ${msgmerge_opts} <%= file.path %> misc/translator/Koha-${type}.pot`;
const languages = getLanguages();
const globs = languages.map(language => `misc/translator/po/${language}-${type}.po`);
return src(globs)
.pipe(exec(cmd, { continueOnError: true }))
.pipe(exec.reporter({ err: false, stdout: false }))
function po_update_marc_marc21 () { return po_update_type('marc-MARC21') }
function po_update_marc_unimarc () { return po_update_type('marc-UNIMARC') }
function po_update_staff () { return po_update_type('staff-prog') }
function po_update_opac () { return po_update_type('opac-bootstrap') }
function po_update_pref () { return po_update_type('pref') }
function po_update_messages () { return po_update_type('messages') }
function po_update_messages_js () { return po_update_type('messages-js') }
function po_update_installer () { return po_update_type('installer') }
function po_update_installer_marc21 () { return po_update_type('installer-MARC21') }
function po_update_installer_unimarc () { return po_update_type('installer-UNIMARC') }
* Gulp plugin that executes xgettext-like command `cmd` on all files given as
* input, and then outputs the result as a POT file named `filename`.
* `cmd` should accept -o and -f options
function xgettext (cmd, filename) {
const filenames = [];
function transform (file, encoding, callback) {
filenames.push(path.relative(file.cwd, file.path));
function flush (callback) {
fs.mkdtemp(path.join(os.tmpdir(), 'koha-'), (err, folder) => {
const outputFilename = path.join(folder, filename);
const filesFilename = path.join(folder, 'files');
fs.writeFile(filesFilename, filenames.join(os.EOL), err => {
if (err) return callback(err);
const command = `${cmd} -o ${outputFilename} -f ${filesFilename}`;
child_process.exec(command, err => {
if (err) return callback(err);
fs.readFile(outputFilename, (err, data) => {
if (err) return callback(err);
const file = new Vinyl();
file.path = path.join(file.base, filename);
file.contents = data;
callback(null, file);
return through2.obj(transform, flush);
* Return languages selected for PO-related tasks
* This can be either languages given on command-line with --lang option, or
* all the languages found in misc/translator/po otherwise
function getLanguages () {
if (Array.isArray(args.lang)) {
return args.lang;
if (args.lang) {
return [args.lang];
const filenames = fs.readdirSync('misc/translator/po')
.filter(filename => filename.endsWith('.po'))
.filter(filename => !filename.startsWith('.'))
const re = new RegExp('-(' + poTypes.join('|') + ')\.po$');
languages = filenames.map(filename => filename.replace(re, ''))
return Array.from(new Set(languages));
exports.build = function(next){build(); next();};
exports.css = function(next){css(); next();};
exports.opac_css = opac_css;
exports.staff_css = staff_css;
exports.watch = function () {
watch(OPAC_CSS_BASE + "/src/**/*.scss", series('opac_css'));
watch(STAFF_CSS_BASE + "/src/**/*.scss", series('staff_css'));
exports['po:create'] = parallel(...poTypes.map(type => series(poTasks[type].extract, poTasks[type].create)));
exports['po:update'] = parallel(...poTypes.map(type => series(poTasks[type].extract, poTasks[type].update)));
exports['po:extract'] = parallel(...poTypes.map(type => poTasks[type].extract));