tipaul 791e786944 2 new features :
- a mail is sent everytime an issue if recieved in serial module. The mail is sent to all borrowers that have put an alert on the subscription (remember that you can put an alert only if the librarian have defined a "letter" as mail to send)
- the librarian can see, for a given subscription, who has put an alert.
2005-08-05 14:47:23 +00:00

609 lines
26 KiB
Executable file

package C4::Bull; #assumes C4/Bull.pm
# Copyright 2000-2002 Katipo Communications
# This file is part of Koha.
# Koha is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
# version.
# Koha is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
# A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
# Koha; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place,
# Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
use strict;
use C4::Date;
use Date::Manip;
use C4::Suggestions;
use C4::Letters;
require Exporter;
# set the version for version checking
$VERSION = 0.01;
=head1 NAME
C4::Bull - Give functions for serializing.
use C4::Bull;
Give all XYZ functions
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
@EXPORT = qw(&newsubscription &modsubscription &delsubscription &getsubscriptions &getsubscription
&getsubscriptionfrombiblionumber &get_subscription_list_from_biblionumber
&modsubscriptionhistory &newissue
&getserials &getlatestserials &serialchangestatus
&Find_Next_Date, &Get_Next_Seq
&hassubscriptionexpired &subscriptionexpirationdate &subscriptionrenew
&getSupplierListWithLateIssues &GetLateIssues &serialdelete &getlatestserials);
sub getSupplierListWithLateIssues {
my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT DISTINCT id, name
FROM subscription, serial
LEFT JOIN aqbooksellers ON subscription.aqbooksellerid = aqbooksellers.id
WHERE subscription.subscriptionid = serial.subscriptionid AND
(planneddate < now( ) OR serial.STATUS = 3)
my %supplierlist;
while (my ($id,$name) = $sth->fetchrow) {
$supplierlist{$id} = $name;
return %supplierlist;
sub GetLateIssues {
my ($supplierid) = @_;
my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
my $sth;
if ($supplierid) {
$sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT name,title,planneddate,serialseq,serial.subscriptionid
FROM subscription, serial, biblio
LEFT JOIN aqbooksellers ON subscription.aqbooksellerid = aqbooksellers.id
WHERE subscription.subscriptionid = serial.subscriptionid AND
((planneddate < now() and serial.STATUS =1) OR serial.STATUS = 3) and
subscription.aqbooksellerid=$supplierid and
biblio.biblionumber = subscription.biblionumber
} else {
$sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT name,title,planneddate,serialseq,serial.subscriptionid
FROM subscription, serial, biblio
LEFT JOIN aqbooksellers ON subscription.aqbooksellerid = aqbooksellers.id
WHERE subscription.subscriptionid = serial.subscriptionid AND
((planneddate < now() and serial.STATUS <=3) OR serial.STATUS = 3) and
biblio.biblionumber = subscription.biblionumber
my @issuelist;
my $last_title;
while (my $line = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) {
$line->{title} = "" if $line->{title} eq $last_title;
$last_title = $line->{title} if ($line->{title});
$line->{planneddate} = format_date($line->{planneddate});
push @issuelist,$line;
return @issuelist;
sub newsubscription {
my ($auser,$aqbooksellerid,$cost,$aqbudgetid,$biblionumber,
$numberingmethod, $status, $notes,$letter) = @_;
my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
#save subscription
my $sth=$dbh->prepare("insert into subscription (librarian,aqbooksellerid,cost,aqbudgetid,biblionumber,
numberingmethod, status, notes, letter) values
$numberingmethod, $status, $notes,$letter);
#then create the 1st waited number
my $subscriptionid = $dbh->{'mysql_insertid'};
$sth = $dbh->prepare("insert into subscriptionhistory (biblionumber, subscriptionid, histstartdate, enddate, missinglist, recievedlist, opacnote, librariannote) values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)");
$sth->execute($biblionumber, $subscriptionid, format_date_in_iso($startdate), 0, "", "", "", $notes);
# reread subscription to get a hash (for calculation of the 1st issue number)
$sth = $dbh->prepare("select * from subscription where subscriptionid = ? ");
my $val = $sth->fetchrow_hashref;
# calculate issue number
my $serialseq = Get_Seq($val);
$sth = $dbh->prepare("insert into serial (serialseq,subscriptionid,biblionumber,status, planneddate) values (?,?,?,?,?)");
$sth->execute($serialseq, $subscriptionid, $val->{'biblionumber'}, 1, format_date_in_iso($startdate));
return $subscriptionid;
sub getsubscription {
my ($subscriptionid) = @_;
my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
my $sth = $dbh->prepare('select subscription.*,subscriptionhistory.*,aqbudget.bookfundid,aqbooksellers.name as aqbooksellername,biblio.title as bibliotitle
from subscription
left join subscriptionhistory on subscription.subscriptionid=subscriptionhistory.subscriptionid
left join aqbudget on subscription.aqbudgetid=aqbudget.aqbudgetid
left join aqbooksellers on subscription.aqbooksellerid=aqbooksellers.id
left join biblio on biblio.biblionumber=subscription.biblionumber
where subscription.subscriptionid = ?');
my $subs = $sth->fetchrow_hashref;
return $subs;
sub getsubscriptionfrombiblionumber {
my ($biblionumber) = @_;
my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
my $sth = $dbh->prepare('select count(*) from subscription where biblionumber=?');
my $subscriptionsnumber = $sth->fetchrow;
return $subscriptionsnumber;
sub get_subscription_list_from_biblionumber {
my ($biblionumber) = @_;
my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
my $sth = $dbh->prepare('select subscription.*,subscriptionhistory.*, aqbudget.bookfundid,aqbooksellers.name as aqbooksellername,biblio.title as bibliotitle
from subscription
left join subscriptionhistory on subscription.subscriptionid=subscriptionhistory.subscriptionid
left join aqbudget on subscription.aqbudgetid=aqbudget.aqbudgetid
left join aqbooksellers on subscription.aqbooksellerid=aqbooksellers.id
left join biblio on biblio.biblionumber=subscription.biblionumber
where subscription.biblionumber = ?');
my @res;
while (my $subs = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) {
$subs->{startdate} = format_date($subs->{startdate});
$subs->{histstartdate} = format_date($subs->{histstartdate});
$subs->{opacnote} =~ s/\n/\<br\/\>/g;
$subs->{missinglist} =~ s/\n/\<br\/\>/g;
$subs->{recievedlist} =~ s/\n/\<br\/\>/g;
$subs->{"periodicity".$subs->{periodicity}} = 1;
if ($subs->{enddate} eq '0000-00-00') {
} else {
$subs->{enddate} = format_date($subs->{enddate});
push @res,$subs;
return \@res;
sub get_full_subscription_list_from_biblionumber {
my ($biblionumber) = @_;
my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
my $sth = $dbh->prepare('select serial.serialseq, serial.planneddate, serial.status, year(serial.planneddate) as year,subscription.*, aqbudget.bookfundid,aqbooksellers.name as aqbooksellername,biblio.title as bibliotitle
from serial left join subscription on (serial.subscriptionid=subscription.subscriptionid and subscription.biblionumber=serial.biblionumber)
left join aqbudget on subscription.aqbudgetid=aqbudget.aqbudgetid
left join aqbooksellers on subscription.aqbooksellerid=aqbooksellers.id
left join biblio on biblio.biblionumber=subscription.biblionumber
where subscription.biblionumber = ? order by year,serial.subscriptionid,serial.planneddate');
my @res;
my $year;
my $startdate;
my $aqbooksellername;
my $bibliotitle;
my @loopissues;
my $first;
my $previousnote="";
while (my $subs = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) {
# my $sth2 = $dbh->prepare('select * from serial where serial.biblionumber = ? and serial.subscriptionid=? order by serial.planneddate');
# $sth2->execute($biblionumber,$subs->{'subscriptionid'});
# while (my $issues = $sth2->fetchrow_hashref){
# warn "planneddate ".$issues->{'planneddate'};
# warn "serialseq".$issues->{'serialseq'};
# }
if ($year and ($year==$subs->{year})){
if ($first eq 1){$first=0;}
my $temp=$res[scalar(@res)-1]->{'serials'};
push @$temp,
{'planneddate' => format_date($subs->{'planneddate'}),
'serialseq' => $subs->{'serialseq'},
'status1' => $subs->{'status'}==1,
'status2' => $subs->{'status'}==2,
'status3' => $subs->{'status'}==3,
'status4' => $subs->{'status'}==4,
'notes' => $subs->{'notes'} eq $previousnote?"":$subs->{notes},
}else {
$first=1 if (not $year);
$year= $subs->{'year'};
$startdate= format_date($subs->{'startdate'});
$aqbooksellername= $subs->{'aqbooksellername'};
$bibliotitle= $subs->{'bibliotitle'};
my @temp;
push @temp,
{'planneddate' => format_date($subs->{'planneddate'}),
'serialseq' => $subs->{'serialseq'},
'status1' => $subs->{'status'}==1,
'status2' => $subs->{'status'}==2,
'status3' => $subs->{'status'}==3,
'status4' => $subs->{'status'}==4,
'notes' => $subs->{'notes'} eq $previousnote?"":$subs->{notes},
push @res,{
return \@res;
sub modsubscription {
my ($auser,$aqbooksellerid,$cost,$aqbudgetid,$startdate,
$numberingmethod, $status, $biblionumber, $notes, $letter, $subscriptionid)= @_;
my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
my $sth=$dbh->prepare("update subscription set librarian=?, aqbooksellerid=?,cost=?,aqbudgetid=?,startdate=?,
numberingmethod=?, status=?, biblionumber=?, notes=?, letter=? where subscriptionid = ?");
$numberingmethod, $status, $biblionumber, $notes, $letter, $subscriptionid);
sub delsubscription {
my ($subscriptionid) = @_;
# check again there is only one issue (the subscription is new)
my ($totalissues) = getserials($subscriptionid);
if ($totalissues eq 1) {
my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
$dbh->do("delete from subscription where subscriptionid=$subscriptionid");
$dbh->do("delete from subscriptionhistory where subscriptionid=$subscriptionid");
$dbh->do("delete from serial where subscriptionid=$subscriptionid");
sub getsubscriptions {
my ($title,$ISSN,$biblionumber) = @_;
return unless $title or $ISSN or $biblionumber;
my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
my $sth;
if ($biblionumber) {
$sth = $dbh->prepare("select subscription.subscriptionid,biblio.title,biblioitems.issn,subscription.notes,biblio.biblionumber from subscription,biblio,biblioitems where biblio.biblionumber = biblioitems.biblionumber and biblio.biblionumber=subscription.biblionumber and biblio.biblionumber=?");
} else {
if ($ISSN and $title)
$sth = $dbh->prepare("select subscription.subscriptionid,biblio.title,biblioitems.issn,subscription.notes,biblio.biblionumber from subscription,biblio,biblioitems where biblio.biblionumber = biblioitems.biblionumber and biblio.biblionumber=subscription.biblionumber and (biblio.title like ? or biblioitems.issn = ? )");
if ($ISSN)
$sth = $dbh->prepare("select subscription.subscriptionid,biblio.title,biblioitems.issn,subscription.notes,biblio.biblionumber from subscription,biblio,biblioitems where biblio.biblionumber = biblioitems.biblionumber and biblio.biblionumber=subscription.biblionumber and biblioitems.issn = ?");
$sth = $dbh->prepare("select subscription.subscriptionid,biblio.title,biblioitems.issn,subscription.notes,biblio.biblionumber from subscription,biblio,biblioitems where biblio.biblionumber = biblioitems.biblionumber and
biblio.biblionumber=subscription.biblionumber and biblio.title like ? ");
my @results;
my $previoustitle="";
while (my $line = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) {
if ($previoustitle eq $line->{title}) {
} else {
push @results, $line;
return @results;
sub modsubscriptionhistory {
my ($subscriptionid,$histstartdate,$enddate,$recievedlist,$missinglist,$opacnote,$librariannote)=@_;
my $dbh=C4::Context->dbh;
my $sth = $dbh->prepare("update subscriptionhistory set histstartdate=?,enddate=?,recievedlist=?,missinglist=?,opacnote=?,librariannote=? where subscriptionid=?");
$recievedlist =~ s/^,//g;
$missinglist =~ s/^,//g;
$opacnote =~ s/^,//g;
# get every serial not arrived for a given subscription
# as well as the number of issues registered in the database (all types)
# this number is used to see if a subscription can be deleted (=it must have only 1 issue)
sub getserials {
my ($subscriptionid) = @_;
my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
# status = 2 is "arrived"
my $sth=$dbh->prepare("select serialid,serialseq, status, planneddate from serial where subscriptionid = ? and status <>2 and status <>4 and status <>5");
my @serials;
while(my $line = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) {
$line->{"status".$line->{status}} = 1; # fills a "statusX" value, used for template status select list
$line->{"planneddate"} = format_date($line->{"planneddate"});
push @serials,$line;
$sth=$dbh->prepare("select count(*) from serial where subscriptionid=?");
my ($totalissues) = $sth->fetchrow;
return ($totalissues,@serials);
# get the $limit's latest serials arrived or missing for a given subscription
sub getlatestserials{
my ($subscriptionid,$limit) =@_;
my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
# status = 2 is "arrived"
my $strsth="select serialid,serialseq, status, planneddate from serial where subscriptionid = ? and (status =2 or status=4) order by planneddate DESC LIMIT 0,$limit";
my $sth=$dbh->prepare($strsth);
my @serials;
while(my $line = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) {
$line->{"status".$line->{status}} = 1; # fills a "statusX" value, used for template status select list
$line->{"planneddate"} = format_date($line->{"planneddate"});
push @serials,$line;
$sth=$dbh->prepare("select count(*) from serial where subscriptionid=?");
my ($totalissues) = $sth->fetchrow;
return \@serials;
sub serialchangestatus {
my ($serialid,$serialseq,$planneddate,$status)=@_;
# 1st, get previous status : if we change from "waited" to something else, then we will have to create a new "waited" entry
my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
my $sth = $dbh->prepare("select subscriptionid,status from serial where serialid=?");
my ($subscriptionid,$oldstatus) = $sth->fetchrow;
# change status & update subscriptionhistory
if ($status eq 6){
delissue($serialseq, $subscriptionid)
$sth = $dbh->prepare("update serial set serialseq=?,planneddate=?,status=? where serialid = ?");
$sth = $dbh->prepare("select missinglist,recievedlist from subscriptionhistory where subscriptionid=?");
my ($missinglist,$recievedlist) = $sth->fetchrow;
if ($status eq 2) {
$recievedlist .= ",$serialseq";
$missinglist .= ",$serialseq" if ($status eq 4) ;
$missinglist .= ",not issued $serialseq" if ($status eq 5);
$sth=$dbh->prepare("update subscriptionhistory set recievedlist=?, missinglist=? where subscriptionid=?");
# create new waited entry if needed (ie : was a "waited" and has changed)
$sth = $dbh->prepare("select * from subscription where subscriptionid = ? ");
my $subscription = $sth->fetchrow_hashref;
if ($oldstatus eq 1 && $status ne 1) {
# next issue number
my ($newserialseq,$newlastvalue1,$newlastvalue2,$newlastvalue3,$newinnerloop1,$newinnerloop2,$newinnerloop3) = Get_Next_Seq($subscription);
# next date (calculated from actual date & frequency parameters)
my $nextplanneddate = Get_Next_Date($planneddate,$subscription);
newissue($newserialseq, $subscriptionid, $subscription->{'biblionumber'}, 1, $nextplanneddate);
$sth = $dbh->prepare("update subscription set lastvalue1=?, lastvalue2=?,lastvalue3=?,
where subscriptionid = ?");
# check if an alert must be sent... (= a letter is defined & status became "arrived"
if ($subscription->{letter} && $status eq 2) {
sub newissue {
my ($serialseq,$subscriptionid,$biblionumber,$status, $planneddate) = @_;
my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
my $sth = $dbh->prepare("insert into serial (serialseq,subscriptionid,biblionumber,status, planneddate) values (?,?,?,?,?)");
$sth->execute($serialseq,$subscriptionid,$biblionumber,$status, $planneddate);
$sth = $dbh->prepare("select missinglist,recievedlist from subscriptionhistory where subscriptionid=?");
my ($missinglist,$recievedlist) = $sth->fetchrow;
if ($status eq 2) {
$recievedlist .= ",$serialseq";
if ($status eq 4) {
$missinglist .= ",$serialseq";
$sth=$dbh->prepare("update subscriptionhistory set recievedlist=?, missinglist=? where subscriptionid=?");
sub delissue {
my ($serialseq,$subscriptionid) = @_;
my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
my $sth = $dbh->prepare("delete from serial where serialseq= ? and subscriptionid= ? ");
sub Get_Next_Date(@) {
my ($planneddate,$subscription) = @_;
my $resultdate;
if ($subscription->{periodicity} == 1) {
$resultdate=DateCalc($planneddate,"1 day");
if ($subscription->{periodicity} == 2) {
$resultdate=DateCalc($planneddate,"1 week");
if ($subscription->{periodicity} == 3) {
$resultdate=DateCalc($planneddate,"2 weeks");
if ($subscription->{periodicity} == 4) {
$resultdate=DateCalc($planneddate,"3 weeks");
if ($subscription->{periodicity} == 5) {
$resultdate=DateCalc($planneddate,"1 month");
if ($subscription->{periodicity} == 6) {
$resultdate=DateCalc($planneddate,"2 months");
if ($subscription->{periodicity} == 7) {
$resultdate=DateCalc($planneddate,"3 months");
if ($subscription->{periodicity} == 8) {
$resultdate=DateCalc($planneddate,"3 months");
if ($subscription->{periodicity} == 9) {
$resultdate=DateCalc($planneddate,"6 months");
if ($subscription->{periodicity} == 10) {
$resultdate=DateCalc($planneddate,"1 year");
if ($subscription->{periodicity} == 11) {
$resultdate=DateCalc($planneddate,"2 years");
return format_date_in_iso($resultdate);
sub Get_Seq {
my ($val) =@_;
my $calculated = $val->{numberingmethod};
my $x=$val->{'lastvalue1'};
$calculated =~ s/\{X\}/$x/g;
my $y=$val->{'lastvalue2'};
$calculated =~ s/\{Y\}/$y/g;
my $z=$val->{'lastvalue3'};
$calculated =~ s/\{Z\}/$z/g;
return $calculated;
sub Get_Next_Seq {
my ($val) =@_;
my ($calculated,$newlastvalue1,$newlastvalue2,$newlastvalue3,$newinnerloop1,$newinnerloop2,$newinnerloop3);
$calculated = $val->{numberingmethod};
# calculate the (expected) value of the next issue recieved.
$newlastvalue1 = $val->{lastvalue1};
# check if we have to increase the new value.
$newinnerloop1 = $val->{innerloop1}+1;
$newinnerloop1=0 if ($newinnerloop1 >= $val->{every1});
$newlastvalue1 += $val->{add1} if ($newinnerloop1<1); # <1 to be true when 0 or empty.
$newlastvalue1=$val->{setto1} if ($newlastvalue1>$val->{whenmorethan1}); # reset counter if needed.
$calculated =~ s/\{X\}/$newlastvalue1/g;
$newlastvalue2 = $val->{lastvalue2};
# check if we have to increase the new value.
$newinnerloop2 = $val->{innerloop2}+1;
$newinnerloop2=0 if ($newinnerloop2 >= $val->{every2});
$newlastvalue2 += $val->{add2} if ($newinnerloop2<1); # <1 to be true when 0 or empty.
$newlastvalue2=$val->{setto2} if ($newlastvalue2>$val->{whenmorethan2}); # reset counter if needed.
$calculated =~ s/\{Y\}/$newlastvalue2/g;
$newlastvalue3 = $val->{lastvalue3};
# check if we have to increase the new value.
$newinnerloop3 = $val->{innerloop3}+1;
$newinnerloop3=0 if ($newinnerloop3 >= $val->{every3});
$newlastvalue3 += $val->{add3} if ($newinnerloop3<1); # <1 to be true when 0 or empty.
$newlastvalue3=$val->{setto3} if ($newlastvalue3>$val->{whenmorethan3}); # reset counter if needed.
$calculated =~ s/\{Z\}/$newlastvalue3/g;
return ($calculated,$newlastvalue1,$newlastvalue2,$newlastvalue3,$newinnerloop1,$newinnerloop2,$newinnerloop3);
# the subscription has expired when the next issue to arrive is out of subscription limit.
sub hassubscriptionexpired {
my ($subscriptionid) = @_;
my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
my $subscription = getsubscription($subscriptionid);
# we don't do the same test if the subscription is based on X numbers or on X weeks/months
if ($subscription->{numberlength}) {
my $sth = $dbh->prepare("select count(*) from serial where subscriptionid=? and planneddate>=?");
my $res = $sth->fetchrow;
if ($subscription->{numberlength}>=$res) {
return 0;
} else {
return 1;
} else {
#a little bit more tricky if based on X weeks/months : search if the latest issue waited is not after subscription startdate + duration
my $sth = $dbh->prepare("select max(planneddate) from serial where subscriptionid=?");
my $res = ParseDate(format_date_in_iso($sth->fetchrow));
my $endofsubscriptiondate;
$endofsubscriptiondate = DateCalc(format_date_in_iso($subscription->{startdate}),$subscription->{monthlength}." months") if ($subscription->{monthlength});
$endofsubscriptiondate = DateCalc(format_date_in_iso($subscription->{startdate}),$subscription->{weeklength}." weeks") if ($subscription->{weeklength});
return 1 if ($res >= $endofsubscriptiondate);
return 0;
sub subscriptionexpirationdate {
my ($subscriptionid) = @_;
my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
my $subscription = getsubscription($subscriptionid);
my $enddate=$subscription->{startdate};
# we don't do the same test if the subscription is based on X numbers or on X weeks/months
if ($subscription->{numberlength}) {
#calculate the date of the last issue.
for (my $i=1;$i<=$subscription->{numberlength};$i++) {
$enddate = Get_Next_Date($enddate,$subscription);
} else {
$enddate = DateCalc(format_date_in_iso($subscription->{startdate}),$subscription->{monthlength}." months") if ($subscription->{monthlength});
$enddate = DateCalc(format_date_in_iso($subscription->{startdate}),$subscription->{weeklength}." weeks") if ($subscription->{weeklength});
# $enddate=format_date_in_iso($enddate);
# warn "END : $enddate";
return $enddate;
sub subscriptionrenew {
my ($subscriptionid,$user,$startdate,$numberlength,$weeklength,$monthlength,$note) = @_;
my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
my $subscription = getsubscription($subscriptionid);
my $sth = $dbh->prepare("select * from biblio,biblioitems where biblio.biblionumber=biblioitems.biblionumber and biblio.biblionumber=?");
my $biblio = $sth->fetchrow_hashref;
# renew subscription
$sth=$dbh->prepare("update subscription set startdate=?,numberlength=?,weeklength=?,monthlength=?");
END { } # module clean-up code here (global destructor)