Nicole C. Engard 65accc367b Bug 7751: Decrease loan length with many holds
This patch merges the three preferences in to one sentence
to make it clear that they are all linked together and to
eliminate confusion that can come by having them as
individual preferences.

Signed-off-by: Owen Leonard <oleonard@myacpl.org>
2012-10-12 12:21:17 +02:00

483 lines
19 KiB

# FIXME: printcirculationslips is also omitted. It _technically_ could work, but C4::Print is HLT specific and needs a little bit of refactoring.
- pref: CircAutocompl
yes: Try
no: "Don't try"
- to guess the patron being entered while typing a patron search on the circulation screen.
- Only returns the first 10 results at a time.
- pref: itemBarcodeInputFilter
OFF: "Don't filter"
whitespace: Remove spaces from
cuecat: Convert from CueCat form
T-prefix: Remove the first number from T-prefix style
libsuite8: Convert from Libsuite8 form
EAN13: EAN-13 or zero-padded UPC-A from
- scanned item barcodes.
- Sort previous checkouts on the circulation page from
- pref: previousIssuesDefaultSortOrder
asc: earliest to latest
desc: latest to earliest
- due date.
- "Sort today's checkouts on the circulation page from"
- pref: todaysIssuesDefaultSortOrder
type: choice
asc: earliest to latest
desc: latest to earliest
- due date.
- pref: UseTablesortForCirc
yes: "Enable"
no: "Don't enable"
- "the sorting of current patron checkouts on the circulation screen. <br/>NOTE: Enabling this function may slow down circulation time for patrons with many checkouts."
- pref: soundon
yes: "Enable"
no: "Don't enable"
- circulation sounds during checkin and checkout in the staff interface. Not supported by all web browsers yet.
- pref: SpecifyDueDate
yes: Allow
no: "Don't allow"
- staff to specify a due date for a checkout.
- pref: AllowAllMessageDeletion
yes: Allow
no: "Don't allow"
- staff to delete messages added from other libraries.
- Show the
- pref: numReturnedItemsToShow
class: integer
- last returned items on the checkin screen.
- pref: FineNotifyAtCheckin
yes: Notify
no: "Don't notify"
- librarians of overdue fines on the items they are checking in.
- pref: WaitingNotifyAtCheckin
yes: Notify
no: "Don't notify"
- librarians of waiting holds for the patron whose items they are checking in.
- pref: FilterBeforeOverdueReport
yes: Require
no: "Don't require"
- staff to choose which checkouts to show before running the overdues report.
- pref: DisplayClearScreenButton
yes: Show
no: "Don't show"
- a button to clear the current patron from the screen on the circulation screen.
- pref: RecordLocalUseOnReturn
yes: Record
no: "Don't record"
- local use when an unissued item is checked in.
- When an empty barcode field is submitted in circulation
- pref: CircAutoPrintQuickSlip
yes: "open a print quick slip window"
no: "clear the screen"
- .
- Include the stylesheet at
- pref: NoticeCSS
class: url
- on Notices. (This should be a complete URL, starting with <code>http://</code>)
- pref: UpdateTotalIssuesOnCirc
yes: Do
no: "Do not"
- update a bibliographic record's total issues count whenever an item is issued (WARNING! This increases server load significantly; if performance is a concern, use the update_totalissues.pl cron job to update the total issues count).
- pref: ExportRemoveFields
- choices:
yes: Export
no: "Don't export"
- fields for csv or iso2709 export
Checkout Policy:
- pref: AllowNotForLoanOverride
yes: Allow
no: "Don't allow"
- staff to override and check out items that are marked as not for loan.
- pref: AllowRenewalLimitOverride
yes: Allow
no: "Don't allow"
- staff to manually override the renewal limit and renew a checkout when it would go over the renewal limit.
- pref: AllowItemsOnHoldCheckout
yes: Allow
no: "Don't allow"
- checkouts of items reserved to someone else. If allowed do not generate RESERVE_WAITING and RESERVED warning. This allows self checkouts for those items.
- pref: AllFinesNeedOverride
yes: Require
no: "Don't require"
- staff to manually override all fines, even fines less than noissuescharge.
- pref: AllowFineOverride
yes: Allow
no: "Don't allow"
- staff to manually override and check out items to patrons who have more than noissuescharge in fines.
- pref: InProcessingToShelvingCart
yes: Move
no: "Don't move"
- items that have the location PROC to the location CART when they are checked in.
- pref: ReturnToShelvingCart
yes: Move
no: "Don't move"
- all items to the location CART when they are checked in.
- pref: AutomaticItemReturn
yes: Do
no: "Don't"
- automatically transfer items to their home library when they are returned.
- pref: UseBranchTransferLimits
yes: Enforce
no: "Don't enforce"
- library transfer limits based on
- pref: BranchTransferLimitsType
ccode: collection code
itemtype: item type
- .
- pref: UseTransportCostMatrix
yes: Use
no: "Don't use"
- Transport Cost Matrix for calculating optimal holds filling between branches.
- Use the checkout and fines rules of
- pref: CircControl
type: choice
PickupLibrary: the library you are logged in at.
PatronLibrary: the library the patron is from.
ItemHomeLibrary: the library the item is from.
- Use the checkout and fines rules of
- pref: HomeOrHoldingBranch
type: choice
homebranch: the library the item is from.
holdingbranch: the library the item was checked out from.
- Allow materials to be returned to
- pref: AllowReturnToBranch
type: choice
anywhere: to any library.
homebranch: only the library the item is from.
holdingbranch: only the library the item was checked out from.
homeorholdingbranch: either the library the item is from or the library it was checked out from.
- Calculate the due date using
- pref: useDaysMode
Days: circulation rules only.
Calendar: the calendar to skip all days the library is closed.
Datedue: the calendar to push the due date to the next open day
- When renewing checkouts, base the new due date on
- pref: RenewalPeriodBase
date_due: the old due date of the checkout.
now: the current date.
- Prevent patrons from making holds on the OPAC if they owe more than
- pref: maxoutstanding
class: currency
- '[% local_currency %] in fines.'
- Show a warning on the "Transfers to Receive" screen if the transfer has not been received
- pref: TransfersMaxDaysWarning
class: integer
- days after it was sent.
- pref: IssuingInProcess
yes: "Don't prevent"
no: "Prevent"
- patrons from checking out an item whose rental charge would take them over the limit.
- pref: AgeRestrictionMarker
- "E.g. FSK|PEGI|Age| (No white space near |). Entry in MARC field (e.g. 521a) as defined for agerestriction in Koha to MARC mapping. Entry in MARC field like FSK 12 or PEGI 12 would mean: Borrower must be 12 years old. (Empty: Do not apply age restriction.)"
- pref: AgeRestrictionOverride
yes: Allow
no: "Don't allow"
- staff to check out an item with age restriction.
- Prevent patrons from checking out books if they have more than
- pref: noissuescharge
class: integer
- '[% local_currency %] in fines.'
- pref: ReturnBeforeExpiry
yes: Require
no: "Don't require"
- "patrons to return books before their accounts expire (by restricting due dates to before the patron's expiration date)."
- Send all notices as a BCC to this email address
- pref: OverdueNoticeBcc
- Include up to
- pref: PrintNoticesMaxLines
class: integer
- "item lines in a printed overdue notice. If the number of items is greater than this number, the notice will end with a warning asking the borrower to check their online account for a full list of overdue items. Set to 0 to include all overdue items in the notice, no matter how many there are."
- pref: OverduesBlockCirc
block: Block
noblock: "Don't block"
confirmation: Ask for confirmation
- when checking out to a borrower that has overdues outstanding
- On checkin route the returned item to
- pref: HomeOrHoldingBranchReturn
type: choice
homebranch: the library the item is from.
holdingbranch: the library the item was checked out from.
- "When issuing an item that has been marked as lost, "
- pref: IssueLostItem
confirm: "require confirmation"
alert: "display a message"
nothing : "do nothing"
- .
Holds Policy:
- pref: AllowHoldPolicyOverride
yes: Allow
no: "Don't allow"
- staff to override hold policies when placing holds.
- pref: AllowHoldsOnDamagedItems
yes: Allow
no: "Don't allow"
- hold requests to be placed on damaged items.
- pref: AllowOnShelfHolds
yes: Allow
no: "Don't allow"
- hold requests to be placed on items that are not checked out.
- pref: AllowHoldDateInFuture
yes: Allow
no: "Don't allow"
- hold requests to be placed that do not enter the waiting list until a certain future date.
- pref: OPACAllowHoldDateInFuture
yes: Allow
no: "Don't allow"
- "patrons to place holds that don't enter the waiting list until a certain future date. (AllowHoldDateInFuture must also be enabled)."
- Check the
- pref: ReservesControlBranch
ItemHomeLibrary: "item's home library"
PatronLibrary: "patron's home library"
- to see if the patron can place a hold on the item.
- Mark a hold as problematic if it has been waiting for more than
- pref: ReservesMaxPickUpDelay
class: integer
- days.
- pref: ExpireReservesMaxPickUpDelay
yes: Allow
no: "Don't allow"
- "holds to expire automatically if they have not been picked by within the time period specified in ReservesMaxPickUpDelay"
- If using ExpireReservesMaxPickUpDelay, charge a borrower who allows his or her waiting hold to expire a fee of
- pref: ExpireReservesMaxPickUpDelayCharge
class: currency
- Satisfy holds from the libraries
- pref: StaticHoldsQueueWeight
class: multi
- (as branchcodes, separated by commas; if empty, uses all libraries)
- pref: RandomizeHoldsQueueWeight
yes: in random order.
no: in that order.
- pref: canreservefromotherbranches
yes: Allow
no: "Don't allow (with independent branches)"
- a user from one library to place a hold on an item from another library
- pref: OPACAllowUserToChooseBranch
yes: Allow
no: "Don't allow"
- a user to choose the library to pick up a hold from.
- pref: ReservesNeedReturns
yes: "Don't automatically"
no: Automatically
- mark holds as found and waiting when a hold is placed specifically on them and they are already checked in.
- Patrons can only have
- pref: maxreserves
class: integer
- holds at once.
- pref: emailLibrarianWhenHoldIsPlaced
yes: Enable
no: "Don't enable"
- "sending an email to the Koha administrator email address whenever a hold request is placed."
- pref: DisplayMultiPlaceHold
yes: Enable
no: "Don't enable"
- "the ability to place holds on multiple biblio from the search results"
- pref: TransferWhenCancelAllWaitingHolds
yes: Transfer
no: "Don't transfer"
- items when cancelling all waiting holds.
- pref: AutoResumeSuspendedHolds
yes: Allow
no: "Don't allow"
- suspended holds to be automatically resumed by a set date.
- pref: SuspendHoldsIntranet
yes: Allow
no: "Don't allow"
- holds to be suspended from the intranet.
- pref: SuspendHoldsOpac
yes: Allow
no: "Don't allow"
- holds to be suspended from the OPAC.
- pref: decreaseLoanHighHolds
yes: Enable
no: "Don't enable"
- the reduction of loan period by
- pref: decreaseLoanHighHoldsDuration
class: integer
- days for items with more than
- pref: decreaseLoanHighHoldsValue
class: integer
- holds.
Fines Policy:
- Calculate fines based on days overdue
- pref: finesCalendar
type: choice
ignoreCalendar: directly.
noFinesWhenClosed: not including days the library is closed.
- pref: finesMode
type: choice
off: "Don't calculate"
test: Calculate (but only for mailing to the admin)
production: Calculate and charge
- fines (when <code>misc/cronjobs/fines.pl</code> is being run).
Self Checkout:
- pref: ShowPatronImageInWebBasedSelfCheck
yes: Show
no: "Don't show"
- "the patron's picture (if one has been added) when they use the web-based self checkout."
- pref: WebBasedSelfCheck
yes: Enable
no: "Don't enable"
- "the web-based self checkout system. (available at: /cgi-bin/koha/sco/sco-main.pl)"
- Have patrons login into the web-based self checkout system with their
- pref: SelfCheckoutByLogin
yes: Username and Password
no: Barcode
- "Time out the current patron's web-based self checkout system login after"
- pref: SelfCheckTimeout
class: integer
- seconds.
- pref: AllowSelfCheckReturns
yes: Allow
no: "Don't allow"
- patrons to return items through web-based self checkout system.
- "Include the following HTML in the Help page of the web-based self checkout system:"
- pref: SelfCheckHelpMessage
type: textarea
class: code
- pref: AutoSelfCheckAllowed
yes: Allow
no: "Don't allow"
- "the web-based self checkout system to automatically login with this staff login"
- pref: AutoSelfCheckID
- and this password
- pref: AutoSelfCheckPass
- .