To test:
1. Set up sysprefs:
- Set any non-empty value for ClaimReturnedLostValue
- Set AutoClaimReturnStatusOnCheckout to "found in library"
- Set AutoClaimReturnStatusOnCheckin to "returned by patron"
2. Check out an item to a patron
3. On the patron's account page, click the "Claim Return" button next to
that checkout
4. Check the item in. Note the message that the claim was auto-resolved.
5. Return to the patron's account page and open the Claims Returned tab
--> Note that the claim is resolved and hidden
6. Click the "Show all 1 claims" link to view the hidden claim. Make a
note of the resolution code and timestamp.
7. Check the item out again
--> Note the message saying that the claim was resolved, even though it
was already resolved previously
8. View the return claim again
--> Note that the timestamp and resolution code have changed
9. Apply patch and restart_all
10. Repeat steps 2-8 with a new item
--> Note you do not get a claim resolved message on checkout this time
--> Note that the timestamp and resolution code remain the same before
and after the checkout
Signed-off-by: Phil Ringnalda <>
Signed-off-by: Lisette Scheer <>
Signed-off-by: Katrin Fischer <>