Galen Charlton 3109d5820e rebuild_zebra.pl - add -y option
rebuild_zebra.pl will now mark all zebraqueue entries
of the affected record type(s) done when run in
normal mode to index all records (as opposed to running
it with -z to just process the zebraqueue).  This prevents
any running zebraqueue_daemon processes from attempting
to reindex the same records, redundantly.

The new -y swtich overrides this new behavior; in other words, if
running rebuild_zebra.pl without -z, you can specify
-y to *not* mark zebraqueue done.

Signed-off-by: Joshua Ferraro <jmf@liblime.com>
2008-04-21 11:17:29 -05:00

894 lines
30 KiB
Executable file

use strict;
use C4::Context;
use Getopt::Long;
use File::Temp qw/ tempdir /;
use File::Path;
use C4::Biblio;
use C4::AuthoritiesMarc;
# script that checks zebradir structure & create directories & mandatory files if needed
$|=1; # flushes output
my $directory;
my $skip_export;
my $keep_export;
my $reset;
my $biblios;
my $authorities;
my $noxml;
my $noshadow;
my $do_munge;
my $want_help;
my $as_xml;
my $process_zebraqueue;
my $do_not_clear_zebraqueue;
my $result = GetOptions(
'd:s' => \$directory,
'reset' => \$reset,
's' => \$skip_export,
'k' => \$keep_export,
'b' => \$biblios,
'noxml' => \$noxml,
'w' => \$noshadow,
'munge-config' => \$do_munge,
'a' => \$authorities,
'h|help' => \$want_help,
'x' => \$as_xml,
'y' => \$do_not_clear_zebraqueue,
'z' => \$process_zebraqueue,
if (not $result or $want_help) {
exit 0;
if (not $biblios and not $authorities) {
my $msg = "Must specify -b or -a to reindex bibs or authorities\n";
$msg .= "Please do '$0 --help' to see usage.\n";
die $msg;
if ($authorities and $as_xml) {
my $msg = "Cannot specify both -a and -x\n";
$msg .= "Please do '$0 --help' to see usage.\n";
die $msg;
if ($process_zebraqueue and ($skip_export or $reset)) {
my $msg = "Cannot specify -r or -s if -z is specified\n";
$msg .= "Please do '$0 --help' to see usage.\n";
die $msg;
if ($process_zebraqueue and $do_not_clear_zebraqueue) {
my $msg = "Cannot specify both -y and -z\n";
$msg .= "Please do '$0 --help' to see usage.\n";
die $msg;
if ($noshadow) {
$noshadow = ' -n ';
my $use_tempdir = 0;
unless ($directory) {
$use_tempdir = 1;
$directory = tempdir(CLEANUP => ($keep_export ? 0 : 1));
my $biblioserverdir = C4::Context->zebraconfig('biblioserver')->{directory};
my $authorityserverdir = C4::Context->zebraconfig('authorityserver')->{directory};
my $kohadir = C4::Context->config('intranetdir');
my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
my ($biblionumbertagfield,$biblionumbertagsubfield) = &GetMarcFromKohaField("biblio.biblionumber","");
my ($biblioitemnumbertagfield,$biblioitemnumbertagsubfield) = &GetMarcFromKohaField("biblioitems.biblioitemnumber","");
print "Zebra configuration information\n";
print "================================\n";
print "Zebra biblio directory = $biblioserverdir\n";
print "Zebra authorities directory = $authorityserverdir\n";
print "Koha directory = $kohadir\n";
print "BIBLIONUMBER in : $biblionumbertagfield\$$biblionumbertagsubfield\n";
print "BIBLIOITEMNUMBER in : $biblioitemnumbertagfield\$$biblioitemnumbertagsubfield\n";
print "================================\n";
if ($do_munge) {
$dbh->{AutoCommit} = 0; # don't autocommit - want a consistent view of the zebraqueue table
if ($authorities) {
index_records('authority', $directory, $skip_export, $process_zebraqueue, $as_xml, $noxml, $do_not_clear_zebraqueue);
$dbh->commit(); # commit changes to zebraqueue, if any
} else {
print "skipping authorities\n";
if ($biblios) {
index_records('biblio', $directory, $skip_export, $process_zebraqueue, $as_xml, $noxml, $do_not_clear_zebraqueue);
$dbh->commit(); # commit changes to zebraqueue, if any
} else {
print "skipping biblios\n";
print "====================\n";
print "CLEANING\n";
print "====================\n";
if ($keep_export) {
print "NOTHING cleaned : the export $directory has been kept.\n";
print "You can re-run this script with the -s ";
if ($use_tempdir) {
print " and -d $directory parameters";
} else {
print "parameter";
print "\n";
print "if you just want to rebuild zebra after changing the record.abs\n";
print "or another zebra config file\n";
} else {
unless ($use_tempdir) {
# if we're using a temporary directory
# created by File::Temp, it will be removed
# automatically.
rmtree($directory, 0, 1);
print "directory $directory deleted\n";
sub index_records {
my ($record_type, $directory, $skip_export, $process_zebraqueue, $as_xml, $noxml, $do_not_clear_zebraqueue) = @_;
my $num_records_exported = 0;
my $num_records_deleted = 0;
if ($skip_export) {
print "====================\n";
print "SKIPPING $record_type export\n";
print "====================\n";
} else {
print "====================\n";
print "exporting $record_type\n";
print "====================\n";
mkdir "$directory" unless (-d $directory);
mkdir "$directory/$record_type" unless (-d "$directory/$record_type");
if ($process_zebraqueue) {
my $sth = select_zebraqueue_records($record_type, 'deleted');
mkdir "$directory/del_$record_type" unless (-d "$directory/del_$record_type");
$num_records_deleted = generate_deleted_marc_records($record_type, $sth, "$directory/del_$record_type", $as_xml);
mark_zebraqueue_done($record_type, 'deleted');
$sth = select_zebraqueue_records($record_type, 'updated');
mkdir "$directory/upd_$record_type" unless (-d "$directory/upd_$record_type");
$num_records_exported = export_marc_records($record_type, $sth, "$directory/upd_$record_type", $as_xml, $noxml);
mark_zebraqueue_done($record_type, 'updated');
} else {
my $sth = select_all_records($record_type);
unless ($do_not_clear_zebraqueue) {
mark_zebraqueue_done($record_type, 'deleted');
mark_zebraqueue_done($record_type, 'updated');
$num_records_exported = export_marc_records($record_type, $sth, "$directory/$record_type", $as_xml, $noxml);
# and reindexing everything
print "====================\n";
print "REINDEXING zebra\n";
print "====================\n";
my $record_fmt = ($as_xml) ? 'marcxml' : 'iso2709' ;
if ($process_zebraqueue) {
do_indexing($record_type, 'delete', "$directory/del_$record_type", $reset, $noshadow, $record_fmt)
if $num_records_deleted;
do_indexing($record_type, 'update', "$directory/upd_$record_type", $reset, $noshadow, $record_fmt)
if $num_records_exported;
} else {
do_indexing($record_type, 'update', "$directory/$record_type", $reset, $noshadow, $record_fmt)
if $num_records_exported;
sub select_zebraqueue_records {
my ($record_type, $update_type) = @_;
my $server = ($record_type eq 'biblio') ? 'biblioserver' : 'authorityserver';
my $op = ($update_type eq 'deleted') ? 'recordDelete' : 'specialUpdate';
my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT DISTINCT biblio_auth_number
FROM zebraqueue
WHERE server = ?
AND operation = ?
AND done = 0");
$sth->execute($server, $op);
return $sth;
sub mark_zebraqueue_done {
my ($record_type, $update_type) = @_;
my $server = ($record_type eq 'biblio') ? 'biblioserver' : 'authorityserver';
my $op = ($update_type eq 'deleted') ? 'recordDelete' : 'specialUpdate';
if ($op eq 'recordDelete') {
my $sth = $dbh->prepare("UPDATE zebraqueue SET done = 1
SELECT z1.id
FROM zebraqueue z1
JOIN zebraqueue z2 ON z2.biblio_auth_number = z1.biblio_auth_number
WHERE z1.done = 0
AND z1.server = ?
AND z2.done = 0
AND z2.server = ?
AND z1.operation = ?
) d2
$sth->execute($server, $server, $op); # if we've deleted a record, any prior specialUpdates are void
} else {
my $sth = $dbh->prepare("UPDATE zebraqueue SET done = 1
WHERE server = ?
AND operation = ?
AND done = 0");
$sth->execute($server, $op);
sub select_all_records {
my $record_type = shift;
return ($record_type eq 'biblio') ? select_all_biblios() : select_all_authorities();
sub select_all_authorities {
my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT authid FROM auth_header");
return $sth;
sub select_all_biblios {
my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT biblionumber FROM biblioitems ORDER BY biblionumber");
return $sth;
sub export_marc_records {
my ($record_type, $sth, $directory, $as_xml, $noxml) = @_;
my $num_exported = 0;
open (OUT, ">:utf8 ", "$directory/exported_records") or die $!;
my $i = 0;
while (my ($record_number) = $sth->fetchrow_array) {
print ".";
print "\r$i" unless ($i++ %100);
my ($marc) = get_corrected_marc_record($record_type, $record_number, $noxml);
if (defined $marc) {
# FIXME - when more than one record is exported and $as_xml is true,
# the output file is not valid XML - it's just multiple <record> elements
# strung together with no single root element. zebraidx doesn't seem
# to care, though, at least if you're using the GRS-1 filter. It does
# care if you're using the DOM filter, which requires valid XML file(s).
print OUT ($as_xml) ? $marc->as_xml_record() : $marc->as_usmarc();
print "\nRecords exported: $num_exported\n";
close OUT;
return $num_exported;
sub generate_deleted_marc_records {
my ($record_type, $sth, $directory, $as_xml) = @_;
my $num_exported = 0;
open (OUT, ">:utf8 ", "$directory/exported_records") or die $!;
my $i = 0;
while (my ($record_number) = $sth->fetchrow_array) {
print "\r$i" unless ($i++ %100);
print ".";
my $marc = MARC::Record->new();
if ($record_type eq 'biblio') {
fix_biblio_ids($marc, $record_number, $record_number);
} else {
fix_authority_id($marc, $record_number);
if (C4::Context->preference("marcflavour") eq "UNIMARC") {
print OUT ($as_xml) ? $marc->as_xml_record() : $marc->as_usmarc();
print "\nRecords exported: $num_exported\n";
close OUT;
return $num_exported;
sub get_corrected_marc_record {
my ($record_type, $record_number, $noxml) = @_;
my $marc = get_raw_marc_record($record_type, $record_number, $noxml);
if (defined $marc) {
if ($record_type eq 'biblio') {
my $succeeded = fix_biblio_ids($marc, $record_number);
return unless $succeeded;
} else {
fix_authority_id($marc, $record_number);
if (C4::Context->preference("marcflavour") eq "UNIMARC") {
return $marc;
sub get_raw_marc_record {
my ($record_type, $record_number, $noxml) = @_;
my $marc;
if ($record_type eq 'biblio') {
if ($noxml) {
my $fetch_sth = $dbh->prepare_cached("SELECT marc FROM biblioitems WHERE biblionumber = ?");
if (my ($blob) = $fetch_sth->fetchrow_array) {
$marc = MARC::Record->new_from_usmarc($blob);
} else {
warn "failed to retrieve biblio $record_number";
} else {
eval { $marc = GetMarcBiblio($record_number); };
if ($@) {
warn "failed to retrieve biblio $record_number";
} else {
eval { $marc = GetAuthority($record_number); };
if ($@) {
warn "failed to retrieve authority $record_number";
return $marc;
sub fix_leader {
# FIXME - this routine is suspect
# It blanks the Leader/00-05 and Leader/12-16 to
# force them to be recalculated correct when
# the $marc->as_usmarc() or $marc->as_xml() is called.
# But why is this necessary? It would be a serious bug
# in MARC::Record (definitely) and MARC::File::XML (arguably)
# if they are emitting incorrect leader values.
my $marc = shift;
my $leader = $marc->leader;
substr($leader, 0, 5) = ' ';
substr($leader, 10, 7) = '22 ';
$marc->leader(substr($leader, 0, 24));
sub fix_biblio_ids {
# FIXME - it is essential to ensure that the biblionumber is present,
# otherwise, Zebra will choke on the record. However, this
# logic belongs in the relevant C4::Biblio APIs.
my $marc = shift;
my $biblionumber = shift;
my $biblioitemnumber;
if (@_) {
$biblioitemnumber = shift;
} else {
my $sth = $dbh->prepare(
"SELECT biblioitemnumber FROM biblioitems WHERE biblionumber=?");
($biblioitemnumber) = $sth->fetchrow_array;
unless ($biblioitemnumber) {
warn "failed to get biblioitemnumber for biblio $biblionumber";
return 0;
# FIXME - this is cheating on two levels
# 1. C4::Biblio::_koha_marc_update_bib_ids is meant to be an internal function
# 2. Making sure that the biblionumber and biblioitemnumber are correct and
# present in the MARC::Record object ought to be part of GetMarcBiblio.
# On the other hand, this better for now than what rebuild_zebra.pl used to
# do, which was duplicate the code for inserting the biblionumber
# and biblioitemnumber
C4::Biblio::_koha_marc_update_bib_ids($marc, '', $biblionumber, $biblioitemnumber);
return 1;
sub fix_authority_id {
# FIXME - as with fix_biblio_ids, the authid must be present
# for Zebra's sake. However, this really belongs
# in C4::AuthoritiesMarc.
my ($marc, $authid) = @_;
unless ($marc->field('001') and $marc->field('001')->data() eq $authid){
sub fix_unimarc_100 {
# FIXME - again, if this is necessary, it belongs in C4::AuthoritiesMarc.
my $marc = shift;
my $string;
if ( length($marc->subfield( 100, "a" )) == 35 ) {
$string = $marc->subfield( 100, "a" );
my $f100 = $marc->field(100);
else {
$string = POSIX::strftime( "%Y%m%d", localtime );
$string =~ s/\-//g;
$string = sprintf( "%-*s", 35, $string );
substr( $string, 22, 6, "frey50" );
unless ( length($marc->subfield( 100, "a" )) == 35 ) {
$marc->insert_grouped_field(MARC::Field->new( 100, "", "", "a" => $string ));
sub do_indexing {
my ($record_type, $op, $record_dir, $reset_index, $noshadow, $record_format) = @_;
my $zebra_server = ($record_type eq 'biblio') ? 'biblioserver' : 'authorityserver';
my $zebra_db_name = ($record_type eq 'biblio') ? 'biblios' : 'authorities';
my $zebra_config = C4::Context->zebraconfig($zebra_server)->{'config'};
my $zebra_db_dir = C4::Context->zebraconfig($zebra_server)->{'directory'};
system("zebraidx -c $zebra_config -g $record_format -d $zebra_db_name init") if $reset_index;
system("zebraidx -c $zebra_config $noshadow -g $record_format -d $zebra_db_name $op $record_dir");
system("zebraidx -c $zebra_config -g $record_format -d $zebra_db_name commit") unless $noshadow;
sub print_usage {
print <<_USAGE_;
$0: reindex MARC bibs and/or authorities in Zebra.
Use this batch job to reindex all biblio or authority
records in your Koha database. This job is useful
only if you are using Zebra; if you are using the 'NoZebra'
mode, this job should not be used.
-b index bibliographic records
-a index authority records
-z select only updated and deleted
records marked in the zebraqueue
table. Cannot be used with -r
or -s.
-r clear Zebra index before
adding records to index
-d Temporary directory for indexing.
If not specified, one is automatically
created. The export directory
is automatically deleted unless
you supply the -k switch.
-k Do not delete export directory.
-s Skip export. Used if you have
already exported the records
in a previous run.
-noxml index from ISO MARC blob
instead of MARC XML. This
option is recommended only
for advanced user.
-x export and index as xml instead of is02709 (biblios only).
use this if you might have records > 99,999 chars,
-w skip shadow indexing for this batch
-y do NOT clear zebraqueue after indexing; normally,
after doing batch indexing, zebraqueue should be
marked done for the affected record type(s) so that
a running zebraqueue_daemon doesn't try to reindex
the same records - specify -y to override this.
Cannot be used with -z.
-munge-config Deprecated option to try
to fix Zebra config files.
--help or -h show this message.
# FIXME: the following routines are deprecated and
# will be removed once it is determined whether
# a script to fix Zebra configuration files is
# actually needed.
sub munge_config {
# creating zebra-biblios.cfg depending on system
# getting zebraidx directory
my $zebraidxdir;
foreach (qw(/usr/local/bin/zebraidx
)) {
if ( -f $_ ) {
unless ($zebraidxdir) {
print qq|
ERROR: could not find zebraidx directory
ERROR: Either zebra is not installed,
ERROR: or it's in a directory I don't checked.
ERROR: do a which zebraidx and edit this file to add the result you get
$zebraidxdir =~ s/\/bin\/.*//;
print "Info : zebra is in $zebraidxdir \n";
# getting modules directory
my $modulesdir;
foreach (qw(/usr/local/lib/idzebra-2.0/modules/mod-grs-xml.so
)) {
if ( -f $_ ) {
unless ($modulesdir) {
print qq|
ERROR: could not find mod-grs-xml.so directory
ERROR: Either zebra is not properly compiled (libxml2 is not setup and you don t have mod-grs-xml.so,
ERROR: or it's in a directory I don't checked.
ERROR: find where mod-grs-xml.so is and edit this file to add the result you get
$modulesdir =~ s/\/modules\/.*//;
print "Info: zebra modules dir : $modulesdir\n";
# getting tab directory
my $tabdir;
foreach (qw(/usr/local/share/idzebra/tab/explain.att
)) {
if ( -f $_ ) {
unless ($tabdir) {
print qq|
ERROR: could not find explain.att directory
ERROR: Either zebra is not properly compiled,
ERROR: or it's in a directory I don't checked.
ERROR: find where explain.att is and edit this file to add the result you get
$tabdir =~ s/\/tab\/.*//;
print "Info: tab dir : $tabdir\n";
# AUTHORITIES creating directory structure
my $created_dir_or_file = 0;
if ($authorities) {
print "====================\n";
print "checking directories & files for authorities\n";
print "====================\n";
unless (-d "$authorityserverdir") {
system("mkdir -p $authorityserverdir");
print "Info: created $authorityserverdir\n";
unless (-d "$authorityserverdir/lock") {
mkdir "$authorityserverdir/lock";
print "Info: created $authorityserverdir/lock\n";
unless (-d "$authorityserverdir/register") {
mkdir "$authorityserverdir/register";
print "Info: created $authorityserverdir/register\n";
unless (-d "$authorityserverdir/shadow") {
mkdir "$authorityserverdir/shadow";
print "Info: created $authorityserverdir/shadow\n";
unless (-d "$authorityserverdir/tab") {
mkdir "$authorityserverdir/tab";
print "Info: created $authorityserverdir/tab\n";
unless (-d "$authorityserverdir/key") {
mkdir "$authorityserverdir/key";
print "Info: created $authorityserverdir/key\n";
unless (-d "$authorityserverdir/etc") {
mkdir "$authorityserverdir/etc";
print "Info: created $authorityserverdir/etc\n";
# AUTHORITIES : copying mandatory files
# the record model, depending on marc flavour
unless (-f "$authorityserverdir/tab/record.abs") {
if (C4::Context->preference("marcflavour") eq "UNIMARC") {
system("cp -f $kohadir/etc/zebradb/marc_defs/unimarc/authorities/record.abs $authorityserverdir/tab/record.abs");
print "Info: copied record.abs for UNIMARC\n";
} else {
system("cp -f $kohadir/etc/zebradb/marc_defs/marc21/authorities/record.abs $authorityserverdir/tab/record.abs");
print "Info: copied record.abs for USMARC\n";
unless (-f "$authorityserverdir/tab/sort-string-utf.chr") {
system("cp -f $kohadir/etc/zebradb/lang_defs/fr/sort-string-utf.chr $authorityserverdir/tab/sort-string-utf.chr");
print "Info: copied sort-string-utf.chr\n";
unless (-f "$authorityserverdir/tab/word-phrase-utf.chr") {
system("cp -f $kohadir/etc/zebradb/lang_defs/fr/sort-string-utf.chr $authorityserverdir/tab/word-phrase-utf.chr");
print "Info: copied word-phase-utf.chr\n";
unless (-f "$authorityserverdir/tab/auth1.att") {
system("cp -f $kohadir/etc/zebradb/authorities/etc/bib1.att $authorityserverdir/tab/auth1.att");
print "Info: copied auth1.att\n";
unless (-f "$authorityserverdir/tab/default.idx") {
system("cp -f $kohadir/etc/zebradb/etc/default.idx $authorityserverdir/tab/default.idx");
print "Info: copied default.idx\n";
unless (-f "$authorityserverdir/etc/ccl.properties") {
# system("cp -f $kohadir/etc/zebradb/ccl.properties ".C4::Context->zebraconfig('authorityserver')->{ccl2rpn});
system("cp -f $kohadir/etc/zebradb/ccl.properties $authorityserverdir/etc/ccl.properties");
print "Info: copied ccl.properties\n";
unless (-f "$authorityserverdir/etc/pqf.properties") {
# system("cp -f $kohadir/etc/zebradb/pqf.properties ".C4::Context->zebraconfig('authorityserver')->{ccl2rpn});
system("cp -f $kohadir/etc/zebradb/pqf.properties $authorityserverdir/etc/pqf.properties");
print "Info: copied pqf.properties\n";
# AUTHORITIES : copying mandatory files
unless (-f C4::Context->zebraconfig('authorityserver')->{config}) {
open ZD,">:utf8 ",C4::Context->zebraconfig('authorityserver')->{config};
print ZD "
# generated by KOHA/misc/migration_tools/rebuild_zebra.pl
encoding: UTF-8
# Files that describe the attribute sets supported.
attset: auth1.att
attset: explain.att
attset: gils.att
# Specify record type
recordId: (auth1,Local-Number)
# Lock File Area
lockDir: $authorityserverdir/lock
register: $authorityserverdir/register:4G
shadow: $authorityserverdir/shadow:4G
# Temp File area for result sets
setTmpDir: $authorityserverdir/tmp
# Temp File area for index program
keyTmpDir: $authorityserverdir/key
# Approx. Memory usage during indexing
memMax: 40M
print "Info: creating zebra-authorities.cfg\n";
if ($created_dir_or_file) {
print "Info: created : $created_dir_or_file directories & files\n";
} else {
print "Info: file & directories OK\n";
if ($biblios) {
print "====================\n";
print "checking directories & files for biblios\n";
print "====================\n";
# BIBLIOS : creating directory structure
unless (-d "$biblioserverdir") {
system("mkdir -p $biblioserverdir");
print "Info: created $biblioserverdir\n";
unless (-d "$biblioserverdir/lock") {
mkdir "$biblioserverdir/lock";
print "Info: created $biblioserverdir/lock\n";
unless (-d "$biblioserverdir/register") {
mkdir "$biblioserverdir/register";
print "Info: created $biblioserverdir/register\n";
unless (-d "$biblioserverdir/shadow") {
mkdir "$biblioserverdir/shadow";
print "Info: created $biblioserverdir/shadow\n";
unless (-d "$biblioserverdir/tab") {
mkdir "$biblioserverdir/tab";
print "Info: created $biblioserverdir/tab\n";
unless (-d "$biblioserverdir/key") {
mkdir "$biblioserverdir/key";
print "Info: created $biblioserverdir/key\n";
unless (-d "$biblioserverdir/etc") {
mkdir "$biblioserverdir/etc";
print "Info: created $biblioserverdir/etc\n";
# BIBLIOS : copying mandatory files
# the record model, depending on marc flavour
unless (-f "$biblioserverdir/tab/record.abs") {
if (C4::Context->preference("marcflavour") eq "UNIMARC") {
system("cp -f $kohadir/etc/zebradb/marc_defs/unimarc/biblios/record.abs $biblioserverdir/tab/record.abs");
print "Info: copied record.abs for UNIMARC\n";
} else {
system("cp -f $kohadir/etc/zebradb/marc_defs/marc21/biblios/record.abs $biblioserverdir/tab/record.abs");
print "Info: copied record.abs for USMARC\n";
unless (-f "$biblioserverdir/tab/sort-string-utf.chr") {
system("cp -f $kohadir/etc/zebradb/lang_defs/fr/sort-string-utf.chr $biblioserverdir/tab/sort-string-utf.chr");
print "Info: copied sort-string-utf.chr\n";
unless (-f "$biblioserverdir/tab/word-phrase-utf.chr") {
system("cp -f $kohadir/etc/zebradb/lang_defs/fr/sort-string-utf.chr $biblioserverdir/tab/word-phrase-utf.chr");
print "Info: copied word-phase-utf.chr\n";
unless (-f "$biblioserverdir/tab/bib1.att") {
system("cp -f $kohadir/etc/zebradb/biblios/etc/bib1.att $biblioserverdir/tab/bib1.att");
print "Info: copied bib1.att\n";
unless (-f "$biblioserverdir/tab/default.idx") {
system("cp -f $kohadir/etc/zebradb/etc/default.idx $biblioserverdir/tab/default.idx");
print "Info: copied default.idx\n";
unless (-f "$biblioserverdir/etc/ccl.properties") {
# system("cp -f $kohadir/etc/zebradb/ccl.properties ".C4::Context->zebraconfig('biblioserver')->{ccl2rpn});
system("cp -f $kohadir/etc/zebradb/ccl.properties $biblioserverdir/etc/ccl.properties");
print "Info: copied ccl.properties\n";
unless (-f "$biblioserverdir/etc/pqf.properties") {
# system("cp -f $kohadir/etc/zebradb/pqf.properties ".C4::Context->zebraconfig('biblioserver')->{ccl2rpn});
system("cp -f $kohadir/etc/zebradb/pqf.properties $biblioserverdir/etc/pqf.properties");
print "Info: copied pqf.properties\n";
# BIBLIOS : copying mandatory files
unless (-f C4::Context->zebraconfig('biblioserver')->{config}) {
open ZD,">:utf8 ",C4::Context->zebraconfig('biblioserver')->{config};
print ZD "
# generated by KOHA/misc/migrtion_tools/rebuild_zebra.pl
encoding: UTF-8
# Files that describe the attribute sets supported.
# Specify record type
recordId: (bib1,Local-Number)
# Lock File Area
lockDir: $biblioserverdir/lock
register: $biblioserverdir/register:4G
shadow: $biblioserverdir/shadow:4G
# Temp File area for result sets
setTmpDir: $biblioserverdir/tmp
# Temp File area for index program
keyTmpDir: $biblioserverdir/key
# Approx. Memory usage during indexing
memMax: 40M
print "Info: creating zebra-biblios.cfg\n";
if ($created_dir_or_file) {
print "Info: created : $created_dir_or_file directories & files\n";
} else {
print "Info: file & directories OK\n";